Cover Reveal + Giveaway of A Case of Some Delicacy!!!

Woot woot, it is Friday! 🙌🏼 And we are so excited to end our week with another fantastic cover reveal! This time for Quills and Quartos author – KC Kahler!! 💕  Being that we love the outdoors and love good angsty modern-day adaptations to Pride and Prejudice we were BIG fans of Ms. Kahler’s first release – Boots and Backpacks. 🥾🎒  And we are so thrilled to see she is publishing a second book – and this time a  Regency variation! 🥰 Yay!!

~ From the Author ~

Greetings Austenesque readers! A big thank you for checking out the cover reveal for my new book, A Case of Some Delicacy, and an even bigger thank you to Meredith for hosting it!

Some of you may have read my first book, Boots & Backpacks, which was a loose modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Well, A Case of Some Delicacy is a Regency P&P variation that tracks closely to the early plot of the original. As different as they are, both of my books share a few characteristics: 1) they’re both dialogue-heavy, 2) they both have a lot of humor, and 3) strangely they both feature Darcy and Elizabeth walking in the woods together!

Before we get to the cover, I’d like to showcase numbers one and two with an excerpt from  A Case of Some Delicacy. Mr. Collins arrives at Longbourn a few days before the Meryton assembly, which he attends with the Bennet family. Elizabeth is distraught to learn rumors are already circulating (thanks to Mrs Bennet) that Jane and Mr Collins will wed. In this scene, as told from Mr. Collins’s point of view, Elizabeth sneakily shields Jane from her unwanted suitor, while also exacting some revenge on Mr. Darcy for his insult.

~ Excerpt from Chapter 1 ~

Upon meeting the Bennet daughters, the Reverend William Collins found them even more handsome and amiable than they had been represented by common report, and he determined that he would follow Lady Catherine’s advice to seek a wife among them. Miss Jane Bennet, the eldest and most beautiful of her sisters, was all he required in a wife. From the first evening, she was his settled choice. The next morning, in a tête-à-tête with Mrs Bennet, he expressed his hopes and intentions. She could not have been more encouraging.

At the assembly, he danced with each of his five cousins. Though he could have eschewed the pleasure of dancing with Miss Lydia, in particular, he did not wish any of the girls to feel slighted. He found her too silly and loud, and altogether too prone to giggling. But such were the ways of young females.

As Mr Collins escorted Cousin Lydia from the dance floor, he planned to dance with Jane Bennet a second time, thus conveying his intention to make her his wife. As luck would have it, she was being escorted from the dance floor by a fair-haired gentleman.

“How well you dance, Mr Collins!” exclaimed Mrs Bennet. “What a fine thing for my girls to each have the honour of such a partner.”

“You flatter me, Mrs Bennet, for the honour has been mine. Indeed, I do not believe I have ever had the pleasure of so fine a set of partners. What excellent timing for my visit to coincide with this most pleasing social event. Lady Catherine de Bourgh wisely insisted I come to Hertfordshire just after Michaelmas. I do not hesitate to assume she would greatly approve of my dancing with each of my cousins at least once. Indeed, Lady Catherine would call it my duty. And I daresay neither I nor—I flatter myself—any of my fair cousins would be averse to a repeat of the now fulfilled duty.”

Just as he was about to transition this excellent speech into a request for Cousin Jane’s next dance, Miss Elizabeth interrupted, “Mr Collins, have you met Mr Bingley? He has leased the estate bordering Longbourn, and is new to Hertfordshire society as you are. Mr Bingley, this is my cousin, Mr Collins, parson at Hunsford in Kent.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” smiled Mr Bingley. “Pardon me, but you mentioned Lady Catherine de Bourgh. I believe she is Darcy’s aunt. It is a small world, is it not?”

“Mr Darcy of Pemberley?” Mr Collins asked, and after receiving confirmation, exclaimed, “How extraordinary! Lady Catherine often speaks of her nephew. Are you well acquainted with him?”

Mr Bingley laughed. “I should say so—he is staying with us at Netherfield and he is here tonight.” He looked about the room. “Although I know not where he is hiding.”

“I left him conversing with my father in an out of the way spot. They were commiserating over their shared dislike of dancing,” volunteered Miss Elizabeth. “Come Mr Collins, I shall introduce you. Surely Mr Darcy would wish to hear any news you have of his family.”

Mr Collins could scarce believe his luck. As he followed Cousin Elizabeth across the room, he smoothed his waistcoat, which had the unfortunate tendency to bunch about his middle. Soon they came upon Mr Bennet and a tall gentleman who looked as distinguished as Mr Collins would expect of so important a person.

“Papa,” began Miss Elizabeth, “it seems that Mr Darcy and Mr Collins have a mutual acquaintance.” Then looking up at Mr Darcy, she continued cheerfully, “Mr Darcy, may I introduce Mr Collins, parson at Hunsford and grateful servant to Lady Catherine de Bourgh.”

Mr Darcy bowed slightly and Mr Collins bowed as low as he could in response. “It is an immense and unexpected honour to meet you! I have heard much of you from my patroness, your most esteemed aunt. I can inform you, with great pleasure, that both Lady Catherine and Miss de Bourgh were in excellent health but four days ago when I left them.”

Mr Darcy glanced at the smiling countenances of Mr Bennet and Miss Elizabeth before answering, “I am glad to hear it. How long have you served as parson at Hunsford?”

“Your noble aunt bestowed her benevolence on me nearly four months ago, and I have endeavoured to serve her needs and the needs of my parishioners admirably since then. I am sure you could not be surprised at her great consideration of my every need as well.”

“Oh yes, Mr Collins!” Miss Elizabeth interjected. “You must tell Mr Darcy about Lady Catherine’s many helpful ideas regarding the parsonage house, such as the shelves in the upstairs closet. I daresay he is desirous to hear all about his aunt’s affability and condescension, as he knows so few people here and is in no humour to dance.”

Mr Collins swelled with pride that he could be of use to Mr Darcy. He was about to speak when Cousin Elizabeth added, “But I am afraid my father and I are wanted by my mother. Please excuse us—we will leave you gentlemen to become better acquainted.”

Mr Collins could not let her go without again thanking her for the honour of meeting Mr Darcy.

“Dear Cousin Elizabeth! I thank you for the solicitude you show on behalf of myself and Mr Darcy, indeed, of everyone around you. You are most gracious and thoughtful. Is she not, Mr Darcy?”

The corners of Mr Darcy’s mouth turned up slightly as he replied, “Yes, Miss Elizabeth is compassion incarnate.”

She gave a lopsided smile, which must have been an indication of her modesty. “Not at all,” she said. “I consider it my duty to make newcomers as comfortable as possible. Let it not be said that Hertfordshire society is lacking in hospitality or, most importantly, friendly manners.”

Mr Collins bowed over her hand. She then turned to her father, who said, “Come Lizzy, let us see where else your compassion is needed tonight,” before leading her away.

Elizabeth Bennet is a tactical genius! LOL! 😆


~ Book Description ~

A secret alliance grows when an unwanted suitor arrives at Longbourn…

When rumours of Jane Bennet’s impending betrothal to her father’s heir begin spreading at the Meryton Assembly, Elizabeth vows to save her dearest sister’s happiness from being sacrificed in marriage.

She finds an unlikely accomplice in Mr Darcy, the taciturn man whose heroics on the cricket field have managed to turn Lydia Bennet’s infatuation away from redcoats. Upon overhearing a heated exchange between Elizabeth and Mr Bennet, Darcy is stunned not only by her devotion to her sister, but also by her defiant words to her father. An inexplicable desire to help Elizabeth draws Darcy into the match-breaking scheme, despite knowing that he should want nothing to do with a family like the Bennets.

As the new allies work together, their friendship deepens into mutual admiration. But they must navigate a complicated web of sisters, parents, friends, cousins, and aunts, some of whom may be attempting their own manipulations and romantic schemes. Eavesdropping and jealousy abound, cricket balls go astray, and love blooms in spite of Mrs. Bennet’s misguided matchmaking.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: September 22nd)

Hello beautiful!!! Don’t you just love silhouettes? I find them so elegant, absolutely love them! 😍

I am in love with the color palette – getting some strong autumn vibes! ❤️🍂🧡

I adore the bonnets! Each one is unique and I love that there are five! 👒

What do you think friends? 🤔


Thank you, KC, for allowing us to share your beautiful new cover! We are so excited for your new release -it sounds like it is filled with some hilarious mix-ups and machinations! And I love the thought of Darcy and Elizabeth working together!!

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~ About KC ~

KC Kahler lives in northeastern Pennsylvania and works in online education, after having dabbled in sandwich making, bug collecting, and web development. She discovered Jane Austen fan fiction in 2008 and soon began dabbling in writing her own.KC blogs about Austen and other pop culture topics. In 2015 and 2017 her popular Austen + The Onion Headlines meme was featured in The Atlantic, Flavorwire, and AV Club.

In 2017, she made the requisite pilgrimage to Jane Austen country, where she took the waters in Bath, walked the lanes of Steventon, didn’t fall off the cobb in Lyme Regis, and stood awestruck in Chawton.KC’s first novel, Boots & Backpacks, was published in 2014. Her second, A Case of Some Delicacy, will be released in 2019.



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering a generous giveaway of a $20 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky reader who comments on today’s post! (Time to shorten your wishlist!) 📚🤤

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for KC below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos!
  • This giveaway ends September 20th


You can preorder A Case of Some Delicacy now! 

And learn more about KC and her NEW release in the upcoming A Case of Some Delicacy Blog Tour.

Our sincere gratitude to KC Kahler, Christina Boyd, and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! We truly love doing this kind of post and have such a great time putting it together!



  1. Congrats on your original story idea. This opens up a lot of possibilities! The cover is nice but so excited for the storyline!

  2. I hope you can put my mind at rest by saying that Mary does not marry Collins – as I can’t read those stories.
    I feel sorry in the excerpt for Darcy, has he been rude already

    1. Have no fear! Mary ends the story as a single lady, just as she does in the original.

      Of course Darcy has been rude already – he insulted Elizabeth! Not handsome enough to tempt him, indeed.

  3. Wow I’d buy that cover as a t shirt! I did enjoy Elizabeth putting Darcy through his paces in your first book. Best of luck!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed Boots and Backpacks! I need to reread it now. Am so glad that you have written another book. It will be interesting to read a variation where Darcy and Elizabeth conspire together. Oh, Elizabeth is witty. I wonder why the bonnet in the group of 3 is facing outward rather than inward. Intriguing. Thank you for the fun excerpt and giveaway.

    1. I join the others in praising the cover. I much prefer those which are a true Regency depiction – e.g. the silhouette or paintings created during the time period. Lizzy is outstanding in her handling of Mr Collins and Darcy (which he notices as well.) Looking forward to release. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

      1. What a great excerpt! I love the way Elizabeth orchestrated that introduction between Collins and Darcy.

        The idea of her teaming up with Darcy to help Jane sounds like a fun premise.

  5. Lovely cover! You should have a contest to see who can guess which bonnet belongs to which sister! HAHA! As for Elizabeth, rather devilish of her to put Mr. Collins in the way of Mr. Darcy! Loved it! Congratulations and are we ever fortunate to have a plethora of choices lately in our reading!

  6. I read KC’s first book at the recommendation of Anji. I had steered away from modern variations before that. However, I loved it and now am not at all leery of modern adaptations. I have read many such books. I am going to read this soon and look forward to doing so. Good luck with the release. The cover is delightful and unique.

  7. I enjoyed Books & Backpacks and look forward very much to reading this as well. Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway

  8. I am so glad to read this news about a new KC book! Boots and Backpacks is my FAVORITE contemporary JAFF book! I recently re-read it when I needed something comforting to distract me from some tough real life things. Looking forward to some laughs with this new release! Adorable cover, too.

  9. Congratulations on the new book, KC. Great cover. I’m a sucker for a good silhouette!
    I loved Boots & Backpacks, and I’m sure I’ll love this one too.

  10. I do love this cover. So different! I have Boots and Backpacks which I’ve read several times. Love it!
    I’m already enjoying this story, especially Darcy and Elizabeth collaborating in the effort to save Jane from Mr Collins.
    I look forward to seeing where this goes so thank you for sharing this.

  11. What a wonderful excerpt!! Elizabeth is indeed all compassion, LOL!!! I’m adding this book to my Goodreads shelf and am crossing my fingers in great hopes of winning the gift card so that I may purchase it!! 😀

    Thank you so much, Kay, for this glimpse into your new book, the lovely silhouetted cover, and the giveaway!

    Susanne 🙂

  12. Great excerpt, KC! I am reading an advance copy right now (a benefit of scheduling Q&Q’s blog tours ;)) and it is fabulous! Well done all.

    Thank you, Meredith for this lovely post! I too think the cover is en pointe!

  13. The snippet sounded so interesting that I had to preorder the book. I hope it is released on Audible later on as well.

  14. Lovely cover. I love those colors. I actually have your first book on my wish-list. If I win a gift card… guess what I’m buying? Can you guess. Blessings on the launch and success of this book. Thanks to Meredith [say hello to your Mr. Bingley] for hosting another great cover reveal. Meredith, you are so lucky to get to be the first to see the new covers. Love it. Congratulations on all you hard work KC.

    1. Great choice, Jeanne! I think you will definitely love Boots and Backpacks!

      Haha! I’m always so eager to see these beautiful covers! It has been great fun to host some reveals and talk about them!

  15. I loved the excerpt! Elizabeth gets her revenge and Darcy knows exactly what she was doing. The cover is lovely, too!

  16. I really like this idea of yours! So nice to have Darcy and Elizabeth working together instead of being antagonistic toward each other for most of a story. I will have to add this to my wish list for sure.

  17. Wonderful excerpt. I loved Boots and Backpacks. I am quite intrigued by this new twist! You definitely have my attention. Congratulations on your release.

  18. Great premise and I love smart Elizabeth. Congratulations on the release KC and the cover is gorgeous. So graceful and the colors fit so well.

  19. Thank you so much for hosting Quills & Quartos’s newest release here, Meredith! We love the cover, and the whimsical story inside it, and we appreciate all the kind comments here for KC and for the cover.

  20. Coincidentally, I was, for reasons I can’t recall, just thinking about Boots and Backpacks this morning. I’m really a regency P&P fan, but I really enjoyed this story and will undoubtedly read the new one because of my past experience. Thank you for the pleasure, past and present, and for the giveaway, plus for not using Rafflecopter.

  21. Beautiful cover art. I loved the excerpt and look forward to reading more.Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  22. Congratulations on your new book! The excerpt is wonderfully funny and the book in my wish list! Thank you for the giveaway!

  23. Oh I love silhouettes too!! You can imagine their expression and feautures for yourself. This cover is rather pretty and I’m curious about this book. Elizabeth and Darcy working together.

  24. Best of luck with your new book launch. That wonderful cover will catch the eye of every JAFF reader, I’m sure. The premise looks yummy, and I’m one of those who shies away from contemporary. But with so many lovely comments about B&B, that book needs to climb to the top of my wish list.

    Thank you Meredith for having KCKahler on your blog for her book tour.

  25. Oh my such a wonderful treat (excerpt). Loved the way Lizzie and Mr Bennet ditched/left Mr Collins in Mr Darcy’s hand. I wonder how Mr darcy feel after their continues comunication 😉 Eager to read this book. Thank you for a glimpse of this enticing book.

  26. What a lovely book, it makes me so curious. Wow, the cover is really pretty too. I’ve added this one to my birthday wishlist 🙂

  27. The cover is cute and so like some of the Austenesque titles published for UK market. And I love the premise of this upcoming release. I wouldn’t have thought that Darcy would agree to help Elizabeth and stop Mr Collins from marrying Jane.

  28. Go Lizzy. I hope Darcy sees through her “compassion” and completely understand that he is being justifiably repaid for his [un]friendly manners. Congratulations on your upcoming release.

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