Guest Post + Giveaway with Lory Lilian!!!

Author Guest Post

Hello dear readers, I’m very excited to welcome Austenesque author, Lory Lilian to Austenesque Reviews today!  Lory has published three wonderful Pride and Prejudice variations and is now celebrating the release of a Pride and Prejudice sequel, The Perfect Match – where she shares her impression of how ODC fares in the first flush of matrimonial bliss!  


Elizabeth and Darcythe Happiest Couple in the World: Statement or Question?

I first read Pride and Prejudice when I was 13, and it became my favorite book almost instantly; the Pride and Prejudice 1980 version added quite a lot to my passion, and for some time my obsession with Elizabeth and Darcy quite worried me. I used to read the book whenever I needed a fix, and in my head I started to develop various alternate scenarios about E and D—before and after marriage. Now, considering that this happened in the 80’s and early 90’s, long before fan fiction appeared on the internet, you can imagine why I thought my obsession was beyond normality—LOL.Mr. Darcy

Then Pride and Prejudice 1995 appeared, and boom: I was lost, completely and forever. Can you imagine that in 1995—when the miniseries was aired in Romania—I purchased a new VCR, its only purpose to record the episodes in the best possible quality? LOL (yeah, I know that for you—dearest younger readers, raised in the era of internet and DVD’s—this is hard to understand. )

I cannot describe my happiness when, searching the internet, I discovered that I was not alone in my craziness and that there were hundreds of stories, sharing different scenarios about Elizabeth and Darcy! So it was not just me—happy dance of relief!

Long before I even dared to consider writing my own story, I spent many nights reading everything I could find! What a happy time!

Lory LilianI was basically open and willing to accept any scenarios, any retelling, or any different path with two major restrictions:

1. In Regency stories, I could not accept Elizabeth being involved in a relationship with someone other than Darcy. In my mind, he was the only one for her, the one who opened her mind and her soul, the one who indirectly taught her about regrets and mistakes and sorrow and butterflies in the stomach and tenderness and passion and so on—I am sure you got the picture—LOL!

2. I needed to be sure that Elizabeth and Darcy had their happily-ever-after just as Jane Austen described it.

I know there are lots of different tastes and opinions and many talented authors of this genre who imagine different roads and different endings for our beloved couple, and that is just great because that is what makes these stories so interesting and makes us never get tired of them.

The Perfect MatchBut from my personal point of view and my personal taste, stories with these restrictions are what I like to read and to write. And this is why I wrote my own small sequel—The Perfect Match—starting from Jane Austen’s clues. In my little story, I tried to explore the characters’ first year, keeping in mind the last page of the original P&P.

And here we come to the point and to the question of this post. There are many wonderfully written P&P sequels out there. In some of them, Elizabeth and Darcy do show that they are the happiest couple in the world. In others, they have to struggle with numerous problems and issues, and at times they seem to return to their former characters before Hunsford events affected them. In some—fortunately very few—Elizabeth dies in childbirth, or either she or Darcy has some major health problem. Could these things have happened at some point after Pride and Prejudice finished. Probably, yes—life is often very difficult, and it was two hundred years ago, too.

But for me, I strongly want to believe what Jane Austen said and keep her words in mind.

I imagine Elizabeth growing more and more confident, adjusting to the London society that will have little choice but to accept her in time, and becoming the mistress worthy of Pemberley’s name and reputation. I can see her teasing Darcy with her sparkling eyes and filling Pemberley’s halls with her laughter, I imagine her spending quality time with Georgiana but also sharing an interest in her husband’s duties. I see Pemberley warming with family parties and the Gardiners’ friendship supporting ODC. And I can imagine Darcy being the husband Elizabeth deserves—not a perfect man but perfect for her.

This might sound a bit boring, I admit, but this is my vision of them.

My question for you, dear readers is how do you see the future of our beloved couple? How do you imagine their steps into marriage and Elizabeth’s development as Mrs. Darcy? Will they be truly happy and content in a marriage of harmony, or will old flaws shadow their relationship? Will Elizabeth be burdened and humbled by the members of the ton or her will and wit overcome their initial lack of acceptance? And does Darcy truly learn not to be selfish and proud anymore? Does he give his wife not only his love but also his respect, consideration, and support, as she deserves?

In short—do you believe that Elizabeth and Darcy were truly the happiest couple in world, or not?

Great question, Lory!!  What do you think, readers?  Before you ever read any sequels or JAFF how did you imagine the Darcys got on after the wedding?  Do you think they are the happiest of all Jane Austen’s couples?



Lory kindly brings with her 1 LOVELY ebook and 1 paperback copy of The Perfect Match for me to randomly give away to TWO lucky readers.  Woot Woot!!!

The Perfect Match  The Perfect Match

To enter this giveaway, answer Lory’s questions, leave a comment, a question of your own, or some love for Lory!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Lory!
  • This giveaway ends July 23rd!


  1. OMG I love Lory Lilian books and I have just finished reading “The Perfect Match”. I was so excited when this email popped up in my inbox! It is fantastic. 5 out of 5 stars for me. After first reading P & P years ago I wanted more, just an epilogue summing up the first year after the double marriage. Ms. Lilian has done this superbly. For me, it tells me everything I wanted to know and everything I hoped for. I do believe that Darcy and Elizabeth had their happy ever after. I believe they were perfect for each other and complete soul mates. This book is brilliantly written and on reading you can feel the passion between Darcy and Elizabeth and also the Bingleys. I could also see and hear Firth/Ehle when I was reading it. Absolutely brilliant read. I can’t wait for the new book to be published “My Husband Mr. Darcy” – and I hope you have loads more ideas in the pipeline as I have a huge book hangover everytime I finish one of your books.

    Thank you from one of your biggest fans!

    Good luck to everyone entering the free giveaway. Whoever wins this is very very lucky and in for a treat!

    1. Michele, thank you so much for your words – you truly made my day. I am very flattered and extremely happy that you enjoyed TPM so much ! Happy dance to know that someone else shares my imagine of ODC. And yes, although I enjoyed PnP 2005 very much, I always have Ehle/Firth in my mind (and on my desktop) when I write :-).

  2. Darcy & Elizabeth the happiest couple in the world? No– there are too many issues in play with their relationship. But happy? Of course! I imagine them persevering through the usual martial stresses, as well as the challenges of society and their in-laws. I picture their marriage as a life-long, successful one.

    1. Yes, I fully agree that things will not perfect, there are indeed alot of issues between them (just imagine Wickham visiting Jane and Bingley for months – as Jane Austen said. Surely the Darcys met them during that time and things were not pleasant LOL).
      But since Elizabeth told that to Jane, I strongly want to believe her :-). Hopeless romantic here.

  3. I think of Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s marriage as a very happy one and a good one. Yes, there would be some obstacles to overcome as with any marriage but their love would make those obstacles surmountable. Those same obstacles would also make their marriage stronger. I see him giving her the love and respect she deserves and standing behind her and beside her supporting her as she grows into the mistress of Pemberley. I see her standing by her man, loving him and helping him be the best he can be.

    Her personality and wit will make her become the best mistress just as he is the best master. I too, think she would be accepted by the ton sooner than later because, after all, how could they resist her charm. Darcy couldn’t! There would probably be lots of jealousy but then that is to be expected. She did win the love and respect of the most eligible bachelor in town. Their love will shine through and make them the envy of them all, even if it might be a secret envy!

    Lory, I like your two restrictions. I have never read a sequel where Elizabeth dies in childbirth and I hope I don’t. My escape from the realities of life does not need to slap me in the face with heartache and pain. I want my HEA for ODC.

    I wish you the best with your sequel. I look forward to reading it. I have read and enjoyed all three of your other books. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Jane, I fully agree – I also read and write JAFF because it makes me feel good. No need to be “too real”, I have a lot to deal with in RL :-). And I am also a well known angst wimp LOL (there were several very sad PnP variations years ago, not sure if they are still available online or not…)

  4. Glad to know there are so many others out there who love to read variations of P & P. I don’t think Darcy & Elizabeth are the happiest couple in the world but certainly a couple that came together with a deeper understanding of their own imperfections. And perhaps, more willing to give grace to one another since they came to the realization that they themselves are not perfect or without flaws. I love how they both value what the other brings to their relationship and wholeness as a couple.

    1. Betsy, reading PnP variations became my addiction in 2004 – 2005. There were about 4-5 JAFF sites, very active, with lots and lots of free stories. I literally slept very very little during those months :-).

    1. OH, me too, Michele. You know, on JAFF sites where I used to post my stories, people called me “the queen of mush” and I even had a signature with MAM (must add mush) LOL. I wonder why 🙂 :-). :-).

  5. I agree with the author, I’ve always imagined Elizabeth and Darcy the happiest of all couples! That’s what Jane Austen had me believe.They would have their problems but they would overcome them and be happier than ever hehe 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway, I would love to win a copy 🙂

  6. I concur with your image of D&E. I think his pride finds moderation and she gains his respect as they grow together in love and marriage. Now do I think life for them would be smooth as silk? No, however I think they would be wonderfully happy and supportive of each other as they wound through the bumpy and sometimes potentially treacherous road of life. I have three of your books on my Nook and look forward to adding this one (when it’s available). You always have a great story. Thanks for what you do.

    1. Stephanie, I totally agree with you – I do not see their marriage smooth either. Smooth might became boring for two strong characters, anyway :-).
      I do not plan to make TPM available for Nook but I do have the files ready so if you will win the giveaway or if you want the story for your Nook, please email me at: lorylilian at gmail dot com (I wrote the address this way for obvious reasons lol) or send me a message on Facebook.

  7. Variations with Darcy and Elizabeth are my favorite. I never read one in which either died, etc. and will never do so, if I have fair warning. I like a happy ending. I have read several other of your books and have Rainy Days on my Wish list. This one will join it if I don’t win, as I do love your style. Do I think their marriage was smooth? No, even if they are pictured as soul-mates I think both are strong characters with decided opinions. But we did read in P&P how they learned to view situations differently after learning they could be wrong initially. I do think they would extend themselves to try to correct some in their families who are misguided, i.e., Kitty. And they might even extend a hand to Anne if Lady C. ever gets off her pedestal. JA gave us to believe that they and the Bingleys took turns with Kitty. I do like variations where Wickham is out of the picture, though! Hate that he gets any of Darcy’s money or that Jane and Charles support him during times he and Lydia “visit”. Thank you for a chance to win this book and I do look forward to reading it in what ever form I get it in my hands.

    1. Sheila, I feel the same about Wickham! (if you will come to read Rainy Days, I had Darcy putting Wickham in place several times there .. In fact, in all my stories, lol – but in the end he still remained with the money and with the advantageous arrangements. Darn, I should somehow change that in my next story :-).
      Thank your for your input and good luck in the giveaway.

  8. I had the pleasure of being introduced to P&P through the 1995 version on VHS. I vaguely had an idea what the story was about. I put in the first VHS and could not stop until 6 hrs later. I loved P&P and when the special edition came out I’ve purchased it. I’ve watched it too many time to count and always wanted to see more of what happened after the wedding.

    It wasn’t until last year that I realized that there was actually a community of authors who wrote adaptation, variations, continuations, etc.. about P&P. I’ve been obsessed about reading all I can get my hands on. It wasn’t until I read Amanda Grange’s “Mr. Darcy’s Diary” that I realized the part about Colin Firth with the wet t-shirt was not actually part of Jane Austen’s P&P… I then went back and read Jane’s Austen P&P!

    I have so many books on my TBR list! I really enjoy reading continuations of P&P that shows Darcy & Elizabeth in a loving relationship and that they are strong together. Sure they have their misunderstandings and challenges, but come out stronger in the end. I do think they are the happiest of all the couples!

    Lory, I have all your books on my TBR list and can’t wait to read them. Thank you for the give-away. Meredith, thank you for your wonderful blog and reviews! I love reading your reviews on books and I share your insights on them. I must admit, I always look for your reviews when looking to read the next Austen inspired book and a bit disappointed when you don’t have one…

    1. Your path toward JAFF seems very similar to mine :-). You know, after I read hundred of stories, I dared start my own one (Rainy Days) and I was shocked to see how successful it was (just imagine a Romanian – me – writing and posting for english natives lol). And I was so inspired that I actually finished the story in less than 4 months – 350 pages ! 🙂 ). Happy times, really.

    2. Thank you so much for the kind compliments, Dung Vu! I’m so glad you find the reviews helpful! It is getting hard to keep up with all the new releases! 😉

      What an amazing start, Lory! And look how many wonderful works have followed!

  9. In my idealised world, I prefer the couple to live happily ever after if nothing major troubling their marriage. But in real-life it is very different.

    I wasn’t aware of JAFF until I picked up Darcy’s Story some years ago and found more of Austenesque genre in 2008. To all JAFF writers, I thank you for continuing the Darcys’ life so that my imagination of what happened to them and other JA’s characters are limitless and not confine to JA canon only.

    1. Sylvia, I agree – RL is – unfortunately – very different, this is why I like so much to keep E and D as my source of joy and peace, my chance to escape from the daily problems. Thanks for your comment and good luck.

  10. Tough question because I read P&P as an eight year old so I was definitely thinking HEA, but my teen read through had me wondering if they’d keep misunderstanding and sniping at each other into old age- and loving every minute of it of course. I didn’t know about JAFF until a few years back and then I was extremely curious how people would carry out the story. Personally, I felt that Wentworth and Anne had the best shot at HEA with Knightley and Emma running neck and neck.

    Love Lory’s books so I enjoyed the post and look forward to reading this latest. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Sophia, thank you so much for reading my books – I am glad you enjoyed them.
      Oh, so you think W and A and K and E with bigger chances to HEA ? Hmmmm, you may be right, I never thought about that .. 🙂 it is just that I do not feel enough passion between either of them, this is why I never felt inspired to write about them (of course, this is only my personal opinion, there are alot of great Persuasion ad Emma inspired books out there.

  11. Yes, I think they are very happy but so are Jane Austen’s other main couples. I’d like to win the paperback since I can’t do e-books. I’m sure there are some stories where Darcy and Elizabeth have lost a child but that happened a lot back then.

  12. Life is hard enough. I like very much books when after some troubles the end is “all is well what ends well”. My favourite P&P version is the 2005 but it doesn’t matter because when you read a book you can imagine your favourite characters as you like it.

    I already read “Rainy Days” and “Remembrance Of The Past” in paperback and I have “His Uncle’s Favourite” in my wish list. I only discovered “The Perfect Match” recently as much as “My Husband Mr Darcy” for which I’m waiting for the release hopefully very soon. 🙂


    1. Sonia, it is very true that each of us imagine our favorite characters as we like while reading a book!
      I was so surprised (in a most pleasant way) when someone commented that in the first chapters of Remembrance she could clearly picture MM as Darcy ! (although I always have CF in mind when I write :-). ).
      Thank you for your kind words about my books – I hope to have “My husband Mr. F. Darcy published in two months – it is a long and complex story and I kept working on it, as I want to be sure that the story and the characters develop properly).

  13. Thank you for the interview. I have read all three books and loved them. I must confess that I picture Elizabeth and Darcy having their happily ever after; however, there are problems and misunderstandings along the way. Thank you for the giveaway as I look forward to this new sequel.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Eva. I am glad you enjoyed my previous books and I hope you will read and like this one, too. Good luck with the giveaway.

  14. Yes, I definitely want to believe that they had a happily ever after! I read a P&P variation recently where I didn’t feel they had a HEA and I was depressed for days about it! lol
    I’m really looking forward to reading Lory’s story 😀

    1. Brenda, it happened the same to me … A few years ago, on one of JAFF sites, someone posted a modern adaptation, very well written, where Darcy committed suicide in the last chapter. And the writer did not post any kind of warning ! WTF ? I remember people being sooooo angry – and I was depressed for a long time. And there are a few others but I do not want to ruin anyone’s mood :). Anyway – nobody will every be in danger reading my books, as I am pretty predictable :). E and D never paired with others, HEA, a little angst and lots of hot mush. Maybe boring, but safe 🙂

      1. Oh, I wish I knew that name of that book so as to never buy it. Can’t imagine anyone wanting to write that.

        1. “E and D never paired with others, HEA, a little angst and lots of hot mush. Maybe boring, but safe” – Not ‘boring’ Lory – more like perfect! That’s just what I want! 😀 And re Darcy committing suicide – WTF indeed!! That’s way more horrible than the book I read!

          1. Angst is fine & twists on plots are wonderful, but there must always be an HEA. I don’t find that boring; It’s why I read JAFF. No matter what it will end wonderfully. Endings where either E or D die are not to be borne! No thank you!

  15. I think everyone of us fans of P&P at some point we became enticed, fascinated, and glutted for more of Jane Austen’s story.
    I quote: “my obsession was beyond normality”, and “not alone in my craziness”, two statements that I truly consider I can identify myself with Ms. Lory Lilian’ s. Honestly, I got the same symptoms soon after I watched the 1995 Pride and Prejudice movie and read the book. I became bewitched, consumed by this unique story, and pleasantly surprised to find out, that out there were a big “ocean” filled with books written just to satiate my hunger for the life and love of Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

    Thank you Ms. Lori Lilian for writing those beautiful books (Rainy Days, Remembrance of the Past, His Uncle’s Favorite, and The Perfect Match), to nurture my soul for a while.

    And now to answer to the question at matter. The way I’d imagine Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s love relationship after their wedding event it’s simple: happily ever after. But we all know that a life without ups and downs doesn’t exist.
    If we take in consideration the time of the story when was originally written, obviously, our characters were submitted to the authority of the appropriate norms. Elizabeth might play her teasing in the intimacy but submissive wife in the public. Whereas Darcy would play the part of the autocrat of the estate, but certainly a lover and with respect for his equal partner behind the doors.
    That’s why I’m glad that our Austenites authors chose to craft their books with more versatility, lenient pattern, permissive, and richer in opened spoke affections; to adapt to our impish, gleeful desire. That’s why I loved and I will love to read Ms. Lori Lilian’s books.

    1. Denisia, thank you so much for your lovely words about my books – you are very kind ! I agree with you – the time of the original story has a major impact on what “happiest couple in the world” meant for Jane Austen (and for Elizabeth) and what would mean for us today :). I often wondered if a man with Darcy’s behavior (even in the last part of the story) would be much appreciated by today’s standards of modern women:-). Still don’t have an answer to this 🙂

  16. Love reading continuation stories, and would absolutely love to read this one (I’ve enjoyed Ms. Lilian’s books in the past!). I can’t imagine Darcy and Elizabeth living in perfect marital harmony, but in bliss? Absolutely! I’d like to think they still have their misunderstandings, and imperfections (that is what makes their tale so interesting!) – and I always always hope their bliss lasts well into old age (I could never pick up continuation where one of them does not make it!)

    1. Nicole, I did not expect E and D to live in perfect harmony either – quite the contrary. :-). As Darcy said in this sequel, neither of them are perfect, but I strongly believe that they are just perfect for each other.
      Thanks for your comment and I am glad you enjoyed my other books.

  17. In my P & P world, Lizzy and Darcy have a very happy loving marriage but it is not perfect and they continue to have challenges with family members and their own insecurities. However since they are married they rely on one another to help them through their troubles. I have Lory’s “Rainy Days” and it is one of my favorites. I’m excited to see the new novel and have added it to my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway! –Leslie

    1. Leslie, it is good to know you liked Rainy Days and I hope you will like this one, too.
      I am thinking that, as Jane Austen said, when they will have to deal with too many challenges, they can escape in the peace and elegance of Pemberley. As I said, my mind is full of hot mush LOL.

  18. I love your two main rules Lory, those are some of my requirements too. I think it was Oscar Wilde who famously said ‘The good end happily and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.’ And so yes, they become the happiest couple in the world (fellow romantic here!) not without bumps in the road of course, and with things to learn, but they are both aware of the most major obstacles ahead of them. Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Ceri ! It’s good to know I am not the only one having rules :). I admit that I might miss lots of very well written books just because they do not respect these rules, but I would rather take this risk than suffer for weeks from sadness 🙂 🙂 🙂

  19. I believe that Lizzy will grow and mature as she makes decisions for the household as Mrs. Darcy. As they step into marriage both Darcy and Lizzy will have to make changes. She will have to realize that she can’t just do as she wishes and will have to defer to Darcy in final decisions. She will also have to have somehow nearby as she goes on her rambles. Her position as Darcy’s wife could put her in the position of someone harming her to get at Darcy’s money or forcing his hand (not just Wickham). He is a very powerful person as one of the wealthiest people in England. the marriage will be one of harmony, but as with any relationship, at times, their old selves will come back into play, although they will work things out as a team. This will make them stronger,. Darcy will always be proud and somewhat selfish, but the selfishness will turn to making sure Lizzy is happy, because he selfishly wants a harmonious marriage and a happy Lizzy makes him happy. It will take time For Darcy to make the decisions to support her instead of making the decisions himself. He is used to making decisions regarding the estate himself and for his sister as well as servants and tenants. Changes will come, but will take time and arguments. Elizabeth, with Darcy’s support and help, will become a formidable force in the ton, At first people will be respectful to her because they don’t want to be on Darcy’s bad side, but some will like her because of herself once they get to know her. In the end, after working at their relationship, they will be the happiest couple in the world. For the most part they will be incandescently happy, even at he beginning. They will both need to make changes and take into consideration the other when making decisions.

    1. I apologize, but forgot to say, I have read and enjoyed all your books Lori. My favorite is “Rainy Days”.

      1. Thank you, Deb :).
        You said : ” It will take time For Darcy to make the decisions to support her instead of making the decisions himself. He is used to making decisions regarding the estate himself and for his sister as well as servants and tenants. Changes will come, but will take time and arguments. Elizabeth, with Darcy’s support and help, will become a formidable force in the ton, At first people will be respectful to her because they don’t want to be on Darcy’s bad side, but some will like her because of herself once they get to know her. In the end, after working at their relationship, they will be the happiest couple in the world”. I do agree with your opinion and I also have to say (spoiler alert lol) that this paragraph describes pretty well a big part of my next story :-).

        1. Sorry..I’m not awake today…so sm remembering things in sports. Thank you for the giveaway. My copies are all ebooks.

        2. Can’t wait to see how you write it. I don’t think it’s a spoiler I think it makes the story even more intriguing.

  20. I think of their marriage as solid. That no matter what obstacles or circumstances arise, they will cling to each other through thick and thin. The Bible speaks of a husband and wife becoming ‘one flesh’ and I imagine that Darcy and Elizabeth’s diligence and care of things that are important to them would certainly cement this familial relationship. Would she ever want to bonk him over the head? What wife doesn’t!!!

    If they were real people who pursued happiness in their marriage like I believe they would, they would look back years later and say to each other, “and we thought we were so much in love the day we wed. What we thought was love then is nothing to what we feel for each other now.” Do you not agree?

  21. Frankly, before I know the JAFF’s existence I never taught about another ending for Darcy and Elizabeth. For me Jane Austen’s end is simply the best and let in me a special hope for the future.

    1. Loren, I totally agree – nobody knows better than our beloved JA :). This is why I took her words in earnest when I started to wrote the sequel :-).

  22. I read Pride and Prejudice when I was 14. I thought it was the greatest thing I had ever read. I became anxious when I would get to the last few pages every time I read it. Would Elizabeth see the light? Would Darcy come back? Jane Austen’s last description of the couple says so much and so little. I imagined them as very happy with nothing to mar their way. After marrying my husband after quite a trial of our own we are truly happy but there have been many bumps along the way. Now with the benefit of experience I think that Darcy and Elizabeth would have faced some trouble in their marriage. Nothing life altering but things that would allow them to grow together and adapt to one another. That is what makes a marriage happy, changing yourself because you love someone so much you can’t imagine your life without them and seeing them change out of love for you. I can’t wait to read your vision of their future together!

    1. I absolutely love your last phrase – this is indeed what makes a marriage happy ! (very inspiring !). Thanks so much for sharing your personal experience and good luck with the giveaway!

  23. This book sounds very good. Lory Lilian is one of my favorite Authors. Just I have in my wishlist so I wait to read it soon. Thank you Meredith and Lory for the opportunity giveaway.

    1. I think that the Darcys constantly are joked. Darcy will be very serious, formal and intelligence phrases and Elizabeth always will have to smile and irony words. I do not believe that Elizabeth and Darcy were truly the happiest couple in the world. They will discuss so much but always speak and speak to find similar points.
      I would love to read a truly battle of chat between them.

    2. Natali, TPM does not have much battle of chat between E and D but there will be plenty in my next book lol. Thank you for comment and I am happy to know you like my writing.

  24. I must agree with Lory: While I do not imagine that Elizabeth and Darcy were truly “the happiest couple in world,” I do imagine Darcy being the husband Elizabeth deserves — not a perfect man but perfect for her, and Elizabeth becoming over time the wife and mistress of Pemberley that Darcy loves and appreciates.

    Your writing is lovely, Lory: thank you so much for sharing it with us!

    1. Thank you, Kate – I feel it is very rewarding to share my writing and to be able to keep in touch with so many lovely people. Good luck with the giveaway.

  25. I like to think Lizzy and Mr. Darcy, exactly as they are at the end of Pride and Prejudice, disappeared into the blissful world of happily ever after 🙂 .

    Lory, congratulations on the release of The Perfect Match!

  26. I don’t think they were THE ideal couple who are always sweet to each other and you know that saccharine love. But they were the real couple happy contended and always in love, having fights, conflicts but then solving them properly by always coming together and taking care of each other even if they are on a fight 😀

    1. Oh, I never thought of E and D being always sweet to each other – this is rather Jane and Bingley’ s department :-). I like very much the second part of your characterization. 🙂

  27. Thank you Lory for your perspective of Darcy and Elizabeth…I am pretty much in agreement! I have yet to read one of your books, though I do have them on my wishlist, which I will have to correct as soon as possible after the high praise from fellow readers! I too consider myself ‘obsessed’ and have been thrilled to find the world of JAFF!

    As for your question, I do believe they would have a very happy, loving and stimulating marriage. Yes, as others have said, there are challenges in life they would have to face and work through. Compromise on both sides would be made as they are both very intelligent. The times they lived in would also play a part. I don’t believe they would become ‘the bickersons’ as they would have to much love and respect for each other to even allow that.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Carol, thanks for your comment. Good luck with the giveaway and I hope you will read my books, eventually… I know there are lots of great JAFF books out there and it is difficult to prioritize. :).

  28. Great to read your thoughts on Pride & Prejudice and JAFF adiction, Lory Lilian!
    It was really lovely, and it rang many bells especially as, same as you, I’m from the VHS generation, desperately trawling the internet for a P&P fix after watching the miniseries 😀

    I wholeheartedly agree with your vision of D & E both before and after their marriage and I’m thrilled to hear about the release of The Perfect Match! Congrats!!!

  29. First of all, will someone please tell me what ODC means??!!! I will be 69 this year so that should explain a lot. . . I hope. It’s not that I resist new ideas. Really, it isn’t. I just prefer to put effort into the things I enjoy. This may be a shock, but I only use my cell phone for calling and texting! I only started texting because I could see the value in it for my life.
    Lory, I’ve read your first three books and I love your style. I greatly look forward to The Perfect Match.
    As to whether D & E (see I do use initials and some acronyms) are the happiest couple, yes they are! I say this because they see themselves as the happiest couple. They have such strong personalities and have learned some humility (E says, “I never knew myself before…) they will become better people from their relationship and will grow as a couple as well. From the outside looking in, it is enjoyable to watch them in their life journey. I imagine everything in their life will be dealt with and done with great passion. Not all happy relationships exist on this level. As Mr B say to Jane & Bingley, they will never argue, everyone will take advantage, etc., and they will be blissfully unaware!
    The world of JAFF that has brought so many great enjoyment is all possible because of the absolute genius of JA. She had such an understanding of human nature and was so good at her characterization. This is why her characters are so real to us Janites!! Of course, she had to write in the world she lived in, and I believe that is why modern versions of P&P are difficult. (in my view)
    Enough! Really, Catherine!! Talking to myself in the third person. Time to stop.
    Thank you for the giveaway! Lory, I look forward to your next project as well as the Perfect Couple.

        1. You’re welcome I have entered acronyms/initials on the Internet in the past b/c I didn’t know what they meant, i.e., HEA. BTW: I am 68 so we have that in common, no pun intended.

    1. Catherine – sorry for using anachronisms, I understand your puzzlement very well :-). I needed alot of time to guess what HMS meant LOL and I finally had to ask but, although now I know the “translation” (hot monkey sex lol) I still don’t have a clear picture of it 🙂
      I fully agree with you – will all owe this wonderful enjoyment to the genius of our beloved Jane Austen. She told us enough to make us fell in love with her characters, yet not enough to satiate our thirst for more. I wonder if this happens with other classic author…
      Thanks so much for your kind words about my books – hope you will also enjoy TPM.

  30. happiest couple in the world?!?!? that’s a bit of a stretch, however, I do feel that they are perfect for one another!!!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!!

  31. I kind of stumbled into the JAFF world big time at the start of this year. I’d had a brief flirtation with it through my Audible subscription a couple of years ago (Pamela Aiden’s trilogy and Amanda Grange’s Diary) but then somehow moved away from it, not entirely sure how or why, now. Then, in January, I was surfing, following one link and then another, as you do, and suddenly ended up on Abigail Reynolds’ blog. There was a link there to Austen Variations, which had just started up, and the rest, as they say, is history!

    I’m also one of the VHS generation and I had to record the 1995 series twice. My original tape eventually snapped, probably due to being overplayed! When the series was repeated, I made another copy. Buying commercially produced copies was rather expensive in those days. I even made my own cover making a collage from the pictures that were in an article in one of the UK’s leading TV listings magazines! Does that sound slightly obsessive?

    Lory, I loved reading how you came to start writing and your two rules are perfect. Most of the JAFF I’ve read so far has E&D ending up together with a HEA after varying amounts of angst. Part of one book didn’t and I found it quite a tough read, not that it wasn’t well written – it was. I did know what was coming, right from the start, so I didn’t get one of those WTF moments as some others have said.

    Now, as to ODC, I’ve always taken the ending as written by Jane Austen as laid down in stone. Yes, two such strong personalities will have their ups and downs. Elizabeth won’t be able to carry on being the carefree countryside rambling girl of her youth. The mistress of a large estate like Pemberley will have responsibilities to others as well as her family. Ahh, family! They both have family members they’d prefer to forget, I believe. Darcy will have to learn that he now has someone to share responsibilites with. Friction may ensue at times.

    So, although Elizabeth believes they’ll be the “happiest couple in the world” all the time, it’s probably not realistic to think that’ll be all day everyday.

    Enough waffling fro me, now. Thanks for the giveaway, Lory and to Meredith for hosting it. I’m in the UK so the ebook would be more practical, but I wouldn’t say no to an actual paperback if it’s possible.

  32. I first read P&P as a reading assignment in high school and was immediately hooked….that was a long time ago. A friend signed me up for JASNA in the early 80’s becasue she knew of my love for everything Jane. It took me a while to accept JAFF but now I always have a JAFF book going on my Kindle.

    As for my idea of what the future held for E&D, I think it has changed as I have grown older and seen how my own marriage has changed during 28 years, 3 daughters, deaths of our parents, etc. I like to think that E&D in the long run are fully committed to each other and draw strength in times of troubles from each other. I see E being instrumental in helping Georgiana becoming a lovely woman and in helping D adjust to Georgiana growing up. I think he struggles to protect those he loves and it is difficult for him to cede control especially with the guilt he carries over the Wickham issue.

    I do also see how E would stuggle in London society. D may be very wealthy and E accepted on superficial terms but I dont see her able to develop very many true friendships. This is where I see D being her support.

    I see them happiet at Pemberley, having childen who arent regulated to the nursery, E bringing laughter into the day, and D loving it.

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