Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Leah Page!!!

Happy Monday, readers! I’m very happy to welcome a new author to Austenesque Reviews today – Leah Page!

Leah just released a brand new magical Austenesque work last week  – Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling!  ✨🌿🪶🔥🔮🪄

Which I’m super excited about because 

✔️ I love the idea of Georgiana stepping into the foreground

✔️ I love the idea of Georgiana having magical abilities

✔️ I love the idea of Georgiana meddling!

If you are curious like me about Georgiana and her magical powers, Leah is here to share an enticing excerpt with you today!

We hope you enjoy! 😊

In addition to Pride and Prejudice fan fiction, I have a great love for Regency romance and paranormal fiction. Lately, I’ve been reading and listening to a lot of witchy romances. One day, on my way back from a work trip my mind wandered from the fun witch-meets-vampire romance I was listening to and settled on Pride and Prejudice. I found myself thinking about the ways a witch might impact Darcy and Elizabeth’s romance. That was the day the seed was planted for Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling.

There are several paranormal Pride and Prejudice books, and though it’s not always true, Elizabeth is usually the one with powers. Those are great, but I wanted a magical character that could assist the romance without being part of it. I considered several options, including Mr. Wickham, Mrs. Bennet, and Charlotte Lucas, but eventually, I settled on Georgiana Darcy. As a teenager, Georgiana could offer a unique view of her brother’s romance. And as a younger sister, she could provide her own spin on his prideful manners.

Unfortunately, Georgiana’s youth also lead her astray more than once in the book. Given that she is new to the world of witchcraft, and has yet to mature, she sometimes uses her powers for ill. Miss Bingley was a favorite target. In this excerpt, Georgiana uses a spell to quieten Miss Bingley’s ill-humored words to the Bennet ladies. It doesn’t go quite as she anticipated.

~ Excerpt from Diary Entry #11 ~

The ladies took their spaces around the room. Seated on a settee, I extended an offer to share it with Miss Elizabeth. Regrettably, Mrs. Bennet opted to take the seat beside me. Although I was disappointed to miss out on a private conversation with my soon-to-be sister, I had wished to know the lady better.

“Georgiana, may I have the honor of introducing you to Mrs. Bennet and her daughters? This is Miss Bennet, the eldest, followed by Miss Elizabeth Bennet, Miss Mary Bennet, Miss Catherine Bennet, and Miss Lydia Bennet. Ladies, my sister, Miss Darcy.” It was lost on no one how Fitzwilliam’s voice lingered on Miss Elizabeth’s name… including Mrs. Bennet.

“Mr. Darcy, you are a dear.” Mrs. Bennet turned to me. “Now tell me, my girl, why were we not introduced at the ball last week? A girl as pretty as you should have been in attendance, dancing with all the young gentlemen. I daresay you would have been almost as popular as my Lydia.” The youngest Bennet preened at these words.

Every eye in the room landed on me. My face warmed and my throat strained at words that could not be voiced. I do hate to be the center of attention.

“That would be quite impossible, madam. My sister is only sixteen and is not yet out.”

“Oh, nonsense. Why, Lydia is but fifteen and already making her debut in society. How is a girl to find a husband if she cannot attend events? No one wants an old wife. It is far better to be out when you are young.” She turned to me and patted my hand. “Now dear, what are we to do with you this season? If your brother will not allow you to attend the balls, perhaps he will permit you to come to a small house party. The Lucases will host an evening soon. Their home is not so large as Netherfield Park or even Longbourn, but we do always have a fun time!”

“Madam, I —”

Although I did not disagree with Mrs. Bennet, I am certainly old enough to attend small parties, but being the center of attention was causing me great discomfort. I was quite pleased to have Fitzwilliam interrupt the lady’s rambling until I happened to witness Miss Elizabeth’s pink cheeks. She was clearly embarrassed by her mother’s interference. It was my responsibility to set things to right, else this day may be repeated again.

“I thank you, madam. Although I would enjoy attending the party, I must adhere to my brother’s wishes. He is, after all, my guardian.”

“Your guardian! Where is your mother and father, child? Oh, my poor, poor, Miss Darcy!” At this, she hugged me close to her rather voluptuous bosom and rocked me back and forth.

From across the room, a throat cleared. “Ahem, Mama, have you seen the delicate lace on the arms of these chairs? Perhaps we should do something similar in our parlor?”

Crushed as I was in Mrs. Bennet’s embrace, I could only turn large, shocked eyes in Miss Elizabeth’s direction. Her face was still awash in dark pink heat. Clearly, she was embarrassed by her mother’s actions, and possibly by my own inability to react properly to the lady.

With a final squeeze, Mrs. Bennet released me. “I do say, Lizzy, that is very fine lace, indeed. Mr. Bingley, your sister has lovely taste.” She snapped her fingers at her second youngest daughter, “Kitty, take note of this pattern. I need you to sketch it so that your Aunt Gardiner can send us some of the same from London.” The girl nodded before breaking into giggles with her younger sister.

Mr. Bingley’s request for refreshments drew a soft smile from Miss Bennet and a look of gratitude from Miss Elizabeth. Mrs. Hurst was asked to serve, and unlike her sister, allowed the tea to steep to perfection. Eventually, however, our pleasant party ended. Miss Bingley, having received word of our visitors, glided into the room in a bright yellow dress, a shade more appropriate for someone with Miss Lydia’s coloring than her own. “How lovely to have visitors. Mrs. Bennet, it is good to see you again, along with your many daughters.” She spat the word ‘many’ as if it were a curse.

Mrs. Bennet preened, “Of course, Miss Bingley. We could not allow another day to pass without paying our respects. It is so good to have neighbors at Netherfield Park. It has been too many years since this home has been filled.”

“Naturally,” Miss Bingley responded with a sniff. She squeezed herself on the other side of me, forcing me to sit uncomfortably close to both her and Mrs. Bennet.

“I was just telling the girls to take note of the lace you have placed on the arms of the chairs, Miss Bingley. I believe my brother in town may be able to procure something similar for me.”

After tasting her tea, Miss Bingley’s lips puckered in apparent distaste. “Is this your brother in trade?” She turned her eyes toward my brother as she said this.

“Oh, yes,” Mrs. Bennet happily crowed. “He has the best warehouses in all of London. If he does not have the lace, it cannot be found in the country.”

“What a boon, then, it is to have your family stationed as they are, so closely aligned to trade. I am sure it is beneficial to have your brother’s connections when it is time to dress your daughters. It must be difficult to clothe five ladies, especially on your husband’s modest income.”

I was appalled. The gall of Miss Bingley! Not only to mention Mrs. Bennet’s connections to trade, but to also imply that her husband could not afford the upkeep of his five daughters! I knew by the tightness of his mouth and the way the muscles in his jaw ticked that Fitzwilliam was also horrorstruck by her lack of manners. I looked around the room at the rest of the group. Mr. Bingley was happily chatting with Miss Bennet and neither appeared to have heard Miss Bingley’s conversation. Mrs. Annesley wore a look of distaste upon her mouth. Mrs. Hurst twisted her bracelet in circles around her wrist. The two youngest Bennet daughters held their heads together, giggling. Miss Mary Bennet displayed a sour look, but that is, perhaps, her normal appearance. And Miss Elizabeth, the lady for whom I was most concerned, bore bright red cheeks and flared nostrils.

“Indeed, outfitting five daughters for social events is costly, yet it brings great joy. Though I was not blessed with a son, I have been fortunate to have five pretty daughters. How fine it is for a mother to see her daughters well-attended at a ball.” Mrs. Bennet stopped for a drink of tea and a bite of scone. Scarcely before the bits of bread had left her airway, she continued. “The gentlemen always favor my daughters. Why, your brother danced with my eldest two times at the assembly, and who can blame him? She is the prettiest lady in all the county. And even Mr. Darcy danced the first with Lizzy!”

“I am sure that was very exciting for you, Mrs. Bennet, however, it was only a country ball. For your daughters to find husbands they should attend a season in London, but I am sure that is beyond your capacity.” Miss Bingley practically hissed this insult before turning a smug look upon Miss Elizabeth.

I cast a pleading look at my brother, but he did not see me because he was too busy watching Miss Elizabeth. Miss Elizabeth, on the other hand, repeatedly clutched and released the fabric of her skirts, no doubt she wished it was Miss Bingley’s neck she held in her grip. One additional look at Mr. Bingley, who still chatted amiably with Miss Bennet, told me that I would need to set this teatime to rights. There was no other way.

What I am about to tell you, little niece, must forever remain a secret between the two of us, and, of course, Mrs. Annesley. It is simply impossible to get anything past her. I casually dropped my napkin, and when I bent to retrieve it from near my feet, I placed my left hand gently on Miss Bingley’s shoe. Then I softly repeated the words from the quieting spell Mrs. Annesley had taught me for laboring women.

With whispers soft and silence deep,

Calm the voice that will not sleep.

Let not a shout nor squawk be heard,

Just gentle coos, like a sleepy bird.

The familiar feeling of fulfilment told me my words had taken hold. I removed the smug look of satisfaction before I squeezed back into the narrow space between Mrs. Bennet and Miss Bingley.

“My Jane had a season in London when she was sixteen,” Mrs. Bennet recounted. “There was a gentleman who I thought was sure to make her an offer. He wrote some verses for her, and very pretty they were.”

“Thus, his affection ended,” Miss Elizabeth remarked with a hint of impatience.

Miss Bingley raised her nose in the air and then —Why then, to my utter surprise, she cooed! Her eyes widened with shock. “Coo! Coo!” She clapped her hand over her mouth to halt the bird babble. Miss Lydia and Miss Kitty burst into another round of giggles. “Cooooo!”

I love this set up – to see Georgiana have magical abilities and to come to Netherfield with her brother! Her observations and impressions are so interesting! 

And Miss Bingley is beyond…I love seeing Georgiana take some actions upon herself to help! 


~ Connect with Leah ~


~ About Leah ~

Leah Page loves books, hiking, and the Bengals (Who Dey!).  She has a passion for travel, is doing her best to learn Spanish, and has plans to live “a little bit of everywhere” when her husband retires. For now, you can find her sitting at her writing desk in Kentucky while her sidekick pup sleeps in her lap. 



In conjunction with her visit, Leah Page is offering 1️⃣  ebook copy of Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling to one lucky reader!

To enter this giveaway leave a comment, a question, or some love for Leah and fill out the rafflecopter link below!

click on this link.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Leah!
  • This giveaway ends July 14th!


  1. Cute excerpt! Nice seeing Georgianna getting back at Caroline, even if in a gentle way…

    This is on my pile and I am looking forward to reading it.


  2. I am looking forward to reading a story featuring Georgiana with magical abilities. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  3. This book was so much fun! I laughed out loud in more than one place in the book. Her pranks on Caroline Bingley were especially hilarious. I loved the teen angst paired with a burgeoning talent, not yet under control. This is a story you’ll want to read again and again. Congratulations, Leah, on this delightful new story!

  4. Oh dear, a Rafflecopter giveaway! I won’t enter that! Oh well I’ve already added this book to my list.. I do hope Georgiana’s spell on Miss Bingley is permanent 🙂

  5. Wonderful excerpt. Looking forward to reading what else Georgiana has in store for Miss. Bingley. Congrats on publishing another book.

  6. Yeah for Kentucky, my stomping grounds. I’m in south central KY and love having 4 seasons even in the heat of Summer.
    Thanks to Meredith for hosting. I laughed when I read the last of this excerpt. Coo! Indeed! That was hilarious. I have this on my wish list along with the other book by Leah. I extend blessings on its launch and success. Thanks for the generous giveaway and good luck to all in the drawing.

  7. I always look forward to unique variations! The story sounds interesting, and the cover is lovely.

  8. Hola Leah!
    This book seems so fun that I can’t wait to put my hands on it 🙂
    This is the perfect reading for holidays! Thanks for the giveaway 😉
    And thanks, Meredith for bringing us Leah. I wish I had Georgiana’s powers (but a little improved LOL)

  9. Adorable little excerpt! Can’t wait to get this book! I know Georgiana’s meddling will be so much fun!

  10. Great snippet, I liked it so much I just downloaded the story via Kindle Unlimited, and so far I love it

  11. Thanks for a chance to win a copy. Good luck with the release. I put this on my Wish List.

  12. Georgiana with a sense of humor and the magic to ply her mischief. This sounds like a fun (and hopefully long) read.

  13. Will be adding this to my TBR pile. Really fun idea, I love Georgiana and add a magical twist. Can’t wait to read it.

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