Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Lory Lilian!!


Hello readers!  I am so excited to welcome back author Lory Lilian to Austenesque Reviews today.  If you have not yet had the pleasure of reading Ms. Lilian’s stories they are beautiful Darcy and Lizzy tales that highlight their fervent love, ignited passions, and turbulent romance.  She writes some of theLory Lilian most memorable and achingly romantic scenes I’ve ever read and if you don’t believe me read the excerpt below. Case. In. Point.

Meredith, thank you for having me – it is such a pleasure to be at Austenesque Reviews again!

I am prepared to share with you and your visitors a small but hot, mushy excerpt from my new book Sketching Mr. Darcy and a few (hopefully interesting) things about it. Looking forward to answer any other questions or comments !
1.       SMD came out 10 years after my first JAFF story !
2.      I wrote SMD in 6 months, then I needed 12 more months to edit it and to finish the final manuscript.
3.      It was first named “My husband, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy” but I changed it at my editors’ suggestion.
4.      It is my first “forced marriage” scenario – and most likely the last one lol
5.      Spoiler alert – most of the story takes place in two weeks time !  350 pages for fourteen days of an unconsumed marriage ! I hope you will be curious enough of what on earth I could write, to go and read the book!

Here is the excerpt – a hot and mushy one, just to tease your curiosity.

Sketching Mr. DarcyElizabeth and Darcy had been married for a week, they tried to get along, they communicated pretty well but also had several small and one huge fight. They did NOT consummate their marriage yet, nor did they share any intimacy except some gentle kisses and tender embraces. Now, they returned to Longbourn because of Mr. Bennet’s accident (do not worry – he will be fine) and are forced to sleep together in Elizabeth’s old room, as the house is completely full after Christmas: the Gardiners with the fourth children, Mr. Collins and Darcy’s doctor from London.  Yes, I am an evil author sometimes … And no, they will not share the wedding night at Longbourn –poor them will have to wait a few more days / and nights. “evil grin”


Elizabeth woke in the middle of the night being too warm and too cold at the same time. She searched for the blankets, but she was trapped by a weight that first panicked her. Then she realised she was held by her husband’s arms, tightly wrapped around her.

She was lying with her back to him, so she could not see him—nor could he see her face, and for that she felt relieved. Her mind and body became aware of every inch of their closeness. One hand was near her waist, and she could feel his fingers through the thin fabric of her gown.

With despair, she noticed that her nightgown had shifted to expose her feet and her shoulders—most likely, as she had moved in her sleep. She shivered when she sensed his legs entwined with hers. He was wearing a thin pair of trousers but no stockings, and his feet touched hers.

She slowly pulled her feet away a little, but his feet moved closer. She smiled to herself and, for a moment, lay still—then very gently brushed her feet against his. She heard a slight moan and froze, worried that her gesture woke him. What if he noticed what she had done?

He did not wake, but he moved even closer to her, and his face rested near her shoulder. His warm breath heated her ear, and her heart began to race so fiercely that she was certain he would hear it. Her back was almost crushed against his torso, and the sensation was frighteningly pleasant.

Apparently still asleep, his hands moved from her waist along her body, briefly caressed her thighs, then up again, and she barely suppressed a cry when his fingers brushed over her breasts. Such a strong shiver shattered her body that she bit her lips. Then his fingers lingered a little over her neck, touched her bare shoulder, and finally stopped to caress her face and hair. His steady, hot breathing tickled her ear and she abandoned herself to the wondrous sensations.

Those shivers, traveling along her body and turning her stomach into an icy hole, were caused by only a few tentative caresses. Then how would it be if he…She did not dare think further, her head spinning at the mere thought.

The room was dark and silent, only the fire burning and the wind blowing outside so powerfully that the windows shook—and so did Elizabeth! What was happening to her? Was she losing her mind? Her father was ill, they still had reason to be worried for him, and her husband was so generous, kind, patient, and gentlemanlike—and she suddenly had turned into a shameless, wanton simpleton.

She withdrew a few inches to put some distance between them, but his arms pulled her back. She lay still. His hand slowly glided up and down her thin, silky nightgown and this time stopped on her thigh. She bit her lips while a wave of warmth shattered her inner body. All her senses seemed to gather on that spot where his fingers were touching her.

Without thinking, her hand caught his, stopping its exploration, and his fingers immediately entwined with hers. Then he lifted their joined hands to the level of their hearts. Her body was still warm and shivering, inside and out, but she regained some peace, and her heart beat steadily again for a little while until his lips touched her ear and he whispered her name.

*sigh* such an exquisitely beautiful scene!  But I have so many questions! I can’t wait to read Sketching Mr. Darcy next week and have them answered!  Thank you, Lory, for sharing such a lovely excerpt!

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Lory kindly brings with her 1 LOVELY ebook and 1 paperback copy of Sketching Mr. Darcy for me to randomly give away to TWO lucky readers.  Woot Woot!!!

Sketching Mr. Darcy  Sketching Mr. Darcy

To enter this giveaway,  leave a comment, question, or some love for Lory!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (for ebook) and US (for paperback).  Thank you, Lory!
  • This giveaway ends September 23rd!


  1. I have read this book and it is brilliant. Another fabulous story from my favourite author! Just waiting for the next book to be published!

  2. I have a number of your books on my wishlist. After reading the excerpt, I will have to move them to my TBR list! Thank you for your generosity!

  3. Sigh!!! Well I loved that and am now going to have to read the book again. (3rd time). I know I have told you before Lory but I just love all your books. (I’m sure you are always happy to hear that) I would love to win the paperback if I am lucky thanks for the opportunity.

  4. What a wonderful scene…makes me want more…have enjoyed all your other works and am greatly looking forward to this one…

  5. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! And good luck with the giveaway. I am sorry that the paper copy is only for US, I tried on the previous giveaways to have it internationally, but it takes months for people outside US or UK to get the book ! I ordered one for Croatia – for instance – and it will arrive in 8 weeks ! So I had to give up and limit the paper to US and keep only the ebooks international …

  6. “evil grin” is right:) Oh, you are the greatest teaser of them all! Of course, I finished the scene in my head but I’m sure your version is much better. Win or purchase, I will read the rest of the story. Thanks for sharing your talent with Janeites.

  7. Thank you Lory for another wonderful story. I really enjoyed this book (and all of your others). Rainy Days will always be one of my favorite JAFF books ever! Good luck to everyone on the contest 🙂

  8. Hello Lory, why do you say this is probably the last time you will use the “forced marriage” scenario? Also, did it take longer to write this book than your previous ones?
    P.S – Meredith don’t count me for the giveaway, I already own a copy 🙂

    1. Rita, I do not think I could come with something else original in a forced marriage scenario :-). I mean, I could have Elizabeth and Darcy forced to marry then behave unreasonable, arguing all the time, having lots of angst and so on. Many authors are doing a great job with it but it is not my style. I need to keep low angst and lots of hot mush 🙂 … So to avoid boring my readers, for the time being I will try other scenarios lol. Yes, the book took me longer because of some personal problems. Well, I did write it pretty quickly, but it took alot to be ready …Thanks for asking 🙂

  9. I had heard she was going to have another book out but didn’t know that it had come out already. I have two of Lory’s books. Would love to win a paperback. The book sounds interesting.

  10. Thank you Lory for the excerpt. It is a very beautiful, romantic scene and I look forward to reading the book. I have read your book “Rainy Days” which is another beautiful story of my favorite couple. Thanks for the giveaway. –Leslie

  11. Teasing, teasing woman! I am late coming to this conversation but you can bet your **** I will be reading this book. I am drooling to read on…..I know, my mind is …oh, well…not dead yet!

  12. Oh, my!!! Sorry I’m late to the party, but not sorry I missed the giveaway, this is a book I must have in paperback. Thanks, Lory Lilian for writing such a lovely story. I love forced marriage scenarios and the way our favourite couple learn to be together. The excerpt is too delicious for words! I can’t wait to devour the rest of the wedding cake 😉
    Good luck with your new release and please hurry with the next one.

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