Sanditon – Jane Austen and Another Lady

Managing One’s Meddlesome Relations!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Purchased

It is always regrettable when a great author, composer, or artist leaves an unfinished work, especially when that work has the potential to become a beloved masterpiece. Jane Austen began penning the novel Sanditon or, The Brothers as it was originally titled, during the last few months of her life. It was unfortunately abandoned around chapter eleven due to her declining health.

In these precious chapters readers are introduced to a new seaside resort called Sanditon, an emerging community that offers fashionable diversions such as sea-bathing and picturesque walks. Many scholars believe that these chapters showed signs of Jane Austen beginning to broaden her scope and range. And readers can still observe Jane Austen’s customary array of diverting characters along with her ironic and satirical tone which is more biting and burlesque than ever!

Fortunately for us Janeites, several authors have attempted to continue this remarkable and promising fragment and have fleshed it out into a complete novel. These authors include: Julia Barrett, Helen Baker, Juliette Shapiro, and “Another Lady” (presumed to be a Marie Dobbs). I actually have not read any other completions of Sanditon, but I first read this one by “Another Lady” over ten years ago and thought I should reread it because I wanted to:

  1. Prepare for the upcoming Sanditon miniseries on Masterpiece in January

  2. Reread a story I previously loved and enjoyed

  3. Write a review for my blog since I read this story pre-blog

I was quite happy to discover that I loved this continuation just as much as I did with my first reading. And what continues to strike me most about this continuation is how well Ms. Dobbs excels at capturing Jane Austen’s satirical tone and wicked wit. This talent especially shines when Ms. Dobbs writes for the various characters that Jane Austen introduced in her eleven chapters. There were so many clever characterizations and moments of delicious humor displayed when writing for: the energetic yet invariably infirm Diana Parker, the ridiculous want-to-be rake Sir Edward Denham, the single-minded Sanditon-obsessed Thomas Parker, and the miserly and suspicious Lady Denham. Not to mention characters that Jane Austen did not write for, such as the affable and charming rattle, Reginald Catton, and only introduced, the wonderfully frank and cunning Sidney Parker. It is a testament to Marie Dobbs’s brilliant emulation of Jane Austen’s style that these characters feel so familiar and consistent with others in Jane Austen’s world.

The other aspect I loved about this continuation was our heroine and hero. I adore Charlotte Heywood – I love how levelheaded and genuine she is. I admire her sensible nature and her penchant for detaching herself and observing others (I can so relate to that), and I like that her flaw is to be a little too quick in her judgments and perceptions (okay Charlotte, we are definitely BFFs). In addition, I absolutely adore everything about Sidney Parker, everything! Sidney is quick to charm all he meets with his liveliness and teasing nature. I love that Sidney sports with his family and friends yet underneath shows genuine affection and concern for them all. Sidney is one to keep his true thoughts and motives privately hidden, and I thoroughly enjoyed witnessing his attempts to manipulate situations and keep his many plates spinning at the same. He truly is a master at managing others, and I love how his machinations tamper with Charlotte’s attempts to be practical and cautious. (I feel you, Charlotte, he would set me off-kilter too)

Sanditon by Jane Austen and Another Lady is an exceptional continuation that exhibits great finesse, adroitness, and homage. I consider this book a MUST-read for all Jane Austen fans. And as a wise women once said “a little sea-bathing would set [you] up forever…” So what are you waiting for?

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  1. Wonderful review Meredith. I’ll be interested in what you think of Sanditon tv series. I’ve already seen it so I won’t say anything for now.
    Happy Christmas to you and Mr Bingley. I hope it’s a good one for you both.

  2. I have seen the tv series too and was thinking I would like to read the original story.. You have convinced me to try this one! Wishing you and Mr. Bingley a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Thank you for reviving attention to this continuation! I believe I read it too years ago but don’t remember much about it–will have to see if it has survived the many pogroms in my book collection so I can put it on my list for 2020, because I share your affection for Charlotte! And I admire the author’s courage in styling herself “Another Lady”–I learned to my sorrow the perils of publishing a book anonymously.

    1. Thanks so much for reading my review, Abigail! I’m happy to hear it might inspire you to reread this continuation. I’m so interested in Marie Dobbs, I wish we could know more about her! It is a good time for reading anything Sanditon related! 😉

  4. This is the only completion that I’ve read and its been several years. You have me enthused to pick it up for my own re-read. Enjoyed your review, Meredith!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. You got me very interested in this completion! I was planning to find a good one because of the recent interest created by the tv series. Unfortunately, the link you providede is a paperback-only edition on Amazon UK. I tried to find it as ebook an Amazon US, but because of the anonymity of the co-author it is rather difficult. Do you think this one is the same? It was the only perfect match in title.

    Happy Christmas!

    1. Happy Christmas, Agnes! Thanks so much for your comment. I went to the link you shared and in the preview it looks like the Kindle edition is the same as the book I read, but I did see some reviews (from other countries) that said the ebook was not the same version as the one listed. So maybe give it a try and see if Amazon can let you return it if it isn’t what you are expecting?

      It’s interesting that you say the link I used sent you to Amazon UK…unless you live in the UK, I think it should send you to Amazon US… In fact, when I went to use my link it took me to the same page yours did.

  6. I loved this completion when I read it. I sometimes have a sneaky re-read of it! It’s a shame that it’s out of print and unavailable on kindle because it means the only way to get hold of it is second hand paperback and they aren’t plentiful.

    1. Just realised that Agnes has linked to what looks like it might be the kindle version! I’m not sure whether that one is the right one or not, as sometimes the kindle versions of things are connected to the wrong paperback version. It’s not available on kindle in the UK, but of course that could be down to publishing rights. I believe the author died a few years ago, but I’m a little surprised that her publishers/heirs haven’t made the book more easily available with the renewed interest in the book due to the miniseries.

      1. Yay, I’m hoping it is a Kindle version that matches the paperback, but I am a little wary and not sure.

        Oh that is a shame about the author, and I agree! Hopefully the renewed interest will bring this work to become more accessible.

  7. Thanks Meredith for introducing me in the world of Sanditon. Your review has caught my interest a lot!. In the other hand, I didn’t know Julia Barrett wrote a continuation so I’ll have a look at it!.
    Merry Christmas to you and Mr Bingley and all the readers of this blog. I wish you all the good things for 2020: health, joy, serenity and, of course…delightful and fun readings!! 🙂

    1. My pleasure, Teresa! I think you would love Sanditon!!! Especially since you are like me and love the coast!

      Thank you so much for your lovely words and kind wishes! I hope you are enjoying a lovely Christmas and wish you all the best for 2020!!

  8. I did read JA’s book and one variation which presented that author’s completing of the story. I can’t say that either stands out although I, at least, remember the basic premise which is better than for some variations. I have not watched the TV series – have to catch up, though. Thanks for sharing here.

  9. I was confused by your description of “wee Miss Dobbs”…till I realized it was a typo. Thought you might want to know. 🙂 Maybe it’s bad form to point out typos and that’s why nobody else did. Sorry if so!

    Great review, and I also love the way Dobbs finished it. It’s not how Jane would have done it, of course, but it was remarkably well done and satisfying enough. I love the sparkling atmosphere of the Sanditon story. All I have to do is say the word and I get a feeling of lightness, sunny beaches, blue water, and freedom! My thoughts on the miniseries can be deferred for now. 😛

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