Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections Group Read – Day Five

Hi Readers!  We are so happy to be reading this Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections together with you!

Today is a discussion of OUTTAKES!

To read the outtakes Abigail Reynolds has so kindly permitted us to see, hop over HERE to read the outtakes before tomorrow!  Use the password: nobleconnections

Participating in today’s discussion earns you an entry towards our Group Read Giveaway (you can earn 7 entries in all!)

Without further ado, here are some questions Team Austenesuqe would like to ask you.

You can answer any or all of them if you like, please just be sure to specify, with numbers, which question(s) you are answering in the comment section.


Question 1:  What did you think of this “darker” version of the story?  What version did you like more and why?

Question 2:  The alternate version has a lot of changes for Edward and Charles, how do you think this version would have affected your impressions on these characters?  Would you have felt the same towards them as you do now?

Question 3:  Abigail says that in this version of the story readers were not aware of why Darcy was engaged to Eleanor – they were in the dark just like Elizabeth.  What would you have thought if you saw Darcy become engaged to Lady Eleanor and know nothing of the entrapment and blackmail?



  • Sunday we will be chatting live with ABIGAIL REYNOLDS HERE  @ 8:00 p.m. EST!
  • Monday we will have a wrap-up questionnaire!

Looking for the MASTER SCHEDULE and FAQ? ~


  1. 1. What I thought was that a few of us are writers and the rest of us are lucky to read their work. I could not do what Abigail does–3 stories from the same premise. I am glad I got to read the outtakes but I may not be able to answer the questions in full today.

    1. I agree, Ruth!! It is amazing to me – how did Abigail create so many different scenarios and possibilities! I could never do what she does either! 🙂

  2. 1) I liked it actually, although it is certainly much darker than MDNC, which I thought was very light in tone. I preferred the published version I think. I felt that Darcy was much more sympathetic to the reader when we were kept fully informed of him being forced into the engagement, and also he treated Lizzy better in MDNC too. Also, although I wasn’t keen on Lord Charles he was much more likeable in the published version. The only thing I felt that the outtake had that I would have liked in the finished version was another one of those hairpin scenes, where Darcy presented Lizzy with a gift of a few sets. There were also some fantastic highlights, here are some that I noted:

    “It would also give him a few minutes to remind his body of that removing Elizabeth’s clothes did not qualify as talking.” – Down boy!

    “Apparently some parts of him awoke more quickly than his brain.” LOL

    “But the most frustrating part was that once he discovered the discrepancy between their stories, he seemed to forget all about talking to her. Instead he had to rush off to resolve an injustice that had been going on for four years, and quite likely could have been safely neglected for another half hour. Apparently that was more important to him than the question of her future.” – this is an example of D’s behaviour towards E that I wasn’t pleased with, in the outtake, he doesn’t put her first, which is one of my requisites for a lovely Darcy!

    “She suggested this should take place either directly, without delay, immediately, or even sooner.” 🙂

    “Carlisle had deserved every blow he’d managed to land that morning.” – haha! Go Darcy!

    “He was only human, and he had always wanted her with a need that bordered on obsession.” – swoon!

    “instead, she determined that what Elizabeth needed more than anything else in life was strict chaperonage. That was unforgiveable.” – Just as well, very horny gentleman over here!

    I also thought that Lizzy’s guilt made more sense in MDNC – she seems to feel in the outtake that Lord C attempted suicide due to her turning him down, when it seemed more likely that it was due to his guilt towards his brother, seems almost a bit big headed of her to feel that she was that important compared to the betrayal of his sibiling.

    I much preferred the Edward character in MDNC too. And I liked it that he was physically in better shape and had a lady, made me feel too sorry for him, in the outtake, although I liked his flirting with Lizzy.

    2) I think that I probably had more respect for the Edward character in MDNC, I didn’t like the public humiliation of Lady B in the outtake much (Just realised that was the second outtake!)

    In regards to the longer outtake, I felt it was just so sad that one brother had pretty much sold the other brother out. Obviously it meant I liked Lord C much less (and I only got to mild liking with him by the end of MDNC, which shows him in a much kinder light!).

    3) I think not knowing the reasons for D’s engagement and seeing no effort on his part to inform any injured parties (apart from trying to tell his friend, but nothing towards the woman he professes to love) would make me feel much less kindly towards D. I am not sure if I would have thought he’d been pushed into it, or whether he had abandoned Elizabeth for better prospects. Knowing that he had proposed once against his better social and financial interests I think I’d have realised he’d been forced to do it for some reason.

    Thank you so much for the group read, it’s been lovely to see how others have perceived things, and picked up on things that I’ve missed! I won’t be able to join you for the chat, I think it’s something like 1am here at 8pm EST!

    1. Well done, Ceri!! You pretty much mentioned all my favorite lines!!! These are some hot Darcy scenes!!! Loved the scene in the study! *sigh*

      Thank you so much for taking part in our group read, Ceri!!! We really appreciate it!

    2. You picked out some of my favorite lines, Ceri! I debated about keeping that hairpin scene, but it seemed like too much of a repeat to have the both the last chapter and the epilogue end with hairpins. I felt I had to cut one of them, and I really liked ending the book on the hairpin note. It’s always hard to know the right thing to do in that sort of situation. That’s why it’s so interesting to hear feedback from readers who have read both versions!

    3. I could see why it was taken out, but it was such a lovely little scene! I’m glad I got to read it. I also loved both carriage rides over to Paxton’s estate.

  3. 1) I liked this alternative version, but I think I enjoyed the published one better. I liked its bright and sparkling nature that kind of reminds me of Austen’s own style. I do like the idea of not being told why Darcy got engaged to Elinor, though. I think that builds suspense and makes things a bit more interesting (although I had found the part about Darcy trying to silently explain things to Elizabeth in the published version rather moving). Also, the scene in the carriage when Darcy finally explains things to Elizabeth was very sweet and emotional in this version. It might have been my favorite part about this version.
    2) I actually had really liked Charles in the published version, but
    here he is clearly not as likeable. My view of Edward has not really changed, although I thought this version of the misunderstandings regarding the duel might have been a bit more convincing to me.
    3)I think that I would have still assumed that Darcy had a very good reason to become engaged to Elinor even if the blackmail situation had not been explained until the end simply because anything else would have been too out of character (also, there were still many hints that Darcy was indeed in love with Elizabeth and jealous of Charles and Paxton, and not to happy to marry Elinor, so that would have suggested to me that he was being forced somehow). I would have also assumed that everything was going to work out well in the end. Of course, I would not have been able to guess the exact details of his decision. I think I would have been very curious about it and there would have been more suspense. I don’t mind a bit of angst, so I think I would have enjoyed it, but the published version is still probably the best.

    It was a great story, and I already can’t wait for the next one!

    1. I agree with you, Silvia. I think I like the published version more, too. And to not know what Darcy’s reason would have definitely amped up the angst a little more – but we would have been in no doubt that everything would be as it should in the end!!!

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments and participation in this group read!!

  4. Question 1: I liked the darker version of events. Not knowing why Darcy was forced into the engagement was suspenseful. Having him try to tell her in the carriage and then finally coming clean in front of Elizabeth and Eleanor and Paxton was brilliant. And I loved how the Dowager sent a message to the gentleman to join her, priceless! But in the end I think I liked the published one better. Why? I like that Elizabeth knew Darcy`s headache was bad just by looking at him, watching him, and trying to make it better in the carriage ride without him having to say a word. This shows just how much they belong together.

    Thanks for the outtakes, I most ardently enjoyed them!

    1. The Dowager’s message was hilarious!! And I agree with you, Liz – it would have been interesting to be in suspense about Darcy’s reasons for the engagement!

      And yes, Lizzy helping Darcy with his migraine in the carriage was wonderful! 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your views and insights!! We are so happy you joined us!

  5. Late for the party. I didn´t have time last night to read enough and comment, so my comments come now.
    I wish you all a great time chatting tomorrow – it would be sometime in the very early morning hours Monday here, so I won´t join this time :D.

    Question 1: I can´t really say which version I like more. At first I was very much in favour of the published version (only because, well, it´s the final one Abigail Reynolds decided to publish), but I have to say I do like this darker version very much as well. I love them both!

    Question 2: Charles is a lot weaker in this version. I think I wouldn´t have felt very much differently if this outtake-version would have been the published one, since in the end it´s always the same feeling – “poor, stupid Charles, should have known better, but please, please send him a nice wife!”
    I´m sad for Edward in the darker version that there is no Lady Mary to rush to!! I so so love that scene!

    Question 3: I would have thought that there must be coming an explanation later. That there has to be more to it than him deciding he better marry Lady E then Lizzy. It simply impossible. Can´t be true. Lizzy and Darcy NOT ending up together. No no no!

    Like Ceri, one of my favouriste quotes would be this:
    “She suggested this should take place either directly, without delay, immediately, or even sooner.” Wonderful!!!

  6. Thank you for stopping by and reading Abigail’s alternate version and sharing your thoughts, everyone!

    Question 1: I definitely like the published version more (mostly because Edward and Charles are more likable), but if I only read the alternate, darker version – I’m sure I would have liked that one just fine. I love me some angst! I do, however, like the whole duel/exile premise much better in the published novel.

    Question 3: I think not knowing about the blackmail and entrapment would have been very intense and suspenseful. I wouldn’t doubt Darcy’s love, but I would be dying to know what happened and how will be able to get out of it!!

    MY favorite part of the darker version is Darcy’s time with Elizabeth in the study (loved how he excused Elizabeth and himself from Paxton’s bedroom and his stern dismissal of Paxton!!!) 🙂

  7. I’ve had a hideous week at work and beyond but I wanted to add my “two cents worth” that I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections, it was a great read – AND the first Austenesque I’ve read on my Kobo.

  8. Q1 I liked both versions but the must say I did not care for the suicide attempt by Charles, but am glad for the end result of him wanting to be a better person.
    Q3. I would have been mad at Darcy. I was already fustrated that he couldn’t find a way out of the proposal.

    This has been so fun to read together.

  9. 1. Yay! Got to read the out-takes at last! The sleepover is still going strong, it’s nearly 3 am and 2 out of 7 girls are still giggling, so I’ll just do Question 1 – assuming I can still post this, so much later than I should have done! I really loved the out-takes, even though I can’t fault the published version. I loved both versions in their different ways – and each had favourite sections I would have hated to miss, so thanks Abigail for sharing them all. Funnily enough, it’s the two versions of the carriage ride that appealed the most, each perfectly flowing within their own context, each wonderful in their own special way. The tenderness that the published carriage ride version exuded was just too sweet for words, particularly as an indication of how affectionate and mutually comforting their married life would be – and as for the darker-version counterpart, the lack of communication and the resulting fear of having lost each other finds a perfect antidote in the raw passion of their reunion. The Marchioness is adorable in both – especially as it’s made quite clear in the ‘darker’ out-take why exactly does she need to keep such a close eye on them 😉 and as for Lady Bentham, I never though I could have something nice to say about her, but the ‘light-bright-sparkling’/short&sweet out-take made her not only human, but actually likeable!
    Loved that comment on facebook a while ago, Abigail, about having done research into Laudanum and ending up knowing more about it now than the FDA thinks you would or should (LOL!), and I’m glad to have figured out at last where exactly it came into it. As for Elizabeth’s letter to Mrs. Gardiner, I think it captures Elizabeth’s spirit to perfection, as well as the nature of their relationship – I think it’s exactly the sort of letter that Elizabeth would have written & loved every word of it!
    As always, I’m a sucker for deep emotion and raw sentiment, so from that point of view I found more drama and excitement in the version where Elizabeth and us readers are left in the dark regarding the circumstances of the engagement, but the ‘out-in-the-open’ version is much kinder and easier to understand. Sorry if I’m not making much sense, goggly-eyed and sleep deprived as I am at the moment + lots of thanks, Abigail, for the different versions of the roller-coaster ride 🙂

  10. 3. Oh gosh, I couldn’t have coped with being in the dark over Darcy’s engagement to Lady Eleanor. It would have been just too much angst for me. I am so pleased it was different in the final book!

    Abigail, as you know, I loved this story. Your original characters are all so individual, so well formed and credible. Brilliantly done. It was so refreshing to be in a totally new location and environment and to have less of the characters from the novel.

    Meredith, thank you for the group read opportunity! It seems like it has been a huge amount of fun. I am sorry I was only around at the beginning and end and that I won’t get to the live chat due to time differences, but I look forward to you doing another of these when my time is more my own to join in!

  11. Question 1:
    I really liked the passionate scenes in the “darker” version, especially the carriage ride and study scenes most likely because of all the Austenesque and Variations on P&P, nobody does intensely romantic scenes between Darcy and Elizabeth like Abigail Reynolds!

    Question 2: In essence, I thought Charles was “darker” in the published version and I like Edward in both. I especially like his fondness for his horses. I felt the reason for exile was actually stronger in the outake although a bit cliche (the insult to one’s mother–such a guy thing!).

    Question 3: I actually preferred not knowing why he had done so as it added tension to the story. His trying to silently communicate with Elizabeth that which could not be spoken seemed out of character for his “strong, silent type” public persona.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading all these outtakes both for the story itself as well as for the insight gained into the writer’s choices. Cannot wait for the next Abigail Reynolds’ novel!


  12. Q1: The darker version is too dark for my taste. I prefer the published version, but I would have liked it, if some scenes/bits of the other version would have found their way into the novel (e.g. the confrontation of the Dowager with her son about his treatment of Lady E (starving) and the scene where D presents E with the jeweled hairpins).

    Q2: No, I would not have been able to feel the same. Edward is even more wronged and likable in the alternate version, because he was not only betrayed by his step-mother, but his brother as well. And the fact that Edward only wanted to duel Piper, because Piper had besmirched his mother, is another point in his favor. I see Lord C in a different light for what he did to his brother in addition to all the other things.

    Q3: It would have been awful and angsty. I would have felt much more connected with E. The feelings of betrayal, abandonment, doubt, uncertainty, lost hopes and heartbreak would have been almost unbearable. Only the knowledge that in the AR-verse will always be a happy ending for D and E could have consoled me. It follows that I could assume that D had a good reason for the engagement; though his behavior towards E would make me fear that this story could be the exception to the rule. Leaving me to wonder how AR could possibly resolve the situation.

    Thank you for organizing this event and for the opportunity to read the outtakes. It was enlightening to see how difficult and challenging it is to write a novel. I’m eagerly waiting for “The Darcys of Derbyshire” to be published and hopefully another group read/chat.

  13. Eek I am so late. This last week totally got away from me. I wanted to join in though despite my lateness.

    Question 1: I liked the published version of the story more. There were definitely some scenes that I enjoyed from the outtake. I agree with Elli above me and also think that some of these scenes could have been added to the published version. One of my favorites was when he gave her the hairpin sets.

    Question 2: Honestly, I didn’t really feel too much different about Edward. I did like how in the published version he had Lady Mary. The different reasoning for the duel made more sense to me though I didn’t like that Lady B was that much more devious and felt that Charles took the selfish way out by not revealing her part when it first happened. He was a lot more unlikeable in the outtake version.

    Question 3: This version didn’t really change much for me. Though you are left in suspense of the exact reason it was easy for me to make the leap that something had to have happened behind closed doors to force Darcy’s hand or else he wouldn’t be Mr. Darcy! Elizabeth not having the motivation to confess to Lady Eleanor did turn up the angst/tension for me a bit as I wasn’t sure how things would get resolved. I was surprised when I read that she ran away to be with Paxton as I wasn’t sure if what little Elizabeth revealed was going to be enough!

    I really loved this book (and the outtakes). I read the book in one day despite trying really hard not to get too far b/c of the group read 🙂 I can’t wait for the next book!! Thank you for organizing such a lovely event 🙂

    lumee23 at gmail dot com

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