A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Pride and Prejudice (2008)

~ 2008 ~

**This list is in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name


The Darcys and the Bingleys by Marsha Altman © 2008  S

Affinity and Affection: A Pride and Prejudice What If Story by Susan Adriani © 2008 (also published as The Truth About Mr. Darcy in 2011)  V  MA MY REVIEW

The Darcy Connection by Elizabeth Aston © 2008  S  MC

The Matters at Mansfield: Or, The Crawford Affair by Carrie Bebris © 2008  S  MY MY REVIEW

An Unlikely Missionary by Skylar Hamilton Burris © 2008  S  M MY REVIEW

The Pemberley Chronicles: Book 1 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2008  S  MC

The Women of Pemberley: Book 2 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2008  S  MC

Netherfield Park Revisited: Book 3 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2008  S  MC

The Ladies of Longbourn: Book 4 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2008  S  MC

Mr. Darcy’s Daughter: Book 5 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2008  S  MC

– Must’ve Done Something Good by Cheryl Cory © 2008  M MY REVIEW

Derbyshire: A Sequel to Pride and Prejudice by Marie Hogstrom © 2008  S

Honor and Hope by Regina Jeffers © 2008  M

Something Like Regret by Kara Louise © 2008 (also published as Only Mr. Darcy Will Do in 2011)  V MY REVIEW

Assumed Engagement by Kara Louise © 2008  V MY REVIEW

Assumed Obligation by Kara Louise © 2008  S

Master Under Good Regulation by Kara Louise © 2008  APV MY REVIEW

The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet by Colleen McCullough © 2008  S  MC

Mistress of Pemberley by Isobel Scott Moffat © 2008  S

The Darcys Give a Ball by Elizabeth Newark (originally published as Consequence in 1997) © 2008  S MY REVIEW

Lydia Bennet’s Story by Jane Odiwe © 2008  S  APV  MC MY REVIEW

By Force of Instinct by Abigail Reynolds © 2008  V  MA

Impulse and Initiative by Abigail Reynolds © 2008 (also published as To Conquer Mr. Darcy in 2010)  V  MA MY REVIEW

From Lambton to Longbourn by Abigail Reynolds © 2008 (also published as What Would Mr. Darcy Do?)  V  M MY REVIEW

Pemberley by the Sea by Abigail Reynolds © 2008 (also published as The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice in 2010)  MA  M MY REVIEW

Mr. Darcy’s Decision by Juliette Sharpiro © 2008 (originally published as Excessively Diverted in 2002)  S

White Lies and Other Half Truths by Barbara Tiller Cole © 2008  MA  V

The Power of Persuasion by Shelagh Watkins © 2008  M

Chance Encounters by Linda Wells © 2008  V  MA



S – Sequel
M – Modern Adaption
MA – Mature Audiences
V – Variation
APV – Alternate Point-of-View
MC – Minor Character
Which ones have you read? Are there any on your TBR list?


  1. The pub rights to Affinity and Affection have been purchased by Sourcebooks and retitled “The Truth About Mr. Darcy” and will be in stores in May 2011. Beautiful new cover. (I had to retype my comment b/c of typos. I put my glasses on.)

  2. Thank you for putting this list together! I have several of these on the list (I am partial to the sequels vs variations). I just started the Elizabeth Aston series and am currently reading a Sense and Sensibility sequel with Marianne and Wiloughby meeting again. Great list, look forward to the next one 🙂

  3. Hi, Meredith! Thank you so much for including Affinity and Affection in your wonderful list. Thank you too, Mary, for pointing out the title change. As Mary mentioned, A&A will be published by Sourcebooks in May 2011 as “The Truth About Mr. Darcy”. I know there has been quite a bit of confusion and frustration surrounding changes made to other titles, and in an effort to lessen that frustration, I will keep everyone posted on what changes, if any, will be forthcoming. From what I understand, Sourcebooks will be making a few grammatical alterations to the original text, but I have no idea if they have plans to alter content and structure as well. Like I mentioned, I will definitely be keeping interested readers notified, so there won’t be any unexpected duplications on their bookshelves. Thanks again, Meredith and Mary!

  4. Thank you Shanna! I’m glad you found the list helpful! Are reading Willoughby’s Return? I loved that one! There are so many sequels to choose from, isn’t there?

    Hi Susan! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my little blog! Best of luck with the publishing of The Truth About Mr. Darcy. I am sure your readers appreciate you letting them know about the title change and hopefully understand the position you are in. Affinity and Affection had such a nice ring to it, I quite liked the original title!

  5. Thanks, Meredith! And it was my pleasure to stop by – you have a wonderful blog! The last thing I want is for any of my readers to unknowingly spend their hard-earned money on a book they already have on their bookshelves. It can be a very frustrating experience, and one easily diverted. As far as the change of title goes, I do happen to have a very difficult time coming up with titles for my stories on my own, so I don’t mind one bit that Sourcebooks wants to do it for me. (I happened to like “Affinity and Affection” myself, but can’t deny that seeing “Mr. Darcy” on the cover of any book is definitely an attention grabber!)

    If anyone is interested, I have just recently created a web page for my book, where I will eventually put any news or updates. It’s pretty sparse at the moment, but I hope everyone will bear with me while I navigate through this process and figure it all out. (I’m hopelessly technologically challenged!) Here’s the address:


  6. Wow! Thank you so much, Meredith! And I have to agree with you (quite shamelessly) about the cover – the people at Sourcebooks did a beautiful job. I couldn’t be more thrilled.

  7. amazing! this many #austenesque reads just in ’08? luv how you’ve classified them making it so much easier to find what we’re looking for + to make recommendations for your #Austenesque posts. it’s a resource i’ll return too often…

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