Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Shannon Winslow!!!


Hello readers!  I am very happy to welcome the lovely Shannon Winslow back to Austenesque Reviews today!  If you have not read any of Shannon’s stories, they are simply wonderful and you need to check them out with all possible hasteMiss Georgiana of Pemberley - blog tour banner (1) (especially Return to Longbourn and The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – my two favorites!).  Today Shannon is here to talk about her latest novel, Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley.  I hope you greatly enjoy her post!

As soon as Meredith invited me to be her guest on the book tour for Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley, I knew what I wanted to write about. Since both Meredith and Georgiana are accomplished at playing the piano, it seemed only right that this post should have a musical theme!

In this novel, I wanted to tell Georgiana’s story in much more depth than I had been able to in The Darcys of Pemberley. Before I could begin, however, I had some research to do. Although Pride and Prejudice was my original source, Jane Austen actually gives us very little information there. Beyond a general physical description (oh, and that unfortunate business with Mr. Wickham), about all we learn is that Mr. Darcy’s little sister is musical and painfully shy.

My imagination had to take over from there.

I intended this new book to go hand in hand with The Darcys of Pemberley – as a companion, a variation, this time from Georgiana’s point-of-view. It would be mostly new material, but the basic facts had to match. So what had I already written of Georgiana’s musical ability in the earlier book? I had said she was accomplished, that music was her emotional refuge, that she practiced faithfully, and that she often accompanied Elizabeth’s singing.

In the new novel, I enjoyed developing this preliminary sketch into a more complete picture. Allusions to music are woven throughout the book. Georgiana continually comes back to it. Music constitutes a great part of her identity as her chief claim to being an “accomplished” young woman. It is her preferred language, her comfort zone, her best consolation and therapy for a wounded spirit, and her emotional release. Finally, it is where she feels the strongest connection to her long-lost mother.

Here is a representative excerpt, in Georgiana’s own words:

Georgiana-on-piano-600x440After a deep breath to compose myself, I began. As the music poured out through my fingers, my embarrassment was quickly carried away. Even Colonel Fitzwilliam’s presence receded a bit as I was thoroughly caught up in the character of the piece I was playing for him instead.

I know some find the act of performing at the pianoforte the most terrifying prospect of all. And yet for me it is quite the reverse. Although a large audience is a specter of considerable dread, I still had much rather play for than talk to them. Music is the language I speak most fluently, after all, and the seat behind the keys by far the most comfortable of any in the room. There I feel myself in my natural element; there I am clothed in the skin I was meant to inhabit – a protective and concealing cloak. It is then, not I, but the work of the brilliant composer on display; it is to him and to his God-given talent all compliments must be referred. I, like the pianoforte itself, am but the instrument by which the work of art is delivered. I truly could not ask for any greater privilege than that – to be useful to such a high purpose. (chapter 5, Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley)

I admire anyone who has the ability to coax music out of a beautiful instrument like the piano. That is not my gift. I can sing passably. I played flute pretty well in my school days. But I never was able, despite years of lessons, to attain anything like proficiency at the piano. In fact, I was thinking of myself when I wrote the line above about some finding the idea of performing there the most terrifying prospect of all – flashback to those petrifying piano recitals of my youth!

For a while, however, while writing Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley, I could pretend something else. Living vicariously through her, I could imagine taking my place behind the keys with confidence and simply letting the music pour out through my fingers. How delightful! But isn’t that the magic of a book? – to allow us to experience different worlds and different lives than would otherwise be within our reach?

I hope you will decide to get to know Miss Darcy better through this novel – not only her musical side, but her struggle to overcome past traumas, to be taken seriously as an adult, and to find the same kind of love her brother and Elizabeth enjoy!

I can’t wait to know Miss Darcy better!  Thank you Shannon for sharing a little of your thought-process while constructing her character.  I can very well relate to and understand her feelings of shyness and communicating better through music. 🙂  I love how got inside Georgiana’s head for this book!  Very well done!

~ About the Author ~

Shannon Winslow specializes in writing fiction for the fans of Jane Austen. Her popular shannon-winslow-2013-x-150debut novel, The Darcys of Pemberley, immediately established her place in the genre, being particularly praised for authentic Austenesque style and faithfulness to the original characters. Since that bright beginning, the author has followed with two more Pride and Prejudice sequels (Return to Longbourn and Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley), a stand-alone Austen-style story (For Myself Alone), and a novel starring Jane Austen herself (The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen). With no shortage of inspiration, Winslow promises more romance and happy endings to come.

Her two sons now grown, Shannon Winslow lives with her husband in the log home they built in the countryside south of Seattle, where she writes and paints in her studio facing Mt. Rainier.


Connect with Shannon

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Shannon kindly brings with her 2 LOVELY ebook copies and 1 paperback copy of either Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley or The Darcys of Pemberley (WINNER’S CHOICE!) for me to randomly give away to THREE lucky readers.  Woot Woot!!!

Miss Georgianna Darcy of Pemberley  Miss Georgianna Darcy of Pemberley

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for Shannon!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (for the ebooks) and to US residents (for the paperback).  Thank you, Shannon!
  • This giveaway ends August 26th!

Check out the other fabulous blog tour stops HERE!


  1. Hi Shannon

    Unfortunately for me I have not read any of your books but they do sound delightful. I have read a few of your excerpts on the Austen Authors site and I have always enjoyed what you have posted. I like the sound of the Darcys of Pemberley so I think I may begin with that book first.

  2. Can’t wait to read the story you wrote about Georgiana, when I first met her in Pride and Prejudice I was really intrigued by her character! Thank you for the chance to win this 🙂

  3. I am actually reading The Darcys of Pemberley right now. I find it lovely and very true to Austen’s characters. I would love to read more about Miss Darcy as well.

  4. “The Darcys of Pemberley” has been on my list for a while now and now the second book sounds just as delightful. Thanks for a fun giveaway!

    1. You can actually read the two concurrently, if you like, Madeleine. I’ve sinced the chapters, so what’s happening in chapter 6 of one book takes place at the same time as chapter 6 of the other. You would get both sides of the story at once that way. I’m interested to hear back from someone who has tried it to learn how it worked for them.

  5. Thank you Ms Winslow, for sharing some time with us and giving us a little insight into your approach to Georgiana. I love the musical theme. I love your writing. I have The Darcys of Pemberley series, and purchased Georgiana’s story as soon as it was available, having read promos on another site. (With the added incentive that Georgiana has always been a favorite ‘minor character.’) But she isn’t truly minor, is she? Because she is such a huge part of Darcy’s life, and sharing her near-tragedy with Elizabeth, this very private and personal and scandalous secret…..and after the horrible Huntsford parsonage scene… the one thing that turns Elizabeth’s thinking around. Without Georgiana, how could the story we love have possibly worked out?

    I Haven’t read her story yet, as I have now decided to go back and read the series again from the beginning.
    Beautiful cover art, too. I have really been looking forward to this one, and the interview just makes it that much better.

    Since I already own the series, I hope the giveaway will give someone new to your writing the opportunity to enjoy it for the first time. On this website, however, that reader may be difficult to come by. 🙂

  6. Michelle – Thank you for your continued support and your thoughtful comments here. You’re right in that, although we see very little of Georgiana in P&P (did you realize that she doesn’t have a single line of dialogue?), her presence is strongly felt by how she affects the story. See my post for more about that:

    If you win this drawing, I would be happy to substitute any one of my other books you haven’t yet read – perhaps For Myself Alone or The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen? I think you would like them too.

    1. I guess it’s been too long since I’d read the original! Very interesting piece of info; that Georgiana has no lines of dialogue! Lovely posting on your website.

      I know I must be weird, I love the author interviews on various book sites, getting a taste an author’s point of view, hearing about their research and inspirations, is so…..neat….for lack of a better word at the moment. BUT, I don’t like to read TOO much about a book coming out once I’ve decided I’m already interested in it. I don’t want too many spoilers. Okay, I have been proven wrong. Having decided I wasn’t interested in a book series, (another JAFF author) I changed my mind after the the author made an appearance here on Meredith’s site. So….all that blather to explain I hadn’t been to your website in awhile and missed that very interesting posting on Georgiana.

      Thanks again!

      1. It IS kind of tricky, Michelle, to share enough to whet the appetite and yet not too much. I’ve tried to be very careful, in the preview excerpts and the blog tour posts, to avoid spoilers. But then invariably somebody will post a review somewhere that gives away the ending or something else important. *sigh*

  7. I enjoyed reading this very much and know I will love the book! Thank you
    for the insights and the giveaway.

  8. Hi Shannon- thank for sharing your books. Georgiana, wow! Who would have thought of giving her the attention of a lead character? Lydia was more likely to be chosen for such special treatment! I hope I win one of your ebooks, so I can find out what you want to tell us about Georgiana.

    1. Good question, Rita. Since I like writing courtship stories, I need an unmarried person as hero/heroine. I already took care of Mary and Kitty in “Return to Longbourn” so there weren’t many single people left to work with! Of course, I already wrote Georgiana’s courtship story too, in “The Darcys of Pemberley,” but it had been a secondary story line in that book (with D&E more central). This book was her chance to take center stage.

  9. I did not realize until Shannon pointed it out that Georgiana does not have a single line of dialogue in P&P!

  10. I’ve enjoyed your interpretation of the wonderful characters Ms Austen created, particularly in Mary’s story, Return to Longbourne. I look forward to reading your variation of Georgiana’s story as told through her eyes. The quiet or quirky characters deserve their hour in the spotlight. Thanks for sharing your imagination with all of us.

    1. My pleasure, Julie! The writing itself is a joy for me, but the joy isn’t complete until I share it. It’s so encouraging to hear back that it’s meant something to others as well. 😀

    1. It’s true. The scene in Lambton, when Elizabeth meets her, and the subsequent interactions at Pemberley are described by Jane Austen in narration, not shown in conversation. So Georgiana never speaks!

  11. In the exceprt, I liked to “listen” to Georgiana, she looks quite determined and expresses herself.

    I love any type of music, so having music alluded during bok gives it a plus 🙂

  12. After reading this I actually felt like ‘where have I been!’ I have the persuasion and have return to Longbourn on my wish list but ‘The Darcy’s of Pemberley’ I hadn’t heard of and I usually make sure I check the author’s previous work! So thank you for the heads up and as Georgiana is my third favourite character I cannot wait to read this, the bonus being I will have to read the others first

  13. I admire Georgiana’s ability to play in front of audiences. Your descriptions are evocative and I feel like I was with her, experiencing the joys and comfort of playing beautiful music. I used to play the piano but not anymore. Thanks a lot for the giveaway, Shannon.

  14. I have my copy and will be reading it within the next week. Preparing for a 3 day trip to Canada now. I have enjoyed all Shannon’s books.

  15. Love Georgianna and look forward to reading your prospective in this variation. Thank you for the giveaway!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Shannon! I’m always very happy when I have the chance to “discover” something new about Darcy’s little sister! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway, too. I’m international.

  17. Ever since I read Pride and Prejudice, I have in love with Regency England. Regency romances are my favorite kind of books to read; and if that is about the Darcy’s then nothing can be better!! I read and saw quite a many Pride and Prejudice adaptations and will love to read these ones too. So hoping to win them.

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