Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Loren! Not sure how Loren and I first met this past year, but I am so glad we did! I have greatly enjoyed bonding with her over our mutual love of Austenesque fiction on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and of course, Austenesque Reviews. 🙂
You: Tell us about yourself
I’m Loren but my real name is Lorella, and I’m 23 years old. I came from Italy and live in a town near Naples, a city that I love with all my heart. I like foreign languages and in May I graduated in Japanese. I like to read all kind of books but the ones that relax me the most are Pride & Prejudice fan fictions and – I have to admit it – Pride & Prejudice itself I reread every time I’m in a bad mood. My sister gave me the book when I was 20 and I’ll always love her for this!
Your Induction:
- When and how did you discover the Austenesque/JAFF genre? I
My little book nook remember there was an Italian site called Old friends and new fancies that made reviews and interviews and I was – at that time I haven’t read nothing of Jane Austen except Pride & Prejudice – like “These girls are mad!”…but now I’m more mad than them…
- What was the first Austenesque novel you ever read? My first Austenesque novel was The Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers…I loved it so much, for the plot, the accurate descriptions and for the use of the language.
Your Habits:
- About how many Austenesque novels do you read a month? A year? Actually I don’t know, but this year I think I’ve read almost only Austenesque novels…
- Around what percentage of your total reads a year are Austenesque novels? From 60% to 80%, it depends on my mood.
- Where/how do you obtain the Austenesque books your read? I buy the Italian versions in bookstores and the English ones, that I can’t find here, on Amazon. Sometimes I win some giveaways or find free e-books. But when I like a kindle book I want it in paperback version…another weakness…I know! 😛
- What is your favorite time of day to read? I read at every time but I prefer the night or the late afternoon.
- What is your favorite place to read? In the bed or in something comfortable like my little book nook!
My bookshelf What do you like to listen to when you read if anything? Classical music or ambient music.
- What do you like to drink or eat when you read if anything? I love drinking coconut and eating Danish butter cookies – that’s why I’m still a little bit fat! –
- Do you read more than one book at a time ever? Seldom if ever, I can confuse the two books in my mind and make another one!
- Do you ever read the ending of a book first? Rarely, I like surprises!
- Do you ever reread? I reread often above all books that I liked too much and can’t be separated from.
Your Collection:
- Collectively around how many Austenesque works do you own? Around ten paperback and 100/150 kindle ebooks.
- Where do you store your Austenesque collection? In my bookshelf or in my kindle.
- What format are most of your Austenesque books in – paperback, ebook, or audiobook? I really love paperback but when I find e-books sales I can’t resist!
- How many Austenesque books are currently in your TBR at this moment? More than I can read in the time I have!
Your Faves:
- Pride and Prejudice Variation: The Red Chrysanthemum by Linda Beutler
- Pride and Prejudice Sequel: The Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers
- Pride and Prejudice Modern Adaptation: Boots and Backpacks by KC Kahler
- Minor Character Story: Almost Persuaded by P.O. Dixon
- Non-Pride and Prejudice Sequel: Elinor and Marianne by Emma Tennant (it’s the only I’ve read, not really a favourite!
- Austenesque Genre: Variations
Your Desert Island 5: You are about to be stranded on a desert island for unspecified amount of time you must select what you will bring
- Five Austenesque/Jane Austen Movies
- Five Austenesque Books
- The Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers,
- Mr Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange,
- The Red Chrysanthemum by Linda Beutler,
- A Father’s Sins by J Dawn King,
- Darkness Falls Upon Pemberley by Susan Adriani

Would You Rather?
- Have Lady Catherine or Mrs. Norris as a mother. Can I be a fortunate orphan like Jane Fairfax?
- Live in Bath or live in London. London, I really would like to visit it!
- Be besties with Eleanor Tilney or Georgiana Darcy. Absolutely Georgiana Darcy, I’ve always loved her!
- Dance every set at a ball or go horseback riding through the countryside with friends. Can I say both? Dance is so romantic but I like horses and freedom!
- Marry Edmund Bertram or Edward Ferrars. I’ll pass, can I have a Mr Knightley?
- Attend a strawberry-picking party at Donwell Abbey or attend the theatre with the Gardiners. Attend theatre with the Gardiners, I like to see opera too!
- Go shopping with Lydia Bennet or have tea with Mrs. Elton. Go shopping with Lydia, I can bear stupidity but not arrogance.
- Discover and read the finished manuscript (by Jane Austen) of The Watsons or Sanditon. The Watsons
You Right Now:
- What Austenesque novel(s) are you currently reading at the moment? Persuaded by Misty Dawn Pulsipher
- What Austenesque novels are on your wish-list? Mr Darcy’s Obsession by Abigail Reynolds and Stronger Even Than Pride by Gail McEwen
- What Austenesque novel do you wish someone would write? I began to write a fan fiction in which Elizabeth marries Mr Collins and the love between her and Darcy blooms at Rosings after her marriage.
- What do you love most about Austenesque novels? No matter what happens, characters have their happy ending.
- Where can we find you?
Facebook Twitter Goodreads Tumblr Blog
- Since I’m good at making computer graphics I want to give one of the readers a montage about their favorite couple or austenesque adaptation! You can choose the size too (it can be a facebook header, blog layout or anything you want); see my Deviant Art Page to make an idea of what I do.
Thank you so much, Loren for sharing your answers and talents with us! I’m so happy to get to know you better and have you participate in this series!
Because she is so kind and talented, Loren would like to give away one free customized Austenesque montage to one lucky reader!
To enter this giveaway, leave a question, a comment, or some love for Loren below!
- This giveaway is open worldwide!! Thank you, Loren!
- This giveaway ends January 3rd!
Want to see some more Ardent Austenesqe Admirers? CLICK HERE!
Hi Loren! It’s nice to meet you. Firstly, your talent with languages amazes me. I have a lot of Austenesque ebooks, too- such an easy and economical way to go. The gifts you made for your sister are really lovely.
I like your creative giveaway offer. I hope whoever wins is generous enough to let the rest of us see the finished product.
P.S. Did you ever finish your fanfic with Elizabeth falling in love with Darcy after she’s Mrs. Collins? Sounds angst you, but I’d read it!
Hi Heather! Thank you for your comment!
I really love languages, I studied seven of them during the years and want to improve!
Good luck in the giveaway!
No, I never fishished my fanfic but I want to end it next year! 🙂
Kon’nichiwa. Loren, what a lovely interview. Le risposte alle domande erano eccellenti . Ho un’altra domanda per voi . Chi è il tuo Mr. Darcy ? Colin Firth? Matthew Macfadyen? Richard Armitage? Henry Cavill? Altro? Grazie per aver condiviso la tua vita con noi e per la menzione di peccati di un padre . Sayonara! You now know the only two words that I know in Japanese.
Hello Joy! Thanks for your comment! I’t nice to see your Italian improving!
My Mr Darcy is David Rintoul of Pride and Prejudice 1980 but I have to admit among all Jane Austen’s men, I’m in love with Mr Knightley (Jonny Lee Miller)!
I really loved A father’s sins, hope to see a sequel!
さようなら – Sayounara!
Hello Loren!
What fun to ‘meet’ you and learn more about another Austen lover. I love Old Friends and New Fancies blog with all the adorable Lizzies there. I can’t pass up the Kindle deals either, but it is nice to get a favorite book in the paper cover. I haven’t read some of the books you listed, but I have them and look forward to them.
Haha! fun answers to the quiz.
And how kind of you to use your graphic talent to make a montage for someone.
Hello Sophia! Thank you for stopping by!
I hope you’ll read some of them, they’re great!
Good luck in the giveaway!
It’s a pleasure to know you, Loren. I think you are quite an organised and neat person and I like how you arrange your books in the shelves. Loved the cheeky answers you gave. 😛
Thank you Luthien! You’re right, I’m too much organised! XD
Good luck in the giveaway!
I want just to thank Meredith for her kindness! I’m happy to be part of your group and I want you to know how much I appreciate your work on this blog! Austenesqureviews will be always my first source of review about JAFFs!
Loren, thank you for being such a lovely guest on my blog! I am so glad I got to know you better and greatly enjoyed reading all your answers! I agree with Sylvia – your cheeky answers were a lot of fun! And I also love your idea for a P&P variation! That is something I’ve never seen done before! So happy to make a connection with you over our mutual love for Jane Austen!
Hi Loren!, I´m Teresa from Spain. I love Italy and the italian language seems to me so musical!. When I have a little time I try to study some italian lessons like” sono nata a Madrid e me piace molto le novelle di Jane Austen” (I don´t know if I wrote it right LOL). I haven´t been to Naples yet but I have been to Rome, Firenze and Venezia and they´re absolutely wonderful!. I spent only a few hours in Milan, Padova, Sienna, Asisi and Verona (in the typical travel by bus) but I would like to visit them again with more time to enjoy these places.
It´s awesome the amount of novels you´ve read and I like the danish butter cookies too 🙂
I´ve seen your devian art page, wow, you are a very good graphic designer and the gifts for your sister are lovely. Thanks for letting us know about you and Happy New Year and I hope the Three Wise Men bring you some charming gifts.
Hi Teresa! Thank you for your comment!
I really love Spain and South America! Actually I studied spanish for three years!
You’re italian is good! Why you don’t contact me? We can exchange some advice and try to learn spanish and italian better!
I’m glad you liked Italy, you have to come to Naples some day! We can share danish butter cookies near the see!
Where do you came from exactly?
Hope you have spent a beautiful holyday seadon!
Adios! 😉
Hi Loren!. I’m from Madrid. I’d like to improve my italian but I have very little time because, first, I’m trying to improve my english! LOL. At least we have Meredith’s place to meet with each other 🙂
Did you finish your fan fiction story? Premise sounds intriguing!
No, I never fishished my fanfic but I want to end it next year! 🙂
Hello Loren! What a delight to ‘meet’ you! I love Regina Jeffers and enjoyed ‘The Phantom of Pemberley’. I actually have all of Regina’s books and one of her non-Jane ones (so far). The only books on your favourite list that I haven’t read are ‘The Red Chrysanthemum’ (must place on my wishlist now) and ‘Darkness Falls Upon Pemberley’. I recently read ‘A Father’s Sins’ by J. Dawn King and I too have now placed that novel as a favourite of mine! Thank you so much for your generosity and artistic talent in giving away an Austenesque montage!
Hello Carole! Thank you for stopping by and good luck for the giveaway!
So very nice to meet you, Loren. I have not read that one by Regina but have many others from her so I will have to check that one out. Your reading corner looks so very cozy. And that Fan Fiction story sounds like a very suspenseful tale. Can’t imagine where you would go with that. After all we do have to have our happy ending and that, for me, means that Darcy and Elizabeth end up together.
My hat is off to you for your talent with languages. Although I have studied 3 (Latin, Spanish and German) I only remember a few words or phrases from each.
The gifts you made for your sister are lovely. She is a lucky young lady. How nice that she gave you Pride and Prejudice – wise move on her part.
Thank you for sharing with us and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
Hello Sheila! I studied Spanish and German too!!! But I need more practice!
Thank you for your lovely comment, good luck in the giveaway!
Loren, it is so nice getting to know you. Of the books you listed I have not read only Boots & Backpacks and the one by Emma Tennant. I think the gifts you created for your sister are lovely. I have to look at your artist’s page. Thank you for the give away. You are so generous. Love the premise for your story. It is intriguing.
Thank you Debbie! I hope you can read Boots and backpacks, it’ s really good!
Good luck in the giveaway!
It was great reading your interview with Meredith and getting to know more about you. I loved Regina Jeffers’ book, The Phantom of Pemberley too. I have read most of her books and loved every one of them. I also liked J Dawn King’s, A Father’s Sins and The Red Chrysanthemum by Linda Beutler. Good novels in your list!
The gifts that you made for your sister are awesome. She must be very proud. I also like your Deviant Art page. You have done some neat graphics. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.
Thank you for sharing a little about yourself with all of us. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you Janet! Thank you!
I have to say I really love your works too! In particular I love the Christmas picture you made with Elizabeth and Darcy! *_*
Good luck!
Hi Loren, I enjoyed reading about you so much!! I’ve added your website, Deviant Art, to my Favorites and plan to go back and visit soon.
I’m a little late for the giveaway! Poor Me!
Happy New Year from the Pacific Northwest!
Thank you Catherine! Sadly I have seen you comment only now! Hope you like my Deviant Art page!
Have a great week!