Austenesque Agenda – November 2021

Happy November, friends!

How was your October? 🎃 Mine was jam-packed!
I went on a leaf-peeping trip out in Western North Carolina. 🍁
Although, I was a few weeks early for the “peak.” 🍂
Then I went on a family visit to see my cousin in Massachusetts. ✈️
And in between those two trips my business turned 🔟! 🎉
And lastly, I celebrated Halloween with the cutest trio ever! 👻🐶
What was your October like? 🎃

Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:



~ TO REREAD (because it has been an age) ~


C. P. Odom – November 10th

Jayne Bamber – November 24th

Not as many author visits, but plenty to read (as always!) 
What are you looking forward to this month?


  1. Gorgeous photos, as always. I have read three of those on your agenda. (BTW, when I clicked on “Play with Fire” “Love and Lavender” came up.)

    1. That is such a compliment to me, Abigail. Thank you! And you definitely shouldn’t! There is a lot to be said for taking time and enjoying quiet moments of stillness!

  2. Fab photos as always! I’ve read three although I’ve actually read Unexpected Harvest several times!
    This month I’m hoping my latest health issue will be sorted or at least improved. Otherwise I plan to read them read some more!

    1. Thank you, dear friend! Isn’t An Unexpected Harvest so wonderful! We are definitely in accord when it comes to our tastes in moderns, Glynis!

      I hope for that too, Glynis! Take care!

    2. Glynis, I’m keeping you on my prayer list. I didn’t know you were going through a tough health situation. Girl! We need you to stick around! Many ‘get all better soon’ vibes coming toward you. Love and hugs coming your way across the pond.

  3. Love your upcoming selections. A suggestion: could you note whether the books are newly published or not? That would help when I choose what to read as most of the older ones I have not read were for some reason and I’d prefer not to have to recheck each one. Thanks! Ps — lovely pics!

  4. Fun to take a trip to see the fall color and get in a family trip. Happy tenth anniversary to your business!
    I have An Unexpected Harvest and need to get that read. Looks like some other good ones on your stack and exciting visitors.

    Have a great November, Meredith!

  5. Happy Anniversary! How exciting for your business to celebrate 10 years in service to your community. I wish you ten more. Looks like you have been busy. I love your pictures. I can’t travel so this is like a mini-vacation through your pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. You have a real eye for composition. I noticed three dogs. Are you pet-setting or do you now have three fur-babies? They are so cute. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, dear Jeaane! I am especially happy to share my pictures with you and help you enjoy a vicarious vacation if I can. Thank you for the lovely compliment.

      Yes, I am pup-sitting 2 additional dogs at the moment. They are the cutest trio! I love it!

  6. Hi Meredith!

    Beautiful pics of Nature! Autumn is such a colorful season 🙂

    I hope your “cute” companions hadn´t tricked you very much in Halloween. By the way, speaking of Halloween, I´m reading a Nina Clare´s book titled “Magic and Matchmaking” which is the first volume of a trilogy based in “Emma” but told from a magic perspective, and, guess what?, Harriet plays a main role in the novel. I´m enjoying the reading and as we are in “magic” season I wanted to tell you (and all of you, readers).

    Congrats on your 10th business anniversary! WOW, you must be very proud of it because running a businness nowadays is a challenge, BRAVO!

    As for your agenda of November, I´m curious about “Love and lavender” (the title is so captivating…) and “Back to the bonnet” (is it about Mary, isn´t it?). And… “To kill a mockingbird”! I love this novel, it´s one of my favourite readings (have you seen the beautiful movie with Gregory Peck?).

    Have a colorful November, my friend!

    1. Haha!! Thank you, Teresa! They were quite the little trickers! But oh so cute!

      Yay! I remember you saying you were intrigued by this series! I can’t wait to hear how you like it when you finish! That is lovely that Harriet is featured prominently!

      I love your interest and enthusiasm for my November reads! I’ll be honest – the title for Love and Lavender was a strong draw for me too. And yes, Back to the Bonnet is about Mary and i adore the Gregory Peck movie – Atticus is ❤️

  7. Woo! So much interesting and good news. First, Happy Anniversary. Congratulation, Meredith. And what a charming store front, I love it. Here’s to many many more.

    I’m looking forward to all of your reviews, I’ve only read two, well three if you count TKAM, but it’s been so many years since I’ve read it. You’re going to make me want to read it again…I already do.

    Fabulous and adorable photos. You really do live in a spectacularly gorgeous part of the country.

    Well, you may only have two author visits this year but they are top shelf in my opinion and both write such different kinds of JAFF.

    I frankly don’t know where October went. It’s not that it was same-old-same-old. But I will report that until recently we have had a beautiful Fall here. Yay, that’s a gift.

    1. Thank you, Michelle! You are so sweet!

      It was beautiful – I can only imagine how amazing would be if I caught the peak – maybe next year!

      And I so agree! Jayne and Colin are top-shelf indeed!

      So glad to hear you are enjoying a beautiful Fall at the moment.

  8. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary in your music business! That is definitely a wonderful accomplishment! Your pictures are amazing as always. I look forward to your reviews and visitors!

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