Cover Reveal + Giveaway with Author Heather Moll!!!

Hi dear friends! I am so excited to be sharing another lovely cover reveal with you!! And guess what, this lovely cover is for a new release by Heather Moll! You may remember, Heather had a fantastic debut release in 2019 – His Choice of A Wife. Which I loved (see HERE). 💕

Today, Heather is here to share the lovely cover for Two More Days at Netherfield, her soon-to-be released Pride and Prejudice variation from Quills and Quartos. We hope you enjoy!! ✨

Hello Meredith and thank you for welcoming me back to Austenesque Reviews! I am very excited to tell you and your lovely readers about my new release Two More Days at Netherfield and share its gorgeous cover with everyone.

One of the inspirations for this story was eavesdropping. Often in Jane Austen novels, a part of the plot moves forward by the means of an overheard conversation. Sometimes, the heroine hears about other people, like Catherine in Northanger Abbey hearing the half-whispered flirtations of Isabella and Captain Tilney or Fanny in Mansfield Park listening to Henry Crawford and Maria’s double entrendres by the gate. Other times the heroine hears about herself, like Anne hears Captain Wentworth and Louisa talking about commitment and Charles Musgrove’s proposal or, most famously, Darcy’s “not handsome enough” comment from the Meryton Assembly.

Part of Pride and Prejudice is about Darcy and Elizabeth’s ability to evaluate others and learning not to trust those superficial first impressions. In writing Two More Days at Netherfield, I wondered what might happen to that process and their relationship if Elizabeth overheard Miss Bingley and Darcy at Netherfield when they discussed Darcy’s opinion of Elizabeth’s fine eyes.

“As for your Elizabeth’s picture, you must not attempt to have it taken, for what painter could do justice to those beautiful eyes?”

“It would not be easy, indeed, to catch their expression, but their colour and shape, and the eye-lashes, so remarkably fine, might be copied.”

After hearing his disparaging comment about her beauty at the assembly, what might Elizabeth think about this compliment? Would she be flattered or would she think Darcy was being sarcastic? Would she believe him or would she challenge him? How would Darcy react if Elizabeth confronted him about anything she overheard him say? What could happen as a result that might alter Darcy and Elizabeth’s relationship?

Her eavesdropping isn’t planned or devious but an accidental overhearing, and it leads to Jane and Elizabeth spending more time at Netherfield. Getting to know someone of the opposite sex was frustrated by the lack of opportunities for private conversation, so what might happen between Jane and Bingley if Mrs. Bennet’s wish that Jane finish her week at Netherfield was realized? And with all those chances for more one-on-one time between the Bennet ladies and the men of the house, how will Miss Bingley react? And what changes does this longer stay have on any other men who soon come into the neighborhood?

Two More Days at Netherfields vibrant cover [by Susan Adriani of CloudCat Designs] gives a hint of Elizabeth being outside at Netherfield during Jane’s illness where she’s near enough to hear that proud Mr. Darcy say how remarkably fine her eyes are. What will happen next? Is the lady on the cover going to walk away or maybe she’ll turn around and ask him if she has such fine eyes, why is she not handsome enough to dance with?

Hearing this conversation will affect Darcy and Elizabeth’s character arc, how they trust one another, and force them to address how they truly feel about each other. Not only does one overheard conversation lead to an extended stay at Netherfield, but the visit also has long-reaching effects on Jane and Bingley’s relationship as well as the choices made by Miss Bingley and even Mr. Wickham. This one causal overhearing has several repercussions but, in the end, it leads to a happy ever after for Darcy and Elizabeth.

Gah!!! I need the answers to these questions, Heather! What a terrific premise! I cannot wait to see what Elizabeth does and see if I guess correctly! 😮

~ Book Description ~

While her sister Jane is ill at Netherfield, Elizabeth Bennet overhears Miss Bingley and the proud Mr Darcy discussing his admiration of Elizabeth and her fine eyes. Not sure what to think of his praise after all of their previous disagreements, and more flattered than she wants to admit, Elizabeth teases him for the disparaging remark he made about her at the Meryton Assembly. Darcy is then forced to reconsider his opinion of a woman who has truly bewitched him more than any other.

The result of this unintended eavesdropping leads to confrontations and apologies on both sides and, eventually, the beginnings of a friendship between Darcy and Elizabeth. Their warming acquaintance impacts the courtship of Darcy’s friend and Elizabeth’s sister, the jealous temper of Miss Bingley, and even the behavior of Mr. Wickham after he arrives in Meryton.

How are the events of the winter drastically affected by the Bennet sisters choosing to spend two more days at Netherfield?

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: January 27th)

This painting is just beautiful and it feels like such a perfect representation of Darcy and Elizabeth. 🖼

So lovely…if the gardens around Netherfield looked like this, I would be outside all. the. time. 🌷

Mr. Darcy spying on Elizabeth in the background…I love it! I wonder if he will approach her… 😍

What do you think, friends? 😏


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~ About Heather ~

Heather Moll is an avid reader of mysteries and biographies with a master’s in information science. She found Jane Austen later than she should have and made up for lost time by devouring Austen’s letters and unpublished works, joining JASNA, and spending too much time researching the Regency era. She is the author of Two More Days at Netherfield and and His Choice of a Wife. She lives with her husband and son and struggles to balance all of the important things, like whether to clean the house or write



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering a generous giveaway of a $20 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky reader who comments on today’s post!  📚🤤

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Heather below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends January 30th


You can preorder Two More Days at Netherfield now!

And learn more about Heather and her NEW release in the upcoming Two More Days at Netherfield Blog Tour.

Our sincere gratitude to Heather Moll, Christina Boyd, and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 



  1. The cover leaves me wondering – will Darcy reveal himself or quietly close the garden gate and leave. I very much enjoyed “His Choice of a Wife” and look forward to this new book with hopes of the same. Thanks for sharing and the Q&Q offer.

    I vote for writing!

    1. I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed my last book 🙂 I hope you like this one, too! Thank you for saying hello!

  2. I enjoyed this book on AHA and look forward to reading/listening again (when audible released!). Such a great premise! And the cover is beautiful!

    1. It is a romantic cover, isn’t it? It would be hard not to be flattered by a compliment like that. Thank you for saying hello!

  3. Who would have thought that P&P variations would be such enjoyable readings–or at least, some of them are. I expect Two Days to fall into the enjoyable category–as did His Choice–and look forward to reading it. Thank you for the opportunity.

    1. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed His Choice of a Wife and I hope this one piques you’re interest, too! Thanks for leaving a comment!

  4. You have me intrigued by the little post if your new book. Went and preorder, can’t wait to read all. Great job on cover

  5. Pretty cover and co fears on the new book! Am all curious. What is the artwork called and who was the painter?

    1. I knew exactly what co fears meant lol. This is a lovely painting by Edward Blair Leighton called Lady in the Garden.

    1. Isn’t it fascinating to think about all the repercussions from one small change? I’m so glad it’s piqued your interest!

  6. I’d like to know more about the painting and the cover artist because they intrigue me. Many in the “book” JAFF world don’t know that before she ever published, Heather a go-to author on the boards, and now those stories are being generously shared with the greater readership, it’s fantastic. Thanks, Meredith, for hosting. Best of luck on your release and blog tour, Heather. Enjoy the fun of your second book out there!

    1. All I know about the painting is that it is by Edmund Blair Leighton and it’s called Lady in a Garden. It is quite lovely! Thanks so much for all of your encouragement and support, Suzan! You’ve been great!

  7. Congratulations to a fellow Janeite on your new venture. I am sure I will enjoy your new story as much as His Choice.

    1. You’ve been so encouraging since I ‘came out of the closet’, Nancy! Thanks for all of your support 🙂 🙂

  8. Congratulations Heather! I wonder who ‘Elizabeth’ is thinking of as she looks at the flower? The gate must be well oiled or I think she would know someone was there. Just a lovely representation of both of them. I always wanted to have a walled garden myself with such beautiful flowers! Looking forward to reading this one and your debut!!!

    1. Thanks so much Carole! Isn’t it a lovely scene? I’d enjoy a walled garden, too, but with my “talent” with plants I think it’d be a much bleaker scene lol

  9. Beautiful cover. Enjoyed your first releases, looking forward to reading this one.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Hi Stephanie! I’m psyched you enjoyed my first release and I hope Two More Days at Netherfield doesn’t disappoint 🙂 Best of luck in the giveaway!

  10. Wow, I love the cover, it’s beautiful! And such an intriguing premise, too! Congratulations on a new publication, Heather! 🙂

  11. I love the cover and I love this storyline even more. I really enjoy stories when Elizabeth gets to know about Darcy’s feelings for her so early, before Wickham gets to spread his tales of woe.
    I really like the dress on the cover especially with the blue sash (and the glimpse of Darcy spying on Elizabeth)
    This looks like another winner from Heather and I look forward to reading it.
    Thanks for sharing this Meredith.

    1. Hi Glynis! It’ll be interesting to see how the Wickham storyline plays out since Darcy and Elizabeth will have a better understanding of one another by then. Thank you for saying hello and I hope you enjoy it!

  12. Beautiful Garden — Beautiful Girl in Beautiful Dress … and in the background … Beautiful Admirer!

    Good luck with your new book

  13. Best of luck, Heather – an absolutely gorgeous cover. Looking forward to adding this book to my TBR list (am thinking I may place it near the top…).

  14. Congratulations on your new publication. I thoroughly enjoyed His Choice of a Wife and this new one will not disappoint. I do like the premise of what would happen if Jane and Elizabeth stayed two more days. The cover is lovely and so appropriate.

    1. You’re so sweet. Thanks so much for your kind words, Eva! I’m happy to hear the premise piqued your interest 🙂

  15. The cover is very much in the style of the impressionist painters. Very lovely depiction of Elizabeth. I will definitely read this new story!

    1. Isn’t it lovely? The painter was active 1880s-early 1920s so his historical genre painting could have had some impressionist influence. Thanks for saying hello!

  16. That is an absolutely incredible cover. Congratulations! The premise of the book is very unique also. It is amazing what just a tiny difference in the beginning can do to the rest of a story.

    1. Thank you so much! I think it will be exciting for readers to see what can change as a result of a few more days spent in that house.

  17. Thank you so much for hosting Two More Days at Netherfield’s cover reveal today, Meredith! You and your readers are the best!

  18. What a lovely cover!! I tend prefer covers that stem from works of art, either from the Regency time period or more recent paintings of Regency scenes.

    And the premise of this novel is definitely piquing my curiosity. As a person who shies away from conflict, I love the idea of Darcy and Elizabeth becoming friends before the Bennet girls leave Netherfield, especially if it lessens the conflict between ODC and perhaps even makes Wickham’s lies less believable.

    Congratulations, Heather, on your new release!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Thanks for your kind words about the cover and premise Susanne! This one overhearing is going to lead to a lot of changes for Darcy and Elizabeth’s relationship, and it’ll definitely impact Wickham, too.

  19. What a gorgeous picture to choose for your cover, Heather. I love a walled garden; they always seem like such special places whether they’re solely ornamental, growing fruit and veg or a combination of both. Being a Brit, I’ve had the privilege of seeing a good number at various country houses etc that we’ve visited. Sometimes, a walled garden survives even if the original house is long gone.

    The point you’ve chosen to spin off for your variation is a great choice. I have wondered a number of times how things would have changed if Elizabeth had overheard that conversation between Darcy and Miss Bingley. Now Heather has answered that question. Looking firward to finding out more on the tour.

    1. Hi Anji! There aren’t many walled gardens in my neck of the woods, but there is certainly something evocative about the ones I’ve seen images of. Thanks for saying hello and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more snippets 🙂

  20. I love a good cover [ask anyone] and this one is spectacular. I want that garden with it fabulous gate. I want that hat and that dress, which is lovely in itself. I’ll take that basket too. I love baskets. Sigh… I hope Darcy does come into the garden and speaks to Lizzy. She looks rather wistful with that flower. Is she thinking about that vexing man that she can’t seem to forget. What would they talk about? Books? Can you talk about books while in a garden? Perhaps he would tell her about the gardens at Pemberley. Oh, yeah, that would work. Just looking at that cover… simply takes me away from all the cold weather we are having. Heavy Sigh!!! Congratulations on the launch of this work. Blessings and thanks for the generous giveaway. Thanks to Meredith for hosting. Hey, Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. You always get to host the cover reveal. What luck.

  21. Thanks so much for your kind words! This cover just draws you in and makes you wonder what will happen next between Darcy and Elizabeth.

  22. That garden is so romantic! My mom always grew hollyhocks. You can almost smell those roses! Good luck to all!

  23. The cover is beautiful and really goes with the premise of the story. You have me quite intrigued. I am looking forward to reading it. Congrats!

  24. I would like to know if you seen this picture first before writing this story? Because I can see where your inspiration came from. I love it.

    1. It was actually the other way around: I wrote the story first and the cover designer chose this image because she felt it fit the story. I’m so pleased you like it!

  25. Your new book sounds simply wonderful Heather! And ahh the pretty cover is rather dreamy, I like it a lot! Hope it goes well for you 🙂

  26. While I don’t usually care about a book’s cover — not wanting to judge the contents that way, of course! — this one is particularly beautiful. The review of the contents is also enticing. So it goes on my TBR list.

  27. I’m so glad the premise caught your attention and it’s going on your TBR pile! Thank you for saying hello!

  28. A lovely cover. It seems to be what FD and EB are like in P &P. FD in concealment of his feelings but couldn’t stay away from the lovely (and oblivious) EB. Thanks for a look into Ms Moll’s new book. (Congratulations Ms Moll). Thank you also for this give-away.

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