Interview + Giveaway With Author Stanley Hurd


Last December I read Darcy’s Tale, Volume 1: Into Hertfordshire by Stanley Hurd and interviewed him for the very first time. Now two releases (technically three releases) later, I’m thrilled to welcome Stanley Hurd back to Austenesque Reviews, (practically on the anniversary of his first visit!) as he celebrates the release of Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition!

Welcome back, Stanley! I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading your novels this past year. Stan_HurdWhat a wonderful gift for writing you have, and how lucky are we that you choose to share your gift with us! How about we start off our interview by talking about your portrayal of Mr. Darcy. I can tell that just like Mr. Darcy, you are a thinking man, can you tell us a little bit about your thought process of developing Darcy’s character for your retelling? Has your opinion of Darcy’s character undergone any changes since you started this project?

The only real concept that I brought to the table was that he didn’t fundamentally change who he was throughout the novel: that he was as good a man at the beginning as he was a year later. Honestly, I didn’t feel as though I was developing Darcy’s character, so much as I was trying to reveal and expand what Austen had set in place. Whenever I had difficulty trying to figure out what must have been going through his mind, I would go over and over that passage in Austen, and I almost always came away with the understanding I was looking for, and a conviction that our Miss Austen had been way ahead of me. I really believe that she had him very fully developed in her mind as she wrote P & P; she just held it back. By way of example, most people see Darcy as aloof and a bit arrogant; I suspect that JA meant for us to think that, even though she knew better. How much of his reputation amongst us readers, I wonder, is due to his treatment of the people Austen herself disliked? Much of what we are shown of Darcy involves people who are in some way annoying to him, such as Miss Bingley, Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine, Wickham, and Mr. Collins. Austen predisposes us to see him in that manner, of course, on our first introduction to him, at the Meryton assembly when he is clearly out of sorts. From then on we often see him responding to these irritating individuals with as much cool civility as any of us could muster, but it certainly doesn’t show him at his best. And she passes very quickly over his interaction with Elizabeth. The next time you read the original, notice how often he smiles at Elizabeth.

I haven’t really changed my mind on Darcy as a result of this in-depth examination of his character, but I certainly have more empathy for what he went through: the man had a decidedly rough year, which, given our perceptions of his character, his position, and his resources, I think we tend to discount. When I was writing the last chapter of volume II, where he has his proposal turned down, I realized how hard this would hit a man his age: to have his first true love (and I conclude it to have been his first true love, because a) Austen would have hinted at it, otherwise, as she gave us all the salient aspects of his character, and b) there would have been little to hold him back from following his heart, had he lost it to someone else) anyway, to have his first true love, at a time of life when his depth of feeling would be completely developed, spurn and scorn his addresses, would have hit him very hard, indeed.

So the short answer to your question is, I think him very much as he ever was. 😉

Brilliant answer, Stanley!  I’ve never before thought about how Jane Austen might have purposely wanted us to think him arrogant and aloof.  I definitely agree with your view of  Darcy not changing in essentials.  In our first interview you talked about how showing Darcy as a “good man and true” was most important to you with this retelling. What aspect of Mr. Darcy’s character did you most enjoy fleshing out? What parts of his character were the most challenging for you to write?

Darcy's Tale Volume II enjoyed most of it, really. I liked showing him on his own with Bingley, and how two guys will talk together. I liked showing him to be as clueless as most of us are, when it comes to the opposite sex. By the way, that is something some readers have objected to, as in his inability to see through Miss Chesterton’s arts. But I have said before that I have done things equally clueless in my own life, and I defend Darcy’s (and my) thick-headedness by emphasizing that a guy only sees a woman’s behavior when she is around him: he has no baseline for comparison. So if she is flirting with him, for example, it takes a while for him to know that it is meant for him, and not just her normal behavior. And besides, what woman doesn’t know that the best men are clueless about that sort of thing? It’s the Wickhams of the world who can recognize a woman’s feelings early in their acquaintance, and manipulate them.

The hardest parts were where I had to delve into his deepest emotions: the refusal at Hunsford, and his last proposal in Hertfordshire. The former was hard to live through, seeing it through his eyes, and the latter was just awful to get right. I blame Austen for that. She took a guy who hadn’t exactly shown himself to be a Byron, and stipulated that he “expressed himself on the occasion as sensibly and as warmly as a man violently in love can be supposed to do”. Well, dang! –that makes it tough. I must have re-written that scene thirty times.

I can imagine those crucial scenes being especially difficult to get just right, but you definitely did, in my humble opinion!  Throughout your trilogy you have shown us what Darcy does during those long periods of times when he is away from Elizabeth, as well as introduce us to new characters and important relationships in Darcy’s life. Can you share with us a little of what inspired your creation of these events and characters? Do you have a favorite character? 

Well, I suppose the first one I think of is Miss Chesterton; she is based on Lady Susan. Even though I think AustenDarcy's Tale-2 thoroughly enjoyed the character of Lady Susan, as a man who has kicked around the world for a while, and been kicked around my fair share, I really didn’t like her. When a man finally sees through the arts of a scheming woman, he feels violated to his soul. On some level we actually do know how vulnerable we are to you guys, and we trust to your goodness not to take advantage of the access you have to our hearts. It goes both ways, of course, which is why Wickham is such a nasty piece of work, but the typical male response to treachery is a testosterone-laden desire for retribution and victory; not really sure what a typical female response is, as I have not seen it amongst my immediate acquaintance. At any rate, as payback to Lady Susan, I thought it would be fun for Darcy to put her in her place; and it offered a fine method of expressing his character further.

Now, Corporal Sands is a completely different thing. He is based on a karate instructor I had, who stood 5 foot, 6 inches tall, and bench-pressed over three hundred pounds. I once saw him snap a pair of pliers in his hand. He didn’t have quite the sense of humor that the good corporal does, but he was a hell of a fighter, and a loyal friend. I’m not sure where Corporal Sands learned his habit of whistling, but some of the non-coms I’ve known have a way of thinking about the hierarchy of the group they run with in a military fashion, so I just had Sands say it out loud. The results tickled me, so I kept it up. Whenever I need a little lift, I read his part of the story up to where they catch up to Wickham; I always get a chuckle.

And then, there’s Perkins. I think strong, good-hearted men tend to feel protective of those around them, and Perkins is an example of how Darcy tries to look out for those dependent on him. Dorothy Sayers once wrote that “a man is rich who has a good wife and a good servant” (I think that’s the right wording), and I tend to agree. In turn, Perkins does all he can to look out for his master. Darcy had to have a servant, and this was the only relationship I felt comfortable imagining him in, given it was someone who he would interact with closely on a daily basis.

I love that Miss Chesterton was inspired by Lady Susan!  And I love Darcy’s “typical male response” to her treachery! Corporal Sands was such a fresh and fun character.  Speaking of characters, we know Jane Austen adored Elizabeth Bennet and thought her “as delightful a character as ever appeared in print” and that she was also quite fond of Emma Woodhouse even though she is a “heroine whom no one but myself will much like.” But what do you think she thought of Mr. Darcy? Do you think he is her ultimate hero? Do you think Jane Austen, who many feel Elizabeth Bennet strongly resembles, and Mr. Darcy would suit each other?

I believe she thought very well of Darcy; certainly she thought him worthy of her favorite lady. But I would hesitate to say she felt him to be the ultimate hero; I find my feelings on that subject tempered by her obvious regard and admiration for Colonel Brandon and Captain Wentworth. I’m not sure whether it is simply the fact of their military service she admires, or how long they suffered from their broken hearts, but there is something there that makes me think Darcy would need just a wee bit more to be the “ultimate,” in her estimation.

As for the other…it is so difficult to imagine the right man for Austen. The problem is she’s too darned acute in her analysis of character; love is blind of necessity, as too clear a view of our beloved cannot help but temper our esteem. But it pleases me to think that Elizabeth’s life with Darcy was her way of imagining perfection; a daydream of happiness. Many critics have called P & P a fairy-tale, where the deserving but (relatively) poor girl gets her prince charming. Maybe it was a fairy-tale in fact, brought into being by Austen, to create a world where she herself could find a happily ever after.

Darcy's Tale Volume IIIMmmm I like that notion.  And I do think you are right about Jane Austen and how her preferences may align other heroes she created.  Now I know you are working on some projects that these readers would love to hear about! Can you share with us a little about your current WIP’s and what treatment we can expect to see happen to these characters?

I have two books going at the moment; I jump from one to the other whenever I run out of ideas for the one I’m working on. The first is about Colonel Fitzwilliam, and his role in the Napoleonic wars. It is, of course, a love story, but the war gets in the way a great deal. When I thought of the Colonel, I didn’t imagine him to be the typical Regency second son, whose commission was purchased just to allow him to hang out among the ton. I saw him as a military man by inclination, and decided he needed someone sweet to keep him from turning into the archetypical British Colonel, all gouty and sour, and sporting a bristling mustache. He falls deeply, and quickly, for Miss Emily Chelwood, whom I just love to bits. She has Elizabeth’s clarity and courage, and Jane’s sweet vulnerability. (Those of you who belong to Goodreads can find an excerpt with her in it on my blog.) But the war intervenes, and he is sent to France during the Peace of Amiens to scout around. He falls prey to a counter-espionage plot, gets tangled up in a duel (instigated by his foolish older brother, Viscount St. Stephens) in which Emily’s elder brother is killed, which estranges him from Emily’s family, and he must ultimately effect a reconciliation in order to rescue his beloved when her father’s estate passes to a grasping elder cousin. Whew!

The other book is about Captain Wentworth. It is the story of Persuasion told through his eyes, from their meeting when he was a newly-made commander at the age of 23, through to their rapprochement at Bath. As I did with Darcy, I am trying to keep as strictly to canon as I possibly can, and show the Captain as he fights to overcome his grief and anger at what he thinks is Anne’s change of heart, or simply weakness of character. Early on there is the temptation to throw his life away in glorious battle, where his passing would surely be read in the newspaper by the lady who had spurned him. Later, as he toys with the idea of other women, and sees his comrades on shore leave, and with their intendeds, he tries to find interest in the women around him. Finally, after the war, when fate sends him to Uppercross, we have to investigate what holds him back from settling with one of the Musgrove girls. I can’t present it as a sort of mystery, as Austen does, where the reader anxiously waits to discover who will end up with Anne at the end, but I believe there is a good story to be told about a proud but wounded man, handsome, accomplished, and rising in his profession, who must learn that audacity isn’t always the answer; and balance, especially in marriage, is a thing to be desired.

Not to put any pressure on you, but I cannot wait for both of those to be finished and released!  Very exciting!!! Love both the characters you have chosen to feature!  And now, since I have already done a Quickfire round of questions with you, Stan, I thought it would be fun to do one with Mr. Darcy. I hope you don’t mind! Could you please summon Mr. Darcy to answer these following questions:

Who is one of the most important and influential people in your life?Darcy's Tale Deluxe

There can be little doubt that it was my parents who had the most profound effect on my character. My father showed me what duty, honour, and humanity consisted of, and how a man must carry himself in this world. But I credit my mother for showing me the meaning of courage, and the importance of family loyalty; it was she who was our protectress, and her loss left all of us, to one degree or another, less able to stand against the ravages of the world. But her legacy also taught us how we must lift one another back up, when the agencies of the world conspire against us. So it is to her memory I look most often, and it is her memory I most honour.

What talent do you wish you could possess?

I have always felt my position demanded a better man in company than myself, but, with the help of my darling wife, I am improving at last.

Describe your perfect day.

The easiest yet: nothing more than an ordinary day at Pemberley. I might, perhaps, add a ride into the country with my bride, which pleasure we indulge in far too infrequently, duty being what it is. Now that she has accustomed herself to riding, my wife takes considerable enjoyment in the activity. She is often to be seen, either mounted or on foot, wandering the lengths of the valley in search of hither-to unseen sections of the river, or some secluded dell. She has shared with me these examples of the picturesque to be found in the remote and isolated parts of the estate, to my undying delight.

What do you love most about Mrs. Darcy?

Ah…the most difficult yet. —Her smile? Her wit? Her beauty? How she transforms me into a better man than I am? How her love saved me from despair, and a dark and bitter existence? All this, and more. As much as I hate to admit it, though, Bingley is right when he says one cannot analyse the workings of one’s heart like a naturalist studying an insect; I must leave the reduction of love into words to a more worthy philosopher than myself.

What is something no one knows about you?

In spite of the brazen nature of this, and, may I say, your other questions generally, I am minded to reply this one last time—a return for the sincerity and warmth of your hospitality. My most heartfelt thanks for your kind invitation, and your most generous welcome.

Know, then, that before my marriage, I always carried a miniature of my mother inside the cover of my watch: a talisman, if you will, of protection and comfort, and a reminder of what strength life demands. I now have a second watch, bearing a miniature of my wife: my guardian angel, my light, and my hope; I wear them as circumstances demand, or a fond heart suggests.

And now I must bid you adieu, and offer, once again, my earnest gratitude for this haven you maintain against the malice and incivility of the world. I remain, my dear Mrs. Esparza,

Your humble servant,

Fitzwilliam Darcy

Many, many thanks to both Stanley Hurd and Mr. Darcy for answering all my nosy and impertinent questions!  I wish you all the very best with your releases and upcoming projects, Mr. Hurd, and I wish Mr. Darcy all the happiness in the world with his lovely new bride!



Today Stanley Hurd generously brings with him 3 BRAND NEW paperback copies of Darcy’s Tale, Volume I: Into Hertfordshire + 1 ARC (uncorrected proof) of Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition for me to giveaway to some lucky readers!!

Vol_I_cover  Vol_I_cover  Vol_I_cover 

Darcy's Tale Deluxe  

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, question, or some kind words for Stanley!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Stanley!
  • This giveaway ends December 17th!

Want to double your chances of winning??  Come check out my review of Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition on Friday! 🙂


  1. Stan may be able to quit his daytime job with this trilogy and his WIP’s! Austen’s characters interpreted by a man is utterly intriguing. I have been waiting for the release of book 3 to read the series (can’t stand suspense!). The holidays would be the perfect time!

    1. Ginger,

      Yeah, not ready to rely on royalties yet a while, but the writing is still fun. I agree with you about reading books in rapid sequence, and I hope you find the wait was worth it. Good luck!

  2. Fantastic interview, Meredith, as always!

    Stan, thank you for your candid and thoughtful answers. I agree with your thoughts on Mr. Darcy, as I have always felt we were only allowed to see what Jane wanted us to see and when she wanted us to see it. And you are right, he had had a very rough year.

    I appreciate your openness as well. This was an excellent interview!

    Thank you again, Meredith. (for the interview last year too) Please do not enter me in the giveaway as I already have Mr. Hurd’s books.

  3. I have to say that for the first time in reading any interview tears came to my eyes…as Darcy described what he loves most about his wife. I thought this man (Stanley) is talking about his personal life and how blessed that union must be. This whole interview was so poetic – what a way Stanley has with words. I have not visited his blog (so many to read on the Internet, I get behind) but do think I will drop in sometime today.

    I have read all three Volumes (5 stars for all) on kindle but would love a paperback edition of the first volume or the Deluxe Volume.

    Meredith – excellent questions. Stanley – loved reading your responses. Thank you both.

    1. Dear Sheila,

      That’s very sweet. I have often said that I used up all my luck on my marriage. Let it be known, however, that, as good as it has been, it still doesn’t qualify as Paradise, so let’s not get out the anointing oil.

      But you know I am very grateful for your support and comments, past, present, and I hope, future. Good luck, and Happy Holidays.



  4. Excellent interview with thoughtful questions and inspiring answers! I would have to say this is now one of my favourite books! I ordered all three e-books, as the books themselves are not available in book format yet on I would love to own a paperback edition to grace my bookshelves and read again! I am not as eloquent as Meredith or others, but for me your expansion of Darcy is beautifully done. I am very excited that you are working on a story for both Colonel Fitzwilliam and Captain Wentworth. Thank you!

    1. Hi Carole!

      I’m really glad you like the books. I’m starting to, as well; enough time has gone by that i can actually read them,instead of wanting to re-write them. The Colonel is about a quarter finished, although it starts to feel like there may be more than one book to this story. The Captain is slower going, because I have to get his time at sea right, and the research is pretty intense.

      Good luck!


    2. So glad you enjoyed this series and my interview questions, Carole! 🙂 I greatly enjoyed coming up with questions for Stanley – he is a joy to work with!

  5. A most delightful interview, particularly when Mr. Darcy condescended to be candid with you! I have not read any of the books in this series, but am eager to remedy the oversight.

  6. Fascinating discussion, Meredith and Stanley. And thank you so much for condescending to do an interview, Mr. D.

    I like the idea of an original character based on Lady Susan (I didn’t like her either) and I can’t wait to meet the other original characters and read the scenes that happened away from the original story.

    *Jumping up and down with excitement* Col Fitz and Capn Wentworth are my favorite male Austen characters so I can’t wait to read those books, Stanley.

    1. In addition to my previous comments I just wanted to add – I have always been drawn to Col. Fitzwilliams and would love a fantastic story about him. I am sure Stanley will do that job.

    2. Dear Miss Sophia Rose,

      Your thanks are welcome, but unnecessary; I would do anything in my power to oblige Mrs. Esparza.

      Your servant, Madam.

      Fitzwilliam Darcy

  7. Wonderful interview!!!
    Thank you both, it was a very enjoyable read!
    I loved the trilogy so very very much. I’ve got the ebooks so please don’t enter me in the giveaway for Volume 1, but I would love a chance to win the Deluxe edition. Thanks for the very generous giveaway and for writing such a wonderful story, so true to the Darcy we know and love 🙂

    1. Dear Joana,

      If I hadn’t lived through the sixties, I’d be blushing (that circuitry got all burnt out during that outstandingly outlandish decade). Seriously, thank you so much. I am heartened to have earned the approbation of so accomplished a writer and Janeite.



  8. Definitely on my TBR list, and always interesting to read Austenesque from a man’s point of view – especially from a man who writes so beautifully.

    I’d love to own the deluxe edition of “Darcy’s Tale”. Thank you for this generous giveaway and Happy Holidays to all!

    1. Thanks Laura; Meredith is a real pro at this. I always love the chance to be here and to join the nice people on her site in a discussion of Austenesque subjects.


  9. What a delightful interview, Meredith. I enjoyed both Mr. Hurd’s and Mr. Darcy’s answers to your most excellent questions.

    Stan, thank you so much for allowing us to peer into your heartfelt vision of your characters. I loved all three volumes of your story and am excited at the two projects you have in store for us. Sheila L.M. had recommended Darcy’s Tale to me and I am so happy that she did. It will be a race between the two of us to see who will get your newest when they are available. Would you please reply with your blog address so we can keep up-to-date with your progress? Thanks ever so much.

      1. Hi Joy!

        Sheila is just the best; she is always looking out for everyone, myself not the least. I always look forward to her reviews and comments, and she always brings a smile. She seems to cry a lot, though ;-).

        Thanks so much for your compliments. I love that people who really get Austen like my books. Have a great day!



        1. Yes, Stan, my daughters now curse me as they seem to have inherited that trait. LOL But I did read somewhere online that if you clear your throat when your eyes want to cry you will forestall that urge. I just don’t always think of it. We have a joke now that a story or movie is rated by how many tissues I use: 8 tissues seems to be 5 stars…Like The Notebook.

  10. I have enjoyed your take on Mr. Darcy. I am interested in your insights on a man’s thinking when it comes to women flirting. I have often scolded my husband for his lack of understanding when he would tell me that he did not think a woman was really flirting with him. You made a good point though that perhaps it is not as apparent to men as we women may think. I think your books are excellent and would love a Deluxe Edition! I look forward to your upcoming works.

    1. Hello Schilds,

      I hope you are well, and Happy Holidays! I am pleased you liked the story – good luck on the giveaway.

      This whole question of how men and women perceive the world differently is, of course, at the heart of half the romance stories ever written, and probably more than half of all the arguments that have ever taken place between man and woman; and now I think about it, I would bet that it is at issue with any two people, regardless of gender, who are close enough that their personal views come into that sort of direct comparison and conflict. In the particular case of flirting, I know that I was almost blind to it; I was always shocked when all of a sudden I was getting a kiss! Mostly it was a pleasant surprise, except one time I found myself being invited to be part of…well, this is a civil and proper community, so I shall let that pass. But those sixties, especially in California: thank Heaven they’re gone. 🙂



      1. I am laughing…were you invited to throw your keys into the pot? Yes, I, too lived in the 60’s “Make Love, Not War” while I was in college. Whole lotta of various revolutions going on.

        1. Hey Sheila!

          I know, but, Lord! It wasn’t a key party—way more bizarre. The lady was a real animal lover; I could never think about German shepherd’s the same way ever again.

          It’s a fascinating species we belong to, isn’t it? 🙂



    1. Hi Melissa!

      Thanks for your comment; honestly, though, I thought i was rambling a bit. 🙂 But it is sobering to think that Austen, at half my age, wrote with more wit, grace, and wisdom than I do. I just hate geniuses.



    1. Loren,

      Thanks, and you’re welcome! Re-reading is one of my tests for writing: if I can’t read it over and over, it’s not good enough yet.



  11. Thank you for these wonderful stories. I have read and enjoyed all three and really appreciate your perspective on our favorite hero!

    Fantastic interview- Thank you Meredith!

  12. Thank you For sharing with us this wonderful interview!! I found interesting your thoughts about Mr Darcy’character.
    I really would like to read Darcy’Tale but I am curious about your next project about Capitan Wentworth, too.

  13. Hello Chiara,

    You are very welcome, and good luck in the giveaway!

    Captain Wentworth is a strong character: open, charismatic, graceful in manner, ambitious without arrogance, a man of war and also a man of heart. He rarely disguises his thoughts and feelings, yet he is such a good man that this does not hurt him in social settings. Like Darcy, I think, he misses many of the nuances of how his behavior affects those around him, especially women, but a good heart and natural charm keep him from offending. It is a challenge to try to capture and display all this without embarrassing myself as a writer or doing Austen’s character a disservice. The good news is, it will keep me busy for a long while. 🙂


  14. Can’t wait to start reading this! Also nice to know that you’re busy writing something new! Good luck!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. This trio of books sounds more and more intriguing. I have been waiting for a time when to read them together, uninterrupted, while on vacation, but may have to begin sooner. This interview was quite interesting and has intrigued my husband as well. He has wanted to read Darcy’s POV written by a male. Thank you for the give away Stanley and for the interview Meredith.

  16. It will be nice to see Darcy’s thoughts from a male perspective. I don’t know why female authors actually think wee plan these things out. Thank you for the give away.

    1. Dan,

      You’re right; I think both sides assume the other is way more aware than they are. I think this is why my wife always speaks code: she’ll say “Tomorrow’s Tuesday”, just in passing, and I’ll think, “Yep, that’s right”, then wonder at the next five minutes of pointed silence. What she was saying was, “Get up and take out the trash!”, which passed me by completely. Women don’t realize that most of the time, men’s minds are a complete blank; it’s how we like it, and we’re not gonna change it. 🙂

      Good luck.


  17. Stanley,
    What an original point of view. This looks like it’s DEFINITELY making my reading list! 🙂 Thank you for this!!

  18. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. It offers a great look at the heroes from a logical masculine viewpoint, as opposed to how we women tend to assume men think.

    1. Julie,

      Thanks, and i Hope you will like the books. Do you know, it was the female interpretation of a male character that made me begin writing; Darcy kept doing things no guy should / would do, so i decided to try to do it in a way that made sense to me. Anyway, good luck!


  19. I hope the book about Captain Wentworth will be published first because he is my favourite Jane Austen hero. Thanks for the entertaining interview, Stan. I love knowing more about Mr Darcy and his inner most thoughts through your opinion of him.

  20. Love the interview Meredith, especially the questions for Stan as well as Mr. Darcy! Stan thank you for sharing more about your process in writing as well as your current projects! Looking forward to reading this series along with your two other works when completed!

    Thank you for the generous giveaways as well!

    1. Thank you, Dung! I’m so happy to have the opportunity to host Stan again. 🙂 He gave such amazingly thoughtful and insightful answers to my questions. 🙂

  21. I love Stan’s trilogy, and read them more or less as they were published, apart from volume 1 which had been out for a couple of months before I discovered it. I have them all as ebooks so would love to win the deluxe edition of all three.

    Really excited to read about the WIPs, especially the Persuasion one. I’m looking forward to reading CFW’s side of “the letter” as he writes it.

    1. Anji,

      Thanks so much. Captain Wentworth’s letter was one of the most powerful things Austen ever wrote, in my humble opinion; I absolutely loved Persuasion the first time i read it. I can re-read P&P more frequently, but Persuasion was my favorite the first time through.

      Good luck on the giveaway!


        1. Hey Sheila,

          I know, but consider what he was doing! He was interpreting her words to Harville and betting almost his very soul that he was reading her right. If he had been wrong, if she hadn’t had been speaking of her feelings for him (which he had very little evidence to support the supposition that she was), he would have had his heart, his hopes, and his self-esteem utterly crushed. A bottle of fine brandy and a bullet for one would have been the traditional remedy for such a situation. He fell for her twice: once in the heyday of youth, which a youthful spirit can overcome; but then again in the fullness of manhood, when both the heart and mind are more in sync, and he could appreciate the miraculously rare woman that she was. To have lost her again, this time when he might have rectified the situation but for his pride, would have cost him his vision of himself as a man, and his self-recriminations would have been unending. It’s one of the bravest acts ever written.



          1. I hadn’t quite looked at it like that, Stan, but I can see it so clearly now after what you’ve said. Would that be because I’ve always looked at it from Anne’s point of view before, never from his? He really was out on a limb and sawing it off on the trunk side, wasn’t he.

            I’m looking forward to your book even more now!

          2. Yes, Stanley, he was eavesdropping and he did put his heart on the line. But in so interpreting what he overheard her say and in asking for a sign we read that at last they will come to an understanding. That does not erase 8 years of loneliness or heartache for either. And he did “make her pay” in his flirting with Louisa…and Harriett. But he does have a way with words in that letter. After everything Jane Austen gave us a “moment” to remember by putting that on paper.

            Now your conversation with Dan about men never having a clue…are you saying JA got it wrong? I am so looking forward to a man’s interpretation of Capt. Wentworth. Your comments make me anxious but I know we can’t rush things nor does a watched pot boil.

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