Happy weekend, friends! I hope you are enjoying a lovely first week of April! 🌷 I am spending the weekend in New York with my cousin and last night we saw the 2Cellos in concert. 🎶 A few weeks back […]
Mrs. Bates of Highbury – Allie Cresswell
A Spotlight on A Beloved Highbury Family Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Prequel to Emma, Alternate POV TIME FRAME: Begins 30 years before Jane Austen’s Emma SYNOPSIS: In Jane Austen’s Emma […]
Austenesque Agenda – April 2019
Hi friends! How is April treating you so far? Have you seen some signs of Spring yet? 🌱 I must say, I’m a little happy March is over. It was a very busy month for work for both Mr. Bingley […]
Winners of Jane Austen for Kids, the Conscience Series, Inspiration, and What Kitty Did Next Giveaway!!!
There have been so many giveaways here lately! And now we have some winners to announce!! 🥳 We’d like to start by thanking the kind authors and publishers that have made these giveaways possible: ~ Nancy I. Sanders and Independent Publishers […]