Cover Reveal + Giveaway for An Inducement Into Matrimony!!!

Hi friends! It’s an exciting day! Amy D’Orazio from Quills and Quartos is sharing with us the cover reveal for a NEW short story anthology!! Woot woot! I adore anthologies! I loved Quills and Quartos’s first anthology – ‘Tis the Season and I have Happily Ever After with Mr. Darcy on my TBR list. And I’m thrilled that we can anticipate another anthology being released soon – especially if there is the promise of Saye! 😍

Welcome, Amy! It is so lovely of you to stop by and share the cover reveal of An Inducement Into Matrimony! 🤗


~ From the Authors ~

As always thank you for having us at Austenesque Reviews! It is always a pleasure to be here!
I am particularly fond of short stories both as a reader and as a writer. As a reader—especially at this time of year when busy football weekends give way to the holidays—its a great way to get your D&E fix in a short period of time! As a writer they can be especially fun because you get to explore little ideas that wouldn’t be suitable for a full length novel but are still poking around in your brain. In my story, for example, Darcy gets persuaded by Saye and Colonel Fitzwilliam to attempt to don a disguise and get to know Elizabeth Bennet from a new perspective. Silly, right? But it was fun to imagine!
As the authors sent in their individual contributions, I fell in love with each story. We did not give a lot of guidance with our theme—inducement into matrimony really only ruled out a sequel! So it was especially fun to see where their imaginations took them. I hope you will enjoy them as much as we all did! Special thanks to Evelyne at Carpe Librum Book Design for her magic with the cover— we just thought it was so beautiful and reminds us a little of springtime as we face down the winter months!

~ Book Description ~

AN INDUCEMENT INTO MATRIMONY is an anthology of short stories which are variations of Pride & Prejudice. All are set in the regency era and follow a different path to happily ever after for Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

Sixteen Days At Pemberley by Susan Adriani

When Elizabeth Bennet’s journey to Derbyshire with the Gardiners results in an extended stay at Mr Darcy’s estate, new depths of understanding grow between them—but it takes longer than either had hoped.

The Pleasure of Understanding Her by Mary Smythe

The sudden and shocking ability to read minds gives Darcy some much needed insight into Elizabeth Bennet’s heart, and into his own faults and behaviour.

The Heart’s Consent by Paige Badgett

Both Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy must overcome regrets and recrimination if he is to win her back from another seemingly ardent suitor.

No Charm Equal by Jan Ashton

The enchanting qualities of Elizabeth Bennet drive Darcy from Netherfield earlier than expected, but encounters in London with friends and relations quickly remind him why she pierced his reserve and captured his heart.

United by Happenstance by Gailie Ruth Caress

Lady Catherine brings Elizabeth Bennet unexpectedly to Mr Darcy’s doorstep but when her ladyship recognises she has brought the enemy to the gate, she turns vitriolic. Darcy and Elizabeth unite against his aunt’s wrath but will the union lead to more than either anticipated?

The First Moment of Their Acquaintance by Amy D’Orazio

Darcy’s cousins believe that they can fabricate a second chance for him to make a first impression on his beloved Elizabeth. He returns to Meryton hoping the disguise he wears will make the man he is more plain.

Speaking the Truth by Nan Harrison

Elizabeth leaves the Netherfield ball desperately ashamed of her family’s behaviour and wishing to escape the censorious eye of Mr Darcy and Miss Bingley. When Darcy follows her however, truths are spoken freely…and a new chance at love emerges.

A Duet in Dispute by Michelle Ray

A shared love of music results in a more amiable relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth but complications arise. Will his love for her be enough to overcome the challenges that face them?

What Might Have Been by Kay Bea

It’s been five years since the Bennet family was sunk beneath Lydia’s disgrace. Elizabeth has learnt not to regret Mr Darcy—that is, until a chance meeting makes her think that what might have been still could be.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: November 1st)

A thousand times yes! This is such a  captivating cover! 😍

I adore arched arbors with flowers and vines growing on them. They are so romantic and wistful! 💗

If Pemberley had gardens as beautiful as this cover, it would definitely induce me into matrimony! 🎩

9 stories! By 9 fantastic authors! I can’t wait to see all the scenarios and situations these fine 9 come up with! 🤭

What do you think, friends? 🤔



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of An Inducement to Matrimony to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Quills and Quartos below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends October 11th.


You can preorder An Inducement to Matrimony now!

My sincere gratitude to Amy D’Orazio and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. OMG! I absolutely love this cover, the arch is definitely reminiscent of a marriage and I love Elizabeth’s blue dress. The short blurb of each story makes me desperate to read them all. I do love anthologies which concentrate on Darcy and Elizabeth so this is a definite must for me!
    Thank you!

    1. I’ve seen the previews as one of the authors and there are heart-warming as well as (*fans self*) moments not to be missed in this collection. I do hope you love it!!! Thanks for reading!

    2. What a great group of authors! Very much looking forward to this anthology. The cover is lovely, as well. Really conveys the character’s connection to nature.

  2. Woohoo! A new anthology comprised by some of my favorite authors! So exciting! Can’t wait for (please, please, please) audible release. Saye, Fitzwilliam & Darcy too! This is an early birthday gift . Yep giddy wire excitement!

    1. Chris, your excitement has put such a smile on my face this morning! I am a huge fan of Saye, too, and am right there with you – I love that Amy snuck him into her story. Every story in the anthology is heartwarming. I hope you’ll love them all! Thanks so much for commenting.

    2. The cover is dreamy! I love anthologies. I am so excited to see things from favorite authors but also from some new writers who had lovely debuts this year. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

      1. I love anthologies, too, and I agree with you about the cover – it certainly sets the mood for ODC and their HEAs! I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading and thank you for your kind words.

  3. Omg I love the cover this sounds so good I would love to read this please enter me in the contest would love to be able to fmget this storu

  4. I’ll start with the fact that this entire post made my rainy day. First, finding out that the wonderful Amy D’Orazio is publishing something new. Second, it’s an anthology, so not only will we get her beautiful words and her always dreamy Darcy (and Saye! Man, I love Saye), but we’ll get words from other great authors as well! And third…that cover – from the misty, gauzy frame, to the lush trellis, then front and center, Elizabeth in a gorgeous and period-appropriate gown contrasting beautifully with the rest. Loved it all. Thank you, Amy. And thank you, authors. And thank you, Quills and Quartos!

  5. Oh my word! Yes! This comes right at the right time for me, I needed a lift me up.

    Wonderfully romantic cover and the stories…I can’t wait!

    Congratulations to all for this new anthology!

    1. Indeed! And thank you! It’s an exciting day, and I am so happy that this announcement is bringing you a lift. I hope you enjoy each of the stories.

  6. Lovely, lovely cover. Nine stories (by nine great authors) all rolled into one book is quite the dream come true!

    1. I think I can say that we are all looking forward to the release of the book too! I hope you love it, the stories are such a treat!

  7. Ohhh, what a lovely cover for what I’m sure will be an excellent collection of short stories! I’m really looking forward to reading this. The blurbs for each story have me greatly anticipating them. Congratulations to all you lovely ladies from Q&Q for this exciting new release.

    1. Thanks so much, Marie! I hope you’ll enjoy all the stories – they were so much fun to write…but keeping this project under wraps was a challenge! Happy reading to you. 🙂

    1. It’s a lovely collection of stories curl up with, Robin. The cover sets just the right romantic tone. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

    2. Isn’t the cover so whimsical and romantic? And trust me, the stories inside match it beautifully. I hope you enjoy it!

  8. What a beautiful cover, and the stories sound so good. And a great collection of authors! Please enter me in the giveaway!

  9. Would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance to do so. Good luck with the release to the authors. Lovely cover.

    1. Thank you, Leslie! It’s a beautiful cover, isn’t it? I hope you enjoy all the stories as much as we enjoyed writing them – they’re all equally warm and lovely!

    1. I think the beautiful cover conveys the romantic nature of the stories very well! Anthologies are so nice; they can be enjoyed as one long read or if your schedule is busy, read in small bites. Short but fulfilling escapes from the daily routine.

  10. The excerpts that I read are so enticing as is the gorgeous cover! I can’t wait to delve into each story and savor the excellent writing of these accomplished authors.

  11. I agree with the other commenters. A lovely cover and delightful stories to look forward to!!!! Fabulous!

  12. Beautiful cover! I’ve read some, but not all of the contributing authors so I’m looking forward to discovering new-to-me authors.

  13. Love the cover, and the stories all sound very interesting! It’s amazing to have a chance of winning this book!

    1. The cover IS very pretty, isn’t it? Wishing you the best of luck in the giveaway – thanks so much for commenting.

  14. It’s a very good cover for a story I look forward to reading. Your respective books have given me much pleasure, thank you very much.

    1. Betty, I’m so pleased to know our stories have given you pleasure – You’re very welcome! I hope this collection will make you as happy and that you’ll enjoy it as much. Thanks so much for your kind words!

  15. The cover is spectacular; I love that fantastic arbor. And who doesn’t want to think of spring when approaching winter? Q&Q publishing never disappoints-this book will definitely be added to my wish list.

    1. Aw, thank you, Jeannette! I have a feeling you’ll love this one. And I agree about the cover. That arbor is so inviting and lovely, and the colors…! It’s perfect in every way.

    1. There’s a lot to be said for anthologies – so easy to dive in and out of when you’re busy! Hope you enjoy!

    1. That’s so nice of you to say, Glory! Thank you! I happen to love the cover, too. It sets the mood beautifully, and invites you in. I hope you enjoy our stories as much as we enjoyed writing them!

    1. November does seem very far away, doesn’t it? But the time goes fast (especially when you have a very long to-do list). Hope you enjoy it!

  16. From the description, this is going to be a sweet anthology! I love the arch of flowers in the cover, as if they are an entrance and an invitation into another world. The cover woman’s curiosity and hesitation make me think of Elizabeth. Thank you for the reveal and congrats on the upcoming release!

  17. What a beautiful cover! And I love all the various short stories that give us more of our beloved Darcy and Elizabeth.

    Thank you for highlighting this book, Meredith, and to our friends at Quills and Quartos for the giveaway opportunity!

  18. What a beautiful cover! I love the short story anthologies, and will definitely read this one. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book.

  19. What a gorgeous cover! The sort that makes long for your fairy godmother to wave her wand and transport you there. So dreamy!
    I love anthologies and this one looks to be unmissable.

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