Do you dream of devotion like Darcy’s? Does Henry Tilney’s wit make you go weak in the knees? Or do you prefer the unassuming goodness of Bingley, Bertram or Ferrars? Take my quiz below and find out… Which Austen […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Do you dream of devotion like Darcy’s? Does Henry Tilney’s wit make you go weak in the knees? Or do you prefer the unassuming goodness of Bingley, Bertram or Ferrars? Take my quiz below and find out… Which Austen […]
Who could have anticipated such an attention as this? I have been so privileged as to be distinguished by Miss Meg Kerr, the esteemed authoress of Experience, who with great condescension has requested that I make a contribution to the […]
Inspiration Overload, Or: Wait, What Was I Doing Again? I often divide my life into two periods: Before Our Own Kids (BOOKs) and After All Advice Against Kids Is Ignored (AAAAK!!). The division has a direct correlation to my productivity: […]
In my novel Conviction, I strive to stay true to Jane Austen’s historical time period and characters. But for this blog post, I’m making a frivolous departure from decorum and plopping poor Georgiana Darcy into the midst of the […]