He Taught Me To Hope – P. O. Dixon + GIVEAWAY!!!

Darcy Exercises His Imagination!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

What if Elizabeth was a young widow with a five-year-old boy? What if Mr. Collins had an older brother? What if Anne de Bourgh feigned her illness to repeatedly bring Darcy to her side?

In this Pride and Prejudicealternate path, Darcy doesn’t have such a miserable time in Hertfordshire. In fact, he makes the acquaintances of two people that spark his interest and touch his heart. One, is the bewitching Mrs. Carlton with her exquisitely fine eyes, and the other is an adventurous, young lad who insists on being called Sir Lancelot. Even though he feels an instant attraction for Elizabeth Carlton (née Bennet), and perhaps falls in love-at-first-sight with her, Darcy still departs from Hertfordshire after the Netherfield Ball. Why doesn’t he stay and try to win Elizabeth’s heart? Because he believes she is engaged to that ridiculous, preening fool, Mr. Collins!

When Darcy arrives in Kent for his annual visit he makes two startling discoveries: Elizabeth isn’t married to his aunt’s obsequious parson, and the endearing young lad Darcy indulged with Arthurian fantasy in Hertfordshire just happens to be Elizabeth’s son, Ben. But it turns out Darcy still isn’t free to follow his heart. With Lady Catherine demanding satisfaction, Anne using her health as manipulation, and Mr. Collin’s older brother, Geoffrey, claiming Elizabeth as his betrothed, Darcy has many new obstacles to contend with in this novel.

Seeing Darcy interact with Elizabeth’s precocious little boy just has to be the most adorable thing ever! Darcy and Ben are so precious together, and it made my heart melt to witness their conversations, growing friendship, and fanciful imaginations. I was completely endeared watching Darcy fall in love with Lizzy’s fatherless son, just look at this darling exchange:

“No, no, no! Do not go!” young Ben cried as he desperately clung to Darcy’s long legs. Darcy endeavored to release the child’s tight grip. He lowered himself to his knees to meet Ben’s eyes at his level.

“What is this I see? Do brave knights cry?” Darcy removed his crisp, white handkerchief and wiped the lad’s tears away. 

“I do not feel much like being brave,” cried Ben, brokenheartedly. “You are my best friend in the whole world. You cannot leave me.” – page 62

Another aspect of this novel I greatly enjoyed was the Darcy/Elizabeth/Geoffrey love triangle. Geoffrey definitely brings some tension and friction to this tale. I laughed out loud at the way he and Darcy instantly pegged each other as adversaries and how they both frequently saw green! Lizzy better look out, because this Darcy is determined to win her – and he just exudes magnetism and passion!

While I loved Darcy, Elizabeth, and Ben, two characters I wasn’t too thrilled with were Mr. Bennet and Jane. While I can see Mr. Bennet being disappointed and upset with Lizzy for marrying too young, I can’t see him remaining upset with her for the length of time that he did. In addition, I was a little dismayed in Jane’s attitude towards Lizzy at the close of this story. Isn’t she always trying to see the best in everyone? Perhaps because she is twenty-five and still unmarried, this Jane Bennet is not as kind-hearted and forgiving. Nonetheless, these were the only two characters I had issue with, and I understand that in variations not all characters remain unaltered.

While I am not well-versed in Arthurian legend and lore, I was charmed by this imaginative and unique alternate path for Pride and Prejudice. Seeing Darcy’s fatherly relationship with an adorable child is well worth the price of this novel! I highly recommend!

DOUBLE GIVEAWAY!!! Author P. O. Dixon has kindly donated ONE BRAND NEW paperback copy and ONE ebook copy of He Taught Me To Hope for me to giveaway!!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this review. (To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please don’t leave your email address.) Just check back to see if you win! Fortunately for our international friends, the ebook giveaway is open worldwide! The paperback giveaway is open to US residents.  Thank you, P.O. Dixon!!

This contest will close May 8th. Good luck and thank you for entering!


  1. Ok, I started tearing up at that excerpt. Darcy interacting with a kid? I just might melt. 😀

    Thanks for the giveaway, and for bringing this onto my radar.

  2. I do love the idea of exploring these other ideas with the P&P story. And Lizzy with a son? Yes, I’d like to read about that.

    Thanks for sharing your review and for the giveaway opportunity.

  3. Lovely review, Meredith! 🙂 I agree with you about Jane. I was sad to see her act the way she did at the end. But I just thought the story was wonderful! I will definitely be reading it again!

    1. That really was my only complaint, but it was easily over-ridden by the adorable exchanges between Ben and Darcy! Thanks for stopping by, Jakki!

  4. OH my this sounds amazing! I have to read this book. I have never read or saw one where Elizabeth has children. the whole premise is just adorable. Makes me teary eyed too as mentioned above. My granddaughter never thought her mom would remarry and when she did the reception brought tears to my eyes. On the first date my son-in-law brought flowers for both of them. I love the whole knight aspect. What creativity and imagination. I loved your review. Oh, I hope I win this book….like everyone else.

    1. I know I didn’t talk about it, but Elizabeth is wonderful in this story too. I just loved seeing her as a mom, she is perfect! That is so sweet about your daughter and granddaughter! Best of luck in the giveaway!

  5. I’ve always thought that Darcy would be really good with children. I love when that is portrayed in books!
    This books seems so interesting.
    Thanks for the giveway!

  6. I absolutely love this book. I have already won an autographed copy, so I would not take that joy from anyone else, but I really wanted to tell readers to buy this book if they don’t already have it. P. O. Dixon is one of the best Austenesque authors out there.

  7. I so WANT this book! It sounds so very good! Darcy and Elizabeth is also high on my list, so a child and Darcy… that sounds like a really good combination! It sounds funny that Darcy has a rival for Elizabeth’s affections! As written above: Lizzy better look out, because this Darcy is determined to win her!
    I really hope to either win the ebook or to buy the book very very soon!

  8. Oh my goodness!!! What a nice twist on P&P!! I totally LOVE Darcy & Lizzie together in just about anything, and then add a sweet little boy into the mix?! I can’t wait to read it!! Adding to my “list” 😉

    And very cool to offer the double giveaway! Thank you so much 🙂

  9. liking the spin on the luv triangle ! having both guys adversaries, vying for Elizabeth, def moves this story’s attitude up a notch ~
    TY for the generous giveaway! have anticipated reading a P O Dixon for some time now .. TY!

  10. This book has been on my wish list for some time. After reading your review it makes me want it off my wish list and in my hands reading it! I have a hard time thinking there could even be competition for Darcy with any Collins male! He would definitely have to be much improved! Loved the excerpt with Darcy and Ben. That sounds like a touching story. Thanks for the review and the giveaway.

    1. It’s not so much that Mr. Collins is a competetive adversary, it’s that he has a prior claim…

      I think you would love this book, Janet! I hope it finds its way into your hands soon!

  11. Great review. I have been wanting to read this book since it was released last fall and keep going back to it on Amazon but have yet to take the plunge. I love stories where an intelligent little kid attaches themselves to Darcy, how sweet. Plus the Arthurian twist sounds fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Looks like a lovely book. If I don’t win the paperback copy, I’ll probably buy it for my Nook, since my local library doesn’t have it. Thanks for the opportunity:)

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