I had such a blast watching one of my favorite movies yesterday with such lovely friends!! It really brings the experience to a whole new enjoyment level! Whether you were able to join us or not, please feel free to participate in our Survey and Wrap-Up Discussion today!
- You can answer any or all of these questions!
- Or, you can forget the questions and just share what you thought of the movie/book.
- OR…you can bring up some questions or topics of discussion of your own!
1. Was this your first encounter with Bridget Jones? Have you read any of the books or seen any of the movies before?
2. How did you find the connections to Pride and Prejudice: strong, weak, or just right?
3. How did you find the characters: were they likable, accessible, annoying?
4. What do you think about the actors and actresses chosen to star in this movie? Would you make any changes?
5. What is your favorite moment in this movie? Or should I say what is ONE of your favorite moments in this movie?
6. Bridget is a master at getting herself into awkward or humiliating situations! Which was your favorite cringe-worthy, hilarious pickle that Bridget got herself into?
7. The sound track for this movie is phenomenal! So many songs were perfectly tied into the plot. Do you have a favorite?
8. What is one of your favorite words, quotes, or Bridget-isms from this movie?
9. If you read the book and seen the movie, which one did you like more? If you haven’t read the book, do you think you ever will?
10. And now…I know we are all dying to vent talk about this….What is your opinion on Mad About the Boy? Will you read it?
Found this hilarious “Movie Miscast” poster in a google search*. What do you think? Rowan Atkinson as sexy Mark Darcy? *snort* Commander Lt. Data from Star Trek as bad-boy Daniel Cleaver? *giggle* and teen pop-star Britney Spears as lovable, neurotic Bridget? *cracking up* So wrong! LOL!
Psst! If you didn’t know already there are some lovely giveaway prizes that will be given out to 3 lucky participants!
Thank you for coming out and participating in this celebration of Bridget Jones! It seemed a popular consensus from our group chat yesterday that we do another group watch in the future! YAY! And Clueless seemed to be the crowd favorite! Double YAY! So stay tuned after the holidays…we may be watching and chatting again soon!
*image credits: www.worth1000.com and www.missevilkitty.com
Hi Meredith
Back on a normal keyboard at last!
1. No, I saw the film when it came out (in fact I went 3 times) in the cinema and have owned the DVD for many years. I have read this and The Edge of Reason. I have seen the second film but I did not like it very much (thought the book was better, whereas with the first film, I think it’s a brilliant adaptation).
2. I think they were just right bearing in mind the translation to a modern day setting. It’s impossible to keep it too closely mirrored to how people would have behaved 200 years ago.
3. I really loved Bridget and her friends and of course Mark! I found Mrs Jones incredibly silly (as she should be) and therefore a bit irritating. Daniel was every bit as charming and attractive as we are led to believe Wickham was!
4. Definitely no change on Darcy!! I also thought Renee was fantastic; her British accent was impeccable and perfectly pitched. HG was perfect as Cleaver too. All in all, I loved the casting.
5. Hmmm, tricky. The gorgeous bit of snogging at the end! The fight. And that lovely moment you captured on the photo – when Mark is having dinner with Bridget and her friends.
6. My biggest LOL when I first saw the film and that still makes me laugh every time is her sliding down that fireman’s pole!
7. I have the soundtrack and love many of the songs on it. I think my favourites are Someone like You and Out of Reach
8. Our top person, really. You really should rethink the length of your sideburns. Oh, and also Tits-pervert!
9. I did really enjoy the book. I think I love the film more but it’s a close thing.
10. Sorry, no. I will not read it. When I read, I like to escape to a world that is happier than real life.
Thank you for hosting the viewing, Meredith. I will sort out my techno issues ready for Clueless!
It was such a pleasure to have you join us Cassandra! I think you win the award for Best Perseverance and Devotion! To miss Downton Abbey and have to deal with typing on an iPad?!? Wow! Kudos to you! We were so glad to have you!
I loved your answers! You are truly a devoted fan to go the theatre 3 times! I love the fireman’s pole scene – Renee nailed it!
Had a lovely time yesterday,Meredith,thank you so much for inviting me!
1. I saw BJD twice when it was first released(also read the book beforehand) and made it part of my Jane Austen collection in my DVD library. Also own the book and film version of Edge of Reason,which is okay but not as great as the original,imo.
2. The P&P connections are more solidly connected in the film than the book,which had Bridget’s mom getting herself in a Lydia Bennet situation that Mark Darcy had to sort out.
3.Liked Bridget and Shazzer,adored Mark Darcy(even in his reindeer jumper!)and couldn’t stand Nastasha.
4. Casting was excellent,wouldn’t change any one of them. Zellweger was amazingly believable as a Brit.
5.Some of my favorite scenes are Bridget telling Cleaver off,her speech for the Kafka’s Motorbike launch and when Mark tells Bridget that he likes her “just as you are.” That last one is beyond swoon worthy!
6. Funniest bit for me was the Kafka’s Motorbike speech-love how she had to add after saying “The Greatest Book of our time” kudos to Salmon Rushdie and Jeffrey Archer,who happened to be in the audience!
7.I also have the official soundtrack and my favorite track is “Out of Reach”,plus like the use of “Miss Jones” during the end credits.
8.”Nice boys don’t kiss like that.” “oh,yes, they f***ing do!”
9.Having just reread the book,it’s hard to choose but can say that in some ways,the movie is a little more satisfying.
10. Mad About the Boy,I will probably wait for it to come out in paperback.
Looking forward to viewing Clueless with everyone after the holidays!
Thank you for taking part, Tara! It was great that you could join us!
Yes, the whole Kafka’s Motorbike scene is hilarious! So awkward and everyone’s reactions to Bridget just so perfect!
I agree with you about the movie being more satisfying. I read the book after I’ve seen the movie half a dozen times and was a little disappointed because I loved the movie so much more than the book!
Meredith, thanks for hosting yesterday. Also, thank you all so much for the wonderful movie conversation. It felt like watching I was watching BJD with my closest friends in my living room. I had a blast! Can’t wait to do it again with Clueless.
So happy you joined us, D Rudy! I felt the same thing! I think it was one of the most fun experiences I had watching that movie!
1: I saw the movie in theaters and just LOVED it!! Sadly, I have not read the books… but they are on my to-read list
2: I think the connections were just right
3: Characters were very likeable…. and hysterical!
4: I don’t think I’d make any changes – I think there was a wonderful mix of people, a perfect balance.
5: Oh my!! The fight scene is probably one of my top fav scenes!! Also love when Bridget tells Daniel off when she leaves the company. And have to say the snogs at the end… Oh. MY!!
6: The fireman’s pole scene, the author introduction, and the speech at the Darcy’s house!
7: All By Myself, Out of Reach – LOVE
8: “Total Puff”, “Yes… Yes, it was me!”, and Darcy’s “Oh yes they ******* do!!”
9: Haven’t read them yet, but do have them on my to-read list
10: I’ll probably pass… Nobody kills Darcy & get’s away with it!!! LOL
Oh my!!! Rowan Atkinson?!?!? Hysterical!!
Thanks for getting us all together for this. I really had a lot of fun, and looking forward to watching Clueless with everyone!
It was awesome that you could join us, Valerie! I had such great time! Love your favorite quotes! Tom’s “yes…yes, it was me!” was hilarious!
Could you imagine Rowan Atkinson being Mr. Darcy – it gives me fits of giggles to think about it!
Oh my!! He is such a nut!!! LOL
1. No, I’ve seen the film at least twice (or more? Should I admit it?). I read book 1.
2. I think “Wickham” was just great — a great modern day translation of JA.
3. I loved Bridget’s groupies, poor Mr. Jones (as Mr. Bennet), Bridget’s groupies, and of course Mark Darcy.
I found the characters mostly very funny, but then I have a strange sense of humor.
5. Would I change anything? No. Maybe more Colin Firth on the screen?
6. Like Lady T, I loved Bridget’s speech at the book launch. It was the most excruciatingly embarrassing moment. Hehehe! I loved the green soup scene, and Bridget running in the snow in her undies — the magical ending. PS I’ve been to where they shot that last scene in London so also have an added visual impression of it.
8. “Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess.” and “Shall I bring my dueling pistols or a sword?”
10. Am I going to read the latest? Well, maybe I’ll take a peek. I’m curious why she thought killing Darcy off was a good idea?
Love Bridget Jones. It’s wicked, funny, clever and has Colin Firth as Darcy. What more can a girl want? Thanks for hosting this, Meredith. Would have liked to join in the actual film viewing but I couldn’t miss Downton Abbey, could I? [The new season is on in the UK] Though to be honest — and I’m not going to have any spoilers — I wish I *had* missed it. Yesterday’s episode was *nasty* and is going to turn a lot of viewers off.
Thanks for participating in our survey, Monica! That’s so cool that you were in the same place where they shot the kissing scene! How lovely!
Oh no! So sorry to hear this about Downton Abbey! They need to repair the damage from last season – not make it worse!
1. No, this was my second time watching Bridget Jones’s diary. I saw the second film too but, the first time I didn’t like them.
2. The connections to Pride and Prejudice were just right, the first time I didn’t notice them.
3. The characters were likable, Mark Darcy above all. I didn’t like the others so much.
4. I think the actor/actress in the movie were just right since I saw the film as a romantic comedy.
5. My favourite moment is thi fight between the two men.
6. I don’t actually like Bridget’s humiliating situations, it’s so embarassing!
7. My favourite song is “It’s raining man”
8. In italian she say “fissatette” that is a man who always looks to women’s breasts.
9. I think I’ll not read the books, it’s not my genre.
10. No, I shall not read Mad about the boy but, can you tell me if the Jessica Biel’s song is made for this book?
I had a lot of fun watching this film with you! Meredith why don’t you make reading group too? I’d love it!
P.S. I’m italian so, sorry for my bad english and feel free to correct me. I’ll appreciate!
So happy you joined us, Loren!! I love the men fighting scene too! It is definitely my favorite! I don’t know about a connection between the Jessica Biel song and the book. Actually we did try our first group read over the summer with Abigail Reynolds – Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections. Have you read it? We might try and do another soon!
Your English was great! I wish I could speak two languages so fluently!
Thank you Meredith for the funny moments with all of you!
(I also learn English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Korean as I studied them between school and university)
Oh! I’m so happy that you chose to start a reading group! I’ve never read this book, I’m hoping I can find it in Italy too!
Thank you, if you need something for your blog you can ask me
So sorry I missed all the fun, guys!!! I’ll still have a go at the questions though!
1. First encounter with Bridget Jones was funny! I was pregnant with my first baby, off work, on maternity leave and My Best Friend thought she’d bring me some books to read. No, no, don’t jump to conclusions! What she brought me was ‘White Teeth’ a great story as I discovered 3 years later. At the time, though, all I discovered was that it begins with a failed suicide attempt, then moves into radicalisation of young British Muslims, fun all round. At which point, another girl (who I should have promoted as BFF) says to her ‘Are you MAD? That’s what you’re giving a pregnant woman to read?’ And SHE gave me Bridget Jones
2. Weak. Bridget is no Elizabeth Bennet! But she does flaunt every convention and still gets the guy, so the connection might be stronger than I think!
3. Mark was adorable, Natasha was annoying, Bridget and her friends were eminently likeable and so were her dizzy parents, and Hugh Grant can pull anything!
4. Nope! Perfect!
5. The catfight between the boys, hands down!
6. The Tarts and Vicars – great one!
7. I might pass! Nothing comes to mind now, other than the closing one, when she chases semi-naked after Mark.
8. It has to be ‘To Bridget – just the way she is!’
9. The film, I think. It has Colin Firth in it
10. I could keep it short and say ‘Sucks! Nope!’ or I could go into ‘How dare she kill off Mr. Darcy? I can understand there was a need for conflict because happy-ever-after books don’t sell but why would she think that killing off the one character that links into the much acclaimed ‘Pride and Prejudice’ – which I assume was the whole point, given the name – would make good financial sense?’ Maybe it’s going to be a great uplifting book about a merry widow, but I think I’ll just go back to the short and sweet answer of ‘Sucks! Nope!
So glad you “popped by” to answer the survey questions, Joana! I love your first encounter with BJD! That is such a funny story! I loved your answer for number 10! And that is a very good point you bring up about HEA and sequels.
Greatly enjoying the discussion, ladies! Thank you so much for answering the questions. I love to talk about what I read and watch, so here is my “share of the conversation!”
1. So the movie probably 1-2 every year since I was 17. Love it! One of my all-time faves. Read the book just once a couple of years ago.
2. Love the P&P ties. Think they work perfectly. The Wickham-Darcy relationship was translated well.
3. The characters were perfect! I had a couple friends who watched this with me one day say they found Bridget unlikable and whiny! They were turned off by her embarrassing moments and thought she was a weak female. I was astonished by their reaction. I love Bridget – I think she is very strong! And the rest of the characters are perfectly suited in their roles – bad boy, quiet hero, hilarious friends, and mortifying parents.
4. The cast was perfect! Love that so many Austen veterans were in it! Very apropos!
5. Favorite moment – the fight scene! Runner ups – when Darcy desperately wants to kiss Bridget in her apt. and “the look” he gives her during the dinner toast!
6. The Kafka’s Motorbike speech – comedic gold!
7. “It’s Raining Men” because it so perfectly fits in with that scene and “All By Myself.”
8. Love the term “smugged marrieds” use it a lot. And love “you really needn’t bother, I already feel like an idiot most of the time anyway…with or without the fireman’s pole.”
9. Definitely the movie! It has much more Mark Darcy.
10. Not so sure I’ll be running out to get the book. BJD is a “feel good” story to me and I just don’t know if I’ll be getting the “good feels” that I usually do with Mark gone!
Had a blast everyone, thank you!!!
I saw some of the first and second movies. The second movie is now on Starz and Encore and I think I watched about 45 minutes of it. I intend to watch the rest sometime. I would read the books if I won them, but I probably wouldn’t buy them (but maybe pick one up used at the library book sale).
I´m so sorry I didn´t have time to watch togehter with you, but it was rather late here and Monday morning eyrly start (and bf really really wanted to watch the broadcasting of the football game
). But I´ll answer a few of the questions now anyway!
1. I saw the movie a couple of years ago on TV for the first time and loved it.
2. I think watching it for the first time I had tomatoes on my eyes, as I didn´t get the connections to P&P at all. But rewatching it later they were just right, I´d say.
4. I didn´t like Hugh Grant playing the bad duy, as I loved him in all the romcoms a la Notting Hill,…. So that was strange to see at first. But Colin Firth is … he´s Collin Firth! And Renee Zellweger I found very suitable for portraying Briget.
10. I´m not so sure if I´ll read it….:S not so happy about the bombshell they dropped. So….hmm…we´ll see.
Thanks for coming out and answering the questions, Katrin! We know it would be hard to choose a time that is right for everyone.
I love the expression of “tomatoes on my eyes!” Yes, seeing HG as a bad boy was quite different! I agree with you about the new book. Hearing that doesn’t entice me to want to read it.
I missed the group watch but I figure I’ll chime in with my two cents:
1. No. I haven’t read the books but I’ve seen BJD many times. Saw it first in the theater and the bought the DVD for my collection. Loved it. Was not as impressed with the sequel. Found Bridget to be pushy, whiny and borderline annoying (but loved her in the first movie)
2. I think they were just right. Just enough to pick up on the connections without the anvil dropping.
3. Loved, loved, loved Mark Darcy and Bridget (together and separately). Loved Bridget’s friends and her family were a laughable bunch of whackadoos. Daniel Cleaver was approprately smarmy.
4. No changes! They were all perfect.
5. Toss up between Mark and Daniel fighting (absolutely hysterical) and the kissing scene at the end, which always makes my heart flutter like mad.
6. There are so many – – I think I personally would have been the most humiliated at her “NO!” speech at the Darcys’ party at the end or (naturally) the book launch party.
7. I love “It’s Raining Men” anyhow and it just compliments the fight scene perfectly. I also love “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, when Bridget is running through the snow in her underwear, although it’s not included on the soundtrack.
8. Definitely the aforementioned “Yes, they f****** do!” from Mark. I also loved the line from Shazzer about Mark: “He never dumped Bridget for some naked American.”
9. I haven’t read the book so I can’t say. I would like to though – – eventually!
10. Killing Mark Darcy/Colin Firth??? Isn’t there some law about that? Nope, I won’t read it.
Hi Lori! So happy you are chiming in! The more the merrier!
Great choices with the songs. They do fit the movie so well. Yes, there should be a law! No killing off Mr.Darcy!!!
The movie was a blast when I watched it last weekend. And I follow that up with watching the sequel the next day and I must say the first film was the better one. Here are some of my answers that I could remember from the movie.
1. I think this is my second time watching it. I did not sit down and watched it the first time when it aired on tv but I remember the ending. No, did not have the chance to read the book yet.
2. I think the main plotlines of P&P are there like Mark humiliating Bridget and she heard it, Cleaver telling lies about his enmity with Mark, etc.
5. Mark wearing a cute jumper from his mom, the hillarious fight scenes with Mark and Cleaver, the moment that Bridget thought she could lose Mark because he read her diary and she ran out to look for him when she is half-naked.
6. Bridget sliding down the fireman’s pole and the camera captured her butt.
9. I may try and read the book when I’m free.
10. Maybe, if I read the 2 books first.
So when will we have the Clueless group watch? After Christmas? Sorry, did not read all the chat transcripts.