Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Alexa Adams!!!

Author Guest Post

Hello readers!  I’m so excited welcome back Alexa Adams to Austenesque Reviews!  I’ve “known” Alexa for several years now online, I think we both started reviewing around the same time and I always love to compare thoughts with her over what we both have read.   After thoroughly enjoying Alexa’s lovely trilogy series, Tales of Less Pride and Prejudice, I’m super The Madness of Mr. Darcyexcited that she is here again to celebrate another new release – The Madness of Mr. Darcy!  I’ve read several excerpts of this novel awhile back and can’t wait to see what Alexa does with poor, tortured, Mr. Darcy!

Thank you, Meredith, for inviting me back to Austenesque Reviews to discuss my new book, The Madness of Mr. Darcy. This story takes place in 1832, twenty years after the events of Pride & Prejudice – enough time for Mr. Darcy to have so lost his path that he finds himself at Ramsey House, an asylum for the gently unhinged. I wrote the first draft of the story during NaNoWriMo 2013, and it was in a moment of writer’s block that I began to populate my little madhouse with characters from Austen’s other novels. In the final draft, I still have three original Austen characters amongst the inmates. I think it was Meredith’s comprehensive Austenesque lists, which includes a category for books containing cross-novel character development, that inspired me to reintroduce these familiar creations to her readers. The twenty year span gave me ample opportunity to imagine circumstances that might disrupt even the most orderly mind.

FelicityDawnI will begin with one of the more legitimately deranged “guests” (as Dr. Wilson, proprietor, prefers to call them) of Ramsey House: Lady Elliot, formerly know to us as Penelope Clay. This poor creature largely created her own downfall, as readers of Persuasion will readily perceive. In my telling of events, she eventually married the new Sir William Elliot, but their felicity was short lived. Abandoned at Kellynch for years on end, her reputation preventing social interactions with her neighbors, Lady Elliot slowly constructed a fantasy world for herself in which she is Anne Elliot, the lady preferred by her husband. One of her follies is to misquote the romantic poetry of which Anne was so fond:

“But I think it romantic!” Lady Elliot exclaimed. “Lost lovers reunited after so many years! She saved from drudgery, and he freed from despair! Has not Love’s whisper evermore been thy ceaseless gentle roar?” she misquoted Coleridge.

“I don’t believe you have that quite right, dear,” Mrs. Rushworth inserted.

“Very romantic, to be sure!” Miss Higgins seconded. “Mr. Darcy must be one of the most eligible men in England.”

“Perhaps he was,” Mrs. Rushworth clarified, “but I do not think many hopeful mamas would be turning their gaze upon him these days. His behavior has liberated him from all potential of their pursuit. I wonder if he knows his good fortune?”

Readers of Mansfield Park know from that quote who I am going to speak of next. Maria Rushworth ended that MichelleRyannovel banished to the countryside for a reclusive life with her horrible Aunt Norris, having disgraced the family by abandoning her husband. She meets Dr. Wilson when her Aunt was dying, and he invites her to Ramsey House. Maria is perfectly sane, but Ramsey House is a refuge for her, nonetheless. Her years of isolation have given her a chance to become well-read and accomplished. She often gives voice in a way none of the other characters can to issues gender inequality, her past experiences informing her sense of injustice. I really enjoyed developing this mature, intellectual Maria. Like Mrs. Clay, she is not a character I ever felt much sympathy for, but as I wrote The Madness of Mr. Darcy she grew to be a favorite, and it became imperative to provide her with a happier fate.

I also have one gentleman to present: Mr. John Knightley from Emma. It was easy to envision him as a burnt out business man, harried and driven until he finally cracked. Austen made him so negative and rigid. Nevertheless, unlike the ladies mentioned above, he has always been one of my favorite characters. He explains how he landed in Ramsey House quite succinctly:

DanFredenburgh“I am overworked and exhausted, or at least I was before finding myself here these past ten months. Now I suffer acute boredom. If I get any more rest, I shall truly go mad.” He moved a pawn, and continued, “My good wife sought the assistance of my good brother, who happens to be married to her equally good but far more meddling sister, and between the three of them, they locked me up here for the best part of a year. It is time I leave.”

Until he does, he makes a fine companion for Darcy, and the two easily fall into an amiable friendship, spending long hours pitted against each other at the chess table.

There are several more guests of Ramsey House, all but Mr. Darcy of my invention. These include a young lady persecuted by a domineering father, an old miser, a reckless lord, an alcoholic, an aging debutant, a lady who caught brain fever in India, another whose family all died in an epidemic, and a rector who has lost his flock. For most, Ramsey House is a safe haven from a world which has rejected them. It is there, amongst this colorful cast, that Mr. Darcy rediscovers who he is, finds his purpose in life, and reunites with a long lost love.

Thanks again, Meredith! It is always a pleasure.

Oh my, Alexa!  This sounds marvelous!  I love the tie-in with other characters! I cannot wait to see them together and see what happens to Mr. Darcy!  Poor man.  So looking forward to reading The Madness of Mr. Darcy!  Thank you for sharing this with us today!



Alexa kindly brings with her 1 LOVELY ebook and 1 paperback copy of The Madness of Mr. Darcy for me to randomly give away to TWO lucky readers.  Woot Woot!!!

The Madness of Mr. Darcy   The Madness of Mr. Darcy

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for Alexa!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (for the ebook) and to North America residents (for the paperback).  Thank you, Alexa!
  • This giveaway ends October 22nd!




  1. The thought of Darcy and Elizabeth being apart for 20 years is so sad! The cross character idea makes me curious about the book especially as I laughed at Mr Knightley’s description of Emma!
    Thanks for the post

    1. You’re welcome! It is sad, very sad. The beginning of the book is particularly tough as the events of those 20 years are described, but my favorite thing about Austen is her humor and I always try to imitate it in my writing, particularly the absurdism of her earliest works. This book goes from very angsty to almost deliriously happy, no pun intended, and should be worth as many laughs as tears, many of which are attributable to John Knightley.

  2. I, too, have read several reviews of this book and it is already on my Wish List…now made even more intriguing (really tempted to buy today) with the other JA characters plus the list of new (to us) characters residing at Ramsey House. Am so curious as to what has been happening with Elizabeth and others in Darcy’s life.

    1. Thanks for the interest, Sheila! I’ve been unsure whether readers would be happy with the idea of other Austen characters being incorporated into the book or not. I’m glad to hear in increased your intrigue. Good luck!

  3. So enjoyed your other books Alexa’s that when I saw this one coming out, I put it on my wishlist immediately. Now I am even more intrigued and can’t wait to read it! Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Thank you so much, Carole! This book is very different than my others, the subject matter being much darker, but I hope my tone and humor remain the same. I hope you enjoy it! Good luck!

    1. I understand! As I said in a comment above, the beginning of this book is tough to read. It was even harder to write, trust me! I try to make it up to D & E as much as possible in the end. Thanks for the comment!

  4. I cannot wait to read why Darcy is in an asylum. I also love how there are other Austen characters keeping him company.

    1. My brain reeled when I came up with the idea. It took almost a year of thinking it out before I figured out how to get Darcy to the madhouse and was ready to write. Good luck!

  5. I am so sad just thinking about Darcy and Elizabeth being separated for so long. Sad, really, about anything negative happening to my Mr. Darcy. Such burdens he bears. I will, somehow, find the strength to carry on and am really looking forward to reading this book.

    Thanks for the giveaway and wishing you the best of luck with “The Madness of Mr. Darcy”.

  6. Wow! All the exploring and expanding of JA characters and “new” ones sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read this new book from Alexa Adams. How did you ever keep your own sanity in writing this! I enjoyed your trilogy Tales of Less Pride and Prejudice. I know you will be kind in the end to our darling Mr Darcy; at least I hope you do!
    Thank you for the giveaway Alexa, and thank you Meredith for you wonderful interviews!

  7. I’m glad to meet another new to me author that writes Jane Austen related books! Loved the expert and now I’m checking your books 🙂
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. I absolutely loved this story. It flowed so beautifully. The wasted 20 years were so sad though. Just one change in Jane Austen’s story and look at what could’ve happened. Wonderful writing, Alexa. The use of characters from some of Jane’s other booka was done in such a humorous way at times. As I already have the eBook, please enter me for the paperback.

  9. So glad to hear of another P & P author having read many others. Just started reading, “The Madness of Mr. Darcy.” This novel was ordered last week along with three others by other authors. Too bad I couldn’t win another of her novels. I purchased the book because of my nursing experience and dealing with mental patients at one time in my nursing career. Thank you for the chance to voice my opinion. Best wishes in your writing experience and I do hope to read some of your other novels.

  10. What a great idea, to add some of Austen’s other characters to the mix, and create some new ones, too. I knew the 20 lost years would be angsty (though I don’t yet know the circumstances) but I feel like this might make up for it a little. 🙂

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  11. I can easily understand why Ramsey House would be a refuge for Maria Rushworth after living with Aunt Norris! I am anxious to read about the interactions of the various characters. I have a feeling that Jane Austen would be laughing over this great idea. Oh, poor Mr. Darcy – why are you here? What happened? Who is you long lost love? Thank you for the giveaway.

  12. I love the various excerpts that I’ve read so far about this book. Curious to see how the other JA characters are incorporated in this novel and what happened in the 20 years to drive him to the madhouse.

    Thank you for the give-aways.

  13. I don’t have any books by this author. Sounds like a good book. Please enter me for the paperback (I can’t do e-copies). I live in the U.S.

  14. What an interesting (and novel) concept! Hmmmm Love that several characters from other books put in a showing. Thanks for the giveaway, this definitely goes on my wish list!

  15. Ooo, such an intriguing sounding story. I hadn’t realised till now that it was a bit of a crossover as well.

    The first bit definitely sounds very angsty, but having read Colin Odom’s Consequences, especially the first half, hopefully I’ll cope with this one, too!

    Obviously, it’ll have to be the ebook for me, if I’m lucky enough to win.

    Thanks to you both for the giveaway.

  16. Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity, but I am sorely lacking in patience and bought it already. The idea of 20 years passing with Darcy and Elizabeth not together breaks my heart. That this can have a happy ending must take some pretty talented writing so I am looking forward to seeing how this develops. Congratulations on your book launch, Alexa, and thanks for posting, Meredith.

  17. Thank you for this guest post! I remember when the author wrote on her blog about Nanowrimo and this book. I’m happy to see what a great plot she has invented! I’m curious to see how all the characters can live togheter!

  18. Hi again. Please cancel my entry in the giveaway, Meredith. I’ve just heard that I’ve won a copy of Alexa’s book from another blog. Can’t wait to read it!

  19. I love the idea…actually sounds rather hysterical in a way. It sounds odd for Darcy in a way but the others I can picture all too easy…especially Lady Elliot. Maria with redeeming qualities. Now that is a new one. I have read other novels with characters interspersed from the variety of Austen”s works. With the right balance it is indeed fun with an over abundance it’s hard to keep track. I love Alexa’s works. I’d love to read.

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