I had such a blast watching one of my favorite movies yesterday with such lovely friends!! It really brings the experience to a whole new enjoyment level! Whether you were able to join us or not, please feel free to […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
I had such a blast watching one of my favorite movies yesterday with such lovely friends!! It really brings the experience to a whole new enjoyment level! Whether you were able to join us or not, please feel free to […]
Hi Friends! You are in the right place to chat about Bridget Jones’s Diary! 😀 The chatboard is below ↓ [quick-chat height=”800″ room=”default” userlist=”1″ userlist_position=”left” smilies=”1″ send_button=”1″ loggedin_visible=”1″ guests_visible=”1″ avatars=”0″ counter=”1″]
This Sunday we are planning to watch Bridget Jones’s Diary together!! We plan on celebrating our love for of our favorite singleton and her hilarious blend of neuroses and mishpas all weekend! There will be three separate posts for […]