Cover Reveal + Giveaway of Forgotten Betrothal!!!

Hi friends! Do you enjoy these cover reveals as much as I do? I always find it so exciting to see the unveiling of a beautiful cover and to learn all about an upcoming new release. Especially when the new release is for a debut release from a new author! 

Today I am excited to welcome new Quills & Quartos author, L.M. Romano, who is sharing her lovely and intriguing cover reveal of Forgotten Betrothal. We hope you enjoy! 😊

~ From the Author ~

My name is L.M. Romano, and I am so thrilled to introduce my début novel, Forgotten Betrothal. I have always been a fan of Jane Austen, however I didn’t begin reading JAFF novels until about three years ago. It is hard to imagine anyone not enjoying Darcy and Elizabeth’s classic love story, and the temptation to tweak their timeless romance proved too irresistible as I read variation upon variation.

I have worked on other historical fiction novels in the past (all still in various stages of development), and for whatever reason, one afternoon the story of Forgotten Betrothal simply came to me in the form of a basic, but still fairly lengthy, outline that I scribbled onto my iPad. The first version of the manuscript was written while on Covid-19 lockdown—one blessing in what has been a truly strange year and then some—and the first place I sent my book was to the team at Quills & Quartos. Since they have published some of my absolute favorite Pride & Prejudice variations, I was over the moon when they agreed to take on my story.

I don’t want to spoil the mystery for any potential readers, but in my book I wanted to experiment with just how far I could de-rail the story after Darcy’s doomed proposal at Hunsford and the subsequent revelations brought on by his letter. I still wanted the principal characters to experience the same developmental arc—but I wanted to add further challenges on their road to happily ever after without involving Wickham and Lydia. Instead of Darcy’s heroic rescue of Elizabeth’s fallen sister, I have instead decided to shake the very foundations of Elizabeth’s life story, which will greatly affect Darcy’s hopes of renewing his suit.

I hope everyone will enjoy Forgotten Betrothal, and thank you, Meredith, for hosting the Cover Reveal!

~ Book Description ~

Enlightenment dawned, sharp and painful in its glaring exactitude. He knew. From the moment she had uttered her true name, he had known that she was not free. So why was he here? Why did he still look at her in that way? Why could she see the adoration in his eyes and the torment in his features? Had he come to say goodbye? To leave her to this fate?

How can an innocent stroll through Hyde Park change the course of so many lives?

Confused and chastened following her cruel rejection of Mr Darcy’s proposal, Elizabeth Bennet returns to her aunt’s home in Gracechurch Street. Unable to find solace while pondering her terrible misjudgment of his character, she is overwhelmed with guilt for how she treated the puzzling gentleman from Derbyshire.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has retreated to his London home after being spurned by the lady he loves, and after serious reflection has come to the realisation that he never deserved Elizabeth’s good opinion.

A chance encounter brings the opportunity to seek forgiveness, and possibly, a new start to their budding romance. But the introduction of a stranger into Elizabeth’s life threatens to reveal old family secrets that have the potential to truly unravel her world and all that she holds dear.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: July 12th)

Such a lovely park scene – I love the idea of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth encountering each other in such a way. I wonder if the story will take place primarily in London? 🎩

The avid walker in me cannot help but admire the picturesque trail, lush green foliage, and footbridges. 🌳

Why isn’t Elizabeth free? Is she betrothed? Who is the stranger? I have so many questions!

I love that there are some new challenges in store for Darcy and Elizabeth! 🙌🏼

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About L. M. Romano ~

L. M. Romano is, as Miss Bingley would say, ‘a great reader,’ though she still owns to taking delight in many things. As an inveterate bookworm and a longtime lover of historical fiction, she is delighted to present her début novel, Forgotten Betrothal, as a tribute to her love for the works and characters created by Jane Austen. As a history professor, she eagerly embraced the opportunity to delve into Regency England and the many facets of London’s high society, which provided endless evenings of entertainment for both herself and any unfortunate family members who happened to be nearby.

A Northern California native, L. M. Romano currently lives with her husband in Ontario, California. She plans to continue writing, teaching, and reading countless books to her heart’s content.



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering a generous giveaway of a $20 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky reader who comments on today’s post!  📚🤤

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for L.M. Romano below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends May 26th.

You can preorder Forgotten Betrothal now!

My sincere gratitude to L.M. Romano, Kristi Rawley, and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. Oh my…Elizabeth is not free. What does that mean. And poor Darcy. How will he cope with Elizabeth’s malady of forgetting their relationship? Can’t wait to read this new offering from Q&Q publishing.

  2. Oh dear! From the title it would seem that Elizabeth is betrothed to someone already. But who and why? And how can Darcy solve the problem so she can marry him?
    I’m glad we don’t have the Wickham/Lydia scenario but this sounds a lot worse?
    Now I’m sure there will eventually be a happy ending for ODC so it will be interesting to find out how. Hopefully with not too much angst?
    Thanks for sharing this lovely cover Meredith.

    1. I’m not a huge fan of excessive angst myself, but I really enjoyed injecting a fair amount of mystery into my story! And of course, a happy ending is a must!

  3. That is truly a lovely cover! I love how they are greeting each other at this park or other natural space, but there is this distance that is slightly bothersome. I cannot wait to read this story, and thank you for the chance at the giveaway.

  4. Wow. Interesting concept. I’m excited to see how this will be resolved.

    I love the cover. I cannot wait to read/listen to this new take on my favorite store.

  5. The cover is lovely, and the blurb leaves me with so many questions! Very intriguing. Good luck with your first release.

  6. Congratulations on your debut, L.M.! Sounds like Darcy and Elizabeth are about to face difficulties to rival even the selfishness of Lydia and Wickham! I love that, no matter how we change the main storyline of P&P, we put Darcy through his paces!

    And Meredith, yes, cover reveals are so much fun! I have great respect for skilled cover designers! Finding out about the book was reward enough for me, so no need to enter me into the giveaway. :-). Many thanks!

    1. Thank you, Christina! I agree – Darcy does need a good challenge! I wanted to put him in a situation that he alone could not solve, and it was a joy to write!

    2. What does it mean that Elizabeth is not free? Oh my God, please tell me that she’s not betrothed to our dear Colonel! I could not stand it if my beloved Colonel Fitzwilliam was to lose again from Darcy in a love triangle!

      1. Interesting thought, but no – I have kept the Colonel out of this love triangle. He had much better uses elsewhere for my story!

  7. So excited for the release of this book! I personally know this wonderful and gifted author! You are in for a treat!

  8. Great cover, loved the description which leaves us with many more questions. Can’t wait to read it, roll on publication day.

  9. The cover is beautiful. I can’t wait to read more. I never tire of my favorite literary couple.

  10. I put this on my wish list so that when it is released I may read it. It does sound intriguing. Thanks for sharing and for the generous giveaway.

  11. I love Elizabeth’s clothing. She is dressed more expensively than usual especially with the white fur. I am really looking forward to reading this book. Congratulations on your debut novel.

  12. Absolutely lovely cover!!

    And such a suspenseful excerpt and description. Looking forward to this version.

    Always love the more classic artistic book cover designs. More fun for an active imagination. This one takes one to the sounds of the water in the stream with the birds in the trees pausing perhaps as the gentlemen removes his hat and greets the lady.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  13. Sounds interesting. She’s not going to like being betrothed without her consent! Darcy is going to have a fit.

    1. You are definitely not wrong about Elizabeth! I hope you enjoy how both characters react to this development!

  14. I was just thinking yesterday that I wanted to read a book in which Elizabeth was titled. It looks like I might get my wish in a couple of months! I like the writing style and intrigue so far and am looking forward to this.

  15. This sounds amazing! I also want to know why Elizabeth isn’t free. Is she secretly engaged to someone else? The cover is beautiful and thanks for the giveaway!

    1. The betrothal definitely comes as quite a shock – and to a fair number of characters! I hope you enjoy the story!

  16. Meredith, what a delightful cover reveal. And… what a marvelous cover. OMG! It is perfect. I love it. Congratulations to L M Romano for discovering Q&Q Publishing. In JAFF there are very few publishing teams that I would recommend and Q&Q Publishing is one of them. You chose well. I wish you all manner of success and look forward to reading this. I can’t wait to see what happens to ODC and what wrench you threw in the works to stall their HEA. Blessings, stay safe, and healthy.

  17. I love a hidden connection in a JA story. I’m looking forward to yours, Ms. Romano. Best of luck with this novel.

  18. Oh yes Meredith, I DO enjoy these cover reveals so very much and thank you for hosting so many including Forgotten Betrothal. Beautiful cover. Congratulations to our newest author. This story sounds very intriguing. Best of luck L.M. Romano. I am really looking forward to reading this.

  19. Sounds exciting! I can’t wait to read it! Plus the cover is beautiful – I love how vibrant and rich the colors are.

  20. A first JAFF novel, but you already have us hoping it is not your last! Cannot wait to get hold of this; it sounds terrific.

    1. Thank you, Beatrice! I have a few plot bunnies roaming around in my head, so I hope this will be the first of many!

  21. What does it mean that Elizabeth is not free? Oh my god, please tell me that she’s not betrothed to our dear Colonel Fitzwilliam! I could not bear it if my beloved Colonel was to lose again by Darcy in another love triangle!

  22. pre-ordered now I will wait I think I will have my tissues at the ready to begin. Really looking forward to reading this one.
    Thanks Meredith for keeping me up to date on up come publications T

  23. So, I can relate to everything you said about getting hooked on JAFF, then having novels written in various stages…but it truly is a dream come true that yours got published! Looking forward to reading it!

    1. It has been a very surreal experience – but definitely rewarding! I hope you’re able to finish the stories you’re working on!

  24. What a great sounding story, I’m so intruiged!! What can there be standing in between Darcy and Lizzie?? I have to find out 😀

  25. I am eagerly awaiting the release on July 12th and have my preorder in! The cover is lovely. I enjoy a good mystery so I will not read any reviews until I get to read it for myself! Best wishes for a successful book launch!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I’m a sucker for spoilers, so I really admire your decision to avoid reviews!

  26. Wow, the cover is sensational, LM. If I’m not wrong, I think it is the work of Susan Adriani as the design style is similar to her previous works. The blurb had me curious and I can’t wait to discover who is the stranger and why Elizabeth is not free to marry whoever she wants.

    1. Yes, it is the wonderful work of Susan Adriani! She did a fabulous job designing the cover for my story. I hope you enjoy the book – particularly the new characters that are introduced!

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