Ardent Admirer – Sam

An Ardent Admirer Survey

What is the first Austenesque novel you ever read?

After checking Goodreads, I have found that my first ever Austenesque novel was Mr Darcy’s Daughters by Elizabeth Aston.

What is the most recent Austenesque novel you’ve read?

My most recent Austenesque novel was The Three Colonels by Jack Caldwell.

What is your favourite Austenesque sequel?

Oh, I have quite a few! I think probably The Trouble with Mr Darcy by Sharon Lathan.

Who is your favourite ORIGINAL Austenesque character?

Again, I have so many! But if I had to choose, I would say either Dr. George Darcy or Lady Simone Fitzwilliam, both from The Darcy Saga by Sharon Lathan. But then again, I also love spunky Noella from the same Saga. Oh, I cannot choose!

What is one of the Austenesque novels currently on you wishlist?

Expectations of Happiness by Rebecca Ann Collins. Though not my first Austenesque novel, Collins’ The Pemberley Chronicles was one of the first novels I found myself believing in and thinking that the story could have been real. Expectations of Happiness has been on my wish list for a while and if its anything like her previous books, it will be totally wonderful.

Who is one of your favourite Austenesque authors?

My all time favourite Austenesque author is Sharon Lathan but before I discovered her books, it was Rebecca Ann Collins.

What is one of your favourite scenes from an Austenesque novel?

I happen to really like many scenes from different Austenesque novels; such as ‘family moments’ in the novels by Lathan and – oh, and when Jane and Elizabeth finally meet again after marriage in The Pemberley Chronicles.

What is your favourite Austenesque cover?

Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan.  I love the colours and the cover model on this cover! It’s so pretty!

Which Austenesque character (from which novel) would you like as a best friend?

I would love to be friends with Cassandra Darcy from The Pemberley Chronicles. She’s quite a headstrong girl and I’d love her friendship and kindness in a dear friend.

Which Austenesque character (from which novel) would you like to trade places with?

Elizabeth Bennet, of course. Who wouldn’t want to fall in love with a gentleman of money and land and the owner of Pemberley? A man whose love finally becomes apparent to you and everyone around you when you see his ancestral home?

Which Austenesque character (from which novel) would you not like to trade places with?

Maybe Mr Daniels from The Darcy Saga by Sharon Lathan. Not because I don’t like him. I just don’t think I could deal with Mary as my wife!

What do you love most about Austenesque novels?

I love that many of the Austenesque authors have introduced many characters of their own minds. It helps that many authors don’t find the need to stick to the original characters in telling their stories.

If you could live in any Austenesque novel, which novel would you choose?

I would choose either The Trouble with Mr Darcy by Ms Lathan (again) or Mr Darcy’s Daughter by Rebecca Ann Collins. To be honest, I’m not sure why. Both these novels are on my favourites shelf for reasons related to each novel.

Actually, thinking about it, maybe it’s because each novel has a lot of drama within its pages that had me glued right to the end.






  1. Hi! I absolutely love Austenesque novels as well, especially the ones that are variations of P&P. I would also wish to switch places with Elizabeth Bennet as well 😉

    Happy Austenesque Extravaganza!


  2. Sam, it seems that your favourite Austenesque books are written by Sharon Lathan and Rebecca Ann Collins. I own the complete set of Pemberley Chronicles by Ms Collins and Book 1 and 2 of Sharon Lathan’s The Darcy Saga but have not managed to complete even one book. I should stop procrastinating and start reading them soon. So thanks for the bit of encouragement.


  3. It’s nice to meet you Sam! I have never read anything by Sharon Lathan or Rebecca Ann Collins but Expectations of Happiness has been on my wishlist for some time!:)

  4. Sam, You are awesome! Thanks for the amazing shout outs. 🙂 Devoted fans like you are what keep me, and all the Austen authors, going strong. We love providing new adventures for these beloved characters so that delighted readers can enjoy. Thanks for sharing the love of Dr. Darcy and Lady Simone. They are my favorites too! And poor Mary Bennet Daniels! That comment cracked me up! Love it.

    I’ll keep on feeding your addiction. LOL!

  5. you are areal fan of Sharon lathan !! Her writting remarkably great, it is easy to get into the book 🙂
    I would also choose to take elizabeth’s place.I love variation and sequel and time travel (lost in austen)

  6. One of my first Austenesques was Mr. Darcy’s Daughters too. I like Sharon Lathan’s books as well, but I’ve never read Rebecca Collins. My favorites are Mary Lydon Simonsen and Abigail Reynolds, but I still have a soft spot for Pamela Aidan and Susan Kaye because I think they did a marvelous job of staying so close to the original.

    Wonderful post, Sam!

  7. Great Q&A, Sam! I haven’t read any yet by Rebecca Collins or Elizabeth Aston but I’ve heard that they come very close to Austen’s original style – “purist” stories, if you will. The Trouble with Mr Darcy is my favorite so far of the Darcy Saga. I can’t wait to see what Sharon writes next for them all.

  8. Nice to meet you Sam!
    I see that you grealy enhoy books by Sharon Lathan and Rebecca Collins. I haven’t read any of them yet, but after your passionate recommendations I think I will definitely read them:) Miss Darcy falls in love looks particularly fascinating. I agree with you that its cover colors and model are chosen perfectly!
    oloore at gmail dot com

  9. I have the Sharon Lathan novels on my TBR pile, can’t wait to get to them. Glad to hear you enjoy them so much! I’m adding “Expectations of Happiness” by Rebecca Ann Collins to list list as well.

    Thanks for sharing!


    felicialso @gmail. com

  10. I have read all the books and authors you mentioned. It was nice to see your interview. I also was drawn into Rebecca Ann Collins series for a time. There are so many great authors and characters out there it truly is very challenging/difficult to list just a few. I don’t honestly think I could do it. I tried for this post but there were just too many….to add to your list I think the less known authors should have a shout out as well Emma Hox, Mary Sherwood, (anyone with only one or two novels out).

  11. I agree, I think we get to see more of the characters in the Austenesque books. And Sharon Lathan is a wonderful writer! 🙂


  12. After Letters from Pemberley: The First Year and More Letters From Pemberley I read the series by Elizabeth Aston and that’s what really got me into novels derived from Jane Austen’s characters. I haven’t read any of Rebecca Ann Collins books yet, but I fully intend to soon.

  13. Thanks for sharing, Sam! I am really impressed with you being able to name favorites (that is a passionate fan!) My favorites tend to change and change back..and I really like this one does this, but I really like how that one does that! LOL

  14. New books to read for my list! Thank you for the recommendations.
    One of the things I like most from reading about the Darcys and the Bingley in stories is the way Jane and Elizabeth interact. Differences between the Darcy and the Bingley marriage!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  15. Totally agreeing with you on Sharon Lathan’s cover for ‘Miss Darcy Falls in Love’ !
    enjoyed meeting you and your Austenesque reading choices – i’ll be looking for you on goodreads 🙂

  16. Thanks for lovely interview! So many authors/books I’ve never heard of, just coming into the Austenesque universe myself, but so much to look forward to! I’ll be sure to look up some of your favorite titles here to read for myself!

  17. Nice to meet you & I enjoyed the post – my favorite Austen variations are the P&P ones… LOVE P&P, and can’t get enough of Elizabeth & Darcy! 🙂

    Valerie R.
    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) net

  18. I think I have Mr. Darcy’s Daughters or another one in the series. I have The Women of Pemberley by Rebecca Ann Collins and The Trouble with Mr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan. I haven’t read any of those books yet. One of my favorite Austenesque writers is Amanda Grange. I really liked books by Abigail Reynolds and Kara Louise, but I’ve only read one book by each author.


  19. Thank you for sharing all of this, one of my first Austen variations was by Elizabeth Aston as well.


  20. I am a fan of Elizabeth Astons as well, although I have not gotten around to that book yet & my first book of hers was “The Darcy Connection”. I have read and loved several Austen Authors & reading variations of Jane Austen novels is what lead me to reading other Regency novels as well. I hope you have a great day.


  21. Nice to meet you Sam! I liked your interview. I’ve never read anything by Sharon Lathan and Rebecca Ann Collins but I’ll definitely do it now. Thanks!!


  22. Hi! I never could get into Rebecca Ann Collins’ books, but I love Sharon Lathan! Have you tried Marsha Altman’s sequels yet? Those are probably my favorites, but it is so hard to choose between so many great books! Pleasure to meet you. 🙂


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