Cover Reveal for A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods!!!

Hi dear friends! I’m so excited to welcome yet another NEW author to Austenesque Reviews today! 🤗 I tell ya, we are living in exciting times (especially for the Austenesque genre!) 🙌🏼 Brigid Huey is stopping by Austenesque Reviews today to celebrate the cover reveal for her upcoming debut release – A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods (which is now available for pre-order!)  🎉

Brigid, I am so honored to host your cover reveal today!

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Meredith, for hosting the cover reveal for my book! I am so excited to share the cover with everyone! Janet Taylor has done an amazing job and the finished product is nothing less than stunning. In addition to revealing the cover, I thought I might share a little bit about the thought process behind it.

When Janet and I first started discussing the cover I had an idea of what I wanted but found it difficult to put into words. I gave her vague phrases like ‘misty woods’ and ‘mysterious’, and I hoped she would understand my vision. I did know that I wanted the woman on the cover to be looking away from the reader. I love to imagine my own characters, and I wanted my readers to be able to do the same.

As I perused cover ideas, I realized I was leaning toward using a painting rather than a photograph. There is something so imaginative and magical about a painting! I looked at so many from the Regency and Georgian era, but then Janet sent me the one that we used for the front cover. I knew it was right as soon as I saw it!

I know you will appreciate Janet’s work as much as I do! Thank you for welcoming me here today!

~ Book Description ~

A surprise meeting

A baby alone in the woods

And a second chance at love

Fitzwilliam Darcy returns to his beloved Pemberley with one thing on his mind ̶ to forget Elizabeth Bennet. Riding ahead of his party and racing a storm, he happens upon the very woman he wants to avoid. To his astonishment, she is holding a baby whose name and parentage are unknown.

Elizabeth Bennet never dreamed she had wandered into Pemberley’s Woods on her afternoon walk. But when she finds an infant alone in the storm, she turns to the last man in the world she wants to see ̶ and the only one who can help them both.

As the mystery of the baby’s identity intensifies, Elizabeth finds Mr. Darcy to be quite the reverse of what she expected. But when the child’s family is discovered, will the truth bring them together, or tear them apart?

~ Expected release date August 31st, 2019 ~

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

How about the full spread?

What a stunner!! Isn’t this cover all kinds of lovely? 🤩

I love the shades of green and turquoise used in this cover- and that dress! (another one I desperately want to own!) 👗

And the back cover – I love the misty shadows and what we see in them! 💕

What do you think of this cover, friends? 🤔


About Brigid

Brigid has been in love with Jane Austen since first seeing the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice as a young girl. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids, and spends her free time reading and writing. This is her first Pride and Prejudice variation, though many others live in her imagination.

Connect with Brigid

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Thank you so much for sharing your cover reveal with us today, Brigid! We wish you all the best with your debut release! I cannot wait to find out what happens to this baby and what happens between Darcy and Elizabeth!! A special thank you to Janet Taylor and Meryton Press for putting this lovely post together for us to share! Congrats on such a beautiful cover, Janet! Love it!

Pre-oder A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods now!


Coming Soon…

A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods Blog Tour

September 9 ~ So little time…

September 10 ~ Darcyholic Diversions

September 11 ~ Interests of a Jane Austen Girl

September 12 ~ Savvy Verse & Wit

September 13 ~ Babblings of a Bookworm

September 14 ~ My Love for Jane Austen

September 15 ~ My Life Journey

**September 16 ~ Austenesque Reviews**

September 17 ~ Half Agony, Half Hope

September 18 ~ Diary of an Eccentric

September 19 ~ From Pemberley to Milton   

September 20 ~ My Jane Austen Book Club

September 21 ~ My Vices and Weaknesses


Are you excited to read Brigid’s debut release?


  1. I love this storyline and what a beautiful cover! I was lucky enough to win a book of choice from Meryton Press from commenting on the summer vignettes and I chose this one. I am so looking forward to reading it.
    Darcy and Elizabeth meeting at Pemberley? Alone in the woods (well apart from the baby )? Wonderful!

  2. Beautiful cover and a covet-worthy gown! But … with the train trailing in the grass, I think the mud would be more than six inches deep! Definitely not a walking dress.

    Interesting premise for the story. I will be watching for this book.

  3. Ah! Congratulations on your debut, Brigid! I love the cover! Even the back is so evocative. And I am in the same camp when it comes to seeing people’s faces on book covers (I always like it when the faces are left to the imagination of the reader). Also, the premise sounds amazing! I cannot wait to read this. Honestly, I have read more fantastic Austenesque fiction from debut authors this year then ever before. Keep them coming, folks! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer!! Janet did such an amazing job with the cover. And I agree, this has been a great year for new Austenesque fiction. I have enjoyed so many!

  4. This sounds so intriguing. Who would leave a baby in the woods? Better to leave it on the steps of a church or somewhere that there is a guarantee someone will find it and care for it. How heartless! Looking forward to learning more about this story.

  5. This cover is stunning! The dress on the front reminds me of a gorgeous peacock out for a leisurely stroll. And spying “you know who” riding on his horse through the shadows of the forest is icing on the cake. Janet Taylor has created a fantastic cover for Brigid’s debut novel. I can hardly wait for the release!

    1. Thank you, Jan! That is the best description of the dress! I loved it immediately. Janet has been so wonderful to work with. I loved the cover right away! Then I saw the full spread and maybe cried just a little. It’s perfect 🙂

  6. This definitely got my attention, and I thought with an expected release date of Aug 31 it would be available for pre-order. Sadly, it’s not. The story sounds so intriguing that I cannot wait for a giveaway.

    1. Beatrice, the pre-order was to begin today. For some reason, Amazon does not have it available yet. As soon as it is live, we will post the link. Meredith said she would update her post or it will be on the Meryton Press Facebook page. Thank you for your interest.

  7. A stunning cover! I live the mysterious atmosphere. I look forward to the blog tour and learning more about this book of this intriguing setting!

  8. Wow what an amazing cover! I absolutely love it! And your story premise sounds really compelling Brigid. Good luck with your new release. I think it’s another one to add to the TBR pile.

  9. Another exquisite cover from the ever talented Janet Taylor! Brigid, congratulations on your debut novel and one that sounds absolutely intriguing! I love a good mystery and to combine it with ODC is icing on the cake! I think Janet nailed your ideas perfectly and it looks so ethereal and evocative. I can almost smell the the scent of the flower…

  10. Oh-My-Gosh! That is an amazing cover and back. Oh, by heart. That rider in the mist is Amazing. This is so beautiful. Congratulations to our author on the launch of this new book and to our cover genius… Janet Taylor for a stunning cover design. Whew! It simply takes my breath away. It has a slight art nouveau feel to it [my favorite style].

  11. That is a stunner of a cover. Just gorgeous! Congrats to Brigid and Janet!

    The storyline sounds fab, too.

  12. Love the cover. ( mesmerizing vision). I wonder if Fd assumes at first that the baby is EB (I guess depending how long they had been separated since the ill-proposal. Thank you for the excerpt and the chance to win. i’ll be following the book tour. Thanks for post ing the schedule.

  13. Oooh, this is one of the most beautiful covers I’ve ever seen! So romantic! Look forward to reading the book. 🙂

  14. The cover is absolutely stunning! I love everything about it. The dress, the scenery, the colors, the premise of the story. The story line is different enough it sucked me right in. I look forward to reading it. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  15. Lovely choice of cover art, the fog casts a mysterious mood and leaves me wanting to know more about that abandoned baby.

  16. I too love the cover. The dress is exquisite – perhaps that is Lizzie after she becomes Mrs Darcy (which I hope is part of the story.) I wonder of Mr Darcy’s reaction – does he see it as part of his dream of Elizabeth becoming his wife? Or is he shocked and afraid at first that the child is hers?
    Looking forward to the release.

  17. Thank you, Meredith, for hosting Brigid’s cover reveal today. You made it more special. I loved your font color choices below the full spread. That was neat! 🙂

    1. MY pleasure, Janet! It was such a wonderful reveal to have the honor of hosting! LOL! I love colors and the combo of the two was irresistible for me! Well done!!

  18. I wanted to take a few minutes and say a special thank you for all the lovely comments on the cover. It was such a fun cover to do and I’m glad you like it. Brigid was wonderful to work with and was always so nice. She was easy to please. Thank you, Brigid.

    All of you are going to love this story. It is a wonderful feel good book and leaves you with a smile on your face. It made me happy. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

  19. Congratulations on your debut launch, Brigid. I just must read this soonest. You and Janet did indeed choose something very special for that cover. I’m in love with that color…something between verdigris and malachite, I desperately want to own something in that color! I believe in this case, even those who say they don’t buy based on a cover will have a hard time not noticing it and picking it up for a closer look. I just wish ebooks would allow access to both front and back covers more often, it’s very rare. It feels like I got cheated out of something. The very best of luck, and here’s to many more launches in the future (after you rest on your laurels a while, and survive the promotion period for this one. 😀 )

  20. The cover is gorgeous! I love the colours and the shadows on the back. It sounds like a wonderful story, too. Next to JAFF, mystery is my favourite genre, so this is right up my alley!

  21. Congratulations, Brigid!!! The cover is absolutely lovely–dark and mysterious yet beautiful; the back cover is also amazing!!

    I’ve added it to my “Want to Read” list on Goodreads. 🙂

    I wish you all the best as you book releases!!

    Susanne 🙂

  22. Absolutely stunning, as are all of Janet’s creations. And it matches the mystery and the misty atmosphere of the woods. I absolutely have to read it.
    By the way, I’ve read the first reviews and questions about a possible sequel. Are you planning to write another story? Congratulations.

  23. What a beautiful cover. I think I like the back the best with the mystery jumping from it! I very much look forward to reading this, thank you for the opportunity to win a copy

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