Cover Reveal + Giveaway for Conundrums & Coincidences!!!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome back author J. Marie Croft to Austenesque Reviews today!

Joanne is here to share the beautiful cover of her upcoming release – Conundrums & Coincidences – which given the fabulous and alliterative title tells us that it will be very much be filled with Ms. Croft’s trademark playful spirit and cleverness. 😄

Those of you who have enjoyed her novels and memorable contributions to several anthologies know what I am talking about! 📚

I’m so excited to learn more about Joanne’s upcoming release! 🙌🏼

~ From the Author ~

Thanks, Meredith, for this opportunity to share with you and your readers the announcement and cover reveal of my upcoming novel, Conundrums & Coincidences.

You know how much I enjoy puns and such; but, rather than wordplay, this story is about word games—riddles, charades, puzzles, etc. And the tale takes Darcy and Elizabeth to a new setting, being Oakwood Manor, a centuries-old house in Buckinghamshire, where they attend a house party and are subjected to the ‘will’ of an eccentric old lady.

This book will be the third instalment of the ‘Mr Darcy’s Dilemmas’ series (along with Enduring Connexions and A Golden Opportunity). Oh yes, I like forcing the gentleman to struggle through difficult situations, but I also like giving him a second chance to win Elizabeth’s heart. As the title suggests, in this newest novel Darcy has a conundrum or two to work through (both the ‘question asked for amusement’ sense and the ‘confusing and difficult problem’ sense of the word).

The lovely cover—thanks to the ladies at Quills & Quartos and designer Pemberley Darcy—is evocative of scenes in the story where Elizabeth is at Oakwood, walking in soft morning sunlight, the dew dampening her hems and half-boots, while wishing the manor in the background, and a certain gentleman, might one day be her own.

~ Book Description ~

To suffer my second is the doom of my first; And of all of my seconds, my whole is the worst.

After two months of suffering the heartache of Elizabeth Bennet’s rejection of his marriage proposal, Fitzwilliam Darcy unexpectedly encounters the lady at Oakwood Manor the estate of the late Miss Phoebe Armstrong. The dearly departed Miss Armstrong has disposed of her worldly goods in an uncommon manner. She has called together five young people, including Darcy and Elizabeth, to vie for a legacy—the manor itself and a substantial fortune. For Darcy, however, the true prize is a second chance at winning Elizabeth’s hand.

During the week-long tournament where critical thinking is required, and with such a coveted prize at stake, not all participants are willing to play fair. By the time Darcy and Elizabeth have persevered through a se’nnight of charades and conundrums, of making friends and enemies, nefarious goings-on, forgiveness…and a deepening attachment to one another.

By the time they leave Oakwood, Darcy and Elizabeth have resolved their prior differences and are on the brink of an understanding. That’s when they face another conundrum: Mr Bennet adamantly refuses to consent to an engagement between his favourite daughter and Darcy.

With her twenty-first birthday fast approaching, Elizabeth is put in the unhappy position of having to decide between the two gentlemen she loves most. In both battles of wills, who wins?

~ Excerpt from Conundrums & Coincidences ~

Sitting in his carriage on a busy London street, Fitzwilliam Darcy tossed aside the newspaper and, for the second time, consulted his watch. Growing impatient, he drummed his fingers on his thigh. How he despised idleness and being left alone with his thoughts. Only you, Elizabeth, with so few words, could have caused such agony.

His appointment was arranged for eleven o’clock that morning, and, coincidentally, eleven minutes remained before he should sally forth. Were he the superstitious sort, eleven might be his unlucky number. Not that he remembered the incident, but at eleven months of age the young master had nearly succumbed to the measles.

When he was but eleven years of age, his beloved mother had breathed her last. Eleven years later, his father had died. In July of the year eleven, Darcy had installed his sister, Georgiana, at No 11 Chapel Place in Ramsgate. He should have known better. Her stay there nearly ended in a scandalous disaster.

Then, just five weeks past, on the eleventh of April—after the woman Darcy loved had scathingly refused his offer of marriage—he had left Rosings Park a mortified, bitter, and heartbroken man.

He had not been expecting it. He had thought she and he had come to an understanding and that everything had been going swimmingly. Every detail of how their life together would unfold had been carefully planned. But those castles he had built in the air had fallen to the ground and shattered like glass on stone.

Following that disappointment, he had fled to Pemberley and had intended to remain there for most, if not all, of the summer. Curiosity, not avarice, about Miss Armstrong’s bequest had lured him away from his estate. Wishing he was in Derbyshire still, Darcy consulted his timepiece for the third time before tucking it back into his fob pocket. Listlessly, he watched passersby on the street without really seeing them until…

“By Jove!” Lurching forwards, he craned his neck for a better view down Chancery Lane. Is that? He thought he had seen her and her father entering a carriage farther down the street. But seeing Miss Elizabeth Bennet was nothing extraordinary; he saw her wherever he went.

Easing back against the squabs, Darcy closed his eyes. Never is it really her. No matter. He had shifted for himself perfectly well before meeting the young lady, and he would shift well enough again without her in his life. Surely he would. Some day.

Taking up his walking stick, he stepped out of his equipage and stood then on the street, watching the carriage in question—which very much resembled Mr Bennet’s—pull away from the kerb. Longing to peer inside, he was disappointed that the only glimpse he could catch was of a gentleman, hat pulled low, sitting on the rear-facing seat. Darcy turned towards the building and, as he climbed them, he counted the steps to the entry.

Eleven. Of course.

At precisely eleven o’clock, he was greeted by Mr Monroe of Pemberton & Monroe and invited into his office. Five minutes or so later, after tea was served by a young clerk named Stevens, Mr Monroe folded his hands atop the desk and dispensed with chit-chat. “Now then, Mr Darcy, as reported in my letter dated the thirtieth of April, Miss Phoebe Armstrong became physically infirm and unable to care for herself in January of last year. God rest her soul, she died this February, and you, sir, have been named as a beneficiary in her will.”

“I presume you speak of the Miss Phoebe Armstrong who was born in the Northwest and later came to reside in Buckinghamshire.”

The attorney responded in the affirmative and made it known he had served as Miss Armstrong’s man of business for just over two years. “She wished to bequeath something to you in thanks for”—he opened a document case—“your kindnesses in the year nine. As I understand it, you learnt of the difficulty she encountered on her southward journey from Carlisle.”

“Yes. She had planned to stay two nights in Lambton, but the inn had been damaged by fire. Accommodation was provided at Pemberley for a number of inconvenienced travellers during the closure.”

Mr Monroe continued reading the document. “It was not only that, sir. Three years ago, you performed another kindness.” Looking up, he smiled. “And each time I visited the ailing Miss Armstrong at Oakwood Manor, I was enthusiastically greeted by her beloved Biscuit.”

Darcy was surprised to find himself smiling in return. Of late, such an expression occurred but rarely. “Ah yes, the Pomeranian pup she grew attached to during her stay at Pemberley. Whatever happened to Biscuit when his mistress died?”

“He was left in the care of the old butler, but the silly creature dashed out onto the lane and was crushed beneath the wheels of a neighbour’s recklessly driven carriage. The dog, that is, not the butler who, by the bye, is no longer employed at Oakwood. It is conjecture, of course, but it is assumed poor little Biscuit thought the carriage was bringing his mistress back home, and… Well…” Leather creaked as Mr Monroe shifted in his chair and rather needlessly shuffled papers about on his desk. “At any rate, my client wanted to show her gratitude for your good deeds. Unfortunately, such kind acts were rarities during the lady’s life. Her servants were a slovenly lot, and she had few friends. Miss Armstrong once told me that the more she dealt with people, the more she became disenchanted. She much preferred plants and animals. Dogs particularly. Horses not so much.”

They both turned at a sound from the office door.

“Ahem, Mr Monroe.” Stevens apologised for interrupting. “Your next appointment has arrived, sir.”

Glancing at his watch, the attorney gave a brusque nod. “Thank you. I shall fetch him anon. Now, Mr Darcy, back to business. There are conditions attached to your bequest. But first, I have here a token bestowal.” Mr Monroe disappeared beneath his desk. When he emerged holding a large parcel, his eyes conveyed something like an apology. “I am afraid Miss Armstrong was rather eccentric.”

Darcy wondered whether the man’s face was flushed from embarrassment or from the exertion of lifting the bulky bundle from the floor.

Without a word, the attorney advanced and thrust the package at Darcy before sitting behind his desk again. “Go on,” he said, gesturing with an upward tilt of his chin. “Open it, if you want. Or perhaps you would prefer to do so at a later time.” Mr Monroe appeared most eager for that choice. “I do have my next appointment waiting, and I have not yet informed you of the greater bequest or its conditions.”

Setting aside the cumbersome parcel, Darcy was quick to respond. “By all means, let me not detain you any longer than necessary.”

Succinctly, Mr Monroe told him that four other beneficiaries had been named in Miss Armstrong’s will. Each would receive, or already had received, a small token of her appreciation. “All of you, however, must compete for the lady’s legacy—namely, Oakwood Manor in Buckinghamshire and fifty thousand pounds in assets including nine thousand pounds in gold guineas. I am told it took four stout men to lift my client’s iron money box.”

Darcy could hardly conceal his astonishment, and he knew not what to say until overcome by both inquisitiveness and a measure of caution. Resting both elbows on the chair’s arms, he steepled his fingers. “The beneficiaries must compete, you say. How, exactly?”

“As mentioned, Miss Armstrong was an eccentric old dear. Some questioned whether she had full control of her mind towards the end, but I can attest to her compos mentis. Weak in body but mentally strong, she spent her last months devising a tournament of sorts. All I am able to impart at this time is that the five of you must spend, at most, a se’nnight together at Oakwood Manor and participate in a game of skill—nothing of the physical sort. The victor will inherit all.”

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: January 20th)

So inviting!! I cannot wait to go to Oakwood Manor – this promises to be a splendid and memorable house party! 🤩

Elizabeth’s expression is so knowing in this image – a mixture of astuteness, levity, and confidence. 😏

A true battle of wits with more than an inheritance at risk – sounds so exciting! ⚔️

Miss Armstrong is a delight already, I cannot wait to see the competitions she devised. 💭

What do you think, friends? 🤔



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of Conundrums & Coincidences to  3️⃣  lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Joann below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends December 31st. 


You can preorder Conundrums & Coincidences now!

My sincere gratitude to J. Marie Croft and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. Gorgeous cover! “ A true battle of wits with more than an inheritance at risk” —indeed, Meredith. And J M Croft’s proven wordplay is sure to make this excessively diverting.

  2. Congratulations!
    I love the bold colors our dear girl is wearing. It’s like she is ready for battle, yet still with her natural vivacity.
    At a house party with Darcy and an inheritance on the line. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. The cover is so colorful and amazing. The plot to this story sounds really intriguing…I love the idea of solving puzzles as a key to inheritance. And what better obstacles can there be besides the puzzles but some cheaters who will use nefarious tactics to win the ultimate prize. J M Croft always delivers and I am greatly anticipating this one!

  4. Beautiful cover! Very interesting and unique premise! Can’t wait to read. Thanks for offering the chance to win a copy!

  5. Elizabeth looks content with her surroundings! I wonder what she did to help Miss Armstrong? I’m displeased with Mr Bennet’s refusal to agree to the engagement. Elizabeth must have told him she wanted it so should have no cares about choosing Darcy when she comes of age.
    I do hope it isn’t one of the cheaters who win the prize.

  6. Wonderful cover. That egnimatic smile is saying to me ‘I know something that you don’t know!’
    And that house? Wow!

  7. It will be fun to see if Darcy is further hounded by the number 11. I love his agony over it. This is definitely a new premise for Elizabeth and Darcy. From the lovely cover, Elizabeth could be smiling because she finally realizes that she loves Darcy or she is smirking thinking of how she will best him for Oakwood Manor. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. Hi, Eva. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I’m not saying whether or not Darcy might have a change of heart about the number eleven—or if you’re right about the reason for Elizabeth’s smile. All I’ll say is good luck in the giveaway!

  8. The plot sounds fascinating and the book will be fun to read just based on deciphering the puzzles and solving the word games, in addition to watching the dance of romance performed by Darcy and Elizabeth.

  9. This cover is amazing, and this sounds like it’s going to be one of the most original stories that I have read in a long time.

  10. Drat! I was hoping the attorney’s next client would be Elizabeth, and Darcy would get to see her! Would it be agony or bliss for him? I suspect a bit of both.

    Regardless, I love the idea of a week at Miss Armstrong’s noble estate in England with Elizabeth and Darcy. May I please be invited, too, via winning an e-book? (Rushing to submit my request before the 11th of the month.) I’m so looking forward to enjoying the battle of wits.

  11. That is a gorgeous cover, and I am really looking forward to reading this. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on your new release!

  12. Thanks, Meredith, for today’s feature and your many kind words. I totally agree with your remark about Elizabeth’s astute, confident expression. The cover’s elements are a perfect fit for this story. Pemberley Darcy did a fantastic job.

  13. Lovely cover, Joanne, and a wonderfully intriguing excerpt to a story I absolutely cannot wait to read! Happy Cover Reveal Day!

  14. Fab cover, and I loved the snippet. Now can’t wait to read the published story
    Plus the chance to win a copy, is an added bonus

  15. While I think the cover is pretty, I so don’t care. I can’t wait to read this story! The blurbs are fantastic & I’m intrigued!

  16. This seems like the perfect premise for an intriguing, captivating, and fun-filled Darcy and Elizabeth story. The cover seems to convey an Elizabeth who is both assured and confident. I’m very much looking forward to reading this story. Congratulations on publishing a new book.

  17. Hello, Jeanette, and thank you! I’m thrilled that you like the premise. In the story, Elizabeth is–at least most of the time–quite confident. So I was, and am, delighted that the cover perfectly depicts her aplomb.

  18. This sounds fun and I love when Darcy and Elizabeth reside in the same house. Can’t wait to read. Congrats!

  19. Beautiful colours in the cover! The book sounds like a lot of fun. Congratulations on the new book, Joanne! I look forward to reading it.

  20. Congratulations on the new release! The cover is beautiful. I love the contrast between the dress and the background. Also, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  21. I love the idea of a battle of wits between ODC. I wonder who the other contestants are and how they fill figure in the story.

  22. Lovely cover. I love all the books from this publisher. This book sounds very interesting a different spin. Can’t wait to read it. I hope I win!

  23. OMG! Lots of comments! I had to have it, I love the cover, the look and the feel. will read it this weekend. Thanks Joanne! And congrats!

  24. Oooo, that premise offers so many possibilities. I love a good house party story and it hasn’t been done too much in JAFF so I’m really eager to read it, well I would have any way because it’s Ms Croft’s. The excerpt was attention grabbing.

    I don’t know if Elizabeth would do this, but I would be counting my chickens before they hatched thinking that estate would be wonderful to offer her mother and sisters when her father died and Longbourn is left to the Collinses. What a beautiful setting. 50,000 pounds would go a long ways to hire new servants, help the tenants, keep things going until the next harvest or two, and add to her sisters’s dowries. Yes, I want Elizabeth to win.

    1. Wow! Thank you, Michelle. Your comment just made my day. Yes, it would be wonderful if Elizabeth could win Oakwood Manor for her mother and sisters. But there are four other contenders for the big prize, and one of them is the intelligent Mr Darcy. That’s all I shall say on the matter.

  25. Gorgeous cover! I do not like the more abstract covers, which do nothing to induce me to even open the site. And the author’s name is a very encouraging indication of the quality to be found between the covers.
    And so, I’m hooked; how will I ever catch up to the enjoy even a fraction of the wonderful P&P variations by the best of your level. At least, I use digital formats, now that I’ve filled all the bookcases
    for which I have room.
    I look forward to reading this. Thank you for all the pleasure you have added to my life..

  26. Gorgeous cover! I do not like the more abstract covers, which do nothing to induce me to even open the site. And the author’s name is a very encouraging indication of the quality to be found between the covers.
    And so, I’m hooked; how will I ever catch up to the enjoy even a fraction of the wonderful P&P variations by the best of your level. At least, I use digital formats, now that I’ve filled all the bookcases
    for which I have room.
    I look forward to reading this. Thank you for all the pleasure you have added to my life..

  27. What a beautiful cover, Joanne. I can’t wait to learn what kind of mind-boggling games that Ms Armstrong has devised. Let the games begin!

    On another thought, I also wonder why Elizabeth was chosen to be one of the beneficiaries of the estate. How does she know Ms Armstrong and what kind deeds did she perform? I look forward to reading this new P&P variation.

  28. Congratulations on your novel. This sounds like such an interesting premise. Thanks for the excerpt. I look forward to reading more. –Leslie

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