Austenesque Novel Finds – #26 (Jane Austen Takes the South)

Pride and Prejudice and Cheese Grits

Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits (Jane Austen Takes the South #1)

 Author:  Mary Jane Hathaway

Type of Austenesque Novel:  Modern Adaptation

Release Date:  June 10th, 2014

Pages:  352

Available in:  Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook

Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Nobles

from the publisher:

This hilarious Southern retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice tells the story of two hard-headed Civil war historians who find that first impressions can be deceiving.

Shelby Roswell, a Civil War historian and professor, is on the fast track to tenure—that is, until her new book is roasted by the famous historian Ransom Fielding in a national review. With her career stalled by a man she’s never met, Shelby struggles to maintain her composure when she discovers that Fielding has taken a visiting professorship at her small Southern college. 

Ransom Fielding is still struggling with his role in his wife’s accidental death six years ago and is hoping that a year at Shelby’s small college near his hometown of Oxford, Mississippi, will be a respite from the pressures of Ivy League academia. He never bargained for falling in love with the one woman whose career—and pride—he injured, and who would do anything to make him leave. 

When these two hot-headed southerners find themselves fighting over the centuries-old history of local battles and antebellum mansions, their small college is about to become a battlefield of Civil War proportions. 

With familiar and relatable characters and wit to spare, Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits shows you that love can conquer all…especially when pride, prejudice, love, and cheese grits are involved!


Emma, Mr. Knightley and Chili-Slaw DogsEmma, Knightley, and Chili-Slaw Dogs (Jane Austen Takes the South #2)

Author:  Mary Jane Hathaway

Type of Austenesque Novel:  Modern Adaptation

 Release Date:  July 8th, 2014

Pages:  336

Available in:  Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook

Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Nobles

from the publisher:

From the bestselling author of Pride, Prejudice, and Cheese Grits comes a new and comical contemporary take on the perennial Jane Austen classic, Emma.

Caroline Ashley is a journalist on the rise at The Washington Post until the sudden death of her father brings her back to Thorny Hollow to care for her mentally fragile mother and their aging antebellum home. The only respite from the eternal rotation of bridge club meetings and garden parties is her longtime friend, Brooks Elliott. A professor of journalism, Brooks is the voice of sanity and reason in the land of pink lemonade and triple layer coconut cakes. But when she meets a fascinating, charismatic young man on the cusp of a brand new industry, she ignores Brooks’s misgivings and throws herself into the project. 

Brooks struggles to reconcile his parents’ very bitter marriage with his father’s devastating grief at the recent loss of his wife. Caroline is the only bright spot in the emotional wreckage of his family life. She’s a friend and he’s perfectly happy to keep her safely in that category. Marriage isn’t for men like Brooks and they both know it… until a handsome newcomer wins her heart. Brooks discovers Caroline is much more than a friend, and always has been, but is it too late to win her back? 

Featuring a colorful cast of southern belles, Civil War re-enactors, and good Christian women with spunk to spare, Emma, Mr. Knightley, and Chili-Slaw Dogs brings the modern American South to light in a way only a contemporary Jane Austen could have imagined.


Persuasion, Captain Wentworth and Cracklin' CornbreadPersuasion, Captain Wentworth and Cracklin’ Cornbread (Jane Austen Takes the South #3)

Author:  Mary Jane Hathaway

Type of Austenesque Novel:  Modern Adaptation

Release Date:  November 11th, 2014

Pages:  288

Available in:  Paperback and Ebook

Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Nobles

from the publisher:

A lively Southern retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, featuring Lucy Crawford, who is thrown back into the path of her first love while on a quest to save her beloved family home.

Lucy Crawford is part of a wealthy, well-respected Southern family with a long local history. But since Lucy’s mother passed away, the family home, a gorgeous antebellum mansion, has fallen into disrepair and the depth of her father’s debts is only starting to be understood. Selling the family home may be the only option—until her Aunt Olympia floats the idea of using Crawford house to hold the local free medical clinic, which has just lost its space. As if turning the plantation home into a clinic isn’t bad enough, Lucy is shocked and dismayed to see that the doctor who will be manning the clinic is none other than Jeremiah Chevy—her first love. 

Lucy and Jeremiah were high school sweethearts, but Jeremiah was from the wrong side of the tracks. His family was redneck and proud, and Lucy was persuaded to dump him. He eventually left town on a scholarship, and now, ten years later, he’s returned as part of the rural physician program. And suddenly, their paths cross once again. While Lucy’s family still sees Jeremiah as trash, she sees something else in him—as do several of the other eligible ladies in town. Will he be able to forgive the past? Can she be persuaded to give love a chance this time around? 


  • I know some of these titles were already released as self-published works in 2013, but it looks like author Mary Jane Hathaway was offered and accepted a publishing contract with Howard Books of Simon & Schuster.  And there seems to be some edits made with the original text and plot.
  • You can purchase the ebooks for Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits and Emma, Knightley, and Chili-Slaw Dogs right NOW!  But if you are like me, and want to hold these gorgeous paperback in your hands, we must wait for the dates above.
  • Love the idea of this series!  As a North Carolinian, I would love to see Jane Austen take the south!
  • The covers are stunning.  I could stare at them for hours!
  • Civil War re-enactments, antebellum mansions, good ol’ southern cooking – sounds fabulous!
  • I love that there will soon be three titles in this series already!  Woot woot!  I wonder if more will follow? (I hope so!)



Previous Posts:


  1. I read the first two a while back after coming across them as a Kindle deal. I’m curious to know what changes have been made and would like to read the new one!

  2. This is the first time I’ve heard of these books! I’m intrigued and absolutely love the covers! Are you going to review them Meredith?

    1. 🙂 I definitely hope to! I’ve been wanting to read them for awhile. I had the first one in my cart in January all set to purchase, then I saw they were to be reissued so I though it best to wait. 😉

  3. I have the first two in the original format but I haven’t read them yet, they sound fun though 🙂

  4. I will have to read the samples and reviews when these are released. Modern and southern setting??? Will reserve judgment. But if a company offered the author a contract after she self-published – will look into these as I said.

  5. Helllooooooo! So excited to see my books pop up on your blog! I actually just received my box of author copies of PPCG today so, if anyone would like a complimentary copy, message me your physical address over on the Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits facebook page. Oh, and let me know if you’d like a signed copy because I can do that, being the author and all.

    As for changes, the first story doesn’t change very much except for the (oh-so-needed) editing. The 2nd had more substantial changes that included giving more scenes to Caroline’s mother, Lexi, and wrapping up a few loose ends with the baddies. Also, there are added scenes before the final happy ever after.

    The Third book has never seen the light of day! Super secret project! I just returned the copyedits but haven’t seen a hard copy.

    As for more? OF COURSE. Don’t we need a Southern Mr. Tilney? Although I have a terrible suspicion that Catherine will be a bit like the author. Gullible, with head-stuck-in-book disease.

    P.S. I know my avatar says Virginia Carmichael. That’s my other pen name. 🙂

    P.P.S. Say hello to Mr. Bingley!

    1. Hi Virginia! Congratulations! I’ve greatly enjoyed following you via facebook and twitter and am so excited about your books (as you probably tell from today’s post!) I can’t wait to read them, and yes!! We absolutely do need a Southern Mr. Tilney!!! 😉

      P.S. Mr. Bingley sends his regards! 😀

  6. I went on Amazon last night – over 300 reviews with high ratings average! Wow, I usually read all the reviews but have to admit it is too many for me. Plus I read the sample. Sooo even though modern and deep south is not my usual fare I will be adding these to my wish list. I don’t have a Facebook page. Is there another way I could get a complimentary copy? I have been in touch with Meredith by e-mail. Is that a way we could do this?

  7. Of course there is, Sheila! Let’s see… Either Meredith could send me your address through the FB page, or you can send it to my e-mail. I’ll try and fool the spam bots by making those little spaces and marks. My address is secretlysam (at) yahoo (dot) com. (I feel like a spy typing a code.)

    And yes, there are lots of reviews! Some are from before the book was professionally edited and I do hate that my wonderful team at Howard Books/ Simon&Schuster is connected to the one stars, but they don’t seem to mind. I put up Pride, Prejudice, and Cheese Grits on a whim, having really NO IDEA what I was doing. I think the first 100 copies were actually in a strange font that made it very hard to read. I admire the reviewers who waded through the bad formatting in order to leave their opinions, good or bad. Of course, now it is all spiffy and shiny. 🙂 My pretty baby is all grown up.

  8. Just picked up PP&CG in Nook format today and looking forward to reading the other two as well(particularly Persuasion,Captain Wentworth and Cracklin’ Cornbead!). Nice to see these sparkling new editions readily available!

  9. Your books have sparked my interest, Virginia! I’ve mostly stuck with the more traditional JAFF, such as alternate paths, prequels, sequel, etc. I’ve ventured into some other “austenesque” genres (usually on Meredith’s recommendation) and have been pleased. I will email you and hope you still have an extra copy of PP&CG.
    Now Meredith, don’t be blushing, you know that I depend on your reviews and you’ve never steered me wrong!!!

  10. I read the first one a while ago, but the second is still waiting and I am delighted there´s Capt. Wentworth now too *blushes*.
    And Mr. Tilney, yes – we need Mr.Tilney too, I´d say!

  11. I agree, the best friend is someone who can recommend good books! 😀 I know that everyone has their own particular taste (and I have friends whom I love dearly that don’t read the same types of books that I do) BUT when you find that friend who “gets” your taste in books? Hooray! Let the book swapping begin!
    A good friend of mine moved two states away and when we Skype, 90% of the time we’re holding books up to our laptop cameras and discussing what we read. So funny!

    And Capt. Wentworth… I had always loved Persuasion, but when I watched the newest BBC version with Rupert Penry-Jones, I saw a side of him I hadn’t seen before. The earlier version made it seem as if he’s trying to win Anne back almost from the beginning, or at least to communicate with her in some way. The RPJ version seems to be more gradual, more of him not wanting to love her again, but realizing at the last minute that he is. It seemed more true to the novel, I thought.

    1. Rupert Penry-Jones is one of the only redeeming qualities to that DVD version of Persuasion. He is to swoon for! Anne running through Bath is such a turn-off.

    2. That’s lovely that you and your friend still share your love of reading with each other even though you are far a part! 🙂 *sigh* Rupert is lovely…

  12. I have read the cheese grits on kindle. 🙂 yes meredith don’t pass out from shock I’m actually using it. I see what u mean about those covers. They are absolutely stunning. I would however like one of the complimentary copies also and I don’t have Facebook either so I will attempt the email address without spy items. Lol. I love the premise. And I definitely agree with several others . A Tilney would be great. Provided we get the right one of course ;). Persuasion is my favorite novel so I’m so excited to read about that release coming up. Northanger is right after p&p for me so I just adore MR. Tilney.

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