Wild and Impetuous Lydia Won My Heart! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Paperbackswap TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Retelling AND Sequel TIME FRAME: Just before Lydia’s departure to Brighton MAIN CHARACTERS: Lydia Bennet, George Wickham, Harriet Forster, Mr. Darcy, […]
Tag: Jane Austen

Are YOU an Austenesque Admirer?
Are you an AVID reader of Austenesque novels? Do you want share your love for Austnesque novels with us this September during Austenesque Extravaganza? ALL CALL for Ardent Admirers of Austenesque novels! This year, we decided to make Spotlight Saturday about the READERS! One […]

Legacy – Robin Helm + GIVEAWAY!!!
The MOST Inspirational Fiction I’ve Ever Read! Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author (Note: Potential readers should be made aware that this is the third book in The Guardian Trilogy, and that it is necessary to […]

Jane Austen’s Rogues and Romance (Jane Austen Unbound)
“A Source of High Entertainment” Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Forgive the break in precedent, I know this has strictly been a BOOK review blog for the past two years, but I simply must make my sentiments about this […]