Excerpts + Giveaway with the Austen Anthologies Authors!!!

Happy Monday, friends! I am excited to welcome and feature the lovely authors of the Austen Anthologies series! As long-time readers of this blog may already know – I am a big fan of Austen-inspired anthologies! I always love the variety you find in anthologies – the different characters, time periods, even Jane Austen novels that inspired the various tales. Today I am sharing some excerpts from A Very Austen Romance – the 3rd book in the Austen Anthologies series. And you will be able to see some of the wonderful diversity I am talking about. I hope you enjoy! ❣️

~ From the Authors ~

It’s our delight to present our third anthology, A Very Austen Romance.

These books came about because of friendship. In fact, we’ve taken to calling each one “the book that friendship built”—because that’s true. The Internet brought us together, and we have been encouraging one another as writers ever since. Come share our friendship as we offer these new, Austen-inspired Regency novellas to you.

For this anthology, Chautona Havig joins us as guest author. Chautona is new to Jane Austen fiction, but she is a prolific writer. It’s exciting to have her with us.

A Very Austen Romance is just right for summer reading. And goodness, this book is LONG. (If you peek at the price of the paperback, you’ll know!)

We love these stories, and we think you will Set your worries aside and experience Jane Austen’s Regency world all over again.

~ Excerpts from A Very Austen Romance ~


At a ball hosted in her honour, Kitty Bennet is confronted with a fascinating variety of dance partners. How can she choose?

Darcy stepped between them. “Gentlemen, shall we allow my sister to speak?”

After the men nodded, he turned to Kitty. “Now, my dear, since my friends have agreed to remain silent, what have you to say?”

She blushed prettily, looking at Lord Jonathan. “In answer to your question, My Lord, I am not engaged for the supper dance, and I should be honoured to dance with you.”

“Excellent, Miss Bennet,” he answered, reaching for her card which hung from her wrist.

She untied the ribbon and handed the card to him. After signing his name in the proper place, he returned it to her. “I shall find you when it is time. Shall I fetch you some punch while Lord Beaumont makes his case? I should hate to witness his embarrassment if he is refused. He can be a bit, shall we say, peeved when he doesn’t get his way.”

“Lord Beaumont has only to tell me which dance he prefers, for I have no intention of refusing him,” Kitty replied, turning to the diplomat, holding out her dance card to him.

Beaumont playfully raised a brow, a twinkle in his clear, blue eyes as he took the offered card. “I truly think I should have two dances, seeing as how you shall spend both the dance and the supper with my rival,” he said in honeyed tones.

Kitty was a bit stunned but recovered quickly. “People will gossip, My Lord.”

He shrugged. “People will gossip whether or not we dance two dances. Is that not correct, Darcy?”

Darcy actually grinned. “Yes, I suppose they will. However, as you are an honourable man, I have no objection to your having two sets if Katherine agrees.”

“Miss Bennet?” Lord Beaumont asked.

She inclined her head. “Choose the two you want, My Lord. Dancing with you shall be no hardship. I am quite aware of the honour you do me.”

He quickly wrote his dances on her card and gave it back to her. “I look forward to opening the ball with you, but I can hardly wait for the waltz. Very forward thinking of the Darcys to include a waltz. All London shall be abuzz tomorrow.”

Lord Jonathan narrowed his eyes at his friend. “Well played.”

Beaumont wore a rather smug expression, but remained silent.


A STEP TOO FAR by Wendi Sotis 

After being injured in a fall, Elizabeth Bennet convalesces at Netherfield, with Jane as her companion.

“Mr. Darcy is… interesting,” said Elizabeth.

“He seems quite interested in you, dearest Lizzy.” Jane smiled brightly.

“I will admit I do have warm feelings for him, but I would not count on their lasting. It most probably from his saving my life. I believe it is easy to mistake gratitude of that magnitude for affection.”

Jane’s smile faded. “I had not thought of it that way, but I suppose it could be.”

“Are you not glad you do not have that problem with Mr. Bingley?” Elizabeth winked at her sister. “I will hold off on making a decision as to how much I like Mr. Darcy for a while, though I am interested in what my opinion of him will be once we see him in company. Under normal circumstances.”

“You are always so wise.”

Elizabeth chuckled. “Definitely not! Was I wise when I fell off Oakham Mount? I have learned the hard way to stop and think before I leap.”



Fanny Bingley, daughter of Jane and Charles, becomes impatient with hapless Mr. Dunby.

“What do you wish to do?” inquired Fanny, captivated by the gentleman’s passion.

“What can I do? Everywhere I turn, I am met by belligerence and obstacle,” Mr. Dunby returned, deflated.

“Look at me, Mr. Dunby,” Fanny demanded. “See me now as I stand in my finery. This is my uniform by which codes and regulations I am held. The useless works of my hands fill my days. Not a single life has ever been saved by sewing screens or arranging flowers. All I have left to do to complete my orders are to marry and to have children, two things over which I have little control.” Fanny’s expression was as tempestuous as it was sincere. “You will not stand here, bemoaning the strictures of your Society upon your ambitions. You wish to study medicine? The doors of Oxford swing open. You wish to have practical experience? The hospitals of London welcome you. You have an interest in artificial limbs? The men who specialize in the field hope you will stop by. You have friends among the Elite. You have the law at your disposal. You have war in your blood. Fight your fight.”



After being abducted from the gardens of Rosings Park, Elizabeth Bennet awakes to discover a gallant, but unidentified, rescuer.

Someone was saying her name. Not missy or dearie, but Elizabeth. She gave a start and discovered that the rim of a cup was at her lips. Not again! She pulled back with a shudder.

The cup was once more presented. “Take a sip, Miss Elizabeth. It will do you good.”

This was a new voice, one that was gentle and did not scold. No rough fingers seized her shoulders; no strong hands shook her. Elizabeth blinked her eyes open. The sudden blaze of light hurt. Was this the sun? No, it was candlelight. She struggled to see a face, but whoever had spoken was concealed in darkness.

Darkness was now especially terrifying to her. “Please,” she rasped, “no more laudanum.”

“This is only water. Have a little swallow.”

Elizabeth took a tentative sip. The water was clean and refreshingly cold. She then discovered that her wrists were no longer bound. She could move! With eager fingers Elizabeth took hold of the cup—a real glass tumbler—and finished every drop of the water.

“Would you care for soup?” the kind voice enquired. “I have some here for you.”

“Oh yes, please.” There was a rustling movement and then came a heavenly scent. “It smells wonderful.”

“It is rather good, surprisingly. Try not to look directly into the candle’s flame, Miss Elizabeth. After being blindfolded for so long, you’ll hurt your eyes. Are you able to sit up?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“You might find it easier to hold the cup if you removed your gloves.”

Elizabeth looked down. “Yes, of course. I …”

“Would you like me to help you?”

She nodded. In the halo of candlelight, a man’s hands appeared. They were clean hands with nicely-pared nails—the hands of a gentleman. “Gracious,” she observed. “My poor gloves are quite filthy.”

“I am glad to see it. Those gloves protected your hands from injury.”

She extended her arms. “But not my poor wrists, alas.”

She heard a deep sigh. “I’ll bring water so that you can wash. Drink your soup—just the broth to begin with. Your stomach might not tolerate more.”

“That wretched laudanum!”

“Was that what it was? I wondered. All things considered; I suppose it was a mercy.”

Elizabeth swallowed some of the soup. It was lovely, the perfect temperature for drinking. Had the man seen to that? “Thank you for rescuing me.”

“You have nothing to thank me for. We are not yet out of the woods, so to speak. But for the moment, take heart. You are safe.”

His face was turned away. “Who are you?” she said.

There was a pause. “Drink your soup, Miss Elizabeth.”

She took another swallow of soup and considered this. “If you will not tell me your name, why, I shall be forced to call you Galahad.”

He gave a sharp laugh. “A misnomer if there ever was one! I am far from being that, believe me. Finish your soup; I’ll fetch water and towels.”

“You must tell me your name, you know.”

“Some subjects are best broached in the light of day.”

What did he mean by that?

When he returned, it was only to place before her a bowl of warm water, an expensive bar of amber soap, and a towel. He took away her cup to refill it with more soup, or so he said. His long absence gave Elizabeth time to wash not only her hands and wrists, but also her face and neck. This wonderful improvement made her feel much more like herself.

Presently she heard a gentle knocking at the door. “May I come in?”

“Yes, please, for I would like more soup.”

From behind a filled cup, delightfully warm, was put into her hands. As before, he kept his face turned aside, out of the light.

“You are the man from the wagon, I think. You were tied up and unconscious for much of the time.”

“I was.”

“I heard one of the men say—Manny, I think he was called—that you have a punishing right hook, whatever that means.”

When he replied there was a smile in his voice. “It means that I hit him with my right fist, Miss Elizabeth. Rather hard.”

“Oh, thank you! Indeed, you are more like Sir Galahad than you think.”

“Not really. You see, I was aiming for his nose—and missed.”


Oh my! What a collection of delightful and enticing teasers!! I wonder which suitor will properly win Kitty’s heart! And Lizzy is recuperating at Netherfield – that is an interesting switch! I already love Fanny Bingley’s independent spirit – I wonder what will become of her fate….And who is Sir Galahad and why was Elizabeth abducted at Rosings!!! These novellas all sound most intriguing!!!  What do you think, friends? 😍

~ The Authors of A Very Austen Romance ~

Robin Helm, Laura Hile, and Wendi Sotis

Barbara Cornthwaite, Mandy H. Cook, and Chautona Havig

~ Connect with A Very Austen Romance Authors ~

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~ Other Books in the Austen Anthologies Series ~

Book One – A Very Austen Christmas

Book Two – A Very Austen Valentines


These lovely authors generously brings ONE ebook copy of A Very Austen Romance for me to give away to ONE lucky reader from this blog!

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for these authors!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you!
  • This giveaway ends July 13th!


  1. I’m so glad this is an ebook because my bookcase is overflowing with fabulous JAFF! I’m sure “A Very Austen Romance” is fabulous, too – I’m looking forward to reading it.

    Thanks very much, Meredith.

    1. Hi, Lilyane!

      Oh, we feel your bookshelf pain! An abundance of riches, and all of it waiting for you to have enough time to read. Thanks for your interest in A Very Austen Romance. Good luck in the giveaway.

    1. Oh dear, and my excerpt was the longest one. Kudos to my co-authors for submitting excerpts that were short and yet a delightful taste of the larger stories.

      Good luck in the giveaway, Leonora. Thanks for coming by to enter.

  2. Thank you much for a chance to win this wonderful book. I love the authors and their works and am excited to add this book to my Jane Austen collection.

    1. It always amazes us at the variety we come up with. Authors choose their own characters and situations. Wendi and I each have a Darcy and Elizabeth story, for example.

      Thanks for your interest in our anthology, Cheryl. Good luck in the giveaway.

  3. Oh! I have just started reading Pride and Prejudice and loving it so much and was searching about bloggers who blog about Jane and came across your blog!

    I absolutely loved all the three blurb I read. Congratulations to all the authors for such good books!I am excited to win! Thank you for oppurtunity!

  4. I would like to know where I can read A Step too Far? I am looking forward to seeing how that teaser is going to play out. I also want to thank Sallianne Hines, I just received The Kitty Bennet’s Story and can’t wait to read it. Thanks to all the Authors for being so generous to us. God Bless and Stay safe to all.

    1. Hi, Maria. Wendi’s A Step Too Far is one of the six novellas in our anthology, A Very Austen Romance. If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, it’s ready and waiting for you.

      Good luck in the giveaway.

  5. I can’t believe any sensible gentleman would want to win the hand of the silly Kitty Bennet. She must change quite a lot, though she could never be intelligent.

    1. Hi, Vesper. You may just have to read the story to find out. Many girls who were silly at 17 are considerably more mature at 20, especially if they have sisters like Jane and Elizabeth to help them.

      Thank you for commenting!

  6. So many of my favorite authors!!! This anthology looks amazing!!! WOOT!!! 😀

    Hoping to win a copy!! (fingers crossed!)

    Congratulations on this publication!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Hi, Susanne! We think this collection is pretty amazing, because … we are fans of one another’s work. It’s always such a surprise to see the variety we come up with.

      Good luck in the giveaway!

    1. Denise, thank you. I have to hand it to the other three authors. They came up with lovely excerpts that are short — no easy task. Mine was longer, ha.

      Thanks for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  7. I have the other anthologies and would love to have this one. This book is the perfect summer reading as we can read a short story when our attention might not be as good during the hot days of summer. Thank you for the excerpts and giveaway. Kudos on another anthology.

    1. Eva, I’m so glad we have brought pleasure to your reading hours with our other anthologies! I’ve come to see that the most precious thing a reader invests is not the money to buy it, but the TIME to read it. Thank you for spending some of yours with our stories.

      Good luck in the giveaway!

  8. I have the other anthologies. My, I wonder who ‘Galahad’ is. I am so looking forward to reading this anthology. And Fanny Bingley, she sounds interesting. Thank you for the generous give away.

  9. I’m so glad you enjoy our work, Debora. I pinch myself that these talented writers are my friends! Thanks for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  10. Love these excerpts. Some of the stories I’ve read and some not. Looking forward to another great anthology. Thanks gals!

    1. Kim, hi! We are excited about the cover too. It’s amazing to us that this is our third anthology. This truly is a team effort, from writing to production to promotion. Thanks for the kind encouragement.

      Good luck in the giveaway!

  11. Thanks Meredith for hosting [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. I already own this book but wanted to drop by and congratulate all the authors on this launch. Blessings to everyone, stay safe, and healthy.

    1. Aw, J.W., thanks. We appreciate your support and encouragement. There are wonderful stories in this book, our largest one yet.

      I am partly to blame. My Elizabeth-and-Darcy story became too romantic and ran over by 5k words! Darn, right?

  12. I’m intrigued by these excerpts. I loved the other Anthologies and I’m looking forward to reading this one. Congratulations Z

    1. Kate, thank you for coming by to enter. I’ve loved the other anthologies too. I get to be more of a fan than a contributor. Good luck in the giveaway!

  13. It looks like a great collection of stories… particularly intrigued with Sir Gallagad an EB.

    I also love to know stories of the other P & P characters.

    Thank you for the excerpt and the chance to win a copy

    1. Hi, buturot. Poor “Galahad” is hating that Elizabeth called him this, because when she finds out who he is, she will have a lot more to say.

      Good luck in the giveaway!

  14. This is an anthology that I currently do not own. So many of these stories look very interesting. Thanks for entering me into the drawing.

  15. Kitty has several gentlemen who are interested, and Robin Helm keeps us guessing as to which one she will end up with.

    As for Galahad, let’s just say our girl Elizabeth is in for a surprise when she discovers who he is.

    Thanks for entering the giveaway, Jen. Good luck.

    1. Hi, Dung! Thanks for the encouragement! We’re very excited to offer this new anthology to readers. It’s our largest one yet. Good luck in the giveaway.

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