What If The Darcys Went to Sanditon? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased TYPE OF NOVEL: Mystery, Pride and Prejudice Sequel, Sanditon Continuation TIME FRAME: Begins a couple days into Charlotte Heywood’s visit to Sanditon and around 4 […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
What If The Darcys Went to Sanditon? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased TYPE OF NOVEL: Mystery, Pride and Prejudice Sequel, Sanditon Continuation TIME FRAME: Begins a couple days into Charlotte Heywood’s visit to Sanditon and around 4 […]
Happy Monday, friends!! I am so happy to be welcoming back the lovely Kelly Miller to Austenesque Reviews today! Like many of you, I have read Kelly’s debut release – Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley (which is currently on […]
Hi friends! I am so excited to welcome back author Claire Johnson to Austenesque Reviews today! Claire paid us a visit in 2014 with her modern Pride and Prejudice story, Pen and Prejudice. We are really happy to be learning […]
What If Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Were Trapped in A Snowstorm and Mr. Darcy Was Injured? Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher In her second splendid Pride and Prejudice variation, Jessie Lewis brings Mr. Darcy […]