The Falmouth Connection – Joana Starnes + GIVEAWAY!!!

The Falmouth ConnectionMr. Darcy is Beset By A Plethora of Emotions and Obstacles!

Rating:  5 out of 5 stars

Source:  Review Copy from Author

Poor Darcy, he receives so many depressing blows in this Pride and Prejudice variation! First, the day before he plans to propose and secure his future happiness, Elizabeth is called away to meet a distant relation in Falmouth. Then when he decides to propose anyway, he is prevented by all sorts of interferences – Mr. Collins, Colonel Fitzwilliam, inclement weather, etc. And then…when Elizabeth seems like she might welcome a visit and proposal from Darcy in the future, the very next day brings about a whole different attitude in her. Why is she upset and standoffish with Darcy?

When poor Mr. Darcy learns the reason why, he hightails it to Falmouth to set things right, but he has a lot going against him – trying to fine Elizabeth’s aunt’s home without having the address, a newly bestowed inheritance, and a worthy, wealthy, and titled rival who has in the span of a few short weeks earned Elizabeth’s respect and possibly her regard…Suddenly all the wonderful things Mr. Darcy has to offer and give Elizabeth don’t seem as valuable or magnanimous as what she already has…

How I LOVE Joana Starnes’s portrayal of Mr. Darcy! Without a doubt, her depiction of a feeling, privately emotive, and intensely passionate Mr. Darcy is quickly becoming one of my favorites. The way Ms. Starnes expressively denotes every myriad of feeling and thought of Mr. Darcy is to be commended. (I think she takes delight in torturing him!) Mr. Darcy’s anguish, sorrow, hope, and yearning can not but be tangibly felt by the reader. As I read this novel, my eyes were stinging with unshed tears and I could feel my own heart swell with sympathy and love for Darcy’s pent-up emotions and suffering. Ahh, so romantic! Such palpable and evocative prose!

Besides her swoon-worthy and ardent Darcy the other aspect I most enjoy with Joana Starnes’s writing is the originative and varied alterations she creates with these characters. Tired of reading similar variations about Darcy’s unsuccessful first proposal in Hunsford Parsonage or Lydia causing trouble just as Darcy and Elizabeth are about to reach an understanding? Try a variation by Joana Starnes – she adeptly invents new thoughtful premises and scenarios for our dear couple. With The Falmouth Connection, I especially enjoyed the visit to Cornwall and new characters she introduced. These new characters were well-drawn and interesting, and the scenery around Cornwall so vividly and breathtakingly described.

If I was in the mood to be persnickety, (which I know I can be sometimes) I might say that seeing more about the smugglers and their activities would have been interesting. This sinister gang of nefarious individuals were a great deal overshadowed by Darcy’s emotional upheaval and internal struggles. But in truth, I really have no cause to repine...I think Ms. Starnes employed her page time much better. 😉

Brooding, fervent, persevering, frustrated, protective, and brave – Ms. Starnes’s depiction of Darcy in this novel is everything that is admirable and worthy, proving that Mr. Darcy is indeed the ultimate romantic hero! But readers must be warned to prepare their hearts before they read this,novel because not only does Darcy steal tempting kisses in the night, but he also valiantly and capably brandishes a sword to safeguard his beloved Elizabeth… *faints away in a swoon* <3

I can hardly wait to see what Joana Starnes does with Mr. Darcy next! Like Ms. Starnes’s previous Pride and Prejudice variations, The Falmouth Connection is exquisitely and expressively written, and most certainly not to be missed!

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Because she is inordinately kind and generous, Joana has sponsored a giveaway of two copies The Falmouth Connection (2 ebooks), for me to giveaway to TWO lucky winners in conjunction with my review!

The Falmouth Connection The Falmouth Connection

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review and share your favorite thing about Joana Starnes’s writing (or if you haven’t read any of her novels yet, which one do you want to read most?)

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Joana!
  • This giveaway ends December 5th!


  1. Joy Dawn King lent me this book on kindle. I read it TWICE before it was returned to her. But I would love to own my own copy as it is one I can see the need to re-read, again and again. I also gave it 5 stars in my review on Amazon. Loved it.

  2. I have this already so don’t enter me in the giveaway but I just wanted to say how much I loved this book as well! I really liked how she still wove Wickham into the story despite the change in location. I also thought the turn that Jane and Bingley’s relationship took was more realistic. Love love love it!

    1. So happy you liked it, Shannon! To be honest, at first I was thinking of sticking with local villains, but then I remembered a comment from another Janeite who was wondering why we would try to invent new heroes, when Jane Austen provided us with the perfect one. Besides, no one can push Darcy’s buttons quite as well as Mr. Wickham 😉

    2. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, Shannon! I’m so happy you enjoyed Joana’s latest! Yes, I love the twist with Wickham, it was a surprise to see him there! And I completely agree about Jane and Bingley. 🙂

  3. (Please don’t enter me in the giveaway, as I do not have an e-reader.) I’m with Ms. Starnes–I always thought Darcy’s brusque exterior masked a total softy! “I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love,” and all that.

    1. Such a beautiful quote! Elizabeth should have seen from the very beginning that a man who likes poetry can’t be all bad 😉 It must be the thought of all those delicious pies you must be making for Thanksgiving over there, but I can’t get pie analogies out of my head, and they’re all coming from ‘brusque exterior masking a total softie’. Crusty merengue over smooth delicious filling? Inside-out Baked Alaska? You get the picture 🙂

    2. I very much like the more feeling and romantic portrayals of Darcy. I agree with the notion of the exterior reserve hiding a very private man that will open himself completely to the right person.

  4. “Exquisitely and expressively written” and five out of five stars is all I need to know. I was ready for “The Falmouth Connection” before your review, now I am chomping at the bit. Please, please, please – and thank you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. A “feeling, privately emotive, and intensely passionate Mr. Darcy… anguish, sorrow, hope, and yearning can not but be tangibly felt by the reader,” how can a JAFF lover not want to read a well done Darcy or a writing so beautiful it makes you want to cry? Sign me up! I like that it was written in Cornwall. I was in Cornwall (Tintagel, Penzance, and Lands End) in April and found it to be one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Our hikes along the coast were breathtaking and I loved the small towns, except the locals were a bit difficult to understand. I suppose D&E are too high born to be eating pasties though. Thanks for the giveaway chance! And congrats on another new release.

    1. Thanks so much Colleen! It’s wonderful to think that it might remind you of a lovely holiday and that you’ll find it easy to picture our favourite couple there. I know what you mean about being flummoxed by the accent sometimes. We’ve been going to Cornwall a lot but last summer I found myself staring blankly at a pub landlord as he said goodbye + something else I didn’t catch, until my husband ‘translated’ for me (he spent most of his childhood holidays there, so he’s got an edge 😉 ).

    2. How lucky you are that you got to see Cornwall, Colleen! It sounds so lovely and the images Joana shared in her guest post and on Facebook are so beautiful! I could look at those views all day! I can only image how wonderful it would be to see it in person.

  6. Please do not enter me in the giveaway as I have this in both eBook and paperback versions. It is a beautifully crafted story that is full of intrigue and thoroughly engages your emotions. It is a story I could not put down. Superb job, Joana!

  7. Well done, Meredith!!! Another excellent review that hit on all the right points to recommend this book. I have to tell you that I enjoyed this read so much that I’ve read it twice (the garden scene much more than that). This book is filled with action and the sweetest of romances, which makes it right up my alley. In fact, I think I might need to leave the computer and go read the scenes I’ve bookmarked again. Sigh and swoon!

    1. Thanks and hugs for the amazing praise, Joy, and Meredith for the fabulous review, you’re both so very kind! I’m absolutely thrilled you liked the garden scene, Joy!!! I think I enjoyed writing that one most of all. And then I went on to tinker with it again and again and again, I just couldn’t leave it alone 😉 I’m so very pleased it ticked the right boxes for you!

  8. I was struck by the idea that she does a good job of offering a creative variation with each story. Those are always fun to see where they’ll go. I haven’t read any of her books yet so I’m pretty much open to reading any of them.

    1. I’m so happy to hear that, Sophia Rose! I do try to keep them true to type (and definitely true to the only acceptable pairings 😉 ) but sometimes it’s nice to take them someplace where they haven’t been before, especially when the location is so exquisitely romantic. Best of luck in the giveaway and many thanks for your very kind comment!

    2. The first two variations – The Subsequent Proposal and Second Chance are mash ups that are very cleverly done (P&P with Persuasion and P&P with S&S) I hope you get the chance to read one of these lovely books soon!

  9. I am so looking forward to reading this book! It’s on my wishlist but I will have to bump it up! When an author can bring you tear with their evocative prose, they are a keeper!! Thank you for the giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the U.S.

    1. Hi, Carole,

      So pleased that Meredith’s awesome review has bumped ‘Falmouth’ up on your wish list! Hope you’ll get to read it and that you’ll like it when you do. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by!

  10. I would love to read The Falmouth Connection! I’ve always wanted to read about things more from Mr. Darcy’s point of view…to see what was going on from his side of things!

    1. My thoughts exactly, Kimberley! With P&P only giving Elizabeth’s point of view, it’s always nice to speculate what Mr Darcy might be making of their interactions. Of course, some might argue it’s not what he’s really thinking, just what WE’d like to think he’s thinking, but it’s fun either way 😉

  11. This book sounds fantastic! So far I have only read The Subsequent Proposal by Joana and I really enjoyed it. What struck me was I had never considered before how similar Darcy and Anne Elliot are. They both made decisions at the beginnings of their stories where they put duty to family before love.

    1. Hi, Brenda

      Hi, Brenda! I was replying to your comment last night and my internet connection failed halfway through 🙁 I was hoping the comment made it to Austenesque but sadly it’s all gone! I’ll try to remember what it was. I was telling you how glad I was that you agree Darcy and Anne can be seen as similar. The sense of duty, the quiet reserve, the ‘still waters run deep’. And then I think that Elizabeth and Captain Wentworth are very similar in their own ways. Thank goodness that opposites attract, otherwise we might have ended up with totally unacceptable pairings 😉

    2. Very true, Brenda! They have very similar personalities and tendencies. Same with Wentworth and Elizabeth. Loved the idea for that novel so much – it was brilliant! I’m sure you will love The Falmouth Connection just as much!

    3. I have always felt very kindred to both Darcy & Anne. I relate to their personalities very much. I actually really enjoyed seeing them together for a while despite feeling a lot of angst before starting the book about them being together!

  12. I have this one on my kindle and am so eager to begin reading it! I’ve been chomping at the bit since it was gifted to me (thanks again JDK!) but I didn’t want to start it til I had the time to really get lost in it (if that makes sense). After my Thanksgiving/ Black Friday work madness is done, I’m gonna be all over it! I’m thrilled to know you loved it so much, Meredith.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, Monica! I’m so pleased that Joy sent you a copy (thanks. Joy, you’re awesome!!!) Hope you’ll like the story & what I’ve done with our two favourite people. Have a good weekend and all the best!

  13. It is interesting that so many of the comments mention that they have already read the book more than once! I have been looking at it on Mazon but these comments have definitely moved it way up on my list. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  14. I have yet to read anything by Joana but I love, love, love P&P variations and this one sounds fantastic. The amazing comments here praising the book certainly don’t hurt. 😉

    Thank you for the great review, as always, Meredith and to Joana for the giveaway.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi, Lori!

      Hope you’re having a lovely weekend too! I’m so happy that Meredith’s amazing review caught your eye and recommended my books to you. Thanks for stopping by to read it and for taking part in the giveaway. Best of luck!

  15. Please do enter me into the giveaway for an e-copy! Joana is such a wonderful authoress – and such a wonderful woman! This sounds like yet another success! I do wonder what that turn around Elizabeth does is about! Will Elizabeth end up with Darcy or will the rival win her affections and regard? Can’t wait to read it!

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment, Sophia! I hope you’ll like ‘The Falmouth Connection’ when you read it. And please don’t worry, there are always rivals, obstacles and whatnot stirred in for the spice and drama, but Elizabeth MUST end up with Darcy! Personally, I couldn’t write a story where she doesn’t.
      I hope that’s not a spoiler, just a heads-up that I couldn’t possibly do that to you or to any JAFF devotee 😉

    2. I very much agree, Sophia! Joana is a wonderful authoress! Darcy soon finds out why Elizabeth changes her mind about him. What a great journey for these characters! 🙂

  16. Great review Meredith! Love all the excerpts I’ve read, especially the duel and the swoon worthy one! Can’t wait to actually read the novel!

    1. Thank you, Dung Vu! Yes! So swoon worthy!!! When I knew we were getting close to that part of the book I was so excited! 🙂 Hope you get the chance to read it in its entirety soon!

  17. Oh my! I haven’t read any of Joana Starnes’ novels, but I have been told she is a talented author! After reading your review, Meredith, I think it’s time to get to one of her stories! This one sounds like a good one to start with! 😉 Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Maria, and for stopping by to read Meredith’s awesome review. So glad it caught your eye! Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for taking part.

  18. I am deeply intrigued by the premise of this story especially after that review. I am always on the lookout for one more hint/perspective into the world of pride and prejudice. Especially Mr. Darcy. I was disappointed when I Didnt have the option of a digital copy from Barnes and Noble to put on my nook. If it is a good as it sounds I need to look for other stories from this author soon.

    1. Hi, Stephanie

      Same as you, I just can’t have enough of Pride and Prejudice and all sorts of variations on the theme 😉 Hope you’ll like this spin-off if you get to read it. A bit off the beaten track, this one. I just thought they’ve been to London, Derbyshire, Hertfordshire often enough. How about somewhere new – romantic scenery, troubled seas, you get the picture 😉
      Thanks for coming over to read Meredith’s great review and good luck!

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