Cover Reveal + Giveaway for All That This Entails!!!

Hi sweet friends! I am very excited to share today’s post with you for many reasons!

First off, it is a cover reveal! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

And not only that….it is a cover reveal for an upcoming release from Quills and Quartos!! 🤗😃🤗

Annnnnnd…not only is it a new release from Quills and Quartos…it is from a new author publishing their first book with Quills and Quartos!!! 🙌🏼🥰🎉

Can I get a woot woot?! 

~ Book Description ~

I am the daughter of a Duke!

ELIZABETH BENNET COULD SCARCELY CREDIT THE NEWS when a letter sent to her father, from relations she did not know existed, informed them that untimely and unfortunate events would result in Mr Bennet inheriting the dukedom of Everard. In the blink of an eye, the Bennets’ lives are transformed— Elizabeth and her four sisters are wealthy, titled, and the talk of the ton.

AT PEMBERLEY, FITZWILLIAM DARCY is still stinging from Elizabeth Bennet’s rejection of him at Hunsford when he learns the extraordinary news. Elizabeth Bennet—now Lady Elizabeth—has been elevated in an extraordinary fashion and is soon to become the most sought-after lady of the season.

But Darcy’s heart still belongs to her, as much as it ever did, and he sets off for London determined to win her hand. But can he prove to her that he has changed, particularly when her entire life has just altered?

This Pride & Prejudice variation is a novel-length tale using the characters of Jane Austen in a story of the author’s imagining.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: December 14th)

The sky, the mountains, the terrifically grand estate, the gorgeous riding habit – I cannot decide what I love most about this cover! 😍

I wonder where this dukedom is…the mountains make me think it might be a more northern county.  ⛰

Mr. Bennet inheriting a dukedom?! I cannot wait to see how he acts a duke…and…I just remembered Mrs. Bennet! What will she be like as a duchess?! 😮

Oh my…Mr. Darcy will have his work cut out for him now…I am curious to see how this new dynamic impacts his pursuit! 🎩

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ About Noell ~

Noell Chesney’s childhood love of reading lead to an introduction as a young woman to the works of Jane Austen. The second of four sisters, though no fear of starving in the hedgerows, resulted in a special affinity for Elizabeth Bennet. After reading numerous works of fanfiction by other authors, a decision to try her hand at composing her own story was born. Noell Chesney has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Colorado. She enjoys cooking, boating, camping, and of course reading. She and her husband, Benjamin, live in Highlands Ranch, CO with their three children and two dogs.

~ Excerpt from All That This Entails ~

The young guests applauded the idea of the sleigh ride, and the ladies departed to collect their warm clothing as the gentlemen retreated outside to see to the sleighs. Darcy trailed leisurely, keeping to the back of the group, and then remained indoors. He was determined to be Elizabeth’s escort for this activity and was soon rewarded as he saw her descend the stairs in a deep red velvet cloak lined with soft white fur, her dark curls tucked under a white bonnet. She looked like a winter sprite as she walked, pulling white gloves over her delicate hands. Once she reached the bottom of the staircase, Darcy stepped forward and offered her his arm. She smiled as she took it, and he led her outside.

The air was brisk, and Elizabeth turned her face upwards to catch the sun, closing her eyes and breathing in the invigorating crispness of the winter morning. Darcy was enchanted, and he quickly espied a smaller sleigh, large enough for a driver and only one other occupant, and steered her towards it. He assisted Elizabeth into the seat, adjusting the hot bricks around her feet, and then joined her, settling a warm blanket over them. Taking up the reins, Darcy nodded to the groom attending them to release the horse’s head, and with a flick of his wrist, they were off before any of the others had even entered their sleighs.

He felt only slight guilt at leaving his sister to fend for herself, but he knew that between Jane and Mrs Sinclair, Georgiana would be in good hands. Darcy stole a glance at Elizabeth and shifted in his seat to bring them closer. Elizabeth shivered in response.

“Are you cold?”

“Not at all, sir.”

“You will be sure to tell me if you are.”

“Of course.” Elizabeth turned slightly in her seat to look behind them. “We seem to have outstripped the rest of the party, Mr Darcy. Perhaps we should wait for them.”

“They will catch up,” he replied.

Elizabeth then turned toward her companion and unconsciously shifted closer to him. The sky was a vibrant blue and the countryside glittered as the sun sparkled off the snow-covered ground. The horse pulled the sleigh effortlessly, and Darcy was the happiest he had been in years. He turned the horse towards the woods, slowing their pace as they entered a well-worn path that Darcy remembered led to a lake. The tree branches overhead were coated with ice, giving the appearance that they were made of glass. Darcy felt rather than heard Elizabeth’s sigh of contentment, and before he even realised it, his hand had released the rein, and his arm slid around Elizabeth’s shoulder, drawing her close. She lightly rested her head on his shoulder as she gazed up at the icy canopy. Darcy held his breath and could hardly believe his good fortune. He wished he could see her beautiful face, but it was hidden by the brim of her bonnet.

They travelled in companionable silence through the woods until the trees began to thin, and they crested a slight hill to see the lake spread before them. Elizabeth leaned forward in her seat, dislodging Darcy’s arm, as she took in the lovely scene. The lake was covered in a thin layer of ice, and a pair of deer was poised at the far shore. Catching sight of the approaching conveyance, they gracefully darted off into the woods.

“Beautiful,” Elizabeth whispered softly.

“Indeed,” Darcy replied, his eyes never once wavering from the intoxicating sight of the woman at his side. Elizabeth appeared unaware of his meaning as she was entranced by the landscape.

❄️ Gah!!! This sounds likes such an enchanting scene and I am dying to see how it continues!! 🥰 Looking forward to your big release, Noell! Thank you for sharing this beautiful cover and excerpt with us today!!



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering a generous giveaway of a $20 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky reader who comments on today’s post!  📚🤤

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Noell below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends October 19th.

You can preorder All That This Entails now!

Our sincere gratitude to Noell Chesney, Kristi Rawley, and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. Quite a departure from canon but sounds very interesting. I wonder what Mrs Bennet’s reaction was to the news. Did she have a attack of nerves and started fluttering about or did she fall silent? If Mr Bennet is the new duke, does that make Mr Collins in line for the duchy after Mr Bennet dies?

    1. Love, love, love this book cover! Congratulations Noell- I can’t wait to read your book. I’ve no doubt it will only farther my love of this era. Hooray for Elizabeth and Darcy!

  2. I read All That This Entails years ago online. I can’t wait to see the published version. The cover is lovely.

  3. Mrs Bennet a duchess? Hmmmm! I wonder if she still needs her salts?
    I love this excerpt, Darcy is definitely in favour with Elizabeth here! I wonder where they are, how long since Hunsford and whether Elizabeth has a better opinion of Darcy now?
    I do love this cover, it looks like it may be nearer to Pemberley than to London?
    I’m in the U.K. so can’t buy from .com meaning, alas, I couldn’t spend the $20 .

  4. Oooh…I look forward to reading this! I like the premise that, even though Elizabeth has risen to a sphere above Darcy, he fell in love with her when she was simply Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Also, it’s gotta burn a little extra for those “relations so decidedly beneath [his] own” to be suddenly elevated! And what must Lady Catherine and Miss Bingley think…? Yes, must purchase.

  5. The cover is wonderful! The Bennets or Elizabeth improving their “sphere” is my second favourite trope (forced marriage being my favourite), because it makes me gleeful when the likes of Lady C or Miss B have to come to terms with it. I also enjoy debut novels and look forward to reading this one. I can hear Mrs B’s exclamations already!

    1. I posted this over 10 years ago on A Happy Assembly. The lovely ladies at Quills & Quatros Publishing were kind enough to offer to publish it and I’m happy to bring it to everyone in print form!

  6. Sounds lovely — winter Pemberly scenes are delicious – I love sleigh rides and skating and playing in snow scenes. Looking forward to this debut novel!

  7. What an exquisite cover!!! Horse, mountains, a grand old estate and the beautiful red riding habit!!! Yup, gotta buy the paperback! Congratulations, Noell on your debut! I, too, remember reading the WIP and loving it. You must be just giddy over it! I know I am! Thank you Quills & Quartos for a chance at the giveaway!

  8. Beautiful cover! Congratulations Noell! I wonder how Mr. Bingley deals with the elevation too. Does he try to reconcile with Jane? How does she respond? Looking forward to reading the book!

  9. Such a beautiful scene and it seems like they’re in winter wonderland . It will be a long wait to the release date!! Looking forward to reading how the Bennett’s ended up where they are and how the romance between ODC develops.

  10. I agree that the estate must be in the North maybe near Pemberley since Darcy and his sister are houseguests. It appears that the relationship has changed between Elizabeth and Darcy (sigh……). Congratulations on your first release, beautiful cover, excerpt and giveaway. Welcome to JAFF.

  11. For some reason this did not show up in my mail box and when I first found it I could not make a comment so I re-subscribed to this blog’s mailing list. The blurb and the comment make me definitely want to read this book. Thanks for sharing here. I am looking forward to its release.

  12. I read the Q & Q excerpt as well as this one. Enchanting both! I am anxious to see how Elizabeth’s affections grow. Thank you for the giveaway.

  13. What a lovely premise! Excited to read this. The cover is simply beautiful. Even with Elizabeth above station over Darcy, it will not matter to either of them.

  14. Omg, what an incredible story idea. I, too, am intrigued to see how the Bennets react to this incredible change in their lives. Another addition to my TBR hoard for certain!

  15. the cover is beautiful! Miss Bingley and Mr Collins questions makes you wonder where this may be going. Keep writing Noelle!

  16. I am hooked!!! That was a swoon worthy scene…I can picture it in my mind! Your lovely, vivid words painted the picture exceedingly well!!!! I ALWAYS love stories where the Bennets are elevated higher than Darcy!!! I absolutely cannot wait to read this lovely story!!!!!!

  17. I cannot imagine Mrs Bennet as a countess. It should be very interesting. Looking forward to reading this book.

  18. Looking forward to this read! Your lists and recommendations are keeping me sane while everything is upside down. Thanks!

  19. Mrs. Bennet as a Duchess? That should be interesting. I wonder if she’ll have the sense to rein in the younger girls?

  20. Ooooh this sounds lovely! I’ve definitely read it online years ago but can’t wait to reread the published version!!

  21. Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley], you always showcase the most beautiful cover reveals. La! Such a hard job you have, my dear. Now a little bit of love for our author… Noell, you will NOT believe this, I read this [twice actually] while it was an unpublished WIP [work in progress]. I loved it. I look forward to seeing what you have done to it. Congratulations on bring it to print. I know you are excited and a bit nervous. If I win the gift card, I will purchase this book and other Q&Q books on my wish-list. If I don’t win… I’ll probably buy it anyway. This was a fabulous story and I hope everyone reads it. Thanks to Q&Q for the generous giveaway. Blessings, everyone… stay safe and healthy.

  22. Love the cover and this was a very sweet excerpt. thank you for sharing,(I can’t help smiling when i was reading it. it felt like I was FD glancing at EB 😉

  23. I am in love already with this book!! I hope to read it as soon as it’s released. The book cover is compelling. What is the rider fleeing from? Does she not have control of the horse?

  24. Mrs B is saved! This looks so fun. With Elizabeth being more his equal, Darcy has his work cut out for him. I look forward to reading this. thanks for sharing.

  25. The book cover is enchanting. I love the colors. The premise of the book is quite intriguing–Mr. Bennet a duke! And of course this leads to many questions: Mrs. Bennet as a duchess?? and Lydia with a title??? Seems impossible…
    Congrats on publishing your first book.

  26. What a stunning cover!! I absolutely adore the premise too. Oh my, Mrs B as a duchess! That should be interesting :). And, of course Mr Darcy having his work cut out for him. Looking forward to this book.

    Please don’t enter me in the giveaway, Meredith, I just popped by to say hi and admire the cover. Congrats, Noell, it looks awesome!

  27. Oh, I CAN’T WAIT for this one – sounds like a perfect “snuggle up with a cup of tea” read – congrats on your first publishing, Noell – thrilled for you!

  28. Beautiful cover! Even the font! 😀 What a romantic scene, I just love those sleigh rides. The story premise has a lot of possibilities and as many scenarios I could come up with off the top of my head, I doubt they could compare to your story. I can’t wait to see how these changed circumstance effect the different P&P characters. OMG, Mr Collins! Ha ha ha. I can imagine his bowing and scraping to a new personage will happen so quickly he’ll get whiplash.

    I’m really looking forward to reading this. Best of luck with this book launch, Noell.

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