The 2016 End of the Year Summary!

The 2016 End of the Year Summary!

Hello friends!  I can’t believe how fast 2016 went, can you?  It feels like one of the fastest years I’ve ever experienced!  I hope yours was an enjoyable year!  It was a pretty eventful year for Mr. Bingley and me. […]

The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill – Julie Klassen + GIVEAWAY!!!

The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill – Julie Klassen + GIVEAWAY!!!

Strong Women with Mettle, Perseverance, and Resourcefulness Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher TYPE OF NOVEL: Regency Romance, Historical Fiction SETTING: 1820 Wiltshire, England MAIN CHARACTERS: Jane Fairmont Bell: A refined gentleman’s daughter who surprisingly […]