Cover Reveal + Giveaway for The Wallflower!!!

Hi friends! What a special treat! Author Frances Reynolds is here again – just a mere two months after her last visit! Isn’t that exciting? 🤗

What’s even more exciting is the reason for Frances’s visit – she is here to share the cover of her upcoming release – The Wallflower. Which sounds like it explores a new twist around Mr. Darcy’s infamous insult. 🫢

Thank you so much for your visit, Frances. I’m looking forward to learning more about your new release.

~ From the Author ~

Hello, everyone! I can’t believe I’m back again so soon. Many thanks to Meredith for hosting my ramblings, which I trust will be amply recompensed by the lovely cover we’ll be seeing shortly.

When I was invited to write a novella—my first!—I knew I would have to tell a simpler story than is my usual wont. The premise, then, would need to be fairly straightforward, the central problem driving the action one that could be solved largely by the protagonists, our dear couple, with only a small supporting cast. The cast of characters in Hertfordshire, canonically, is rather enormous, so it seemed prudent to move Elizabeth Bennet and her beloved sister to London for a little adventure under the supervision of the sensible and genteel Gardiners.

In Pride and Prejudice, Darcy’s famous insult is made ridiculous by the fact that he, as a stranger in that place, has little consequence to bestow upon the young ladies of the neighbourhood by his attention: his statement that he is “in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men” is hilariously conceited, as Elizabeth notes and uses to make his speech a joke among her friends. I have long wondered what the effect would have been, had he delivered the very same speech in a place where he did have consequence to lend or withhold. London certainly fits the bill, and thus was The Wallflower born.

And now that you know its origin story, let’s talk about this cover! I adore the simplicity, and that dress and wrap are absolutely lovely. The background is pure elegance, but subtly ominous, too. Though the lady—let’s call her Elizabeth, for no particular reason—is turned slightly away, she faces the viewer directly. Her pose is everything proper, but I think if we could see her eyes, there would be a hint of mischief in them, do not you? There’s humour in the lines of that mouth, I’m certain. She is, I think, more than ready to take on all of London and its irascible bachelors, even from a chair at the back of the ballroom!

~ Book Description ~

ELIZABETH BENNET and her sister Jane have come to London for the autumn at the invitation of their uncle, whose fortunes have risen so greatly as to admit him and his relations into the company of earls, admirals, and other such worthies. Elizabeth is delighted with the novelty of new acquaintances and experiences, although she cannot like the proud, conceited, unfairly handsome Mr Darcy. It’s a pity his close friend is in determined pursuit of her sister, for she would much rather avoid him entirely, but Jane’s romantic inclinations mean Elizabeth is thrown into company with the haughty Mr Darcy far too often.

FITZWILLIAM DARCY regrets his intemperate words about Miss Elizabeth’s desirability as a dance partner, and wishes everyone—particularly the beguiling young lady herself—would allow them to be forgot. Alas, with Charles Bingley set on winning Jane Bennet’s heart and hand, and his noble uncle eager to further an acquaintance with the Gardiners, he will have to do more than merely wish. He will have to admit that a young lady left sitting without a dancer partner may still be very tempting indeed.

The Wallflower is a novella length variation of Pride & Prejudice


And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: August 21st)

I adore this cover too, Frances! It is stunning, and your assessment of it is perfect. 🤌🏼

Look at that pose – it just evokes Elizabeth’s confidence & playfulness. 😏

I love the green of her dress, it is such a unique and bold shade, and the necklace is gorgeous! 💚

It will be interesting to explore the aftermath of Darcy’s insult in this new circumstance and setting! 🎩

What do you think, friends? 🤔



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣  ebook copies of The Wallflower to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!


To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Frances below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends August 11th.


You can preorder The Wallflower now!

(and good news! the wait won’t be long – this book will be released in less than 3 weeks from now!)

My sincere gratitude to Frances Reynolds and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. I’m so looking forward to reading this. I have several of your books. This is a new twist which is refreshing.

  2. Yes, the cover is stunning. I, too, love the colors, and Elizabeth definitely has a smirk on her lips. How interesting that it is Lord Matlock that wants to further the acquaintance of Mr. Gardner. Thank you for the giveaway. In my opinion, novellas are difficult to craft and write because of its length. Kudos!

    1. I found it easier than I expected, though that may be entirely down to having stumbled upon a premise so suited to a shorter work. We’ll see if I find the next novella attempt to be that obliging…

    1. It does! Quills and Quartos always seem to find the perfect cover artist for each work, which is only one of the things I love about working with them.

    2. Have enjoyed your books for years, and this premise sounds intriguing. (I especially like the idea of the uncle from trade being sought after by the ton!) Are any of those shades of green pomona??

  3. I have often speculated on how rich the Gardiners are, if Mr. Bennet could think it possible for them to pay 10,000 pounds to Wickham. I like the idea that they have moved up in society’s view and generously share that with their favorite nieces.

    1. And Elizabeth, upon hearing this speculation, is concerned with how “half such a sum” is to be repaid, but doesn’t seem to think it will instantly sink her beloved relations into poverty, does she? Austen does seem to hint they’re rather fabulously wealthy.

  4. A Terrific Cover, the book sounds great. The author is a great addition to the Austen
    Lovers collection. I look forward to reading it.

  5. I’ve read several books by Frances Reynolds, and always loved them. This one seems very intriguing as well! Can’t wait to read it!

    1. Thank you so much! I’ve always loved reading novellas, and I don’t know why I never thought to try writing one before.

  6. I have always enjoyed your stories. You’re one of the authors I’ll read as soon as the publication is released. This is a tempting tidbit. I can’t wait to read the rest!

    1. Thanks! It’s so lovely I had a dreadfully hard time not showing it to everyone I know before today! I managed, but only just. 🙂

  7. As a former wallflower, I have felt the sting of such an insult. I am excited to read Lizzy’s response to Darcy’s in a different setting.

  8. I’m excited to read The Wallflower. I have always found the word Wallflower in a title intriguing. It is a beautiful cover.
    The story sounds great.

  9. The excerpt leaves me intrigued; just how and when will Darcy find the courage to apologize, and as importantly, how will Elizabeth respond? I do believe this is going to be a fun story. Congrats on publishing a new tale.

    1. I can’t think of a spoiler-free reply to your musings, so I’ll just say that it was entertaining to write and I hope you’ll find it likewise to read. 🙂

  10. I am in the process of reading ‘More than a pretty face’ right now and thoroughly enjoying it especially Jane’s new persona. So, I will be sure and make ‘Wallflower ‘ my next read! Thanks for giving me such enjoyment.

  11. Beautiful. That is Lizzy to a T, when she’s not climbing trees, hills etc she is a mesmerising lady. In this pose you can almost feel her determination to be a lady but also to show anyone (with sense) looking at her that she is not to messed with.

  12. I finished reading In Sickness and In Health a couple of days ago and loved it. If this upcoming book is your favourite, my anticipation for its release could not be any higher!

  13. Lizzy looks so dignified, so cool…like a thousand insults could not bring her down. Of course we know she’s not quite that impervious, but she’ll never show outside how those words made her feel inside. Fantastic cover!

    1. Sigh. That was supposed to be a reply to a comment. That’s what I get for commenting before coffee.

  14. I just read the excerpt on Q&Q and am so sad that Darcy’s words have been taken to heart so much as to affect how people treat Elizabeth! He needs to dance with her at every opportunity to prove himself wrong!
    I love that green dress and the beautiful necklace and I aim to read this asap so will add it to my list in case I’m not fortunate enough to win a copy.

  15. Go Frances! This is a wonderful story that I thoroughly enjoyed! I know everyone who reads it is in for a treat.
    (No need to enter me in the drawing.)

    1. Imagine flinging that wrap casually about oneself before settling in to read a book…perhaps with a nice cup of tea.

  16. Ooooh my, the premise sounds delectable. The lovely cover hints that E’s courage and humor can prevail among the high and mighty of London, and that Darcy may be served some well done crow?! Congratulations on this new release!

  17. What a gorgeous cover. You can just imagine the spark in her eyes that you’re not seeing here. The gown, the accessories and the colors are simply beautiful, and, in this attitude, she just exudes dignity. I can’t wait to read it! Congratulations on your newest release Ms. Reynolds, I wish you much success.

  18. I’m really looking forward to reading this! I haven’t read your books before, so I’m eager to be introduced with this book!

  19. Love the cover! I agree, the expression is definitely a “Lizzy”. A new spin/location for the damning Darcy tolerable line. Ooo I’m intrigued. Looking forward to your new release with much anticipation!

    1. Thank you! It was fun to place those words in a different context and let them have new results.

  20. This cover is exquisite!! I agree — this lady has a subtle expression, the merest hint of a smirk. And her gown and the wrap are so beautiful!! It’s a lovely, lovely cover, and I look forward to reading The Wallflower!!

    With best wishes for a successful launch,
    Susanne 🙂

    1. Thank you! And yes, she does have an air of not being at all cowed by her position, doesn’t she?

  21. What a lovely cover! The story description sounds very interesting! I look forward to reading it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. ❤️

  22. Have enjoyed your previous works and look forward to this one. The cover well depicts how my imagination would see one of these ladies waiting for a dance partner! Wishing you every success with this new release.

    1. It’s always so lovely to hear that someone has read one’s work and liked it enough to come back for more. ♥️ Thank you.

  23. Like everyone else, I agree, the cover is lovely. I am looking forward to reading another book by Frances. Thank you for the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  24. Green is so Lizzy’s color. Good choice. She looks like she could take on the ton. Oh, Darcy, you have stepped in it now. I just grabbed this on Booksprout and I’m looking forward to reading it. I wish you all manner of success in another launch. Good deal. Thanks to Meredith for hosting this cover reveal. She has the best job. Also, thanks to Q&Q for their generous giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. Blessings.

  25. The cover is beautiful! Elizabeth seems very composed in spite of sitting out a dance and awaiting her turn. I have enjoyed your other works, and I am looking forward to this unique take on this story! Best wishes on a successful release!

  26. Gorgeous cover – the shades of green make for elegance, indeed. And August 21 is not that long to wait.


  27. Lovely cover, and having the insult be in London? I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with it! Congrats on the new book, Frances!

  28. The cover is lovely and the blurb is intriguing. Definitely, a story I look forward to reading.

  29. Congratulations on the new story & I love the cover. I have found I really enjoy novellas as they give you a complete story in a short amount of time so I feel accomplished being able to finish it in one sitting (especially when life is busy).

  30. I loved your last book ‘In Sickness and in Health’ and looking forward to reading ‘The Wallflower’

  31. Oooo, this looks so good! So much room for potential, given the bigger stage the insult is delivered on. I’m definitely looking forward to this one!

  32. I love the cover. Although, I have to admit that the color of the gown makes me think of that scene in the A&E series when Kitty and Lydia are in Meryton and point to a green fabric in the window and say, “That would do very well for Mary,” and then laugh. Good luck with the book!

  33. A really beautiful cover!! I love the premise of your novella. Poor Mr. Darcy, the insult that wounded Elizabeth’s pride. Congratulations on your release. I look forward to reading. –Leslie

  34. I too love that cover! I really like the premise and am looking forward to reading it soon, but I am behind and want to read your last one soon too. Plus, I was just telling myself I really wanted to reread More Than a Pretty Face. I want it all. Congratulations on both of your recent releases. All the very best luck, always.

  35. Both the cover and title are appealing, and the blurb makes me curious about how Ms. Reynolds will tell the story from this perspective. I can’t wait to read it and find out!

  36. Although green is not my favourite colour, I adore and love the dress and shawl. This is a lovely cover just like all the other book covers by Q&Q. I totally agree with your opinion on Elizabeth on the cover.

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