Cover Reveal + Giveaway of More Than a Pretty Face!!!

Happy Monday, friends! I am happy to start my week by sharing an exciting new cover with you!! And it is even more thrilling because this cover reveal is for a new author who is about to celebrate their debut release! Frances Reynolds visits today to share the beautiful cover of her soon-to-be released novel – More Than a Pretty Face! We hope you enjoy! 🙌🏼

Welcome, Frances, I hope this is your first of many visit to Austenesque Reviews! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Hello, everyone, I’m Frances Reynolds, and this is my very first cover reveal. Many thanks and COVID-safe air smooches to Meredith for hosting!

Similar effusions to Evelyne Labelle of Carpe Librum Design for creating the fabulous cover you’re about to see. I got my first glimpse of it weeks ago and I’m still giddy every time I look at it. The image is so redolent of possibilities opening up before the central figure of a young lady, and I feel it’s a perfect reflection of the mood of the story. There she stands, gazing thoughtfully—or is it resolutely? Or both?—upon a new and compelling vista. Is this, perhaps, her future home? What awaits her inside?

As More Than a Pretty Face opens, the eldest Bennet sisters have come to a crossroads in their lives: Jane has been disappointed in love, and Elizabeth has learned to question her judgment of character. Each is now faced with the question of what she really wants from and values in her life, the kind of man she wants to share that life with, and how to reach those goals once she understands her own wishes. Many of the other characters struggle with similar questions of identity and aspiration, as Darcy tries to become the man he wishes to be, Bingley recognizes that his tendency to take the easy path has gone too far, and even the other Bennets have cause to think upon their past and present behavior. In questioning themselves and their hopes, all of these characters discover new possibilities, and some of them find different futures than Miss Austen provided.

The inspiration for the story is a combination of a ‘what-if’ and a ‘why’ that had been on my mind from the first time I read Pride and Prejudice, lo these many years ago. What if Jane Bennet refused to wilt and languish over her heartache? And why were Elizabeth and Jane, so apparently different, so close? I hope you will enjoy my answers to those questions.

~ Book Description ~

Love is not the simple thing that novels and poetry speak of. It is by turns subtle and overwhelming, it may slip silently into your heart or strike like a bolt of lightning

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Elizabeth Bennet is the wittiest lady in Hertfordshire, and her sister Jane is the most beautiful. Their other qualities, however, are less widely recognised, even by those who profess to love them.

Disappointed by Mr Bingley’s sudden departure, Jane escapes the tumult of Longbourn for the Gardiners’ house in London. Elizabeth, vexed by her own romantic debacle with Mr Darcy, and in possession of distressing intelligence which could endanger their family and neighbours in Meryton, soon joins her there from Kent.

When a family crisis causes them to extend their stay in Cheapside, a new acquaintance—handsome and titled—brings the Bennet sisters to the attention of London society and returns them to the company of Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley. One man finds himself with a rival for his lady’s affections, while the other struggles to make amends for the mistakes of the past.

As Elizabeth questions her rejection of the master of Pemberley and Jane begins to open her heart, can the qualities that most matter—intelligence, integrity, humour and kindness—be recognised by the men who truly love and respect them?

And without further ado….here are the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: May 23rd)

So enticing and vibrant! Both the cover and the premise. 😍

I’m in love with this deep magenta – that dress is stunning! I love the white sash and bonnet with it too! 👗

I am excited by the promise of introspection and self-development  as well as the focus being shared between both couples. 🙌🏼

What is the family crisis? Who is this new handsome and titled acquaintance? I can’t wait to find out! 😮

What do you think, friends? 🤔
More Than A Pretty Face is available for pre-order!


~ Connect with Frances ~


~ About Frances ~

Frances Reynolds fell madly in love with Doctor Who at the tender age of seven. This, in turn, led her to embrace other quintessentially British delights such as tea, scones, Dickens, and Austen.  When she is not wrangling wild data for a large financial firm, she is generally to be found reading, writing, or watching her favorite series (see above) while knitting.

Frances lives slightly south of Canada with her spouse and a small herd of cats, in a house which is continually upset that it has been obliged to remain standing since 1916.



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of More Than a Pretty Face to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Frances!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends May 2nd.



My sincere gratitude to Frances and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. I agree that the deep magenta of the dress does pop out of the cover – stunning. I really like the premise of this book. I hope that Bingley has to fight for Jane after leaving her. He truly deserves it. Oh, Elizabeth, how will you overcome your prejudice and Mr. Darcy your pride or is it the other way around? Thank you for the cover reveal and giveaway and congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on the release of this book. I’ve read it online and I’m looking forward to this release, it’s an excellent story

    1. I hope you will enjoy the changes that have been made since the first draft appeared online. 🙂

    2. The best premise indeed! Although am a bit confused about the timeline … Elizabeth questions her ability in judging characters but the proposal hasn’t been it? Jane is disappointed in love, but Elizabeth also had a romantic debacle with Darcy? Hmmm … Curious and curiouser!
      I am all anticipation!

      Nice colours and very nice demeure… Obviously owned by the ‘titled’ new character … I hope poor Darcy will not have a rival

      Anyway – congratulations for the lovely cover and the soon-coming release!

  3. What a beautiful cover! Congratulations on the release of your book. Thanks for the giveaway; I’d love the chance to win a copy.

  4. I do love the colour of that dress! Stunning! I wonder who the titled man is and which Bennet sister he prefers? I’m hoping it’s Jane to show Bingley what he may have lost by not being decisive. Hopefully Elizabeth will notice improvements in Darcy?
    I do hope the catastrophe at Longbourn doesn’t involve Wickham and Lydia? This is definitely on my list.

    1. I hope you will enjoy it! The Quills and Quartos blog will be sharing excerpts over the next few weeks.

  5. Oh my! The book I definitely have to read. I love reading about E&D, obviously, but I also love reading about Jane and the other sisters. This book looks wonderful.

    The cover is stunning. To me, she looks longingly towards what or who is in there.

    Congratulations on the release and my best wishes to you!

  6. Loved your blurb and the cover is just stunning with the contrast in beautiful colors. Best wishes with your new publication.

  7. I love the balance of Deep magenta colors and fresh green of the grass. I will add looking hopefully, excitedly, maybe even some apprehension? A fresh take with a more Jane-focused variation.
    Congratulations on your first release!!

  8. A very interesting premise for a plot, I think this is a story I would really enjoy reading. And that cover is wonderful! A visual feast! Congratulations!

  9. I cannot resist a giveaway by an author who is photographed with “The Odyssey”! 🙂
    Furthermore, I’m always interested in fictional characters exploring their identities using their grit and their characters‘ traits. 😉
    Best wishes on the new release!

  10. Beautiful cover! I love the blurb about the story and can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  11. I cannot decide which is more impressive – the lovely writing from the excerpt in the Q&Q Newsletter, or the WOW of a cover! Really looking forward to reading this.

  12. That cover is absolutely gorgeous and the story sounds intriguing. Adding this to my TBR list now! Congratulations on the new release!

  13. Like everyone else, I love the color of the dress and the background. However, I like the fact that the woman has her back towards us and we cannot see her face!

  14. Lots of interest, and I can certainly understand why after reading the enticing blurb. The cover is lovely as well. This is one I’d like to win.

    Thank you for offering a KU edition and for not using Rafflecopter.

  15. Lovely cover. The burgundy really pops! Looking forward to reading this. I always look forward to to a new author. Congratulations and wishing you every success.

  16. I love that cover. It pops out at you in brilliant colors. What an excellent choice for the estate. I’ve always thought of Jane as blonde but she does just as well as a brunette or auburn. Thanks, Meredith, for hosting. To Frances, I offer my congratulations on the launch of this work. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. Blessings on the success of this work.

  17. Congratulations on your first book! Such an intriguing premise and a lovely cover. Elizabeth’s gown is made in one of my favorite colors—so perfect for a brunette.

  18. Wonderful!! Your first book, and it’s simply gorgeous!!! Yay!! 😀

    And the premise for this tale is so enticing!! I am so excited to read it!! 😀

    And I so enjoyed your “About” intro — especially since having lived in homes built in 1914, 1920, and 1932, I know precisely what you mean about homes that are “continually upset that [they have] been obliged to remain standing” for a century, give or take. 😉

    Susanne 🙂

  19. I love the blurb of this book. Thanking for showing me a new author (a real new author). It’s greatly appreciated and what a great intro to the story

  20. The blurb is interesting. Looking forward to reading it. Will this be released as an audiobook later?

  21. As the cover reveal scrolled down to the dress my jaw just dropped! Wow… From the preview or blurb the premise sounds so very good. I’m all eagerness to read it. Congratulations on your first publication and I hope it won’t be the last.

  22. What a lovely cover its a good concept to not have faces on covers IMO as then I can use my imagination to fill in the blank. I know you should not judge a book by its cover but first impressions do count. For me some I just can’t get past happily this will not be one of them I look forward to its release.

  23. The cover is phenomenal–I adore the colors on her dress and wonder what she must be thinking. Congratulations on publishing your first book and your step into JAFF.

  24. It’s a great cover! Anyone that can mix Doctor Who and Jane Austin fandom is a fan of mine. I look forward to reading it Frances!

  25. Hello Frances (and Meredith),
    The cover of your new novel is just beautiful. The premise of your book is very interesting and has me curious as to how this variation will develop. I look forward to reading more. This will be on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing on Austenesque Reviews. I always enjoy reading about new P&P variations. BTW – I’m a knitter too!! –Leslie

  26. The best premise indeed! Although am a bit confused about the timeline … Elizabeth questions her ability in judging characters but the proposal hasn’t been it? Jane is disappointed in love, but Elizabeth also had a romantic debacle with Darcy? Hmmm … Curious and curiouser!
    I am all anticipation!

    Nice colours and very nice demeure… Obviously owned by the ‘titled’ new character … I hope poor Darcy will not have a rival…

    Congratulations for the lovely cover and the soon-coming release!

    (sorry for the double post, if it is a double one, but I can’t find it so I repost it)

  27. This is quite a gorgeous cover with the magenta dress flowing and also blending into the title, with the Highclere type estate majestically looming in the background to indicate a titled person is involved. Really love that castle like structure! Thank you for sharing that cover.

  28. A lovely cover — adding this to the TBR hoard, where I will eventually dive in to read and find out what happens!

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