The Mysterious Death of Miss Jane Austen – Lindsay Ashford

The Mysterious Death of Miss Jane Austen – Lindsay Ashford

The Untold Secrets of the Austen Family  Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Illicit liaisons, illegitimate children, sinister murders, scandalous secrets – things you would never associate with the Austen family, right? Can you imagine […]

Austenesque Agenda for August 2013

Austenesque Agenda for August 2013

Happy August Lovely Readers! I hope you are enjoying another blissful month of summer and finding time to relax, read, travel, or accomplish things on your “to-do” list! Speaking of accomplishing things on your “to-do” list, I’m happy to share […]

The Darcys: The Ruling Passion – Linda Berdoll

The Darcys: The Ruling Passion – Linda Berdoll

Bold, Bawdy, and a Little Bland Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars  Source: Review Copy from Author The Ruling Passion is the third installment in Linda Berdoll’s controversial and dichotomous series of Pride and Prejudice sequels. Filled with melodrama, sex, […]

Stealing the Preacher – Karen Witemeyer

Stealing the Preacher – Karen Witemeyer

Heartwarming Relationships and Inspiring Messages Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher The one thing Joanna Robbins truly desires for her twenty-first birthday is a preacher. For months and years Joanna has been praying for a […]