Cover Reveal + Giveaway of A Man of Good Fortune!!!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome a brand new author to Austenesque Reviews today! Ali Scott is here to celebrate the lovely cover reveal of her debut release – A Man of Good FortuneI’m especially eager to learn more about Ali’s debut release as it sounds like it has a very intriguing premise! And I love the circumstances and internal conflicts explored!

Welcome, Ali! I’m so happy to have you visit my blog! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Austenesque Reviews for hosting my cover reveal. It is amazing to see my book alongside so many great variations that I have enjoyed reading.

I wanted to start my story with a dramatic event, and A Man of Good Fortune begins with a terrible accident. Seriously injured, Darcy regains consciousness to find himself married to Elizabeth – a woman who he cannot recall. As he recovers, Darcy becomes increasingly fascinated by his wife, but she is very much a mystery to him. A Man of Good Fortune follows Darcy as he attempts to piece together the fragments of his life prior to his accident. Plagued by the suspicion that something is amiss, Darcy must set aside his growing admiration of Elizabeth to seek out the truth.

This book is centred on the notion that every rational part of Darcy knows that he shouldn’t be married to someone like Elizabeth, but he cannot help being irresistibly drawn to her. I felt that Darcy’s internal conflict between his desire and his judgment was an interesting way to evoke elements of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. However, I wanted to recreate Darcy’s struggles using a different set of circumstances. Once I had this moment of inspiration, I couldn’t stop building my story around this idea. Questions formed in my mind: what would prevent Elizabeth from being open with Darcy from the beginning; would they have had any children; how would Darcy react when he learnt of his disastrous proposal; and how long would Darcy’s reserved nature last when faced with Elizabeth’s lively wit and affection. As a writer, it was such an enjoyable challenge to capture the different shades of their relationship – especially as they both must navigate the ramifications of Darcy’s accident.

I love reading Austenesque variations with lots of interaction between Darcy and Elizabeth and A Man of Good Fortune is built around the dynamics of their relationship. Writing A Man of Good Fortune has been a hugely enjoyable experience, and I hope that my love for these characters shines through my book.

~ Book Description ~

A RIDE ON A STORMY DAY has disastrous consequences for Fitzwilliam Darcy, who finds himself grievously injured and bedridden–and with no memory of Elizabeth Bennet, the woman to whom he has been married for several years. Recovery is slow as his head injury has made it difficult for him to read and write, and a suspected fracture in his leg has made walking painful.

AS DARCY’S RECOVERY PROGRESSES, snippets of memory begin to plague him and questions arise. He begins to suspect that his wife, and those around him, know more about the time leading up to his accident than they are telling him. Why was he riding on such an inauspicious day? And why does he keep dreaming of his mother’s brooch?

AS THE DAYS PASS, he finds he is increasingly beguiled by Elizabeth. She draws him in, despite his concerns for her loyalty to him. He wonders if he can trust her love even as he finds himself learning to be in love with her again. Will the shadows in the past and the obstacles they have overcome defeat them? Or will he find happily ever after, once again, with his Elizabeth?

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: October 10th)

Ooooh! Such a romantic and intriguing cover! And the premise has me completely bewitched! 😍

Mr. Darcy’s beautiful hand holding a single rose is making me think of the *hand flex* IYKYK 🥀

I’m very interested in the events leading up to Mr. Darcy’s accident and the shadows of the past… 🎩

“He finds himself learning to be in love with her again” – I can’t wait to witness this! 🥰

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About Ali ~

Ali Scott fell in love with reading at an early age and spent her childhood reimagining her favourite stories. A lover of languages, she studied French and Film at Southampton University and is counting down the days until she can share her love of France with her two young daughters. Pride and Prejudice was the one of the first books that truly captured Ali’s imagination and she regularly returns to it whenever she needs an escape from the modern world. During her first maternity leave, Ali fell down a rabbit hole of Austenesque variations and has been happily lost there ever since. She lives in Surrey with two beautiful girls, a wonderful husband and an unruly allotment.

A Man of Good Fortune is Ali’s first book.


The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of A Man of Good Fortune to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

  To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Ali below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends September 14th.


You can preorder A Man of Good Fortune now!

My sincere gratitude to Ali Scott and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. A hearty congratulations on your first publication. This story is intriguing: why was Darcy riding in bad weather? Do they have children? And it will be fun to watch their romance blossom a second time. Again, congrats!

  2. Love the cover- holding the rose like that triggers love feelings on the edge of shock and disappointment.
    I have read an ARC of this book and it is a wonderful offer from this first time author. So complex and a joy to read.

    1. The cover really took my breath away when I saw it – it is so dramatic. Thank you for your lovely comment and I’m so pleased you enjoyed the book.

  3. Since I read the blurb of this upcoming release I knew I wanted to read it.
    So I am eager to be able to dig into it.

    The cover is great, it shows a man who is trying to find his footing, torn between his attraction to his mystery of a wife and the majesty of his home.

    Don’t enter me in the giveaway.

  4. Sounds intriguing. I already have it on my Wish List. Thanks for a chance to win a copy. Good luck with the release.

  5. Wow! Sounds compelling. I do like the cover very much. Can’t wait til this comes out! Best wishes on your debut launch!

    1. It’s completely beautiful, isn’t it? Thanks for your encouragement – I really hope you enjoy ‘A Man of Good Fortune’.

  6. The cover is beautiful but the book is better. I read an ARC and finished it within 24 hours (life must be lived despite wanting to simply read.) No need to enter me in the drawing as I already have a copy. I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful this novel really is. Totally enthralling. Congratulations, Ali!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment – I am so thrilled that you enjoyed ‘A Man of Good Fortune’. I completely understand what you mean about life getting in the way of a good read! There are so many fabulous Austenesque authors out there – I am surprised that I get anything done!

  7. Your first novel! How wonderful. The premise is certainly one to catch one’s imagination – as it did yours! I can’t wait to read it as read it I shall!!! Please enter me into the drawing … a free e-book is not to be taken lightly.

  8. Great cover! I like the contrast between light and dark. It alludes to the story quite well and is appealing. Congratulations to the author and everyone involved!

    I read a bit of this book when a few chapters were posted online (then removed several months ago). I was very much hoping the story would be finished. This is one of those that is so well-written and intriguing that it continued to pop up in my mind from time to time. I would search for it, and now here it is…or will be soon!

    I saw it in the Coming Releases a few days ago and preordered immediately which is unusual for me. To say I am excited to read this complete version is an understatement!!!

    1. Thank you! I’m so touched that you remembered my original posts online – I hope you enjoy finding out what happens.

  9. Thank you for your lovely comment – I am so pleased that you enjoyed ‘A Man of Good Fortune’. I completely understand what you mean about life getting in the way of a good read! There are so many fabulous Austenesque authors out there – I am surprised that I get anything done!

  10. Sounds very intriguing…. A sequel with troubles for the happiest couple in the world? How cruel of you, DA!
    The cover is lovely – and if dramatic is the atmosphere in the book then the artist did a good job!!
    Can’t wait!

    And congrats on your first book!

  11. The cover is very romantic. I feel that Darcy will be giving the rose to Elizabeth because he either remembers or he is courting her once again. Congratulations on your first book!

  12. Love the cover! The cover tells a story just by itself! . I remember this story as a WIP…I am excited to read this!! Congratulations on your first publication !!! I hope there are more publications to come. Maybe a Pride and Prejudice story in France so we can enjoy France from your eyes!!!

    1. Oh la la! French Elizabeth and Darcy … what a great idea! I’m so touched you remember my story from before – I hope you enjoy finding out what happens. Merci!

  13. A new author of Q&Q is certainly welcome. The cover is very nice and the story interesting. I love to read about Darcy who is in doubt about his marriage and Elizabeth unknown to him. Thank you for the possibility to win an ebook.

  14. This sounds like a good take on the post Pride and Prejudice life of ODC. Watching Darcy’s struggles in a new way should be good. I look forward to reading this.

  15. I hope this story will let me sleep at night until I shall know the happy end. I have fluttering nerves like Mrs. Bennet!

    1. I cannot confirm or deny that there will be no sleepless nights! I hope you enjoy my story and that your nerves are not too sorely tested. Thanks for your comment.

      1. Ali, I shall tell you about my nerves and my dark rings under my eyes.
        I wish you all the best and until soon

  16. I simply love the cover of the book! The story is unique. Elizabeth has lost her memory in the past and not remembered Darcy or her children. Now it’s his turn!

  17. I absolutely love the single red rose he’s holding! I also love that there’s lots of Darcy and Elizabeth time and that they’re actually married. I believe he’s right to believe in Elizabeth and look forward to reading this one.
    Thank you!

  18. I am completely intrigued! I’ve read a couple stories where Lizzy doesn’t remember Darcy, but not the other way around, so I can’t wait to read this one! The cover is lovely.

  19. Oooh, I’m excited! I’ve read a number of Darcy or Elizabeth losing their memory stories, but most of them are pre -wedding and the one I’ve read that isn’t (Side by Side, Apart; a great read) is Elizabeth POV and memory loss. Love the cover, too!

  20. Congratulations on getting your first book published. Love the cover, and having read thd snippet I look forward to reading the book when it’s released.

  21. Read the excerpt and it looks fascinating! Beautiful cover leaving the most important things to the Reader’s imagination.

  22. I love the cover and I’m intrigued by the story. I’m trult looking forward to reading it. Congratulations to Ali and many more books to come I hope!

  23. Thank you Laura! I have enjoyed every minute of writing A Man of Good Fortune and I would love to keep on writing. I hope you enjoy my story.

  24. Congratulations on your first published book! This is a very intriguing premise and that cover – wow – I literally gasped when I saw it ~ so gorgeous!!!

    1. Thank you Jill! It’s such a great cover – so dramatic and mysterious! Quills and Quartos did such a great job.

  25. Love the cover – the font and how each word is vertically laid out look great. The R justification is very appealing. Love the hand of a man facing the magnificent stairway, bearing a rose. Very intriguing! Did I mention that the story sounds great?

    1. It’s so beautiful isn’t it? It really captures your attention. I’m excited for you to read my book! I hope you love it.

  26. An intriguing premise and a beautiful cover. I love a single rose in Darcy’s hand. Congratulations on the release.

  27. I loved the excerpt. This is such an intriguing premise; very mysterious. I look forward to reading more and finding out what happened to Darcy and how he will regain (hopefully) his memory. Congratulations on your first novel. –Leslie

  28. What a sweet cover! I love how he is holding that rose and how he is facing that estate so that it’s easy to see the title from his clothing. Thank you so much for sharing that cover.

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