Sociable Sunday – #1

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Time for us to prepare some tea and order the refreshments, Austenesque authors are coming to call and take part in an engaging tête-à-tête!

The Authors Who Left Their Calling Cards Are: 

Linda Gonschior – Reflections (due out September 15th)

Margaret Sullivan – There Must Be Murder, The Jane Austen Handbook


– Drop in to our CHATBOARD at 9:00 p.m. EST (so sorry to those who can’t make it at this time, with all three going to the Decatur Book Festival today, this is the only time we can make it work)

– Sign into chat as a guest or using Facebook or Twitter

– Enjoy “the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation!


– 9:00 – Dishing about the Decatur Book Festival!

– 9:15 – Welcome and Introduction

– 9:30 – Questions for Linda

– 9:45 – Questions for Margaret

– 10:00 – Closing and Wrap Up

Participating in this chat and having “your share in the conversation” will enter you in a chance to win your own copy of…

Sponsored by Author Laurie Viera Rigler.  Open to residents living in the US, Canada, and UK. Thank you!

Sponsored by Author Margaret Sullivan.  One HARD copy is open to residents living in the US.  One DIGITAL copy is open internationally.  Thank you!

This giveaway will close AFTER our chat on September 2nd.


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. Aw, I’m not with Facebook or Twitter, but it would be nice to hear the highlights of the conversation maybe in a follow up post???

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