Colonel Brandon in His Own Words – Shannon Winslow

Regrets and Redemption

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Sense and Sensibility from Colonel Brandon’s POV

THE PREMISE: A second son, a soldier, a stalwart friend, and a sufferer of disappointed love – Colonel Brandon is a man worthy of our regard and admiration. But what causes Colonel Brandon’s grave looks and melancholy air? What were his previous life experiences? What are his internal reflections concerning the women he loves…


In Sense and Sensibility we learn that Colonel Brandon is a man of sense and secrets. And in Shannon Winslow’s recounting of Colonel Brandon’s story, we learn that he is also a man of regrets that seeks redemption. He is perhaps the most honorable and heroic gentleman Jane Austen created. How could I resist the opportunity to spend some more time with him?

With his steadfast yearning, patient heart, and modest manner – Colonel Brandon, simply put, is the best of men. And Shannon Winslow’s developed and thoughtful portrayal of him in this tale makes him even more so. While spending time inside Colonel Brandon’s head, we witness how unresentful he is – even though many people in his life give him cause to feel resentment, and how unselfish he is – even though he has every right to think of only his happiness and desires for a change. He is everything. I loved learning that he plays the piano and is a skilled dancer. I appreciated seeing even more of his kindness and gentleness to the women in his life – Eliza, Beth, Elinor, Mrs. Dashwood, and Mrs. Jennings. But I especially loved his excessively patient and gentle pursuit of Marianne and the moments when he starts to recognize some of her feelings for him. *happy sigh*

In this tale Shannon Winslow includes several flashbacks to earlier years in Colonel Brandon’s life. We learn even more about Eliza and witness scenes of their falling in love, being torn apart, and then eventually, their reunion. These poignant and moving scenes reveal more about Colonel Brandon and gave insight into his experiences and feelings. There were also hints of another woman in Colonel Brandon’s life – one that he met in India. I was greatly intrigued each time her name was mentioned, and I was glad when her story was finally told. Although, I must admit that this story’s resolution left the reader feeling dissatisfied. While I loved the inclusion of this original character and her experiences, the conclusion makes it feel uncertain and disjointed. Which didn’t quite match significance and great mystique of how it was introduced.

Like Colonel Brandon, this intimate recounting of his affairs is eloquent, gentle, and sensitive. I enjoyed discovering the unknowns about our dear colonel and gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for his character. I cannot wait for the next book in Shannon Winslow’s “...In His Own Words” series!

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  1. Thanks so much for the lovely review, Meredith. What a nice surprise to find it this morning. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed the book. “Mr. Knightley in His Own Words” is coming soon!

  2. This has been on my wish list for too long, I need to bump it up higher! Great review, Meredith. I enjoyed another of Shannon’s ‘In His Own Words,’ and I’m also looking forward to the one she’s working on now…Edward Bertram. But who doesn’t love Colonel Brandon/

    1. Hi, Michelle! Just chiming in here to make a clarification. The book I’m working on now (hopefully to be released in September) is about Mr. Knightley from “Emma” – “Mr. Knightley in His Own Words.” And yes, I hope you will read them all!

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