Guest Post with Author Jennifer Joy!!!

Hi friends! I’m thrilled to welcome back the lovely Jennifer Joy to Austenesque Reviews today. As you may have seen, Jennifer just celebrated the recent release of a new Pride and Prejudice variation – A Cleverly (Un)Contrived Compromise. But that is not what she is here to talk about today!

Jennifer is here to share some exciting news about how you can listen to her audiobooks for FREE! 🙌🏼

~ From the Author ~ 

It’s such a pleasure to visit you again, Meredith! Thank you so much for having me over.

As a writer who wants to create a story for readers to become immersed in, a lot of my research involves videos. Through videos, I’ve learned how to curtsy properly, how to use a mounting block to ride sidesaddle, how to dance a quadrille, how to style my hair for a Regency ball… you get the idea. YouTube has become an integral part of my writing process, and I hope that what I’ve learned there has added to your enjoyment of my stories!

When I learned that it was possible for me to share my audiobooks with you on YouTube for free, I took a few months to count the cost before deciding to dive in. Since then, I’ve uploaded 6 books, all with professional narration from some of your favorite narrators: Win, Lose, or Darcy; Earning Darcy’s Trust; The Elizabeth Conspiracy; Fitzwilliam Darcy, Traitor; A Cleverly (Un)contrived Compromise; and The Honorable Mr. Darcy!

What’s to come? Right now, the complete Meryton Mysteries series is being prepped for release on YouTube, as well the rest of my titles that aren’t tied up in contracts. All my new releases will make their audio debut there before hitting Audible, libraries, and other audio retailers.

If you want to be the first to listen, please Subscribe to my channel! I’d love for this trend to catch on in our amazing community!


~ About Jennifer ~

Jennifer Joy believes in happy endings, sweet romance, and plenty of intrigue. She writes what she most enjoys reading, so expect lighthearted stories with a few laughs.

Born on the beautiful Oregon coast, she now calls the Andes Mountains home with her husband and twins.


Thanks so much, Jennifer! This is so wonderful and generous  of you! I enjoy watching content on YouTube so much (I do it multiple times each day). And I appreciate everyone who shares such valuable and entertaining videos there! ▶️ Thank you for thoughtfully offering this opportunity to readers in our community!


  1. I am so excited to see how this venture works for you, Jennifer. Pulling audiobooks out of exclusivity with Audible is a monumental task. I’m slowly but surely working on it. Congratulations!

    Thank you for featuring my daughter, Meredith.

  2. Such a generous gesture! Alas I’m not a fan of audiobooks, I prefer to read at my own pace (including rereading passages as I go) but I know so many fans will love this opportunity. Good luck!

  3. I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks lately so I look forward to listening to yours! Plus, I can always count on you to keep it clean so my children don’t hear anything they shouldn’t if they enter the room. Congratulations on a new venture!

      1. I love how you described this “childproof romance”. That’s awesome!! Thank you very much g do it all you do to make this happen. My standards are up there with yours.

  4. Thank you, Jennifer, you’re really generous!
    I have “Firzwilliam Darcy, traitor” in my TBR pile so I’ll have to read it soon…or listen 😉

    1. Wonderful! I hope you enjoy “Traitor.” I have fond memories typing the snow scenes in the sweltering, unairconditioned spare room of my grandma’s house one summer

  5. I’m enjoying listening on Youtube and heartily suggest you do too. Jennifer’s books are always entertaining.

  6. I love Jennifer’s books in digital files. And I love listening to them now on YouTube. What an amazing thing you have done for your fans! ❤️

  7. Congratulations and a Big Thank You for sharing your wonderful books! I’m like Glynis and prefer reading but for those who love to listen it is a great way to appreciate your novels! I did subscribe though just in case life gets too busy and I need my FIX! Just bought your latest and hope to read it before the end of the year!!

  8. Like Glynis and Carole I prefer reading at my own pace. I have read and loved all of your stories, Jennifer. Good luck with this new venture. How lovely for those who do like to “hear” stories.

  9. I have a few of your books on audible and am awed at your generosity to upload them to YouTube to the wider and *free* audience! Looking forward to continuing the Meryton Mysteries series.

  10. It’s a little late to weigh in here, but I just finished Jennifer’s latest story available in audio form on YouTube. It wasn’t my first, I’ve been enjoying old favorites for several weeks now on Jennifer’s channel and I’m overjoyed and overwhelmed at the generosity. Thank you Jennifer. I hope this brings many many more fans to your writing.

    The new story is soooo good folks. I won’t spoil it but here’s one different thing I liked about it. You can consider this a forced marriage scenario. But unlike most of those plots this one has Darcy and Elizabeth staying in Hartfordshire. So Elizabeth learns Darcy’s better character there before she leaves home, and falls for him there before they wed. Likewise Darcy has his eyes opened slowly without the benefit of the horrible proposal and its aftermath (the rude but necessary awakening.) So instead of charging off to Pemberley right after a short engagement where Darcy is comfortable and Elizabeth has to find her way, the strife and learning all happens between Longbourn and Netherfield with enough subplots to keep you thinking ‘Gosh, how is this going to come crashing down on their heads, and when?’ It ends so beautifully, sniff. It’s a keeper and I will want to reread it again. Soon.

    Thank you Meredith, for hosting Jenner on your blog.

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