Cover Reveal + Giveaway for In Sickness and In Health!!!

Greetings friends! I’m very happy to be sharing a new cover reveal with you today! And I’m especially excited about this book because of the unique way it parallels what we experienced with the COVID pandemic a few years back. 😷 

Please help me extend a warm welcome to Frances Reynolds who is here to share the beautiful cover of her upcoming release – In Sickness & In Health! 🙌🏼

~ From the Author ~

Hello, Meredith! Thanks so much for having me back for my second cover reveal. (We’re in multiples now, wow!) I’m delighted to be here.

In Sickness & In Health began, as I suspect many variations do, with a re-read of canon. In chapter 7, Jane falls ill at Netherfield and sends a note to Longbourn, where her parents squabble over it. Mr Bennet jokes about Jane dying in pursuit of Mr Bingley, and Mrs Bennet airily dismisses any concern, declaring, “People do not die of little trifling colds!” It struck me suddenly that while that might be true, there were plenty of things which might initially appear to be a minor illness, but which one certainly could die of, especially in the early 1800s before things like antibiotics and IV fluids.

This led quite swiftly to the big “what if”: what if Jane were the first, or one of the first, to fall ill of something not only dangerous, but contagious? How would an epidemic in Meryton change the events of Pride & Prejudice? Who would rise to the challenge, and who would falter? After some research into the more contagious diseases of the era, I chose smallpox, put the characters in position, and let them tell me what happened.

The majority of first draft was written in the summer/fall of 2020, so it is also unashamedly a COVID allegory. The things I sawboth personally and in the newsand experienced during that time were a significant influence on how the story plays out. That’s why I will be donating 20% of my royalties generated by sales of this novel through the end of 2023 to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (

But enough of this seriousness! Let’s talk about this gorgeous cover by Evelyne Labelle of Carpe Librum Book Design. What’s not to love? (I am obsessed with that hat in particular.) Is this Elizabeth, approaching Netherfield to tend to her sister, with no notion of what truly awaits her there? Or is it later, as she reflects upon all that happened and everything she has learned? Those slightly ominous clouds in the background have me leaning toward the former. What do you think?

~ Book Description ~

It was not long before she honestly felt that she could love him, if he truly wished it.
WHEN A SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC SWEEPS through Hertfordshire, Elizabeth Bennet finds herself trapped together at Netherfield Park with Mr Darcy. An epidemic plagues Meryton and Longbourn village and Elizabeth and Darcy, unexpectedly immune, must work together to help those afflicted. Elizabeth finds herself forced to reconsider the character of the man she had deemed proud and disagreeable in light of his efforts.

FITZWILLIAM DARCY IS IMMUNE to smallpox but finds himself all too susceptible to the charms of Elizabeth Bennet. First drawn to her as merely a friend, his feelings deepen as he witnesses her care for her family and neighbours as they face death, sorrow, and the ravages of the disease.

WHEN THE IMMEDIATE PERIL SUBSIDES, a new threat arises in the form of damaging rumours spread in London. Darcy finds that he must determine whether his feelings for Elizabeth can override his more practical objections while Elizabeth must decide whether her grieving family’s needs outweigh her own wishes. Can such connexions forged amid the fire of loss and adversity be made into a happily ever after?

In Sickness and in Health is a romantic variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: July 10th)

It’s gorgeous! So full of beautiful, dark colors and rich details. 🖤

I adore Elizabeth’s whole ensemble! But I have to agree with Frances, that hat is enviable! 👒

This cover evokes such a strong sense of impending turbulence and facing them with fortitude. 💪🏼

I don’t know about you, but I got a fever…and the only prescription is to read this book!  🤗

What do you think, friends? 🤔



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of In Sickness and In Health to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Frances below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends June 12th.


You can preorder In Sickness and In Health now!

My sincere gratitude to Frances Reynolds and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. Wow, brilliant snippet, I didn’t want it to end. Haven’t read an angsty version of P&P for a while, so I look forward to reading this when it’s published.
    Congratulations Frances, I’ve no doubt it will be another successful book.
    Plus we have the chance to obtain a free copy, happy days.

  2. This is definitely not a cheerful cover! I love the drama of those skies although Elizabeth seems to brighten the area around her. I think this is Elizabeth on her way to Netherfield to tend to Jane. I’m happy to know that she and Darcy are immune to the epidemic. It seems some members of Elizabeth’s family don’t survive, I wonder about Bingley and his sisters? I look forward to more.

    1. Isn’t it simply gorgeous? It’s been terrible not being able to show it to anyone since I got the preview! But now it’s out here for everyone to enjoy.

  3. Thank you so much for the giveaway and congratulations on your new novel! I have a feeling I will really enjoy reading this one just from the brief description alone.

  4. Love the cover! And the story will be wonderful as well. A Francis Reynolds’s story NEVER disappoints.

  5. When I was young one of my favorite children’s book about the friendship between two boys as smallpox ravaged their town.
    Now there is going to be a P&P variation with Darcy and Elizabeth facing a smallpox epidemic??
    Santa came early this year because this is the gift I didn’t know I needed in my life!

    1. How wonderful! Do you happen to recall the title of the book you enjoyed as a child? I’d like to check it out.

  6. Gorgeous cover with a tinge of foreboding and almost, dare I say, menace? I’ve been anticipating another Frances Reynolds book. Can’t wait to read it!

  7. Intriguing back story and premise. And eye catching cover – the immediacy of the the close up of the face and the intricacy of the details of the home, saying what is happening in the house will be very important as well.

    1. It really is the perfect cover for what’s inside, and yes, a great deal does happen inside Netherfield!

  8. The nurse in me loves this concept; smallpox was an absolutely harrowing disease. This is just the kind of book that I will devour. So looking forward to its release!

    1. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for all you do! Nurses are the backbone and bedrock of medicine.

  9. I have to agree with Meredith with her evaluation of the cover. The material of the dress and scarf draws me in. Stunning. I like the concept of this book. Elizabeth and Darcy have always cared for their loved ones and I can easily imagine both taking a lead and respecting and complimenting each other as they journey through this horrible disease. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. I hope in the end you’ll be able to say you enjoyed the execution as well as the concept. 🙂

  10. It is a beautiful cover. I like the play of sunlight on the lady vs the grey clouds overhead.
    First, they have to revive smallpox, then the Ton! Congratulations on your new release!
    (I don’t need to be included in the giveaway)

  11. I love the cover, especially the cover! How will Bingley and Mrs. Bennet responds if Jane is suddenly riddled with smallpox scars? How will Jane respond to a change in her beautiful looks? She would definitely have to develop some accomplishments then wouldn’t she? This is a book that I am definitely going to have to purchase and read, especially if I don’t win it!

    1. Those are excellent points about what happens if Jane’s beauty is marred? How will those around her respond if/when she is no longer “beautiful” in the traditional sense on the outside? Will she also change on the inside? Hmmm…let’s find out! I’m looking forward to hopefully reading this book as well!

  12. A bright Elizabeth and the mansion looming ahead under a dark and ominous sky. Perfect foreshadowing for what awaits her for we know she will be fearful for Jane and her family. Hopefully Darcy will be equal to the heroics that we know Elizabeth will display for those under her care. Can’t wait to find out!

  13. Close quarters – no matter the reason – always come with more opportunities to clear the shades between Elizabeth and Darcy!
    Love the contrast between the vibrant pinkish gown and sunny hat on one side, and the foreboding skies on the other….

    Hopefully the angst and necessary drama are of not so long duration….

    1. Yes, with an epidemic going on, there’s not much room for grudges and misunderstandings!

  14. Fabulous cover! Cannot wait to read Francis’ latest. It’ll make a great birthday present to give myself.

  15. It’s a gorgeous cover, and I love the premise of your new book, Frances! I look forward to reading it. Congrats!

  16. Wow the cover is beautiful! And I really look foward reading this one when it comes out. I love Variations in which ODC faces an epidemic or other crises.

    1. Thank you, and they’ve definitely got more on their hands than unwanted suitors and ill-judged words. 🙂

  17. Wonderfully moody cover! Is the storm just beginning with the dark clouds closing in and wind whipping up the leaves, or just ending with the sun peeking through? The story sounds so intriguing. Much success with the release and thank you for the giveaway chance. Excited to read this one!

    1. I doubt there could be a more perfect cover for this book. I only hope the story lives up to it!

  18. The cover, with it’s foreboding clouds gathering over Netherfield, has an ominous feeling about it, as if Elizabeth is walking into a storm. Yet, there is that ray of sunshine that brightly illuminates Elizabeth, making me think that she will weather the storm well, and come out shining in the end! She will be the bright spot in this story!

    1. And isn’t that Elizabeth’s role? Such a dear, witty creature, it’s no wonder we still love her two-hundred-odd years later.

  19. Loved the cover on sight. And the hat is to die for. By showing Elizabeth looking away from the viewer towards a dark toned Netherfield, the cover conveys a sense of foreboding and fear. I agree with the comment above that Elizabeth is the bright spot on the cover and her dominance of the space offers hope for some happier outcomes.

    1. Clouds are certainly gathering over Netherfield in the beginning, but the sun always comes out for ODC eventually…

  20. Love the cover…stormy clouds…flying leaves…but some blue in the far distance. Love it. Love the color tones. Love the story line. One’s health was a fickle thing during that time. I have More Than a Pretty Face and its cover is lovely as well. I can’t wait to read this one.

  21. Brilliant cover! I love the dress, and the hat is beautiful! I also loved the synopsis of the book and can’t wait to read it. Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy. ❤️

  22. The cover is beautiful! I can’t wait to find out how Elizabeth and Darcy work together, and hope that his reservations are not to difficult to overcome.

  23. Great premise, and lovely cover! Thank you for the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  24. Like everyone else, I knew of pandemics in history, but experiencing one is/was a sobering life-altering experience. I look forward to reading your book with it’s beautiful cover.

    1. I don’t think I could have written this story before 2020. Or if I had, it would have been very different!

  25. I loved the author’s first book, ‘More Than a Pretty Face’, and I can’t wait to read this one.

  26. I love this idea and the cover shows an Elizabeth alone but stronger than ever
    . I must say I never read More than a pretty face – Frances Reynolds.

  27. What a wonderful premise for ODC to fall in love. I hope to read this book soon! Congratulation on your book!

  28. Beautiful cover and I love stories of an epidemic in P&P setting. The adversity let our favorite characters shine and reveals selfishness in the others. I love this author and I’m looking forward to the release of this one. I’ve just finished listening to an audiobook of More Than a Pretty Face, one of my favorites. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on the release.

  29. Can’t wait to read this!! The cover is gorgeous. Loved your first book and am so excited for this one.

  30. Yes, lovely cover. I do like angst in my stories. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of this one and thank you for sharing that small part in the preview.

  31. Gray skies over Netherfield gives a feeling of apprehension that something not good is about to happen. I’ve been looking forward to this read since I first saw the “coming soon” prompts from Q&Q. I have a feeling I might shed a tear when I read this one, but I always love a book that brings out my emotions. Wishing you every success upon its release.

  32. I agree the cover evokes the thought that the woman (Elizabeth) is preparing to square her shoulders and enter the fray of what she might find in the great house in the background. She will, and must care for her precious Jane, but what else will she be required to do and with whom? Congrats on publishing another book.

  33. Beautiful cover and a really interesting premise. An interesting story line to come out of the 2020 pandemic. I look forward to reading more. –Leslie

  34. Nice cover with a touch of drama coming soon after the image. Stories of the human response to epidemics, whether current or past, really illustrate the best and the worst in people’s characters. All your stories are excellent, but this may outshine some of the others.

  35. Such a beautiful cover. I’m really looking forward to reading the story.
    Thank you for sharing your talent.
    Betty Campbell Madden

  36. Love the cover and the small bite of the story. You made good use of your Covid time! I look forward to reading the whole story soon. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  37. The cover is lovely. I like it very much. I’m really looking forward to your book. I find the premise intriguing and I like the idea of Darcy and Elizabeth becoming better acquainted in such close circumstances and with an illness lurching at the background. I think this will be very intense and unembellished. I’m really looking forward.

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