Cover Reveal of An Affectionate Heart!!!


Greetings, friends! I am so excited to start my weekend by sharing a beautiful cover reveal with you today! The lovely Heather Moll is stopping by to share the cover of her upcoming release – a Pride and Prejudice variation titled,  An Affectionate Heart. I’m so honored that this is Heather’s fourth cover reveal at Austenesque Reviews! I adored her three previous books I read – His Choice of Wife, Two More Days at Netherfield, and Nine Ladies. I am excitedly anticipating her next – An Affectionate Heart!

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Meredith, for welcoming me back to Austenesque Reviews! I love visiting because your readers are so engaged and enthusiastic. I’m here to share the cover and a few details about my upcoming release An Affectionate Heart. This novel makes a few alterations to Darcy and Elizabeth’s backstories–her father is dead, and Ramsgate played out differently for Georgiana–and it also has a few nods to Lucy Maud Montgomery thrown in.

L. M. Montgomery might be best known for her children’s stories about Anne Shirley and Emily Starr, but she also wrote novels for adults. One is The Blue Castle, set in 1920s Ontario about down-spirited Valency Stirling, her imaginative fantasies, and how she finds ways to choose happiness. An Affectionate Heart is both inspired by The Blue Castle and is a Regency variation of Pride and Prejudice. Montgomery’s novel is charming, and it matches well with the mores of Austen’s time as well as with the complexity of Austen’s main characters.

All the expected parallels to Pride and Prejudice will come through, but there are differences from The Blue Castle’s plot. Darcy’s journey is very different from Barney Snaith’s–plus, we get Darcy’s point of view in An Affectionate Heartand Elizabeth’s home life and attitude differ from Valency’s. There’s no escape to a blue castle, real or imagined, but readers will recognize a few of L.M. Montgomery’s plot points. However, if you haven’t read the novella, then you might enjoy An Affectionate Heart a little more.

The cover is beautiful and I think it captures the feel of the book. It was designed by Evelyne Labelle of Carpe Librum Book Design. She designed my cover for Nine Ladies and I love her use of color and light, and I adore how well her cover helps to set the tone for An Affectionate Heart. Elizabeth’s determination comes through and it has a hint of melancholy and mystery surrounding Darcy as he walks toward that gorgeous cottage.

~ Book Description ~

Are love and affection enough to overcome the pain of grief and anger?

In the spring of 1812, Elizabeth Bennet and Lydia are the only Bennet daughters still unmarried after the death of their father. Elizabeth’s health and spirits worsen as she moves among relations as an unwanted, dependent sister. She returns to Mary and Mr Collins at Longbourn to learn that the neighbourhood gossip centres on the reclusive Mr Darcy.

Darcy and his sister live an isolated life in a small rented lodge near Netherfield after the events at Ramsgate. As Georgiana’s health is failing, Darcy has his own regrets to bear. He tries to keep them secluded, but a young woman arrives who is determined to befriend his lonely, ill sister.

When Elizabeth receives disastrous news, she makes a daring plan to find happiness for herself while she still can. Misunderstandings and secrets abound for them both but in the end, Darcy and Elizabeth will find greater strength together than they ever had apart.

Content note: discussion of a secondary character’s off-page miscarriage, secondary character death

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(Expected release date April 1st)

And the full wrap…

Oh my word. How stunning! 😍

I feel like Robert Ferrars saying this, but “I am excessively fond of a cottage!”  And this one looks so charming! 🎩

And the rose colored and grey tones of this cover are so gentle and beautiful – it feels like springtime, but a more somber springtime. 🌷

The premise sounds so intrigue! Elizabeth unmarried, the Darcys living in isolation – I cannot wait to see how this changes their encounters and behaviors! 💕

What do you think, friends? 🤔


You could preorder An Affectionate Heart now!

Feel free to leave Heather a comment, question, or some love!


  1. I followed this story online and can’t wait to read it again. It’s phenomenal! ❤️ Beautiful cover, so fitting to the story. Congratulations, Heather!!!

  2. I love the cover and am intrigued by the changes in or beloved characters situations. Nevertheless, I imagine “in essentials” they remain much the same! Congratulations on another wonderful release, Heather!

    1. Lots of changes, but you’re right that “in essentials”, our favorite characters are the same! Thank you!

  3. I have always loved The Blue Castle, and when I first read this story online I was thrilled to discover that it was an homage to that story as well as P&P. I remember having strong emotional reactions to this story, and I’m excited to read it again and acquire a permanent version for my collection. 🙂

    1. I’m looking forward to seeing reactions of other The Blue Castle fans. I was pleasantly surprised by all the LM Montgomery fans among us Janeites! Thank you so much!

    1. I’m so glad you liked them! And thanks for telling me you’re a KU user. It’s always good to get a feel for how people prefer to read.

  4. I was truly blown away by this story when I read the unpublished version and I am insanely excited to read the published version. This was a true gem in the field! I love the cover, especially the gentle pink wash.

  5. Thanks, Meredith for sharing a new cover with us. Oh, how beautiful. Heather, that is simply amazing. And that back cover is just as beautiful. Goodness. I can’t wait to see how this works out. Blessings on the launch of this new work. I have put it on my wish-list.

  6. Oooo this seems like such an interesting book I look forward to reading it! The cover is beautiful as well. Yay!

  7. The cover is gorgeous. Those are my favorite colors! (May need to repaint the bedroom…)
    I have ordered the paperback and am looking forward to reading it. Congratulations on the release!

    1. Aren’t the pinks and grays gorgeous? The designer blew me away. Thanks so much for reading it!

  8. What an absolutely gorgeous cover, I love that dress! So evocative! I love this story so much even though it did bring me to tears at times. There were misunderstandings but one the result of one was definitely a bonus! Thank you for yet another cover reveal Meredith.

  9. When you talked about Lucy Maud Montgomery, you caught me! The premise seems really misteryous and I’ll put this novel in my wish list 😉
    The cover is gorgeous, as Meredith says the grey and rose tones make the scene lovely like spring coming soon.
    Good luck with the release although I think you don’t need it, Heather!

    1. Another LM Montgomery fan! That’s awesome. I love the rosy and gray tones, too. The cover designer did a lovely job. Thanks for your well wishes!

  10. The Blue Castle has been my favorite LMM for a very long time. I can’t wait to see how it is woven with P&P, my other favorite novel! How perfect!!

  11. Heck yes! I have this preordered already and I’m looking forward to reading it! The colors on the cover are *chef’s kiss.* I love Nine Ladies, it is absolutely one of my favorite P&P variations. Best wishes for launch day!

  12. The loveliest of lovely covers! Such a visually inviting book – can’t wait to read it – congratulations, Heather!

  13. Lovely cover – even more so in hand! Loved the tons of pink – and the story although I may have used a tissue or twelve.

    Another hit, Heather! Brava!

  14. I am so eager to read this. It has already been on my radar and in my wish list. Oh gosh, that cover! I’m silently gushing over those colors, my favorite combination. But the story is equally drawing me in. I think I’ll need some tissues with this one. Just seeing the titles under your name above makes me long to reread them. I adored Nine Ladies.

    Count me as another one very grateful that you make your titles available on KU. Thank you. Congratulations and all the very best on this book’s launch.

  15. I really adore the entire wrap and not just the front! I felt the feminine strength with this medium rose shade, and the couple at the back cover and cottage in the front are especially striking to me. Thank you for sharing this cover.

    1. Elizabeth is such a strong character in this story and I love how the designer captured that. Of course, Darcy is key too, and the couple on the back fits so well. I’m so pleased you like it!

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