Cover Reveal + Giveaway of Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl!!!

Hi dear readers!! Who else has been patiently waiting for the next anthology from The Quill Collective?!? As you might remember, we are ardent admirers of all 4 previously released anthologies from The Quill Collective. If you don’t, see HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. 💯

But even though the multi-talented Christina Boyd has gifted Austenesque readers 4 fantastic collections of brilliant short stories, I tell ya friends, 4 is not enough! 🙏🏼I am so glad Christina is here to share the beautiful cover for her 5th Austenesque anthology!! Please help me welcome Christina, friends! 🤗

Obstinate, headstrong girl!” For over two hundred years, Elizabeth Bennet has enchanted and inspired readers by being that “obstinate, headstrong girl” willing to stand up to the arrogance and snobbery of her so-called betters. Described by Austen as having a “lively, playful disposition,” Elizabeth embodies the perfect imperfections of strong-willed women everywhere: she is spirited, witty, clever, and loyal. When this heroine of Pride and Prejudice meets, nay, is insulted by the rich, powerful, and handsome Mr. Darcy, her good-natured impertinence is checked and raised. She is unaffected by Darcy’s wealth—even rejecting his first marriage proposal—and only falls in love with him after he displays a character nobler than the spoils and splendors of his great estate, Pemberley. And we love her all the more for it.

Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl has been a journey a long time coming. After The Darcy Monologues was published in 2017, and as early as the day after publication, readers suggested an Elizabeth anthology—but I kept putting it off, wanting to pursue other projects Dangerous to Know: Jane Austen’s Rakes & Gentlemen Rogues, Rational Creatures, and even Yuletide.

Last year, on a whim, I floated this project idea out to a few authors and was heartened by how keen they were about writing their own Elizabeth’s stories. In this romance anthology, ten Austenesque authors sketch Elizabeth’s character through a collection of re-imaginings, set in the Regency through contemporary times. In Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl, she bares her most intimate thoughts, all the while offering biting social commentary about life’s absurdities. Elizabeth overcomes the obstacles of others’ opinions, not to mention her own flaws, to find a love truly worthy of her—all with humor and her sparkling charm. “I think her as delightful a character as ever appeared in print…” wrote Jane Austen in a letter to her sister Cassandra, January 1813―and we think so too!

This Dream Team of authors—Elizabeth Adams, Karen M Cox, J. Marie Croft, Amy D’Orazio, Leigh Dreyer, Jenetta James, Christina Morland, Beau North, and Joana Starnes—joined me on another adventure with no promise of success but countless hopes. Like many journeys, we encountered unexpected turns, and even a few disappointments, but “it was our business to be satisfied” and prefer to “think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” I am forever indebted for their creativity, inspiration, great suggestions, and adherence to schedule. And for bolstering my own offering of an Elizabeth story. I can easily count you all as my friends. I am really proud of their work and how well this collection of stories came together.

In my previous anthologies, we were blessed to have such stellar Austen academics like Dr. Claudine DiMuzio and Dr. Devoney Looser write our forewords, and it was doubly important to find someone who really understood Austen, especially Elizabeth Bennet, for this project as well. I had heard that New York Times and USA Today bestselling Regency romance author Tessa Dare had once upon a time written Jane Austen fan fiction. When author Beau North suggested we ask her to write the foreword, there was a resounding “Yes!” You might say we were audacious to even ask but, in the temperament of Lizzy Bennet, our “courage always rises…” When she ardently accepted, you can imagine us: “What delight! What felicity!”—well, more like fangirl squeals! Tessa’s love of Elizabeth Bennet and her deft understanding for the scope of this anthology left me wholly gratified, knowing we asked the right person to introduce this fifth anthology of The Quill Collective series:

Lady Catherine might have found a sympathetic friend in Mark Twain, who famously wrote, ‘Every time I read Pride and Prejudice, I want to dig [Austen] up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.’ Colorful as that image is, it’s hard to believe Twain gave Austen a fair reading, since by his own admission he never read her novels through to the end.

She makes me detest all her people, without reserve. Is that her intention? It is not believable. Then is it her purpose to make the reader detest her people up to the middle of the book and love them in the rest of the chapters? That could be. That would be high art. It would be worthwhile, too. Some day I will examine the other end of her books and see.

If Twain had ever overcome his own pride and prejudice and read through to the end of the novel, would he, like me, have been won over by Elizabeth’s bravery and Darcy’s groveling? Would he have come to love the characters as I do? I’m not sure. However, I hope he would have come to know Elizabeth and Darcy in all their complexity—each one an alloy of admitted flaws and admirable strengths.” – extract from Tessa Dare’s foreword in Elizabeth: Obstinate Headstrong Girl

Once again Shari Ryan of Madhat Books helped create another eye-catching cover that I think is a good companion to The Darcy Monologues. And a huge thank you to Karen M Cox for formatting the interiors so beautifully! And her patience and grace in correcting the typographical errors found (after formatting) proves she is more an Elinor Dashwood than a Lizzy Bennet.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(Expected release date March 2nd)

And how about this full cover spread?

I am super in love with the similitude this cover has with The Darcy Monologues. 📗📕

Both Elizabeth’s have extremely exquisite eyes…how perfect. 👁👁

I love the subtle and soft color palette used in this cover. 🎨

The individual covers for each story look fantastic…what a treat for us cover lovers!! 😍

What do you think, friends? 🤔

~ Book Trailer ~


We hope this homage to one of Jane Austen’s best beloved heroines will not disappoint, especially those that suggested an “Elizabeth” anthology back in 2017. Like Darcy, we “had never been so bewitched by any woman” and writing this collection has been diverting/gratifying/delightful. Please accept these stories in the same affectionate spirit they were written. Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl is dedicated to “the Elizabeth Bennet in all of us” because I’d like to think she resides in our hearts, even if but a little spark of courage, wit, loyalty—and whether we reveal her to outside world or not, she is there inspiring us to find our own felicity and dignity.

~ Click to pre-order Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl ~

~ Add Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl on Goodreads ~


The #OmgItsOHG (Oh-my-gosh, it’s Obstinate Headstrong Girl) Blog Tour begins February 25th and we hope you will join us and connect with each author about their story.


In conjunction with this cover reveal and blog tour The Quill Ink will be giving away a Grand Prize package: a book of your choosing from each of the authors’ backlist!

To enter this giveaway fill out the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • This giveaway will end March 31st.
  • This giveaway is open worldwide.


A second  giveaway prize pack that includes Christina’s Silly Austen-inspired blank note cards and coordinating coffee mug.

To enter this second giveaway comment on this blog and other blog tour stops!

  • This giveaway will end March 31st.
  • This giveaway is open worldwide.

Thank you, Meredith, for hosting this anthology announcement and cover reveal with the pre-order at Amazon on your lovely site. I am so appreciative to you and your constancy in supporting indie authors and projects, especially anything Austen related.

My pleasure, Christina! Thank you so much for all of these fabulous anthologies! I am deeply appreciative for each of these collections and am forever grateful that such brilliant Austenesque anthologies exist in this world! 🥰


  1. Finally! Another worthy successor to The Darcy Monologues! And the main character is none other than the incomparable Elizabeth Bennet!
    I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this fabulous book and can highly, highly recommend it.
    I love that each story has its own individual cover and the actual book cover is really great. Very reminiscent of the cover to Darcy Monologues.
    All the stories are wonderful with a special shout out to the final one from Christina – loved it! Loved it all!

    1. I was fortunate to read it as ARC as well and second everything you said Glynis. The separate covers are a delightful touch too.
      Congratulations Christina on your debut story, it’s a real gem.
      By the way, the cover is gorgeous.

      1. KT, Thank you for mentioning the covers. You don’t know how I suffered over the interior images. But like our obstinate, headstrong girl, I persisted. 😉 I am absolutely pleased with the final look. Many thanks, MANY thanks, to Karen M Cox for her seemingly unending patience in getting the formatting to all come together.

  2. It’s 5 am here on the West Coast (US), and this was lovely to see first thing this morning. I am so excited to finally be able to share our news with all of you. Friends, early readers, and family have been been warned on pain of death not to tell anyone about this project until we could properly announce it here. And I felt like I would pop with the secret! I hope readers enjoy our #OHG (Obstinate Headstrong Girl). This homage has been a labor of love.

    Thank you, Meredith, for your encouraging words, supporting Austen-inspired works, and for shining your light on us today! Btw the paperback will be available on Amazon any moment now, ahead of the ebook release on a March 2. I can’t wait for you to see it as I know you are a lover of covers…and each story has its own cover before the start of each.

    1. You are up early, my friend!! So happy to share your spectacular news and celebrate with you!! I am especially excited about this anthology…but I know I say that about all of them!

      I CANNOT wait to see all the covers in person!!! They are so eye-catching and interesting!! Well done!!! And big Congratulations to you and your authors!

  3. I am very excited for this new anthology and especially the thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet. Thank you for the incredible giveaway. I agree, Meredith, the colors on the cover are lovely and soothing.

  4. Picture me holding my hand up and bouncing in my seat…pick me, pick me! Visions of donkey from Shrek…or would that be Lydia trying to gain attention from the officers? Absolutely, thrilled to see this wonderful anthology has come to life! I will be ordering the paperback when it is available up here to devour and add to my shelf with the others! Congratulations, Christina and all the wonderful authors who have contributed. Wonderful cover and what ‘fine eyes’ indeed!

    1. Carole–we are always so excited for your reviews and enthusiasm about Austenesque books. The paperback is now available at Amazon–just went live–and the ebook will release March 2. Thank you so much for supporting this indie project! Enjoy!

  5. Thank you, Meredith, for supporting Austenesque writers in our endeavours and for today’s OHG announcement and cover reveal. The design and pastels are perfectly pretty, aren’t they? But there’s also a strength, a sparkle, in each Elizabeth’s eye that’s true to her character. I hope your readers will enjoy this collection and appreciate—as do I—all the work (and, oh, all the agonising!) Christina puts into these anthologies. OHG is the sixth collaboration she and I have worked on together, and it’s always an honour. I think Christina as delightful an editor as ever wielded a red pen, and—huzzah and brava!—she finally contributed her own story this time. Thanks again, Meredith, and good luck to all who enter the #OmgItsOHG giveaways!

    1. Joanne, I can’t believe we have worked on 6 anthologies! I hope to one day work with you on a full length novel–your words are always a pleasure to read. Thank you again for being a part of this project–I know you juggle a lot of plates, and your dedication to your craft is exemplary. xo Your story about a coming-of-age Elizabeth is clever and poignant!

    2. My pleasure, Joanne! I am so excited for each project and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the charm, insight, and humor each author brings to these collections! I cannot wait to see what you all have come up with for our dear Elizabeth! I’m always so thrilled to see you are taking part in these projects, Joanne! I have loved each of your contributions!

  6. This book sounds phenomenal, particularly since I have great respect for each of the authors. The cover is perfection itself. Thank you for entering me in the giveaway.

    1. Thank you. I think most fans of Elizabeth Bennet feel like they feel a kinship with her. I think all the authors were unique in bringing her to us in their own light as well in a manner still familiar to the Elizabeth we know and love. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Thanks, Meredith, for kicking off the blog tour! I’m so excited about this project. The other authors in this anthology are gifted storytellers, and I’ve loved reading their tales about Elizabeth. I was especially excited that Christina Boyd shared a story with us, as well!

    Good luck to everyone in the giveaway, and thanks again, Meredith, for hosting us!

    1. Thank you, ChristinaM. Like all the authors in this project, I love your work. I still pinch myself that I have worked with all of you–and that I was presumptuous enough to include a story in this collection of outstanding authors, well, I think I have to take a line from our #OHG and admit, “my courage always rises when…” I can’t tell you how much I have valued your support and encouragement on this journey. Your story about Elizabeth and Darcy only days before the wedding–ahhh, nothing short of masterful!

    2. My pleasure! I am thrilled about this project and very happy to help celebrate its release!! I cannot wait to see Christina’s story as well as yours…okay, full disclosure, I cannot wait to see them all!

  8. Thanks for hosting the cover reveal, Meredith, and for all the love for Christina’s anthologies! It’s so wonderful to see our dear Obstinate, Headstrong Girl bobbing her first curtsy at ‘Austenesque Reviews’, and the blog tour starting with a bang!

    Thanks, Christina, for making this happen – your dedication and hard work are amazing! Thanks for sharing your soulful ‘Elizabeth OHG’ story with us and for asking me to be part of your Dream Team again! It’s always a huge pleasure & honour to see my story in such fabulous company! Hugs and best wishes to you all!

    1. Joana, you were one of the first Austenesque authors I read many moons ago…my kids were in kindergarten (one is in college now if that gives reference to how many moons)–and I have to pinch myself every now and then to think how many of these projects we have worked on together–but even more importantly, that Jane Austen brought us together how I truly consider you a dear friend. Thank you for always somehow making time for my book projects. Readers will love your “The Busy Lane to Longbourn”.

    2. My pleasure, Joana!! I love anthologies and I am so happy that there are authors and editors that are putting them out in the Austenesque genre! Thank you so much for sharing all your stories!!

  9. What a wonderful surprise! Congratulation, ladies! Sounds fabulous, looks fabulous and with such a team of talented authors, it must be fabulous!

  10. As always with these books you have included many of my ‘go to’ authors! Love the cover and cannot wait to read it!

  11. Oooh! How exciting! I’m the proud owner of the previous anthologies and I’m really looking forward to adding this one to my collection.

  12. Looks like another high-quality volume from Christina Boyd! Thank you for the generous giveaway! If I were to win, I would opt for something by Christina Morland. And given the similarity in titles, I can always hope that a few people will buy my book by accident . . . 😉

    1. Abigail–I wish you good luck. FYI the grandprize giveaway is a choice of audiobook/ebook/paperback from each of the others’ backlist–that’s eleven in total! (And I yes, Christina Morland is phenomenal–and did you know, she just put her entire backlist in ONE big book!)

    2. I can’t tell you what a dream it is to have been included in this anthology. The stories are fantastic, the authors are all brilliant, and the editor happens to be the best in the business (even if I am a little biased). Thanks Meredith for kicking this off! Good luck to everyone!

      1. Leigh, I am grateful to you for coming on board this project and balancing out the Regency to Other Eras–while balancing a career, busy household with little ones, birthing a new baby, moving…and I think you were even in a Vegas show… I think readers are going to adore your present day “vagary” (I recently learned what that word means in JAFF) and Elizabeth and Darcy on their “Last Blind Date”.

  13. All my favorite authors. That cover is amazing… and you didn’t forget the ribbon. It is beautiful. I am so proud of y’all. Blessings on the success of this work. I just know it will do well. Thanks to Meredith for hosting [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. You have the best job, my dear. Good luck to everyone in the drawing. Since I’m not on Facebook or Twitter, I appreciated the free point so I could be in the drawing. Thanks to the publisher Quill, Inc and all the authors for the generous giveaway.

    1. Glad you like our giveaways too. And I am glad you noticed the ribbon too…we do try to “tie” it all together. Thank you for your enthusiasm –hope you will follow along the tour we have planned…so many good pieces from the authors.

    2. Thank you, dear Jeanne! I love running this blog, it and all the lovely people who comment on these posts bring me immense joy. Thanks for stopping by and remembering my sweet Mr. Bingley.

  14. It’s finally here, and wow what a cover! It’s just so pretty and eye-catching and beautifully related to the other anthologies. I received and ARC of OHG and let me tell you, if it had an ugly cover (impossible!) it would be worth the read. My review isn’t up yet. I’m on my second, savoring, note-taking read before I do the review since I just devoured it the first time. 😀

    I have no idea what Christina has up her sleeve for her next project, but I’ll follow her anywhere. It was so satisfying to see her own story in this anthology, too. Now I can barely wait for the audio book to come out. And the prizes above are fantastic, I’m with Carol…pick me! pick me!

    Meredith I’m excited for your future review. I’m going to follow the blog tour so to meet the authors of all the stories. And Christina, the very best of luck on the launch of this new work.

    1. Michelle, you have made me cry my eyes well up. Thank you for your kind words. I am awfully proud of this work and these wonderful authors. I hope readers will embrace this collection with the same affection these stories were written.

    2. I feel the same way about Christina and her projects, Michelle! So thrilled to hear that you have already read this collection and are already singing its praises! #NotSurprised

      Looking forward to reading it and sharing/comparing our thoughts together!

  15. Woohoo! It’s launched. I think the Lizzies will blow our minds. 🙂 Looking forward to this one. Congrats to Shari on gorgeous cover and to authors for their stories.

  16. Fabulous! Gorgeous cover, wonderful dream team of authors and a fantastic collection of stories. I can’t wait to read this! Congratulations to everyone involved!

  17. I am so looking forward to another of your anthologies! I always enjoy the variety. Please don’t enter me into the giveaway, I pre-ordered the book. Not really wanting to wait until the end of March to read this one. 🙂

  18. Woo hoo! Happy to see this amazing cover and the individual story covers out in the world. I’m thrilled and honored to be part of this collection of Elizabeths. I got to see the stories as I formatted the anthology, and all I can say is, you all are in for a treat! Congrats to Christina and a big thank you to Meredith for hosting us today 🙂

    1. You have been my hero in this countless times. If readers like the details inside even half as much as I hope they will, it’s because of your excellent efforts and patience. You made everything that I wanted to happen on the pages come to be. The lovely touches, I think, enhance already wonderful stories. Thank you, Karen.

    1. Thank you for stoping by! Good luck. Be sure to follow along the tour next week—we have some lovely features planned too.

  19. Lovely covers and what’s not to love about a collection of stories on Elizabeth Bennet.
    Will add this to my TBR list and thanks for the opportunity to win one of these giveaways

    1. I agree—what’s not to love about Elizabeth Bennet. I think the authors brought their A-game! Thank you for visiting the blog.

  20. Such a lovely idea for an anthology. I still need to get my hands on the others — so many JAFF stories to collect! And this prize package is excellent, than you to all the ladies for the opportunity to win!

    1. The other anthologies are all $2.99 this month and they are all in kindle unlimited and audible if that makes a difference (except Yuletide). I hope you find time to read them. The previous four total 49 stories and 24 authors. And I’m proud of all of them.

  21. What could be better than a book full of my favorite heroine by some of my favorite authors!!! Can’t wait for this!

  22. I am so looking forward to reading this latest anthology! I love the title, too. I bought my daughter an ‘obstinate, headstrong girl’ plaque at a JASNA meeting. She accepted it as a ‘badge’ of honour, as it was meant to be. 🙂

  23. Love these anthology themes and the fact that we have one from Elizabeth’s perspective! Congrats Christina and the authors! Looking forward to reading this one too!

  24. All of the book covers were stunning and since I have read stories from almost all of the contributing authors, the book cover for each specific story reflected the author’s style. Front cover striking and bookend to Darcy Monologues. Congratulations to you all and what a treat for readers like myself.

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