Assumed Engagement – Kara Louise

Assumed EngagementSocial Lessons for Mr. Darcy

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Mom 🙂

What if a tragic carriage accident befell a rejected and dejected Mr. Darcy on his way to Pemberley and rendered him unconscious? What if Georgiana mistakenly assumed Elizabeth and Darcy were engaged and wrote to Elizabeth beseeching her and Jane to come to Pemberley? What if Mrs. Bennet read the missive from Georgiana and eagerly sent her daughters off to Pemberley with all possible haste?

What a predicament for Elizabeth to be in! Rather than be obstinate and refuse to go and see the man she just refused to marry, Elizabeth thinks of what this opportunity might mean to her sister Jane, and agrees to see what aid she can give to Mr. Darcy and Georgiana. So onto Pemberley these to Bennet sisters go, not sure whether Mr. Darcy’s condition has improved or turned very grave. Upon arrival they learn of Georgiana’s misapprehension about Darcy and Elizabeth’s relationship (she knew Darcy was about to propose, but what she doesn’t know is that he was refused!) Not sure an emotionally wraught Georgiana could bear to hear that she has erred and that her brother and Elizabeth are not engaged, the Bennet sisters decide to keep it a secret. But that could be a dangerous game…

Doesn’t this sound like a fascinating premise?!? I love all the misapprehension and confusion! I enjoyed seeing Elizabeth and Georgiana form a fast friendship right away and how Elizabeth’s harsh feelings towards Darcy started to budge a little when she saw his weakened and helpless state. I thought this might lead to a change of heart and new understanding for our dear couple, but as soon as Darcy awakens, wrong conclusions are jumped to and Elizabeth departs for home. I would have loved to explore more of Elizabeth being at Pemberley, their mistakenly assumed engagement, and Darcy recovering from his head injury. However, with Elizabeth returning to Longbourn and Darcy remaining at Pemberley, our beloved couple spends a good chunk of the novel apart.

While I loved the first part of this premise, I found the latter half – while sweet and inspirational – to be a little less engaging. In this part of the book we see Georgiana take her brother to task and help him improve his character so he can win Elizabeth’s heart. It was great to see Georgiana featured in a more prominent role in this variation and I loved the close-sibling relationship between her and Darcy. I thought the “caring-calls” Georgiana took Darcy on were sweet and I think she did a very good job of teaching Darcy to feel comfortable and sociable around those that are “inferior” to him. But I missed the conflict and excitement that was found in the first half of the book.

This variation is the first one Kara Louise ever wrote, and while her later variations – Darcy’s Voyage, Only Mr. Darcy Will Do, Pirates and Prejudice – are more polished and highly-praised, this tale was endearing and had the special touches that I have come to associate with all Kara Louise novels. The scenes with the handkerchief and under the moonlight the night of the wedding are so beautiful and achingly romantic! What a heartfelt and charming tale!

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  1. I have read all of Kara’s works mentioned in this review, and Assumed Engagement is my favorite after Only Mr Darcy Will Do. The plot variation holds up very well, and Georgiana is indeed a treat.

    1. It is a wonderful premise! I thought Georgiana’s part was lovely. I do love Only Mr. Darcy Will Do, but if forced to pick my fave would have to Darcy’s Voyage followed by Pirates and Prejudice – I love me some sea adventures! 😉

      1. Back at you – your reviews are excellent. I am usually adding new books to my Wish List after reading yours.

  2. It’s neat to see an author’s writing mature. I haven’t taken the chance to read her early work, but I love the more recent stuff. More brother/sister time is definitely a plus. Misunderstanding seems to be the name of the game with Darcy and Lizzy no matter how the story unfurls. 😉

    1. Very true about Darcy and Elizabeth! It is interesting to see how Kara Louise’s writing changed, I think she got more daring and stepped out of the box (canon) more with her later works. 😉

  3. I have never read anything by Kara Louise, but I have heard very good things about her! This story sounds so beautiful, and I love it when Darcy and Elizabeth are “forced” to be together! Everything becomes more engaging and I always enjoy reading this kind of books. Added to my list! 🙂

  4. I love kara’s works. This is one of my favorites…as well as “assumed obligation.” Assumed obligation is the sequel to this one. I enjoy seeing the relationships develop and mature. I also enjoy the progressive thinking such as the school they want to open. I love seeing how this author has matured also as another commenter brought out. I loved the review Meredith. “Pemberley’s promise” which I think is “Darcy’s voyage” now I think is great also. The tenderness that meredith mentions in her review is very obvious here also.

    1. I am re-reading Assumed Obligation at present – the book on my night stand. Pemberley’s Promise was the title when I read it and I re-read parts of that many times.

    2. Thanks, Suzan! Glad to finally read a book that is such a favorite with you! I still have Assumed Obligation and Master Under Good Regulation to read! 😉 I’ve not read either of them yet, but I plan too! Pemberley’s Promise (Darcy’s Voyage) was the first one I read it and I adore it! Such a favorite with me!

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