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Tag: Austenesque
Bridget Jones’s Diary Group Watch Details
This Sunday we are planning to watch Bridget Jones’s Diary together!! We plan on celebrating our love for of our favorite singleton and her hilarious blend of neuroses and mishpas all weekend! There will be three separate posts for […]
Winners of From This Day Forward Giveaway!!!
I’d like to take a moment and thank Joana Starnes for getting in touch with me and so kindly asking me if I was at all interested in reading her novel or having her come visit Austenesque Reviews. It has […]
Austenesque Agenda for October 2013
Hello dear readers! I hope you are all doing well! September and October seem to be pretty busy months of new releases (or at least new releases in the Austenesque world!) Here are some Austenesque books that were released last […]