Austenesque Agenda – April 2019


Hi friends! How is April treating you so far?  Have you seen some signs of Spring yet? 🌱

I must say, I’m a little happy March is over. It was a very busy month for work for both Mr. Bingley and myself. And the worst part of it is Mr. Bingley had to travel for his work…3 weekends out of 5, plus a full week in between! 😫

I missed him terribly, and we both did not like being away from each other so often.  (Our weekend time together is precious!) The good news is there are no work trips scheduled for April! Woot! Just fun trips for both of us!! 😝

And I guess, one upside of him traveling is that I read 8 books in one month! That has to be a record for me! Okay…so 2 of them were novellas and 2 of them were rereads that I didn’t have to write a review for, but still I’m happy to have read so much! 📚📚

When I wasn’t reading (or working on the weekends) I went outside and enjoyed as much Spring weather as I could. 🌷

And I found myself some lovely new reading spots that weren’t the beach! 📖

As well as spend some time with my brother and mom! 🥰

She begrudgingly went on a hike with me! 😜


Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:




Decided I need to reread both Emma and Elizabeth and Brinshore before reading Laura’s Place.



Marley Fulton – April 8


C. P. Odom – April 12

Lory Lilian – April 18th

Jayne Bamber – April 24th

I am so very excited for this month!  I’ve got a lot to look forward to on this blog!

What are your fun plans for April?


  1. Hi! I am happy to see you enjoying the lovely outside. The seasonal allergies are bad for me right now so, I have been inside. Excited to read about Lory Lilian new book “A Trifling Cold”.

  2. Beautiful pics, Meredith! I´m glad you found new spots to read besides beach 😉
    I´m looking forward to reading your reviews of “Mr Darcy´s Enchantment” and “The courtship of Edward Gardiner”. I like very much The Gardiners because they´re always so sympathetic and sensible.
    How good you reread “Emma and Elizabeth”!. It was my first austenesque novel in english and I enjoyed a lot the reading because I find Ann Mychal´s writing both elegant and heartwarming.
    Now, in April, I´m reading “Netherfield: Rogue Dragon” by Maria Grace and I can´t stop reading it. This trilogy is so exciting, charming, lovely, mysterious and fun… all the ingredients together!.
    By the way, how cute is your T-Shirt “My weekend is all booked”, I love it! 😉

  3. Thanks for sharing your pics! Lovely! I’m intrigued by the books about the Bates family. Looking forward to your reviews! Happy April!

  4. Love the t shirt as well. I enjoyed Darcy’s Enchantment immensely. The Courtship of Edward Gardiner was wonderful as well. Their love story made me wish for more Gardiner!

  5. Lovely pictures as usual. I remember when my husband had to travel for work. That was my special time, to read, study, pray, I even managed my own silent retread. I turned off the TV, radio, turned the bells off on the phone [before cell phones] and it was just me and the Lord. I told my family what I was doing so they didn’t send out the Sheriff to see if I was alive or dead. [chuckle] Those times are precious and make us appreciate our significant other. Plus… it is fun for the reunion.

    You certainly have a busy schedule with authors and planned books to read. Enjoy and say hello to your Mr. Bingley. We appreciate his taking care of you and being so supportive of this blog and you love of JAFF. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love your new reading place Meredith! Shame your husband wasn’t able to share it with you, better luck this month. Fortunately you have family to spend time with or you may have worked your way through the whole of your TBR 🙂 🙂 🙂 (not much chance of that really?)
    I’ve read Nicole’s and Abigail’s books so I look forward to your comments on those and I’m definitely looking forward to Lory’s new one of course.
    Have a happy April!

  7. A busy month for Austenesque Reviews! Looking forward to reading your reviews and interviews. Loved The Courtship of Edward Gardiner.

  8. Another fantastic month’s agenda. I’m just as excited about the books I have read to hear what you’ll say in your reviews, as I am to read the reviews of the books I haven’t read yet. What a great line-up of visiting authors!

    That first outdoor photo is absolutely brilliant, so beautifully composed. The others are fun. I can see where you got those adorably pinchable cheeks, Meredith. I’ve only seen your brother in your pics before, seeing your mom is wonderful. Now if my son posted a picture of me out there in the world dressed for a hike with my Saturday hair & makeup, heads would roll. But that’s me. 😉 Tell her from me that she did right by her baby girl and said ‘yes’ to making memories out there on a hike. <3 😀 <3

  9. You always have such lovely photos. Sorry to hear last month was so lonely but glad that this month will be better. I have two books I need to reread so I can post a review…also. Looking forward to your interviews. The weather here is so different from day to day. We almost needed the A/C two days but today the wind was howling…40 mph. Trees are beginning to bud and the daffodils are in full bloom.

  10. I know what you mean about hating to be separated for even a few days from your hubby. Glad April is not full of work trips. But, good on you to hit the reading stack hard and get out and about with family and spring. We’re about a month behind on spring. The crocuses are just flowering and we had snow still through the early part of this week.
    Looks like some good books on the reading pile and fun guests. Good idea to do the re-read so you can see the tie-ins to the earlier books with Laura Place.

    Have a great April, Meredith!

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