Cover Reveal + Giveaway for The Luxury of Silence!!!

Greetings, friends! I’m so happy to welcome back talented author, genius cover designer, and friend to the blog, Susan Adriani to Austenesque Reviews today! I was so thrilled to learn that she has a new book being published by Quills and Quartos soon, and I’m so glad the release date is almost here! 🙌🏼 

Susan is here to share the stunning cover reveal for her upcoming release – The Luxury of Silence! I can’t decide which is more enticing – the cover or that evocative title! We hope you enjoy! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Hello, everyone! I am so glad to be here today, and so grateful to Meredith for hosting the cover reveal for my new novel, The Luxury of Silence, at her beautiful Austenesque Reviews. Celebrating my upcoming release with all of you is such a treat for me. I am a habitually slow writer (just ask my family, who are forever saying, “Aren’t you done with that book yet?”). However, during the last year I managed to devote more time to story writing, which led to a certain happy event taking place: having a second novel published by the wonderful people at Quills & Quartos within the span of a year.

The Luxury of Silence is a story that revolves around friendship, namely a friendship that is forged unexpectedly between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. While most of the story takes place in Hertfordshire, Darcy’s portion of the tale begins in Ramsgate, shortly after he discovers his sister, Georgiana, in the arms of George Wickham. Unsurprisingly, his state of mind after witnessing such a distressing act of betrayal is one of anger and resentment—toward Wickham, toward Georgiana, and toward himself.

Every time I read Jane Austen’s beloved Pride & Prejudice, I always imagine the possibility that this event—Georgiana’s near-elopement—was a catalyst of sorts for Darcy, setting the stage for so many of his initial actions in Canon: his insulting words about Elizabeth at the Meryton Assembly, his discontent with the society of Hertfordshire, Elizabeth’s resultant dislike of him, and every misunderstanding and awkward interaction that followed until he issued his ill-fated proposal in Hunsford.

I love asking ‘what if’, and I love speculating about what Darcy may have thought or felt at certain times, or in certain scenarios; we are privy to so few of his inner thoughts in Pride & Prejudice. I also thoroughly enjoy the idea of the staid master of Pemberley, whether by nature or nurture, taking a more ingenuous approach with an impertinent but sweet Elizabeth. What if they were both willing to put aside their differences, and any perceived wrongs they may have committed, and become friends?

That said, I’m not sure what challenged me more: writing this story or designing the cover! (I’m pretty sure it was the cover, as an indulgent and patient Jan Ashton can certainly attest!)

I hope you will take a chance and read The Luxury of Silence and enjoy it. Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to say hello today, and to you especially, Meredith, for having me as your guest!

~ Book Description ~

No woman of my acquaintance has ever inspired a fraction of the admiration that I feel for you…You are the only woman to ever touch my heart.

FITZWILLIAM DARCY HAS HAD ENOUGH—enough of the ton and their speculations, enough of matchmaking mamas and their eager daughters, and enough of his family’s expectations that he will eventually marry his cousin, Anne.

CRAVING SOLITUDE AND PEACE after discovering his sister with George Wickham in Ramsgate, he accepts an invitation to visit Netherfield Park from his friend Charles Bingley and travels to Hertfordshire, where he hopes Georgiana will recover from her disappointment in relative privacy. Thinking only that his sister might have the good fortune to make a friend there, the last thing Mr Darcy expects is to make one himself.

ELIZABETH BENNET HAS NEVER met a man so used to getting his own way as Mr Darcy, master of Pemberley. Their first meeting is unexpected, their second infuriating, but before the evening ends, they make peace with one another, and an unlikely friendship is forged.

BUT FRIENDSHIP WITH A MAN like Mr Darcy, who soon shows Elizabeth there is more to him than his wealth, reserve, and haughty manners, comes with a steep price—her heart. Will their friendship turn into romance, despite Darcy’s professed disinterest in matrimony, or is friendship all they are ever destined to share?


And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: June 20th)

Arrestingly beautiful! That is how I would describe this cover! 🤩

I absolutely adore the charming meadow scene in this painting. I’d love to be in such a scene myself. 🖼

I love the idea of Darcy and Elizabeth becoming friends with no expectations of anything more.  🎩

I wonder if that beautiful miniature on the cover plays a role in this story. And I’m equally curious about the title… 🌸

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About Susan~

When she was five, Susan Adriani wanted to be an opera singer, but changed her mind when she realized she would have to perform in front of an audience instead of her bedroom mirror. She attended art school instead and became a graphic designer who spends more time writing stories and researching the social niceties of Regency England than she does cleaning her house. She has a teenage daughter who dearly loves to laugh, and a handsome husband who is not the least bit intimidated by Mr Darcy. She makes her home in New England, and cannot imagine a world without books, Google maps, copious amounts of tea, or Jane Austen.



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of The Luxury of Silence to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

  To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Susan below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends May 20th.


You can preorder The Luxury of Silence now!

My sincere gratitude to Susan Adriani and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


    1. Elodie, I am so excited to hear you’re looking forward to reading TLOS, and that you love the cover. I had so many different mockups it got ridiculous! Thank you so much for stopping by 🙂

  1. The cover is absolutely charming and elegant, a wonderful presentation. I’ve always liked this idea of Elizabeth and Darcy developing a friendship before falling in love, so I’m really looking forward to your new book. Congratulations in advance for the enormous invisible effort behind creating and publishing a book, which us, readers, take for granted, and all my admiration!

    1. A hidden/shielded Darcy with a beautiful future when Elizabeth at the center/heart of everything. Love the scene.

      1. Ann, you hit the nail on the head 🙂 Bravo! That was precisely what I was thinking when I began this design. I’m so glad you like it.

    2. Thank you, Raluca! It’s a long process from conception to publication for sure, but the journey is one I love repeating. I’m so glad you’re looing forward to reading TLOS – I love reading friendship to romance stories, so I really enjoyed writing this one!

    3. Thank you, Raluca! It’s a long process from conception to publication for sure, but the journey is one I love repeating. I’m so glad you’re looing forward to reading TLOS – I love reading friendship to romance stories, so I really enjoyed writing this one!

  2. Intriguing! Beautiful cover! Thanks for a chance to win a copy. This does sound like one I will enjoy so I will also add it to my “Wish List”.

    1. Hi Sheila! Thank you for adding TLOS to your wish list, and for taking the time to say hello. I hope you enjoy reading it 🙂

  3. Wow! That cover is really striking! Well done! Really looking forward to reading this one! Congratulations!

    1. Thank s so much, Marie! I am so happy you love the cover – I hope you enjoy reading TLOS!

  4. I love the premise and the cover! The scenario is so pleasant! And I’m willing to see Darcy and Lizzie in a softer mood and becoming friends…it must be very refreshing this twist in the story 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway Susan and I wish you the best with your release!
    Thanks Meredith for this luxurious post 😉

    1. Thanks so much, Teresa! The premise of a friendship between Darcy and Elizabeth has been something I’ve wanted to write for a long time. I love friendship stories, and this one was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. A wonderful cover – totally in keeping with the period. All the best with the release of appears to be a interesting and entertaining variation.

  6. Oh my goodness, arrestingly beautiful really is the best way to phrase that!
    And what an interesting idea! I had never really thought about how Georgiana’s attempted elopement would have affected Darcy’s character. I can’t wait to read this!

    1. Hi Annie! That’s so sweet of you to say! I hope you enjoy reading TLOS. Thank you for saying hello!

  7. I love the cover. After reading about the book the wird that comes to mind is poignant. I hope the HEA is there, as I’m already feeling for Elizabeth. I can’t wait to read it!

    1. Laura, if there is one constant in my stories, it is a HEA for Darcy and Elizabeth 🙂 Thank you so much for being excited about my book, and for letting me know you love the cover. Cheers!

      1. Excellent! Looking forward to reading this story. Congratulations on your new book and I have several that I haven’t read in my TBR list now!

    1. Lucy! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello. I hope you get a chance to read my book and enjoy it 🙂

  8. OH WOW!!, I love it! the colors, it is very luxurious! I love the premise and look forward to reading it! And on June 20th, a great summer gift to all! Thanks Susan and congrats!!

    1. Hi Charmaine! I am so glad you love the cover – your enthusiasm makes me feel as though I did something right 🙂 Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Kimberly! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 🙂

  9. Congratulations Susan. You are so very talented, and this is no exception. I am happy for you and know your book will be well received.

    1. Ann! I am so happy to see you here! You are so sweet to stop by. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  10. What a beautiful cover and intriguing storyline!! If Darcy expects to find peace and quiet at Netherfield for both Georgiana and himself, Caroline cannot be there.. That would be a great bonus!

    1. Hi Satu! I think Darcy may be disappointed, lol, but not to worry. Elizabeth will cheer him. I’m so glad you like my cover! Thank you for saying hello 🙂

    1. Katie, thank you so much! I’m so happy you stopped by – you are always so sweet! 🙂

  11. Another elegant cover. Makes me feel I should drink, not Pepsi, as I read it. And I see it’s KU–thank you very much–so I know I’ll read it, whether I win a free copy of not.

    1. Thank you, Betty! I hope you’ll enjoy reading it – best of luck in the giveaway 🙂

  12. What a lovely cover! The premise of the book sounds lovely too! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the e-book.

    1. Hi Heather! I am so glad you like the premise of my story, and my cover. I enjoyed writing this one so much 🙂

    1. Hi Jennifer! It’s so nice to see you, and so nice to hear you like my cover! Thank you!

  13. The cover is beautiful! Susan is one of my favorite P&P FanFiction authors, and I cannot wait for this book’s release. I’ll read anything she writes!!! Thank you for the cover reveal.

    1. Virginia, you have made my day with your lovely compliment! I am so glad to hear that you enjoy my stories so much. Writing them is something I enjoy doing so much, and to know you enjoy reading them makes me so happy. Thank you!

  14. Along with everyone else, I agree that the cover is beautiful and I would love to visit one just like it. Thank you for the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

    1. Hi Robin – thank you! I would love to step into the field and take a walk with Darcy and Elizabeth myself. It’s peaceful, and just what I need after a very long day! 🙂

  15. Oh-My-Gosh! What a wonderful Cover Reveal. Meredith, thank you for hosting. This cover is amazing. Just look at the colors, those portraits, the scene at the bottom, all the scrolling and… heavy sigh. I love it.

    I am in the process of reading it right now. OMG! This is high octane angst. Seriously, I may need medication by the time I finish this. Whew! Poor Darcy and Georgiana. Man, this is brutal. I am at the point where Darcy is making nice with Elizabeth… again, heavy sigh. I love them. I certainly hope there is a comeuppance for the SBRB [scum-bag-rat-bastard] Wickham. I have never loathed, hated, and despised him as much as I do in this story. GRRR! I may need a mouth guard to keep from breaking a tooth. Whew! Sorry, I went on a tangent there for a moment. This story brings out the worst of my emotions. Goodness, I’m a nice person and I want to hang W by his… well, let’s just say I want him GONE. We need to send in the Snuff Squad and take out that mad dog. I need a calming cup of tea. I’m going to have to repent of my bloodlust. Thanks for sharing the cover and the generous giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. Blessings.

    1. JW, when I was reading your comment I was in the middle of a prom disaster with my daughter. The world was ending (it was not a good day), and then you made me smile and laugh. I am so glad you’re so immersed in my story, and hope you’re enjoying it. Please take care of your teeth. George Wickham isn’t worth cracking a molar over 🙂 Many thanks for bringing some levity to what has been a very trying day! You’re a true gem.

  16. One of my favorite P&P FF books is The Truth About Mr. Darcy, so I’m thrilled to see another release by Susan! Makes my heart bang to think what her newest might be like. And her so very lovely and artistic covers–oh my!

    1. Joy, you are so sweet – thank you! I am so happy to hear TTAMD is one of your favorites! I hope you enjoy The Luxury of Silence as much. I think it’s less angsty, but JW might disagree 🙂

  17. What grips me about this beautiful cover, is how young they really are in canon. The way they are often written makes me forget that. The friends to lovers premise is a joy to me. I loved the scene in the email, where Darcy ‘sees’ Elizabeth, I suspect, for the first time as a desirable woman.
    I’m looking forward to reading your new book.

    1. Trudy, I agree. It is so easy to forget how young Darcy and Elizabeth are; today their lives would be very different. Darcy shouldered such an enormous amount of responsibility. I am so happy you liked the scene Amy and Jan selected for the email. I wasn’t expecting that one, but I love that they picked it. Thanks so much for saying hello! I hope you enjoy TLOS!

  18. What a beautiful cover! I’m sure the story inside is even better! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I’d love to read it.

    1. Hi Pam! Thank you so much – I’m so glad you like the cover, and hope you enjoy the story as much! I wish you the best of luck on the giveaway 🙂

  19. The cover is so unique that it will be remembered as one looks for new books–and the title is distinctly different that it too will make a long-lasting impression. Congrats on publishing a new work. I’m looking forward to reading it.

    1. I hope you are right, ForeverHis – there are so many beautiful covers out there it’s easy to get lost in them! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello 🙂

    1. Dawn, that’s high praise indeed! You’re so sweet and I’m so glad you stopped by. Thank you!

  20. What an incredibly beautiful cover! Love it, especially the miniature.
    I’m so happy that Darcy and Elizabeth become friends, a definite favourite storyline. I read the excerpt on Q&Q and I was totally intrigued. Darcy did seem to be impressed with the unaware Elizabeth! 🙂

    1. Glynis!!! I am so happy to see you, and so glad you approve of the cover. The dedication is pretty nice, too, by the way. Hint, hint… 🙂 You are the best, always, and your enthusiasm keeps me going whenever I hit a few bumps, so thank you!

    1. Nancy, I love reading friendship stories, so this one was a treat for me to write. I hope you enjoy it – thank you so much for stopping by. I’m glad you like my cover!

  21. Love the cover, and especially the meadow scene at the bottom. I look forward to reading it when it is published.

    1. Hi Sarah! I hope you enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for letting me know you love my cover! 🙂

    1. Ceri, thank you so much! I’m so glad you like the cover. The middle was a lot of fun – the image of Elizabeth originally had black hair and a red and black shawl, so I got to give her a little bit of a makeover 🙂 I’m glad you approve!

    1. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my book, Colleen, and I’m so happy you like my cover. Thank you so much!

  22. I love the book colors, and the scene of Elizabeth walking with Darcy in the meadow looks peaceful. What fun that they begin as friends. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. I’m so happy you like my cover, Eva. I have wanted to use that image of the field for such a long time! Thank you so much for saying hello.

  23. I love the rich textures and variety on the cover! I really like stories that start with Darcy and Elizabeth becoming friends first, so I am looking forward to this new book.

    1. Thank you, TC! I toyed with this cover for a long time – the number of times I adjusted something or changed something outright was ridiculous. I’m so glad you like the finished version. I hope you’ll like the book itself as much!

  24. What a lovely cover! And the story sounds so intriguing. Looking forward to reading this!

    1. Thank you, Betty! I hope you enjoy reading my book – I’m so happy you like the cover 🙂

  25. Such a beautiful, lovely, gorgeous cover design!!! This premise sounds so unique and interesting with a friendship of Darcy and Lizzy that I want to read more. Thanks for the giveaway. –Leslie

    1. Leslie, you’re so sweet – thank you so much! I have wanted to write a story about Darcy and Elizabeth becoming friends for a long time now, and am so grateful I was finally able to do it. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

  26. Congrats on the new book and what a beautiful cover. I do love the meadow portion of the cover, it just makes one want to walk there too.

    1. Glory, I love the meadow portion of the cover, too. Where I live there are a lot of lovely open spaces just like this one, and I always picture Darcy and Elizabeth walking companionably in them. I’m so glad you like my cover – thank you so much!

  27. Meredith, thank you so much for having me as your guest today. I love spending time on your beautiful blog. Much love to you and your wonderful followers. You and they always make me feel welcome and warm.

  28. Wow, this is a very intriguing cover. I love the promise of your book. Would love to know more about Darcy’s feelings and thoughts. About him feeling fed up with the ton, family and sceaming mamas…..refreshing to know his feelings about this and how this affects him.

    1. For worldwide participants it is difficult to reply in such a short timeframe. I received your email around 6 pm. So hope for your leniency.

    2. Hi Helma! You replied in plenty of time, so no worries 🙂 And I’m so glad you like the premise of my story – it’s something I’ve wanted to write for a long time. If you read it, I hope you’ll enjoy it! Thanks so much for saying hello!

  29. Thank Meredith for the opportunity to win the book . I have pre ordered it for my kindle and feel it would be a bit gready to expect another. But thank anyway really looking forward to the book.

    1. Terri, thank you so much for pre-ordering TLOS! I’m so happy you did, and hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 🙂 I’m so glad you stopped by!

  30. breathtaking in every way, I have already decided to buy this book but would absolutely adore to win

    1. Hi Jules – breathtaking to describe my cover warms my heart. Thank you so much! I hope you’ll enjoy reading my story. 🙂

  31. Oh my goodness, what a stunning cover!!!! Love love love it, and the premise is superb! Huge congrats, Susan! I’m so happy you have a new book coming soon!

    1. Joana, you are always, always so sweet and supportive. Thank you so much! I feel the same way about your books. I am so happy you stopped in to say hello! Hugs!

  32. So excited for a new book from Susan Adriani. For years her The Truth About Mr Darcy has been one of my favorite P&P variations. Congratulations on 2 books in one year with Quills & Quartos. Lovely tri part cover!

    1. Regina, thank you so much! I am so happy to hear TTAMD is one of your favorites – that’s very high praise. There are so many wonderful books by so many talented authors. You’re very sweet, and I’m flattered!

    1. Darcy, I love friends to lovers stories, too, and I really enjoyed writing this one. I’m so glad you like my cover, and am so happy you stopped by to say hello. Thank you so much!

  33. What a beautiful cover! Congratulations on your new book release! I’m looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thank you, Cyndy! I’m very excited about the release. Having the good fortune to publish two full length novels and a novella with Q&Q in a year is a first for me. I am a notoriously slow writer, lol! I hope you’ll enjoy reading TLOS. It’s nice to see you! 🙂

  34. A bit late to the party – as I am yet travelling and spreading susngine wherever I go!

    But as your biggest fan girl here, I couldn’t not have my share in the compliments this cover deserves! You are such a talented artist – and have such a taste that I suppose a beautiful cover was a given. But the choice on the upper side….OMG! My absolute favourite Regency portrait there is ! Already I lived the one you used for Misunderstandings… But this one!!! And the miniature is a beauty!

    The premise alone tells me it will be another great favourite: I always thought that they should start building a friendship and partnership first… And I absolutely love the stories with slow relationship development. I can’t wait for the release day!!

    And hugs to you and your Elizabeth!!

    1. Mihaela, you definitely spread sunshine wherever you go and, as today is overcast and rainy where I live, your sunshine is very welcome! You are so sweet, and I’m so happy you like my cover. I love this particular portrait, too, and was excited to be able to work it into the design. The miniature as it is now does not look at all like the original painting. The artist painted a beautiful black haired, dark eyed lady with a red and black striped wrap and, as lovely as she was, she did not look enough like Elizabeth Bennet physically. I gave her a much-needed makeover and everything came together in the end.

      Thank you for all of your support and well wishes. They mean so much. Bisous to you as well, from me and my girl! Merci mon amie! (I hope I got that right – Elizabeth speaks French, whereas I remember only the basics). 🙂

  35. Since I love anything you write I anticipate this story with great joy! Have mine on order so don’t put me in the drawing. BTW love the cover.

    1. Brenda, I always enjoy your books, too, and I’m so happy you stopped by to say hello! Thank you so much for pre-ordering – you are always so thoughtful and supportive! Hugs! 🙂

  36. Thank you Susan Adriani for writing this premise! Seriously. If anyone needed a friend, after what Darcy had been through with Wickham/Geogiana/Ramsgate it would be him. On the barest hint of his misdeeds (in a teasing way, certainly not the worst) from Elizabeth to Colonel F. at Rosings he is prepared to defend his cousin and friend Darcy to help her see he is better than the stern facade he usually exhibits in company. Even Bingley is taken aback at his terrible remark at the Meryton assembly. Clearly he wasn’t himself. The weight of the responsibility on his shoulders since his father’s death. There have been variations that will use one of those issues in passing explanation. But you don’t waltz into a strange town and spill all your troubles on a stranger, that wouldn’t be Darcy either. But maybe with a friend? My heart has always hoped for a better way for him.

    I’m so looking forward to reading your new book, Susan. Absolutely stunning cover! Thank you for the generous giveaway. This is going on my wish list right now. All the very best.

    Thanks also to Meredith for hosting the cover reveal to us.

    1. Michelle, I’m so glad you like my cover, and I love that you are excited about the premise of my story. I absolutely adore stories where Darcy and Elizabeth are friends and have wanted to write one of my own for a long time. Darcy has so many layers to him, and there is so much we don’t know about him in Pride and Prejudice. He has very specific core traits and values, but there is so much left unsaid. I enjoyed writing this variation so much – I hope you’ll enjoy it! Thank you for stopping by and saying hello – it’s always good to see you! Hugs! 🙂

  37. The cover is truly a gem. I agree that Susan is super talented as not many authors that I know is also a professional designer. I look forward to the release next month!

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