A Riveting Sequel with Our Dearest Friends! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author (Note: This is a sequel to Pamela Lynne’s Pride and Prejudice variation, Dearest Friends, and it is recommended you read that story […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
A Riveting Sequel with Our Dearest Friends! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author (Note: This is a sequel to Pamela Lynne’s Pride and Prejudice variation, Dearest Friends, and it is recommended you read that story […]
Hi readers! I am so excited to share this post with you! 🙂 Author Maria Grace is my guest today and she was game to do something a little different for her author visit. As you might have noticed, Maria Grace […]
Hi friends! I hope you are enjoying a lovely December so far! Things have been feeling a little chaotic for Mr. Bingley and myself these past few weeks and I’m sure with the holidays that won’t change! 🙂 But we’ve […]
It is time to announce some lucky winners!! Thank you all, for the wonderful response to this giveaway contest! I’m so happy to see all the love and interest these books received, especially since many of them came out more […]