Mansfield Park Revisited – Joan Aiken + Giveaway!!

Mansfield Park RevisitedA Mansfield Park Sequel without Fanny and Edmund

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Purchased

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Sequel to Mansfield Park, Minor Character

TIME FRAME: Begins 4 years after the close of Mansfield Park

MAIN CHARACTERS: Susan Price, Tom Bertram, Mrs. Julia Yates, Lady Bertram, Henry Crawford, Mary Crawford, Mr. Wadham (a reverend filling in for Edmund temporarily) and Mrs. Osbourne (Mr. Wadham’s sister who is helpful and devoted to caring for her neighbors),


  • In celebration of Mansfield Park‘s Bicentennial, I thought I should read at least 1 Mansfield Park inspired Austenesque novel this year
  • I’ve read so few MP inspired novels – just 4!
  • I’ve read Jane Fairfax by Joan Aiken and loved it!!! It was my first JAFF ever!
  • You voted for it! This book won over Ladysmead by Jane Gillespie in my blog poll.


Poor Sir Thomas has passed away and dutiful Edmund travels to Antigua with his wife, Fanny, to settle the family’s business affairs there. Leaving Susan and Lady Bertram in the company of domineering and brusque Tom – the newly appointed Sir Thomas, the meddlesome Mrs. Yates, and any new or old friends…that find themselves in the vicinity of Mansfield. Guess which infamous brother and sister just happen to travel into the county again???


  • A Spirited Heroine: Susan is adorable! I loved how she was dutiful, moral, and compassionate, but at the same time she has a quick temper, a plucky attitude, and a mind of her own. Even though she is warned to stay away from the Crawfords, she decides to meet them and form her own opinion. I enjoyed seeing her sharp exchanges with Tom, private thoughts about Lady Bertram’s indolence, annoyance with Julia Yates’s meddlesome opinions, and her devotion and admiration for her siblings, Fanny and William.
  • Wonderful Characters and Characterization: Joan Aiken did a marvelous job of matching each character’s personality and emulating their voice. It felt she not only understood these characters but had a certain fondness for them as well. I especially enjoyed her new creations Mr. Wadham, Mrs. Osbourne, and Julia’s imperious and prissy sister-in-law, Miss Yates.  In addition, I thought it quite humorous and fitting that Julia Yates, who we must assume is unhappy with her imprudent choices, steps into Mrs. Norris’s role quite perfectly.  With her daily visits to Mansfield and penchant for managing the affairs of others, she has become the new Mrs. Norris – the character we love to hate!
  • Henry Crawford Can Be Redeemed: I love the idea of Henry Crawford transforming or changing into a good, honorable man “for the love of a good woman.” The author chooses, in a very believable way to exonerate Henry from his crimes in Mansfield Park – a part I greatly enjoyed.  But I wish she did more with him in this tale instead of illustrate how he has a broken heart filled with unrequited love.  I loved how he was a little bit of a mystery to Susan.  She’s heard the stories of his past, but when new information comes to light and Susan meets him in person, she has to determine for herself who is Henry Crawford really…


  • A Decided Lack of Romance: Similar to Mansfield Park, there isn’t much in the way of romance in this novel. Even though she is surrounded by several eligible bachelors, Susan – judging by her thoughts and remarks – doesn’t hold any of them in special regard. It isn’t until the very end that she discovers her unknown feelings for someone and vice versa. I would have loved to have this romance developed more and featured throughout the story, rather than just at the very end. A tad disappointed.
  • What was the Purpose?: Although I loved learning more about all the characters of Mansfield Park, I often felt myself wondering at their inclusion in this story. The story-lines involving Mary, Henry, Maria Rushworth, while interesting, didn’t really seem to have much purpose or impact – especially in the case of Maria and her tarnished reputation.


Overall, I’m quite pleased with this sequel to Mansfield Park. I loved Joan Aiken’s style of writing and appreciated her affinity for Jane Austen’s characters. I look forward to reading more by Joan Aiken, although I’m pretty sure Jane Fairfax will forever remain my favorite. 🙂

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By way of Suzan, a dear friend and longtime reader of Austenesque Reviews, a second copy of Mansfield Park Revisited found its way into my possession.  Since I already had a copy of this book languishing on my TBR, I thought I’d hold onto Suzan’s copy to use for a giveaway!  As you see pictured below, I have a former library copy of Mansfield Revisited (slight title change) that is looking for a new home.

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If you are interested in winning this lovely book for yourself, just leave a comment below.

  • This giveaway is open to residents worldwide!
  • This giveaway will end October 20th.


  1. I am really interested hehe 🙂 I loved Mansfield Park. It wasn’t my favorite but I love everything Jane Austen so I’m positive I will enjoy it. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. I’m with you, Kristia – I love everything Jane Austen wrote – even heroes like Edmund Bertram and Edward Ferrars. 🙂 This one is well written, just could use a bit more direction with the plot lines.

  2. So……..your review has sparked my interest in a sequel to Mansfield Park. I am surprised that the Crawfords have returned, and it would be interesting to see if Henry Crawford can be redeemed. This is doubtful in my mind, but I’m willing to read and see. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Yes, I was surprised they returned too – but they have their reasons. I enjoy the characters from Mansfield Park, I’d love to read more about them. I hope to read the other Mansfield Park sequel I own – Ladsymead – soon.

  3. Thank you for your honest and thoughtful review. I have yet to read a single Mansfield Park variation or sequel, so please throw my name into the hat for this one. I’m doubtful that Henry Crawford can be redeemed, but I’m curious to find out for myself.

    1. There is no undoing what Henry did or who he is, but there is new light shed on his actions/inactions that makes him a little bit less of a villain, which I quite liked. 😉 I’ve now read two sequels, one modern adaptation, one variation, and one Austen-Inspired. By far my most neglected JA novel (excluding Sanditon, Lady Susan, and The Watsons) I’d love to read more!

  4. Meredith, your excellent and honest review has me interested in ready Mansfield Park Revisited. I read Jane Fairfax by Joan Aiden and enjoyed her writing.
    Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. I’m glad you are willing to give Mansfield Park Revisited a chance! 🙂 It is a quick read, under 200 pages. A short visit to Mansfield Park is fun way to spend a long afternoon.

  5. Thanks for your review Meredith. I do have this book on my wishlist but haven’t been in a rush to get it. I have read one other Mansfield Park variation and that is Carrie Bebris’ The Matter at Mansfield. I did enjoy that one. I do have her ‘Jane Fairfax’ book on my wishlist as well. Thank you for your generous giveaway!

    1. The Matter at Mansfield was a fun one! I liked the storyline, just wish the author was more decided about Henry Crawford…he felt all over the place. Jane Fairfax is awesome – you will never look at Emma the same again!

  6. Mansfield Park has always been a favorite of mine even with the lack of romance. I like the small touching moments between Edmund and Fanny like when he comforted her on the stairs. I would love to read a sequel.

  7. We need more Mansfield Park in our lives – in mine, specifically. Am intrigued by the premise and would love to read this MP sequel. Thanks for this giveaway!

  8. My sentiments regarding this novel were very similar to yours Meredith. Some readers who do not like Fanny Price will be happy that she and Edmund are away from the action in the West Indies and her little sister Susan gets her shot, but the decided lack of romance and tension really was a disappointment. I own a copy so no need to enter my name. Just wanted to have my say. Best, LA

    1. I’m surprised to be saying this, Laurel Ann, but I did not miss Fanny and Edmund! When I started the story, I was sad to hear they were being shipped off, but I truly did enjoy the focus on Susan and her whirlwind of a summer. I agree, if Susan had a little bit more of a romance before being proposed to, I would have been satisfied. It could have been better.

  9. I’ve mostly read P&P Austenesque so I need to get busy and read more retellings, sequels and variations from the other books. This follow-up to MP sounds good as there were a few characters that I wanted to see what happened to them in time. Thanks for sharing about it, Meredith and for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. I try to mix it up and read as much non P&P Austenesque as I do P&P Austenesque, but that never happens. P&P has had so much more written for it. Glad you are willing to read more about the characters from Mansfield Park!

  10. Mansfield Park is often overlooked in Austen’s works, and there are few Austenesque works. Enjoy finding new stories, look forward to reading this one. Thanks for the review and the giveaway.

  11. I’d like to win. I’ve probably read the Amanda Grange Mansfield Park diary story. And I have a book that I think is called Death at Mansfield Park (or a similar title) by Lynn Shepherd where Fanny’s and Mary’s characters are switched — Fanny is bad and Mary is good.

  12. I have this one and concur with your assessment. The thing about the romance is not all that surprising considering that romance as a concept was generally an afterthought in the majority of relationships at that time. MP has never been one of my favorites so any aberrations are invited LOL Don’t enter me in the drawing, just wanted to comment. I’ll have to look into Ladsymead. Oh! and I enjoyed Jane Fairfax as well!

    1. Very true. It would have been fun to see Susan explore and analyze her heart a little more though. She very suddenly decided she was in love. I hope read to Ladysmead soon! 🙂

  13. This had to be a treat to read and review because it is not your typically done JA variation. Mansfield Park is not my favorite of JANE Austen books but I do love to not like some of its characters. Does that make sense? I will get this and put it in my TBR pile. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’m not sure how I missed Laurel Ann’s review.