Austenesque Reviews’ Favorites of 2024 + GIVEAWAY!!!

First we compiled data and analyzed stats… 📊

Now we reflect on those which were our favorites… 😍

In a year filled with terrific reads and fantastic Austenesque, here are the ones I adored the most! 🏆

Here are my 10 Austenesque Reviews’ Favorites for 2024!


…and the honors go to…

for Favorite Pride and Prejudice Variation

(5 books)

A Hopeless Business by Jan Ashton

Thank you, Jan. Mr. Darcy’s love is so patient, so gentle, so unselfish…*swoon!*

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Mr. Darcy’s Abducted Bride by Julie Cooper

Thank you, Julie. This was a beautiful blend of dramatic and captivating premises – a forced marriage attempt/impetuous rescue/forced proximity..

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My Dear Friend by Heather Moll

Thank you, Heather. The matchmaking subscription service, the letters, the dual relationships developing – it was all so brilliant!

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No Less Resentment

Thank you, Nan. This poignant story of adversity, maturity, and finding ones’ path was just incredible

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Wits & Wagers by Amy D’Orazio

Thank you, Amy.  Such sheer diversion. Such amusing antics.

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for Favorite Austenesque Sequel

(1 book)

Mansfield Letters by Paula Atchia

Thank you, Paula. I completely concur with your assertion that Henry deserves to be a hero.

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for Favorite Austenesque Prequel

(1 book)

Finding Jane Fairfax by Robbin J. Peterson

Thank you, Robbin. You made me feel compassion and sympathy for Frank Churchill. 

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for Favorite Austenesque Fantasy

(1 book)

Spellbound at Pemberley by Abigail Reynolds

Thank you, Abigail. You conjured up a creative, compelling, and complex fantasy world that is extensive, well-constructed, and eminently enticing.

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for Favorite Austenesque Alternate POV

(1 book)

Mr. Knightley…in his own words by Shannon Winslow

Thank you, Shannon. You created an exceptionally perceptive, well-crafted, and creative augmentation of Mr. Knightley’s character.

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for Favorite Anthology

(1 book)

Snowdrift and Other Stories by Georgette Heyer

Thank you, Georgette. For sharing these rapid, romantic, and rollicking fun stories with the world!

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What? No Moderns on this list?!

I read 10 Modern Adaptations this year, but sadly none of them were 5 stars.

So I’d like to give an honorable mention to Relative Strangers and A Pinch of Salt, both of which I really loved for their unique premises and originality.



We admired and honored, now let’s celebrate! I’d like to offer 2️⃣ of you lovely readers a chance to win one of the magnificent books on either of these lists! (winner’s choice from any of the books listed above, paperback, ebook, or audiobook)

All you need to do is comment below and share with us one (or some) of your favorite reads of 2024!

  • This giveaway is open internationally*
  • This giveaway will end January 15th.

*international winners must be able to receive their prize from an Amazon that easily distributes to their country or receive ebooks through


  1. It must have been so hard to pick this year. There were so many good ones!

    I think my favorite this year was The Bachelor Mr. Darcy by Julie Cooper -it was the final newspaper post that got me. When she talks about Richard as an amazing hero. Also her abandoned at the Altar! And any Melanie Rachel and Alix James that I’ve read.

  2. 2025 will have to go some to beat 2024, some of which were real standouts.
    Can’t wait to see what new stories come our way this year.

  3. I’ve been out of the Austenesque loop for a while, but slowly coming back, because I miss it! I’ve read Mr. Darcy’s abducted bride and loved it very much and I’m going to check out the ones by Heather Moll and Jan Ashton. They sound very interesting and fresh. Happy new year to you, Meredith and all the others here on the site!

  4. I definitely agree that 2024 had some wonderful writing. I finished Amy D’Orazio’s Wits and Wagers over the holidays and I had some laugh-out-loud moments. I enjoyed it so much. I’m looking forward to reading a couple of the above mentioned books. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. “Darcy’s Struggle” topped my list of favorites this year, though “No Less Resentment” was a close second.
    Thanks for all your reviews and recommendations!

  6. Many great choices and I can’t wait to read all of the ones featuring P&P characters. I just haven’t been able to enjoy ones from other Jane Austen books.

  7. Bonne année et merci pour toutes ces belles chroniques et présentation d’auteurs <3
    Celui qui me tente bien c'est My Dear Friend by Heather Moll

  8. I already own copies of each of these P&P variations, except the modern ones listed. I think No Less Resentment and My Dear Friend are my favorites of this list, but they are all exceptional and I will revisit them again from time to time and enjoy them again. Good picks!

  9. What a great list! I was working too hard this year to read much Austenesque fiction but would love the opportunity to rectify that omission in 2025. Thank you for your generous spirit and happy new year!

  10. These are all wonderful books. I’ve read almost all of them. I have several favorite JAFF authors and many have put out great books this year…it’s hard to pick favorites so I’m impressed you came up with ten. Looking forward to what comes out this year!

  11. One of my favorites was Saving Jane by AnnaMarie Wallace. I’m also a big fan of Alix James, especially when she writes anything P&P related. I have so many other favorite authors, that it would be impossible to list them all. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to read so many twists on a timeless classic–they never get old!

  12. Thank you for the reviews – we have similar taste so I always enjoy hearing what you thought of books. I particularly enjoyed Heather Moll’s books in 2024.

  13. Your list is great. I’d also like to add The Lady Sleuth of Longborn and The Lake House at Ramsgate. Also, any Laraba Kendig or Tiffany Thomas are fabulous. Looking forward to the offerings of 2025

  14. My Dear Friend and No Less Resentment were two of my favorites this year, too. We were blessed with several wonderful books in 2024!

  15. So many great stories were published this year! My favorites were One Last Chance to Begin Again by AL Ward, The Bachelor Mr. Darcy by J Cooper, and Windswept by JD King. I enjoyed looking back and coming up with my top ten.

  16. Thank you for your reviews as they always make my to read pile grow – haha
    My favorite audiobook this year was “I Never Knew Myself” by Melanie Rachel narrated by Harry Frost & Stevie Zimmerman (it also got 1st place in the P&P audiobook FB group). For my favorite in books form, I have no idea as I kept notes on the tons I read but have too many to choose from!

  17. There were lots of great books this year. I don’t know how you were able to choose your favorites! As a long time Heyer fan, I am pleased to see Snow Drift and Other Stories on your list, along with some great JAFF books. I was able to find Mansfield Letters and read it. I thought it ended too abruptly, but it was a good read. I too prefer Henry as a hero.

  18. Thanks for the suggestions!! I’ve loved everything by Jayne Bamber this year, especially “A quick succession of busy nothings”

  19. Congrats to all those who made Meredith’s top 2024 reads. Love seeing which books really resonated with you, Meredith. I enjoyed several of those, but still have quite a few to read. Spellbound at Pemberley was a five star for me and I also loved Maria Grace’s Dragons and new to me author MJ Stratton this year.

  20. Murder in Highbury by Vanessa Kelly, Reunited at Rosings by Beatrice Langford,
    The Redemption of Lydia Wickham by MJ Stratton, just to name a few I loved this year. So many great authors!

  21. Having read so many I can’t pick just one favorite. I did give 5 stars to Journey of Love – A Pemberley Tale and Spells and Shadows: A Fantasy P&P Variation and Fitzwilliam Darcy, Master Spy: A P&P Variation And Rising Courage: all reads from the beginning of last year. Thanks for a chance to win another book.

  22. Thanks for sharing this list of favorites Meredith, I enjoyed some of those as well. I can’t recall every book that was a favorite this past year but I know I read some good ones especially from Jennifer Joy, Alix James and Summer Hanford to name a few!

  23. Such a wealth of riches to choose from this past year. Incredible year. I like your choices, although some are still on my TBR. Too many are still on my TBR. Well, that is a gift in itself too.

  24. 2024 was a great year for Austenesque stories. I see a lot of your favourites are published by Q&Q, Meredith. Thanks for sharing your favourite reads with your readers. All these will definitely go to my long list of TBR.

    1. Hi Sylvia! Yes, Q&Q has a lot of books coming out every year, and so I do read quite a few myself. It is a testament to their talented authors that so many are my favorites.

  25. 2024 was a wonderful year for releasing Austenesque stories. I see quite a lot of them are published by Q&Q, Meredith. Thank you for sharing your favourites reads with us. All these will definitely be added to my ever-growing list of TBR pile.

  26. One of my favorites was Mr. Darcy & the Enchanted Library, by several authors. Also, f we count books read in 2024 vs. published & read in 2024, I loved Mr. Darcy’s Refuge by Abigail Reynolds (read in 2024 but published much earlier).

    1. That one looks so fun! I hope to read it myself! Yes, we definitely can count any books you read this year.

      Another gem! I love the premise of Mr. Darcy’s Refuge!

  27. Great list, Meredith! I really enjoyed “Wits and Wagers”…great story! I hope to read the others on your list soon. Thanks for sharing!

  28. I loved reading “Wits & Wagers” and “Mr Darcy’s Abducted Bride”! I want to read “My Dear Friend” soon!

  29. My favorites this year have to be “The Measure of Trust” by Alix James and the others in that series. It’s such a compelling story on its own. Adding what we know and love about P&P and its characters brings a whole new dimension to the story!

  30. I love seeing your favorites and adding more to my TBR! My Dear Friend and Finding Jane Fairfax were my 5 star favorites from 2024.

  31. I’m happy to see we share 3 favorites Meredith! And I have A Hopeless Business on my TBR, so maybe it will be among my favorites next year too!
    I hope 2025 will bring you great reads!

  32. My Dear Friend by Heather Moll, i loved it !!! Would like to be entered for a paperback copy of the same book. As reading it again & again will be great fun!!!

  33. I’m so pleased that you enjoyed No Less Resentment! Thank you for including it on your list; it really made my day, (also week and month).

  34. I’ve just finished listening to “An (Un)believable Artful Thief” by Jennifer Joy and love it! I have so many favorites that have already been named above. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful writers.

  35. I read over 200 books last year, including many rereads, and it’s hard to pick favourites but I did love books by Melanie Rachel, Heather Moll and Alix James. I know beside those I did love Twins For Mr Darcy by J Dawn King but I would definitely have to check to pick more specific books. Happy New Year

  36. Happy New Year! Last year one of the books I enjoyed was Elizabeth in Italy by Beatrice Langford. I love reading about Elizabeth visit new places.

  37. I absolutely LOVED Murder in Highbury by Vanessa Kelly 😀
    I also really enjoyed Elizabeth of East Hampton, and look forward to more of that series.

  38. Here are a few of my favorites

    Measures of a man by Alix James

    Mr Darcy’s abducted bride by Julie Cooper

    From Pemberley to Gretna Green by Laraba Kendig

    Favorite modern: Pink Party Punch by Amy D’Oracio from an anthology Affections and wishes

  39. I have read all of the P&P variations you chose and enjoyed and reviewed them on Amazon. I read 4-8 books per week, mostly P&P, and enjoy several authors newsletters.
    Some of the books I especially enjoyed were “The Scarred Duchess”, “Doubt Not, Cousin”, “Blended Bennets”, “Abandoned at the Alter”, “The Wager”, “The Scotsmans Ghost”, “The Christmas Heiress”, and “Dragons at Lands End”.

  40. Wow! The email for this post just hit my inbox today for some reason, or I would have responded sooner. I’m thrilled and honored to have “Mr. Knightley in His Own Words” named among your favorites this year, Meredith! Thank you so much. Captain Wentworth is next up!

  41. Wow, I’m so honored that you chose Spellbound at Pemberley as one of your favorites! I totally missed this until Shannon pointed it out to me. What a wonderful surprise! Thanks, Meredith!

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