Cover Reveal + Giveaway of A Famous Good Marrying Scheme!!!

Hi friends!! What a perfect way to start the week – a cover reveal for a new book by the lovey Jan Ashton! Huzzah! 🙌🏼 Jan Ashton – if you aren’t familiar – is the talented author of Some Natural Importance, A Searing Acquaintance, and Mendacity and Mourning to name a few. She is also co-creator of Quills and Quartos!🪶 📚

Jan is here to share the beautiful cover reveal of her upcoming release – A Famous Good Marrying
Scheme! We hope you enjoy! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Thanks so much for having me back to Austenesque Reviews, Meredith! Your site is
such a wonderful place to find new authors and welcome new books from familiar ones.
I’ve been working on my new Pride and Prejudice variation, A Famous Good Marrying
Scheme, since last year, and am thrilled to finally have it out in the world. I hope
everyone likes old Hollywood screwball comedies as much as I do, because this story is
pretty much a 1930s Cary Grant-Irene Dunne rom com, set in 1812 Hertfordshire.

The title (it’s a mouthful, right?) is a slight twist on a line in Northanger Abbey. But unlike
that novel, this “scheme” refers to the humorous plan devised by Darcy and Elizabeth to
restore Jane’s affections for Bingley when everything that can go wrong does go wrong.
Like everyone, I love romantic tension, banter and yearning between ODC. A Famous
Good Marrying Scheme explores what would happen if Darcy and Bingley returned to
Netherfield in autumn 1812, both hopeful and determined, and everything unravels for
Jane and Bingley—leaving the awkwardly uncertain but deeply in love Darcy and
Elizabeth to manage more than just their own confusing romance.

I was so fortunate to have Nise at Hoja Designs understand and interpret my notion of a
font-focused cover and create the most gorgeous, inventive, and winsomely fun artwork
for the entire cover wrap. She incorporated all the little details that play into the
situation: a runaway dog chasing a fox, a wayward hat, and quite a bit of flirtation
between Darcy and Elizabeth. I could not be more thrilled with the cover. I hope
everyone enjoys the story and the cover!

Here’s what it’s all about:

~ Book Description ~

Sober and grave grows merry in time! Mr Darcy shall be the true love of mine.”

Oh no, Jane!”

DAYS AFTER FITZWILLIAM DARCY and Mr Bingley return to Netherfield in the autumn of 1812, they are thwarted in their hopes of securing the hands of the Bennet sisters they love. Discouragement turns to mortification and full-scale farce as a trifling head injury leads Jane Bennet to shed both reticence and reason and announce Mr Darcy is her true love.

ELIZABETH, AS DESPERATE for the return of her sister’s sensibilities as she is for Darcy to declare his love for her, must now manage the envy, yearning and frustrations of the two men caught up in Jane’s shocking confusion. While Mrs Bennet masterminds her own secret plan to restore her most beautiful daughter, Darcy and Elizabeth become confidantes in a madcap romantic scheme.

DARCY GIVES HIMSELF over to Elizabeth’s humorous management, and as he assumes the role of a most unsuitable suitor and Elizabeth encourages him to exhibit the behaviour she once found most offensive, they are unable to hide their long-suppressed love and desire for each other.

BUT WILL JANE’S MISGUIDED affection for Darcy fade before Bingley runs out of patience and the real lovers—Darcy and Elizabeth—are discovered?

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: September 26th)

Oh! It is so flirty and fun! I’m completely charmed. 💚

I love the green, the fun fonts, the large hat, and Mr. Darcy with his shirt-sleeves rolled up! 😍

An old Hollywood-style screwball comedy farce? Sign me up!! 🎥

Jane wanting Mr. Darcy? Mr. Darcy acting like an unsuitable suitor? Mrs. Bennet with her machinations? – sounds like such madness! I cannot wait! 🤪

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About Jan ~

Jan Ashton writes and edits Jane Austen variations and regency and contemporary romances. She lives in suburban Chicago with her husband, an avid golfer and great reader, and does her best to manage the affairs of assorted cats, grown kids, and grandchildren. A Famous Good Marrying Scheme is her seventh book.


The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of A Famous Good Marrying Scheme to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

  To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Jan below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends Augusts 22nd.


You can preorder A Famous Good Marrying Scheme now!

My sincere gratitude to Jan Ashton and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. I love her books and this one looks so much fun to read! As long as we get the HEA for Elizabeth with Darcy! Yes? Hopefully. The cover shows what I exoect from the book. Fun, light, lovely.

    1. There can never NOT be an HEA for ODC, right? I think the cover conveys the story’s mostly light tone so well. Thanks for your kind words, Laura!

      1. Of course we want the HEA! I’m really looking forward to reading story. Although *gasp* I recently learned that not only there are people who want to read a story where ODC don’t end up together, there are stories that end up like that!
        I also was hooked by the “screwball comedy” description. I used to watch these when I was a kid.

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed Jan Ashton’s “The Most Interesting Man in the World” with its humor and great dialogue. Looking forward to this story and the promise of another fun tale. Congrats on publishing another story.

    1. Hi Jeannette. I love that you enjoyed MIM (as my co-author Justine and I refer to it). This Bingley has a little more backbone but he definitely still relies on Darcy–and on Elizabeth’s cleverness, too. I hope you’ll enjoy the story.

  3. What a fun, bright and cheerful cover! Ha! Darcy looks perplexed, dragged along with Elizabeth’s schemes. Still can’t keep his eyes off her 😉

    1. Good observation, Sam! Darcy is perplexed, though not half as much as poor Jane and Bingley, and keeping his gaze from Elizabeth is hard on many levels in this story. And you summed up the cover so well: fun, bright and cheerful. My designer took my random thoughts and came up with exactly what I’d hoped for. Thanks so much!

  4. I love the totally bemused looking Darcy on the cover, he’s obviously being given his role in their plot by Elizabeth!
    If all else fails I suggest another bump on the head for Jane to get her away from Elizabeth’s Darcy?
    A humorous story is definitely a plus as a reprieve from the heartbreak of some others.

    1. Glynis, I feel just as you do and really needed to write something funny and romantic to help lighten up my little corner of the world. Of course, that hasn’t stopped me from enjoying all the great JAFF chockfull of angst, or some dark novels, movies and shows, but it was nice to put my head in a happy and silly place when writing. I hope the story will make you smile.

  5. This sounds fantastic. Thank you for that little blurb, now I can’t wait for August 22 to find out what happens. Good look on new book. I believe it will be another excellent book from this author

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Marsha. A longer excerpt will go up tomorrow on the Quills & Quartos website. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

    1. Nothing better than banter–except maybe some swooning and silliness! Thanks, Marie–I hope you’ll like the story!

  6. I love this already!!! THOUGH Elizabeth’s face reminds me of Miss Bingley in the 1995 version of P&P, sorry. But it cannot be her as the gown ihas the wrong colour 🙂
    I am looking forward to September 26th!

    1. Oh my gosh–but Elizabeth is so much sweeter and prettier, and more clever and far better at scheming than Miss Bingley! (We know Darcy thinks so!) I hope you’ll enjoy the book!

  7. Hi Jan! You caught me with the mention of Cary Grant, Irene Dunn and a romance comedy in the 1930’s style! I imagine Mr Darcy being really rude while confused Jane falls in love with her LOL, I love this variation and the cover is very fun 😉
    Thanks for the giveaway! Meredith, thank you fir inviting Jan to your place.

    1. Old screwball comedies are the best, and I didn’t even mention William Powell and Myrna Loy, who were equally wonderful! (I think Powell would be a perfect Mr Bennet.) Darcy will be his old self, but it may not be his idea. Lots of confusion in this story. I hope you’ll enjoy it, Teresa. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. At last, or so it seems, another book from you. You realize, of course, that your reading audience is always ready for your next.
    Thank you.

    1. Oh you are so sweet! Thank you for boosting my confidence. A Famous Good Marrying Scheme is so different from Some Natural Importance–much more in line with my early more comedic books. It’s nice to know there are readers waiting for it! Thanks so much!

    1. Madcap! That is one of the words I should’ve mentioned to my lovely cover designer when explaining what I wanted, but she came through with the perfect design anyway. Thanks, Sharon!

  9. I agree with your interpretation of the cover, Meredith. Jan Ashton’s books have never disappointed me, and this screwball comedy sounds perfect! It will be fun to see Jane and little off kilter; Bingley probably frantic; and Elizabeth and Darcy working together. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Eva! I’m glad you enjoy my books, and this one is just as you describe it–it was fun to play with Jane a bit and “loosen her up.” And I do love a frantic, slightly panicked Bingley. D&E are a very good management team. 😉

    1. Thank you, my friend! You gave me great advice on the story–which has undergone quite a material change (if I may steal a quote). I really hope you’ll like the changes, and I’m so happy you like the cover; it really does capture the story. xoxo

  10. I am a Jan Ashton fan – have read all her books to date and am really looking forward to this next one. The cover is fantastic – love Darcy’s little side-eye peek at Elizabeth. They look every bit the plotters in the ‘romantic scheme.’ And who knew that fonts (and how they are arranged) could be so fun!

    1. I’m so glad you like the cover, Maura! I love the use of graphics and fonts and these colors, too! There is a lot of side-eye going on in this story, not to mention eye-rolling and winking. I hope what my editor and I found funny is as funny to all of you. Thanks for stopping by to share such kind thoughts.

  11. I am already mentally preparing myself to tears of laughter, aching abdominal muscles and a need to read this in a private location to avoid receiving concerned looks (has she gone mad or why is she laughing like that) .

    1. Ha ha, I sure hope the book lives up to your hopes! My editor Julie and I were laughing aloud a thousand miles apart, so that’s a hopeful sign! Hopefully, you’ll sigh a bit too, Satu! Thank you!

  12. I love the cover, thank you for sharing it with us and for the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  13. I have read a number of your stories and have enjoyed them all…..and this one looks to be a particularly “fun” story…especially with the whimsical cover. Nice job there! I must say that in addition to being lauded for all the stories you’ve written, you should also be particularly praised (and appreciated) for so-founding Quills & Quartos. So many new authors have been given that necessary boost and recognition to publish by Q&Q. Bravo!

    1. You make me blush, Linda! Writing a light, whimsical story has been a great outlet this past year (and I have been working on it for that long..whew!) and I hope it brings you and everyone else a smile. It’s amazing to realize it’s my eighth book, and I dearly hope you enjoy it as you have the previous ones. And with Q&Q, I love working with new authors and so many amazing veteran writers–they are inspiring to me as a reader and writer. Everyone has a great story in them, and if it’s Austenesque, it’s rewarding and fun to help draw it out and polish it! Thank you so much!

      1. I have been “following” a writer on (WadeH) for a while now and Quills & Quartos just recently published his first book “A Most Excellent Understanding”. Thank you for recognizing his talent. I wish more aspiring writers/authors I have read on that site would make the attempt Wade H. Mann did.

        1. We were so happy to work with Wade; I’d read a number of his stories–he is quite prolific–and it was great to get one of his witty works out into the larger world.

  14. The cover looks fun, and certainly suits a screwball comedy. And I love screwball comedies, and look forward to reading this one!

    1. Nothing better than a screwball comedy; my husband and I watch them as a New Year’s tradition to start the year with laughter. Thanks for your kind words, Ginna!

  15. I love the cover! It is very charming, and from the sounds of the story, seems like a great fit. I can’t wait to read it. It sounds wonderfully amusing. Congrats, Jan!

  16. Thanks to Meredith for hosting. Thanks to Jan and Q&Q publishing for the giveaway.

    Oh, this looks like such fun. I can’t wait to read it. Poor Jane. Poor Bingley. Oh, dear, poor Darcy and Elizabeth. Oh, my, Mrs. Bennet, what are you up to? I love the old rom-com movies… Cary Grant especially. Blessings on the launch of this new work. I wish you all manner of success.

    1. Meredith is just the best for hosting authors and spotlighting wonderful books in her reviews. We are very fortunate in JAFF, aren’t we? I hope you’ll get a smile or a laugh or two from the awkward situations in which our favorite couple(s) find themselves! Thanks for your kind words.

    1. It may not start so light and fun, and there may be a teeny bit of angst, but light-hearted is definitely a good way to describe the story. Thanks, and good luck in the giveaway!

  17. Original plotting, wonderful prose, and lots of wit and humor are all the specialties of author Jan Ashton. Lovely cover and I cannot wait to read the book!

  18. Love that cover! I also adore stories that explore the characters of Jane and Bingley. Everyone is always so focused on D&E that we sometimes forget how important Jane and Bingley are to each of them. Very excited!

    1. Yay, another fan of P&P’s other couple! I like stories that shade in the complexities of J&B and other side characters–especially the Hursts (though they barely appear in AFGMS). I hope you’ll like my take on the frustrating (especially for Bingley) courtship Jane and Bingley must endure–though it’s Darcy who endures quite a bit too! Thanks, Aimee!

  19. Meredith, I cannot WAIT to read this book! An addled Jane and a bewildered Bingley will be a hoot, especially in Jan’s capable hands. 🙂

    Jan, the talent you have for striking that perfect balance of romance and humor is wonderful, and your stories have become comfort food for my brain. This one will be a treat, just like the lovely, flirty cover, which is perfect. (Is September here yet?)

    1. Susan, you are a sweetheart. Thank you for being such a kind and supportive friend. Your lushly written romances always have an enviably sweet and sexy D&E relationship, making your kind words for my work even nicer. And I am so glad you like the cover. Flirty and whimsical is exactly what I hoped for!

  20. Thank you so much for hosting me today, Meredith, and thank you to everyone who visited her wonderful blog today! I appreciate your interest and your kind comments on A Famous Good Marrying Scheme!

  21. I have enjoyed Jan’s other stories so thanks for a chance to win a copy of this one. Even if I don’t win a copy, I am sure I will read this one also.

  22. This sounds like a really fun story and the cover is adorable! I’m looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. Jane having a head injury and claiming Darcy is the man she loves?! I can’t wait to read about that blunder! And what a beautiful cover, so colorful. Such a handsome Darcy, and the way he’s looking at Lizzy. Ahh!

    1. Poor Jane–she gets very confused. Not that she thinks so, and thus it’s poor Elizabeth, too! I’m glad you like the cover! Thanks for commenting!

  24. Congratulations on your new book!.
    Such lovely and enticing cover.
    Poor Mr. Bingley. Looking forward to how they will redirect Jane’s affection back to where it should be.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy

    1. Poor Jane, poor Mr Bingley–good thing the cleverest duo in Meryton is there to help! Thanks for your kind words!

  25. Such a fun premise for those who love screw-ball romantic comedies like me! The cover is just perfect. Well done and congratulations on this new release. I look forward to reading. –Leslie

    1. I’m so glad you like it–the cover and the premise. We all love to laugh, just like our wonderful Elizabeth, right?

  26. I love the cute cover, Jan. The books published by Q&Q are known for their amazing covers and this does not disappoint. Jane declaring her love for Darcy is a bold move on her part. I look forward to the release date.

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