Cover Reveal + Giveaway for Pemberley by Moonlight!!!

Greetings, readers! The lovely team at Quills and Quartos have introduced so many fantastic authors to us these past two years. I’m so thrilled to welcome  yet another new author – Stephen Ord – to Austenesque Reviews today! Stephen is here to share the stunning cover of his upcoming debut release, Pemberley by Moonlight. We hope you enjoy!

~ From the Author ~

Thank you for hosting me for the first time at Austenesque Reviews, Meredith. I appreciate the opportunity to show you, your subscribers and all of your other readers the first peek at the cover of Pemberley by Moonlight.

Being based in Bonny (and dramatic) Scotland, combined with being an avid reader, has always helped feed my imagination.  My discovery of Jane Austen Fan Fiction and the realisation that some of my favourite stories and characters did not have to end with their creator, they could be reimagined and brought to life by many talented authors, brought me such joy.  This joyful discovery inspired me to try and contribute myself, during the tough (and ongoing for many) times induced by Covid and Lockdown and thanks to the team at Quills and Quartos I have been able to.  Further back still, when I was around eight years old, I bought a book on unsolved mysteries. One of the mysteries was around the life and times of Lord Byron and several of the others were around Ancient Egypt. This was the seed that grew into an ongoing fascination with Regency times, ancient cultures and mythology and grew to become this story, which I hope will be enjoyed by those who have (like me) continued to love these characters and take joy in their new journeys toward each other.

~ Book Description ~

“I wish I could meet you, Mr Darcy, and tell you to come home.  There seems to be a large gap in the world where you should be.”

WHAT HAS HAPPENED to Fitzwilliam Darcy?

IT HAS BEEN NEARLY A YEAR since the master of Pemberley disappeared, leaving behind his distraught young sister and a family in turmoil. But clues to his whereabouts are scarce and it soon seems there will be nothing to do but see Georgiana married and have him declared legally dead.

ELIZABETH BENNET, ON HOLIDAY with her aunt and uncle, visits Pemberley and soon finds herself drawn into the mystery of the missing gentleman. But what secrets are hidden within the gardens of Pemberley? And what is the strange attraction she feels towards the statue of the man she has never met?

Powerful forces want to keep them apart, but true love will overcome even the most fearsome evil.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: September 7th)

It is so enchanting!!! Wow! 🤩

I love the twinkling stars, the nighttime sky, and overall atmosphere of this cover! 🌌

What an intriguing premise and mystery! What has happened to Mr. Darcy!? 🎩

Ooh, poor Georgiana! What she must be going through! 🥺

I’m curious about this statue and the secrets of Pemberley’s gardens… ⛲️

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About Stephen ~

Stephen Ord discovered Jane Austen during his teens, and then found the treasure trove of works inspired by her as he reached forty. Becoming part of the JAFF community inspired him to contribute his own stories, and now he doesn’t believe he can stop writing (and indeed, does not want to).

Stephen reads a lot of everything and has done so from early childhood. When he was around eight years old, he bought a book on unsolved mysteries. One of the mysteries was around the life and times of Lord Byron, and several of the others were around Ancient Egypt. This was the seed that grew into an ongoing fascination with Regency times, ancient cultures and mythology.

Stephen has read a lot on the cultures and histories of Britain, Rome, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt (amongst others). These histories have joined works from Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, and books of just about every other genre, inside his rather active imagination. He knows it is time to write more when his ears begin to whistle.

Stephen lives and works in Bonny Scotland, where his lovely wife and two kids keep his feet on the ground, while supporting him to have his head in the clouds on occasion too.



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering a generous giveaway of a $20 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky reader who comments on today’s post!  📚🤤

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Stephen below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends July 26th.

You can preorder Pemberley by Moonlight now!

My sincere gratitude to Stephen Ord, Kristi Rawley, and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. This has me already planning to read this story…one way or another. Thanks for a chance to win a gift card. Good luck with publishing the book. Thanks for sharing your talents with us, Stephen.

    1. Thank you so much Sheila. I have a wee secret for you, yours was (and still is) one of my go-to names when finding new JAFF books to read on Goodreads, so I actually owe you a second thanks for pointing me towards so many great books.

      1. I just spent an hour looking through Sheila’s Goodreads for a book (my list is now doubled) before popping over here. Looking forward to this one, love the cover!

        1. You cannot go wrong with Sheila’s recommendations. Her reviews are one of my top five go-to reviewer offerings on Goodreads or Amazon.

      2. Sorry, these comments don’t come to my in-box. I have to pay attention to the upper right-hand corner of further posts and I forget to do that. Thank you for the compliment.

  2. I read an excerpt at Quills and Quartos and I am very intrigued! I love the pearls and diamond pendant on the necklace. I keep wondering if the statue is Darcy frozen in time for some reason. So do we have a fairy tale at work here? Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Thank you very much Eve, I hope that you enjoy the story (and yes there is more than meets the eye in this tale) and good luck in the giveaway.

    1. Wow, thanks so much Jennifer. Your ‘A Very Merry Mix-up’ is one of my favourite quick reads!

  3. I’m so looking forward to reading this book and finding out where is Mr. Darcy! Congratulations on your new book!

    1. Hi Xena Anne, I couldn’t agree more, the team at Quills and Quartos have done a beautiful job with the cover. Thank you for commenting.

  4. The excerpt posted from Q&Q is very teasing! I will definitely be purchasing. I wonder if there will be a paperback?

    1. Hi Sam, thank you so much for your comment. I believe the paperback is due to go live soon. I hope that you will enjoy the story.

  5. I’m absolutely fascinated by this story and intrigued by the statue. Does the clue to the mystery lie there? Looking forward to discovering the outcome.

    1. Thanks so much Sister Diana, I think Quills and Quartos have outdone themselves with the cover.

  6. What on earth has happened to Darcy? I’m assuming the evil forces are more than just Wickham? Never fear, Elizabeth seems to be on the case, she seems to be fascinated by Darcy and we all know how obstinate and headstrong she is so hopefully she will find him.
    Great atmospheric cover! Alas I shop on U.K. so can’t spend $ so please don’t enter me in the giveaway.

    1. Thanks Glynis, I agree the cover is excellent and of course the characters we all know and love get a new tale, which I hope you will enjoy.

    1. Hi Lucy, I’m ever so grateful for your comment. It’s a lovely experience to get feedback from someone whose work resides on my Kindle, thank you.

    1. Thank you Mary, I felt much the same waiting for your ‘Dare to Refuse Such a Man’ back in the spring and loved it when I did get to read it.

    1. Hi Gay Zell, thank you for taking the time to comment. I also love the cover, hopefully you will like the story too when you read it.

  7. I’m looking forward to the book, but the cover is confusing. Elizabeth Bennet has dark hair and regular features, so who is this woman? Doesn’t look like Georgiana either.

  8. I’m intrigued! Love the unique premise, anxious to read – welcome to another promising JAFF story-weaver!

  9. Congratulations, Stephen on your debut novel! After reading the excerpt, the unique premise and cover, I am definitely looking forward to reading it. How wonderful for you to live in ‘bonny and dramatic Scotland’! One of my favourite places that I hope to get back to visit again! Thank you, Meredith for introducing me to another ‘new’ author and thank you to Q&Q for a chance at the giveaway!

  10. Congratulations, Stephen, on your debut novel! Very intriguing premise… I have some thoughts on it but will await more, and the book, to see if I’m on the right track. 😀

    1. Thanks so much Linda, great to read a comment from a fellow sleuth. I hope you enjoy the story!

  11. I am looking forward to reading this debut novel. I love the necklace on the cover. Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. Now this is a different premise! It is a kidnapping, amnesia, or does Darcy have a deep dark secret for disappearing? I’m eager to find out! Congrats on your new book.

  13. Welcome to Meredith’s blog, Stephen. We are so excited with this cover reveal. It is beautiful. Those colors are amazing and the stance of the characters makes the mystery more prominent. She is looking over her shoulder. Wow! You live in Scotland… heavy sigh. My father’s people are Scottish. I’d tell you the name but you might throw stones. Some clans hold a grudge a long time. LOL!

    I love a mystery and this sounds like a good one. Why is Darcy missing? Did he leave the country or is he still in England? Did he duel with that SBRB [scum-bag-rat-bastard] Wickham? Maybe he killed him or made him less handsome. GRRR! Or has he been kidnapped or… or… dang! This sounds so interesting.

    Thanks Meredith for hosting. Kudos to the design team on that fabulous cover. Thanks to the generous team at Q&Q on the giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. I look forward to the release of this work. Everyone stay safe and healthy.

    1. Wow, thank you so much! After serving nine years in the Royal Air Force I do love an acronym and SBRB would definitely make the list for JAFF! I must echo your thanks to Meredith and the Q&Q team and add one additional one to the JAFF community in general, who have been brilliant during lockdown, sharing support and stories and keeping each other sane, thank you.

    1. Thank you Satu, I have to share any credit with the team at Quills and Quartos, I could not have done this without their hard work and support. Like you I love to see new authors and stories.

  14. Lovely cover. Personally I love a mystery story, and to find one with a P&P connection is a bonus.
    Good luck on the book launch

    1. Thank you Sarah, I love how many genres Elizabeth and Darcy have found themselves in thanks to various talented JAFF writers!

  15. The cover is beautiful! I am wondering, did Darcy and Eluzabeth not meet in Hertfordshire? If not, what prevented that meeting? I will probably have to wait for the book to find out. As always, I look forward to reading anything by Quills and Quartos. All of their books are delightful! Congratulations on your first publication.

    1. Hi Cyndy, I’m so grateful for your lovely comment, I agree with you about Quills and Quartos too, they have many talented authors working with them and I can say first hand that they have an excellent, talented and hardworking team supporting those authors. I hope that you will enjoy the story!

    1. Thank you Donna. As I replied to Sarah P, I love how many genres Elizabeth and Darcy have found themselves in thanks to various talented JAFF writers! There are some great mysteries out there and I agree with you, the regency setting works so well for them.

    1. Hi Sophia Rose, I have to agree, I love the job Q&Q have done with the cover. Thanks so much for commenting.

  16. Such an interesting premise! I love a good mystery and the cover is beautiful! Very excited to read this.

  17. Very intriguing! Very well chosen excerpt as well!
    It seems to be a mysterious fantasy? or a fantastic mystery?

    I sincerely hope it will be a lucky debut!

    1. Hi violingirl05, I must confess that I loved ‘These Dreams’ too. Thanks so much for the comment.

  18. I usually don’t read any book excerpts before release so as not to spoil the surprise but I couldn’t resist. I loved the surprise!

  19. The cover is beautiful! And who doesn’t love a good mystery? I think this will be going to the top of my “to read” list and I will be highly anticipating it’s release in the meantime!

  20. Mysteries combined with Pride and Prejudice variations what more could a girl ask for on a cold winter morning. The only problem I see is the release date would “now” be to much to request lol. The cover is spectacular a gorgeous young woman wearing a pearl collection that I would give my left arm to have, I have to say not my right arm I need that one to turn the pages of my books. I have probably read every variation printed. Some awful some okay but most are my favorites and they are the ones I revisit while impatiently waiting for another to be released. On average I read one book each day so I am sure you can understand my impatience for Pemberley by Moonlight. I do review and recommend books that I love and am Jules from Australia.

    1. Thank you so much Jules! You sound as addicted to reading as me (which is a compliment from one book lover to another). I hope that you enjoy the story.

  21. Congratulations on publishing your work! It sounds fabulous and I am looking forward to reading it. The cover is so lovely. Best Wishes, Michelle

  22. Love a good mystery…and when it includes D&E I love it even more. Congratulations on your publication. Looking forward to reading it. BTW Love the jewels on Elizabeth…lol

  23. Oh, I love a mystery. And the enchanting cover! Can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations on your first published work.,

    1. I’m so grateful for your feedback Luisa! It feels very strange not to be the reader on this occasion.

  24. Has Medusa left a mark here? I like to read mysteries and in combination with P&P it’s irresistable. Very lovely cover with the man out of stone in the background. Good luck with your first book!
    Thank you for the possibility to win a gift card worldwide.

  25. This is an intriguing premise, I’d love to explore it! A statue is an interesting variation of the painting Elizabeth looks at in her canon Pemberley visit.
    I wonder if the mentions of Ancient Egypt as an interest of yours are a clue about this book, or a red herring?

    1. Hi noagnes, thanks so much for your comment, I hope you enjoy the story (but my lips are sealed for now on the detail).

    1. I agree Audny, I love how many settings and genres E&D can find themselves in and still just be excellent to read. Jane really left us a gift!

  26. An intriguing premise indeed! I very much want to know how Darcy becomes a statue — surely that’s the meaning of the last bit! Another for the TBR hoard (so much JAFF to read, so little time!).

    1. Thank you Christina, we have a problem in common, I too have far too little spare time to tackle everything I would like to read!

  27. Always enjoy discovering a new JAFF writer and Quills & Quartos has certainly helped us all do that! The cover is evocative for sure; who created it?

    1. Hi Regina, Carpe Librum Design take all the credit for the cover and have done a wonderful job. I agree with you, Q&Q have a great mix of new and established authors and I’m so pleased that they helped me become one of them (and I look forward to seeing more new authors emerge). Thank you so much for your comment.

  28. The cover is amazing, what a dream with all thise pearls 🙂 And the story sounds really good, for I do love a good mystery. Hope the book goes well for you Stephen!!

    1. Thank you very much Brenda, you are on my JAFF Christmas reads list once again with ‘A Twist of Fate’. Having young kids it’s perfect to read once they’re (finally) in bed.

    1. Hi lmalden, thank you for the kind comment, I hope that you enjoy the story (and I agree about the cover).

  29. Lovely cover and the book has me intrigued. I love it when JAFF and mysteries come together. This community is just the best. I’ll be adding this to my TBR list.

    1. Thank you so much Kim, I agree the JAFF Community is great and has kept many of us (including me) sane during Covid lockdowns.

  30. Congratulations on your JA variation debut! The cover is captivating. The description is intriguing. (I am enchanted 😉

    1. Thank you so much buturot. JAFF has been brilliant during lockdown, the community and the stories have made such a difference to so many.

  31. If you could time travel back to the time when Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice, would you do it?

    1. What a wonderful question Jeanna. I have two young children, so sadly the answer would need to be no (to protect my daughter’s future career and prospects). That said wouldn’t it be wonderful to go back and make the case for women’s rights so much earlier? What inventions and advancements could have been achieved by making the most of everyone who wanted an education and career?

  32. I know this is so late, trying to catch up…as usual. But what can I say that hasn’t already been said thirty times!? Gorgeous cover: Check. Fascinating story premise: Check, check. But it hasn’t been said enough how lovely to be introduced to a new author, especially male, contributing to our fave genre and with such enthusiasm. I said especially male because I think there is a unique perspective, whether subtle or forceful depending on the plot. So, welcome Stephen. May you have great success with this book (can’t wait) and your future endeavors.

    1. Thanks so much Michelle, I’m so glad I’m a subscriber on here so I didn’t miss this lovely comment. I’ve loved P&P since my teens and as a community JAFF is awesome. I’m so proud to contribute to it in my own wee way (with Q&Q’s help).

  33. The cover is utterly beautiful to look at, Stephen. I’m glad you took the plunge and decide to publish your story. Is it safe to say that Elizabeth did not meet Darcy in Meryton and this is a completely different plot than Jane Austen has written? Nevertheless the premise sounds exciting. Can’t wait to read it.

    1. Hi Lúthien84, thank you so much, the support I’ve had so far has made this an amazing experience. I think that Darcy and Elizabeth have been through so many scenarios and settings in JAFF that it’s just incredible. Jane must be so proud to have inspired so many!

  34. I realize it is too late for the giveaway, as I am finally able to catch up on emails. However, I want to say that this is a really gorgeous cover with the stars blending into the bright purity of Elizabeth and also into Mr Darcy in the night coloring sitting on a bench. Thank you for that cover reveal.

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