Happy Monday, friends! Guess what!?! It’s time for another cover reveal! And this cover reveal us exciting for multiple reasons – it is the second cover reveal for Quills and Quartos this month and it is a cover reveal […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Happy Monday, friends! Guess what!?! It’s time for another cover reveal! And this cover reveal us exciting for multiple reasons – it is the second cover reveal for Quills and Quartos this month and it is a cover reveal […]
Happy Friday, readers! I hope your week is going well! I am so excited to welcoming back author Jessie Lewis to Austenesque Reviews today! Did you see that her latest release, Fallen, just came out this week?! (Happy first release […]
Visually Appealing and Informative Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased If you are a long-time reader of this blog then you may already know that I am slowly working my way through reading annotated editions of Jane Austen’s […]
Happy Monday, readers! I am so excited to be welcoming our dear friends Cass Grafton and Ada Bright to Austenesque Reviews today! As you may already know, this wonderful pair has published two brilliant Austen-Inspired stories about Jane Austen being […]